Authors: Declan Brand


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Kelly drove up the dirt road until she came to a gate that marked the area behind as private property. She ignored the sign, pushed the gate open, and drove through. The road beyond was gravel compacted over dirt—but her car was new and handled the slippery surface well. She climbed a bit higher, rounded a corner, and…

There it was.

That’s it! That’s the farmhouse!
She pulled into a cleared area between the barn and the house.
The same one in the film!
She pulled out the screen grabs she had printed before driving out here—held one up to compare the positions of the house and the mountains behind.
An exact match!

Excitedly, she got out of the car, determined to be absolutely positive without any possibility of error before she called for backup. She checked the house—the door was locked and she didn’t want to break in—
don’t give the lawyers anything to work with!

The barn was open and what was inside more than proved her case.
There’re the cages
, the wood and chicken wire enclosures were piled in the far corner.
And the whipping frame
—that was still in one piece, standing on its wide base alongside the door.
What else?
She looked up, saw the pulleys far above, the ropes carefully coiled and hung on hooks along the walls.
There’s no doubt about it!
She shook her head, walking through the open area, eyeing the damning evidence that was all around her.
This is definitely the place.

She pulled out her cell phone, clicked it open and pushed the code to the FBI’s Los Angeles office. Nothing happened.
No bars!
She looked around.
Must be in a dead area.
She headed for the door.
I’m sure there was a cell tower on one of the mountains—I just have to get line of sight.

Outside, she walked around the side of the barn; saw the slight discoloration where the latrine trench had been covered over—
more evidence!
Nearby was an open area with a coiled hose and a double water connector.
The bath area!
She searched the hillside in front of her for a cell tower—didn’t see one.
Maybe I was mistaken
. She started back toward the car.
I’ll have to go back down to the town—use a landline if I can’t get a signal…

She turned the corner of the barn, headed for her car.
Shouldn’t take long to get to a phone. If I can do it while there’s still enough daylight, I can get a team up here today!
She smiled.
I can’t wait to stick a picture of this place up Ellis’ ass—and when I get back to D.C.

“No cell phone signal, Agent Kelly?”

Kelly froze, surprised to hear another voice—and a familiar one.
Who is that? I know that voice…

She slowly turned around--and found herself face-to-face with Harry Winston.
Bastard! I’ve got you dead to rights!
“Mr. Winston, I have to inform you that anything you say can—and will…”

She froze when he raised his right hand—and showed her the gun he was holding.

“I’m not too worried about evidence right now.” Winston smiled, kept the gun trained on Kelly’s midsection. “I
say that your instincts are very good--you were right about the film—and right about me right from the start.”

“You do realize that you’re threatening a Federal Agent, don’t you?” Kelly kept her gaze steady, watching Winston’s gun hand, ready to react if he faltered or hesitated. “The Bureau knows precisely where I am—and what I’m up to. If you’ll just put that gun down it will make things much easier for you.” Kelly took a step toward the Hollywood man, her face set and as professional as she could make it.

“Nothing is going to happen to me, Agent Kelly.” He raised the weapon, pointed it right at her chest. “And I think you should just stop right where you are—I don’t really want to shoot you—at least not until I ask you a very important question.”

Kelly stopped in her tracks, eyes darting from side to side, trying to find a way to disarm this man—to get an advantage of some kind.

“That copy of our film you have.” Kelly kept her eyes fixed on Winston’s gun hand, ready to move if he showed the slightest trace of nervousness.

But it was steady, with no trace of a tremble or shake.

I’m going to have to risk going for my gun.
Kelly could feel the familiar weight just behind her right hip.
If I move to the right, he’ll have to bring his weapon across his body—I might have time…

“You’re not paying attention, Agent Kelly.” Winston raised the gun a bit higher, his finger tightening on the trigger. “I asked you about the film—where did you get it? Or, perhaps more to the point,” he smiled at some joke only he could see. “Who gave it to you?”

“I got it from a confidential source, Mr. Winston.” She smiled at him and began a slow move to her right, swinging her hand slowly toward her holster. “And I
reveal my sources.”

“Never say never, Ms. Kelly.”

Agent Kelly had barely touched the butt of her pistol when Winston pulled the trigger on his weapon. Two tiny needles flew from the Taser and impacted Kelly just over her breasts. A circuit was completed and fifty thousand volts arced through her body. She felt a moment of intense pain during which she crumpled to the ground. The pain increased as Winston took a step toward her.

Then there was nothing.

Harry Winston strode over to the gently-twitching body of Megan Kelly. He had allowed the taser to send current through its wires for far longer then was suggested—but he wanted to make sure she was properly knocked out.
After all
, he told himself.
She’s a cop! A Federal Agent—and she’s got a
He dropped to one knee alongside her, touched her carotid artery to make sure there was a pulse.
She’s okay—pulse is strong and regular
. He reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a metal case.
Now to make sure she doesn’t come around before I’m done.

He opened the case, extracted a disposable syringe.
This is supposed to have enough chloral hydrate to keep her out for eight or nine hours.
He rolled the collar of her shirt back, found the pulse beating in the artery there, and carefully eased the needle in, pushing the plunder when he saw a dot of blood appear inside the syringe.
This should give me more than enough time to get her back to the guys. They’ll do the rest.

He stood up, eyeing his now-deeply unconscious victim.
Pity she wouldn’t tell me what I needed to know.
He strode away, heading for the van he had hidden beyond the barn.
It’ll mean that Andy and his people will have to extract the information—that’ll be painful.
He shrugged.
Still, that’s really none of my business
. He rounded the barn, headed for the vehicle he had hidden just beyond.
Too bad she latched onto me so quickly—my own fault for getting careless with those credit card payments.
He found the car, climbed inside.
Otherwise, we might have been able to sidetrack her—at least until her boss got tired of her dicking around out here.

He gunned the motor and climbed up the rough terrain to the flat area around the barn.
It’s not like she was making friends—from what I’ve been told, even her fellow agents were pissed at her—and the people she questioned…

He grinned as he pulled the footlocker out of the van’s bed, dropped it alongside the girl’s helpless form, and lifted the lid.
I guess there really is such a thing as Karma
. He lifted Kelly by the shoulders, lowered her into the footlocker, folding her until she fit.
And in this case, payback is gonna be a bitch for a bitch!

The lid slammed shut on Agent Megan Kelly.



Slave Megan Kelly awoke hogtied at the side of the master’s bed. He had been able to manage one more time—and she had actually experienced a second orgasm—a fact that both excited and puzzled her.

She wasn’t been given much time to think about what it all meant. As soon as the master finished he forced her to clean his dripping member once again. When that was done to his satisfaction, he removed the bindings holding her on the bed and pulled her to the floor at its side. Her handcuffs were quickly re-locked in place and a new clip fixed her hands to her doubled legs. A chain then clipped her collar to the foot of the bed.

It was a demanding position—but nothing compared to what she had experienced over the previous few days. She even had a carpet underneath her! It took only a few minutes for her to adjust herself well enough to fall into a deep and dreamless sleep.

She didn’t know it—but she would need that sleep.

A few hours later, she was brought back into her new world of pain and servitude by a slap across her helpless ass. Her eyes flashed open and she started to mouth a complaint—then remembered where she was.
Don’t say anything!
She would have bitten her tongue if she could, just to ensure that no sound came out--but the ring gag still held her mouth open.
He hasn’t given permission—I can’t…!

“I see you remember some of your training.” The master stood over her, still naked, his eyes hard. “But didn’t I tell you that you were to kneel in the presence of your master?”

Fear ran through Kelly as she struggled to get onto her knees. The hogtie made it nearly impossible for her to move, but she found that she could inch herself forward enough to lay her head on the foot of the bed, then push herself at least partially upright. She had almost gotten on her knees when the chain joining her collar to the bed went taut—there wasn’t enough slack to allow her to reach her knees.

She looked at the master, eyes welling up as she realized the trap she was in.

“You’re still not kneeling, slave.” He shook his head at her half-leaning position. “Too bad,” he raised his eyebrows. “And I was going to cancel one of your punishments today.”

Kelly began to tremble as she realized that she was going to be forced to endure more pain.
I can’t stand much more!
She couldn’t help the fear that ran through her.
I’ll die!

“Now,” the master squatted down beside her and unclipped her chain, pulling some more slack out to allow her to kneel. When she was in the position he wanted, he fixed his eyes on her face. “What will be your first punishment today?” He ran his hand over her chin, wiping away the string of drool that was hanging from her forced-open mouth. “I can’t decide on what I want to do!” He smiled at her. “How about I let you pick your own poison—would you like that?”

Kelly’s mind reeled at the thought of being forced to decide just how this man would torture her.
How can I do that? How could anyone do that?
She looked at the unsmiling eyes of her master.
But if I don’t choose, he’ll choose for me—and what will happen to me then?

“This is what I’m going to do, slave.” He ran his hand over her cheek, rubbing the spittle from her chin off against her skin. “I’ll let you think about it while I shower and have my breakfast.” He stood and moved toward the little bathroom on the side of the room. “And I’ll limit your choice to any punishment you saw in the movie that got you into this mess. Anything that happened to those bitches can happen to you.” He smiled and stepped into the bathroom. “You can think about it until I get back from breakfast.” His face turned hard. “But I want an answer then-- don’t even think about stalling in hopes that I’ll have less time to hurt you.” He cocked his head. “Is that clear?”

Kelly quickly nodded her head.
It’s clear, it’s very clear!
She watched the bathroom door close behind him.
You’re going to torture me—and I have to tell you how to do it
. The film began to run through her mind’s eye—every lash, every indignity.

God help me!

She swallowed hard--and forced herself to think about the decision that had to be made.



“So,” Andy strode into the tiny control room, sitting down alongside Mike who was just finishing his cup of coffee. “Did you get the info we need?”

“Yeah,” Mike nodded as he put his cup down. “She gave it up real easy—I told you she was a creampuff.”

“So who leaked the film?”

Mike leaned back in his chair, crossing his hands behind his head. “If she’s telling the truth—I don’t think anyone did.” He smiled at the look on Andy’s face. “No—really—the girl says that she got the film from a guy named Michael Ballard—he was her gymnastics coach once upon a time.” His smile widened. “Maybe he still thinks he can get a piece if he makes nice.

“Anyway, Kelly says this Ballard guy is a computer whiz—grabs his films and TV shows through the Internet—hacks into secure feeds—that kind of thing.”

“And he found
film by accident?”

“That’s what she said. Ballard hacked into a feed and copied the film. When he saw what he had, he called her right away—he knew she was FBI.”

“Interesting.” Andy stroked his chin for a moment, running over possibilities. “And you’re sure she was telling the truth.”

Mike thought about the slave’s tears—and the real fear that was written over her entire body. “She was tellin’ the truth—she was way too scared to lie to me.”

“Okay,” Andy sighed. “I’ll get someone to check this guy out—and talk to Winston and Malcolm about this feed thing—the film was never supposed to hit the Internet—far too insecure for what we do.”

“I’m with you, man.” Mike finished his cup of coffee. “What do you want to do with little Ms. Fed? She’s pretty much broken now—it’d be easy to train her.”

“We’re not gonna do that ourselves.” Andy leaned forward. “Our principal on this wants to be the primary trainer—you’re just supposed to break her and get her used to the idea of sex slavery.”

“I did a bit of that last night.” Mike grinned at the memory. “She turned out to be a decent fuck—I guess it was that gymnastics training.”

“What are you planning for today?”

“I gave her a problem to solve.” Mike’s grin widened. “She’s due a couple of punishments—and I told her she could choose her own poison—anything she saw you guys do in that film, I’ll do to her—all she has to do is tell me which one she wants.”

“You think she’s gonna do that?”

Mike thought a moment, remembered the face of the slave at the foot of his bed—nodded slowly. “She’ll do it.” He held Andy’s eyes with his own. “She’s too scared to do anything else.”

“Right.” Andy stood up, headed for his own office. “I’ll get the check on this Ballard guy going—you, apparently, still have some work to do.” He stopped at the door. “When can I tell the principal to expect the package?”

“We still gonna do it the way we discussed?”

Andy nodded. “Yep—that’s what the money wants.”

“Give me another day or so—let’s figure tomorrow evening—just after dark.”

“That should be perfect.” Andy nodded. “I’ll set it up—let you know if there’s any change.”

“Right.” Mike stood up as well. “And I’ll let you know what our new slave picks.”

Andy laughed. “You do that.”

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