Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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Camille reached out and put her hand on Tina’s hand it was that small gesture that seem to have such a profound effect.  That’s
when the tears began to fall, for the young woman who had her life cut short in such a horrible way, but also Tina cried for the marriage she thought she had. When Daniel came home, he wanted to marry her and start a family. He never gave any indication that anything was different, she felt it but she never said anything about it. Now the pain in his voice as he told his story broke her heart in so many ways.

He had loved Melina
deeply; she was the something that had been different about Daniel when he came home.  How was she supposed to feel about that and the fact that he for whatever reason could not tell her the truth? “Why didn’t you tell me about Melina when you came home?” that question was one he had asked himself a thousand times, and he never had an answer. As he watched the tears fall down her pretty face, he knew the answer. “It was in the past, she was gone and I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Tina stood and pushed away from the table. “You didn’t want to hurt me? If she had lived, you were going to bring her home, marry her start a family with her, whether I found out then or now it still hurts. Maybe you need to come to terms with the quilt you still so obviously feel over her death.

I know you love me Danny I have never doubted that for a minute, I believe I would have been strong enough to except that you loved her more if you had given me the chance. The fact is you did not intend to tell me about her ever. Now your dirty little secret is out. You make sure you do what you have to; to make sure no harm comes to Camille, right now that should be your first priority. I am going to make arrangements to go stay with my aunt Lucy for a while.”

Daniel got up from the table and started towards her. She put up her hand. “Don’t come any closer, because if you touch me now I won’t have the strength to leave. And I would hate you for that.” She looked at the man who held her heart for as long as she could remember. His board shoulders and smooth smoky skin, his strong jaw. She looked into his dark eyes. She saw the love he had for her in them. Daniel was strong, loyal and steady. Putting his family and friends before himself. Those where the qualities she loved most about him.

She squared her shoulders and wiped away her tears. Dillon can you get Zane or Butch to drive me home please she asked as she walked past Daniel. Dillon looked at Daniel who just nodded never taking his eyes off his wife. She was short and petite with a smile that made everyone feel at home. And now she was walking away from him, he would give anything to spare her the pain she was in now. The truth was Melina had been like a drug to him and since her death he had been trying to learn how to live without her. He couldn’t always say he did a great job of it, but life moved on and so did he, at least he tried to. The only way he knew how, holding that place where he kept Melina deep inside himself not letting it free to spill into his life now. In doing that he knew he was also holding a piece of himself from everyone including Tina.

Camille tried to comfort Tina as best she could but in true Tina form, she ended up comforting Camille. When Zane was ready to leave Camille and Tina said their goodbyes. They embraced each other. “If you need me call me no matter day or night.” Camille started to cry. “Tina, I know Danny loves you. He made a big mistake but.” Tina put her hand up. “Camille I always felt there was something he was holding back and now I know. I need him to settle this so we can be a family, I will not live with this weight over us. He needs to grieve; until he does, we have no future together. Those words held so much meaning and Camille could only imagine the agony Tina was feeling. To have the man you love, the man whose child you were carrying tell you that he had fallen in love with someone else. Furthermore, if she had lived he would have been married to her, starting a family with her that had to be devastating on so many levels.

Take care of yourself and Dillon okay and don’t worry about me I’ll be fine she said. She gave Camille another hug and then she was gone.

Danny was still in the kitchen, he was on his fourth shot of whiskey. Camille sat down in front of him. I never meant to hurt her he said his speech a little slurred. He kicked back another shot. The burn of the whiskey was numbing the ache in his chest. He hurt the one person he wanted to protect from his past. “I still miss her you know.” Camille could see her brother’s struggle between the dead women he loved, who still had his heart and the woman who was his wife.

“Tell me about her.” Daniel looked into his sisters eyes. “I can’t it still hurts too much. I do love Tina just in a different way. What I felt for Melina has never diminished that. Now I wonder if Tina will ever be able to forgive me.” Camille reached out and touched his hands. “She can forgive the fact that you feel in love, which was out of your control. But to say it was in the past when it’s clear you still love Melina very much even now, well that is a little harder to get over. She is essentially still between the two of you. Even though she’s dead she is still the other woman in your heart, you didn’t want to admit that to your wife that you still loved someone else.” 

Daniel looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. “When did you get to be so smart? Camille smiled at him. “I don’t know it must run in the family.” Daniel had another shot, this time it looked as if he was trying to find his courage.

“Camille whatever is going on between you and Dillon, it won’t last it can’t he will never give you what you want. I know something is going on between the two of you. There is no need for you to deny it. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Camille pulled back she did not want to have this conversation. “Don’t worry about me I know who Dillon is, I‘m a big girl I can take care of myself and no one is going to get hurt.” Daniel laughed. “Famous last words; Dillon and I have seen and done a lot of things. He is a hard man and an even harder lover. I can’t believe I’m actually having this conversation with my baby sister. Did he tell you that he, Butch, Zane and I have shared lovers before? Damn it Camille, I don’t want to see you get in over your head.” Before Camille could come back with a snappy answer, she saw Butch standing in the doorway.

“I think that’s enough for tonight Danny boy.” Butch stepped forward and clapped a large hand on Daniel’s shoulder and he took the bottle of whiskey away with the other. “Come on you are going to crash here and Zane is going to stay at your place to make sure Tina gets off safely.” Daniel stood on shaky legs and let Butch lead him down the hallway.

Camille sat thinking about what Daniel had said, the sharing was a well-kept secret. She had never heard about the four of them. Did Dillon want to share her to? She wanted Dillon so badly half of the time she couldn’t think straight; she knew she only wanted Dillon in her bed and no one else. Maybe she was in over her head. Loving a man like Dillon wasn’t going to be easy. And love him she did. After wanting him for so long; she couldn’t let this opportunity past. She needed to see where this was going. She had to let it play out, no matter the cost.

“You’re thinking way to hard Camille.” She turned to see Butch standing behind her. “How’s Danny?” Butch smiled as he shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. For the first time in a long time she really took a good look at Butch he was tall and built like a linebacker, with short reddish-brown hair and the most beautiful pale blue eyes. He was handsome in a rugged way. Nevertheless, she felt nothing for him but friendship. He was family just like Zane. “So is it true, the sharing I mean.” Butch watched her carefully. “Yes it is, but we would never have shared you. Dillon would never have allowed it and Danny boy, well he would have went ape shit. Besides you’re like our little sister.” Camille smiled, in that moment the awkwardness was gone. “Thanks Butch, I think I’ll see where Dillon is. Will you keep an eye on Danny?” I think I can handle that, he said with a smile.

“Camille, you and I both know that Dillon has a dark edge to him. We both can admit that, and there is nothing he wouldn’t do to make you happy. You know that, right?” Camille turned to face Butch. She knew that they all cared for her. However, Dillon went that extra mile for her, he always had. “Yes I know that, I just wonder if he will ever let anyone in completely.” Butch nodded. “If anyone can get to him, it would be you remember that.” he said before he turned and went down the hall to check on Daniel.

Camille found Dillon taking a shower. The sight of his tall, muscular frame through the frosted glass of the
shower astounded her. She envied the water cascading down his hard body. Dillon turned to see Camille standing inside the doorway staring at him. He stopped washing himself to watch her. Camille slowly began to pull her tee shirt over her head; she dropped it at her feet.  She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her hands went to the clasp of her jeans. Dillon tracked her every movement. He wondered if she knew how sexy she was. How she seemed to turn him inside out with just a smile. She did things to his body that no other woman could. Now that they were going to be lovers, he couldn’t stop thinking about her and all the things he wanted to do with her and to her. He’d decided sometime the night before that he could no longer resist her, he didn’t want to anymore. He didn’t have the strength or self control. Camille would always be his weakness.

He stopped thinking when Camille opened the door to the shower and stepped inside. She stepped under the spray of water. Dillon watched as the water ran in droplets down her creamy skin. Seeing the scar left from her attack made him sick. He could have easily lost
her; he could deal with random acts of violence. That was life, but what he wouldn’t accept was someone deliberately trying to harm Camille. He shook his head trying not to think about anything but her. Once she was wet, she turned and put her hands on his hard chest. Dillon wasted no time; he kissed her pulling her against his hard body. She melted into him wrapping her arms around his neck. He let his tongue explore her mouth, leaving no part of it untouched. She moaned into the kiss and he ran his hands down her sides until he found what he wanted. He cupped her butt and lifted her. Camille wrapped her legs around his hips. When Dillon broke the kiss, he looked at her watching her eyes grow even darker with desire. “We still need to talk Cam; you know that right?”

“I have been thinking about this for hours, I need to be inside you now. There won’t be much finesse, I want you too badly. The next time we can take it slow.”  Camille
smiled; it’s a good thing I picked up some of these she said as she lifted her hand showing him the condom in it. Dillon stared at the condom in her hand. “Where did you get that?” he asked trying to control his desire. “I don’t think you really want to know the answer do you?” Dillon lowered her so she could stand.  She made quick work of the wrapper and he had it on in seconds.  “I don’t want your first time to be in a shower. It should be special, something you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Not like this.” Camille smiled up at him. “It doesn’t matter where as long as it’s you. You’re what make it special. I’ve always wanted it to be you Dillon.” Those words were spoken with such sheer trust, it humbled him in ways he had no idea how to handle. “I’ll try my best to take this slow.” he said.

He lifted her kissing her madly. She ran her fingers through his thick hair. He broke the kiss then trailed feather light kisses down her neck. All the while his hands were busy exploring her body. Her skin was like silk, soft and smooth under his fingers. Continuing his exploration as he kneeled down in front of her. Kissing the swell of her breast before he
took her hard nipple into his month, Camille let out a moan; the pleasure he was giving her was too much, too good. Her knees felt weak. Dillon let go of her nipple with a popping sound as he latched on to her other nipple. Camille held his head, letting him know she wanted more. When he was finished worshiping her breasts he traveled down the center of her body with the same feather light kisses as before. In no time he was at her core. Looking up at her giving her that wicked sexy smile that she loved so much. “I have to taste you again baby, I need to see how wet you are for me.”  His sexy words had Camille’s whole body trembling. Her need was riding her like a demon. Would it always be this good? If so she wondered if she would survive a pleasure this intense.

Dillon licked around her clit circling it with his tongue.
Camille dug her fingers into his thick hair and held on. If she didn’t hold on to something her knees were going to give out on her. “Dillon please I can’t stand it.” she said her voice so husky she didn’t recognize it. “Its okay baby, I want to make sure you’re good and ready for me. Just hold on I’ve got you.” With that said Dillon covered her clit with his month and began to suckle it and soon Camille was riding a wave of ecstasy so intense she couldn’t breathe. When Dillon inserted one finger inside her core. Camille lost all cognitive thinking. Her body seemed lighter and then as if a bolt of lightning, coming out of nowhere, she climaxed so hard and so fast that she was seeing stars behind her eye lids. Just when she knew her knees were going to give out on her Dillon was there to catch her

And in one quick move, he pinned her up against the cool marble of the shower wall. He helped her wrap her legs around his hips, as he positioned himself. He slowly began to rock his hips back and forth. It time going a little deeper. He didn’t want to hurt her. Knowing that there would be some pain. On the last thrust. He broke through the barrier of her virginity.  Being inside Camille was heaven. He braced one arm on the wall and the other was holding her butt to give him a better advantage. He stared into her big brown eyes, he’d didn’t move. He wanted to give her body time to adjust to the intrusion. He would take in slow if it killed him and it just might. Because it was so good. After what seemed like a lifetime, he began to move with a slow and steady rhythm. Camille felt a pinch of pain but then there was something else, the unfamiliar tingle, she wanted this so badly. She began to kiss is neck. He moaned his pleasure at what she was doing. “Dillon please I need more.” He knew what she wanted but he wanted her to tell him, needed to hear the words. He needed her to say every elicit word. He stilled and there gazes locked. “Tell me what you need Cam, I’ll give it to you but I need to hear you say it. He said between gritted teeth, I...I don’t want to hurt you. But I’ve waited so long.”

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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