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Authors: Holly S. Roberts

Tags: #General Fiction

Sizzle (2 page)

BOOK: Sizzle
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It takes four more hours. The break to Ramon’s neck is swift after I have the information I need. It doesn’t surprise me that Danita, Moon’s aunt, is the one causing trouble for Moon. He should have killed her or had me do it when she betrayed us. You turn on family, you die. It’s a simple philosophy and the code I live by. That’s why I’m Moon’s enforcer. We live in a world of our own making. It’s violent and my duty is to keep the violence as far from our doorstep as possible.

I begin to methodically clean the mess left over from Ramon’s interrogation. Moon has good men working for him. One of them, Rack, is guarding the front part of the warehouse. I take no chances that what happens in this room will be discovered and use the bleach we keep on hand to destroy blood evidence. I wrap Ramon’s body into the plastic I had under him and tape him up. The plastic helps to hide the odor of shit and urine—basically the smell of death. Using a ten to one water and bleach solution, I spray and wipe down the outside of the plastic and all traces of blood in the room. I then use a power sprayer so everything goes down the center floor drain. The body will be taking a short ride in the back of the Caddy that’s waiting inside the front section of the warehouse with Rack.

I shower again, put on a fresh suit and add black dress shoes after placing everything else into the incinerator. I text Blevins and Juan telling them to return to the warehouse. They disappeared earlier at my order without blinking. Their job is to monitor our property in this section of town. When it comes to handing out justice, the fewer witnesses the better. I unlock the door that leads into the larger section of the building and give a nod to Rack. He walks over with the shirtsleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up and helps me move the body into the trunk. His shirt is plastered to his skin because he’s sweating so much, and I know we’re both ready for the cool interior of the Caddy.

“You get what you need?” he asks after slamming the trunk.

“Yea, it isn’t good. Danita,” is all I need to say and he understands. “Be sure the team is alert,” I add.

“Always, boss.”

He gets in the driver’s seat and I take passenger. When Rack calls me “boss” I usually smile. He’s ex-Special Forces and may be the one man in the organization besides Moon who could give me a run for my money. We’re about the same size. Whereas my training is more scrappy hood, his is everything lethal the military and firsthand experience could teach him. I’m glad he’s on our side.

As we roll out of the warehouse, I press Moon’s number on my cell.

“Yea,” Moon answers.

“Danita and Victor Corbin.” Victor’s territory is California and he rarely causes us problems. Now, that’s changed.

“Fuck,” Moon says and then stays quiet for a moment. I listen to him breathe and give him time. The words are firm when he finally offers the go-ahead. “Call Manuel and have him take care of the situation with Danita. I’ll handle Corbin.” Manuel has been in Antigua since Danita was relocated there. He’s more than capable and he’s another good man to have on our side. We knew Danita wouldn’t just walk away and live a quiet life. It’s been a waiting game and Manuel is our ace in the hole.

The fingers of my left hand thrum the armrest. “I can take care of Danita personally, and it may take more than just you to handle Corbin. No disrespect, jefe.”

Moon grunts into the phone. He isn’t happy about any of this. His voice loses a bit of its anger. “I know you can take care of Danita and thank you. The solution involving my aunt won’t go over well with Madison and I want you out of it. After a phone call to Corbin, I’ll know our next step. I want you holding tight until then.”

I give him the response he expects. “I can do that.”

I envy Moon’s relationship with his wife. He won’t lie to Madison when she questions him about Ramon. I don’t see myself ever having someone to share this part of my life with. And Moon’s right. Madison doesn’t like Danita, but she’s also the reason Danita is still alive. This won’t make her happy. He’s also right on the Corbin front. My way is guns blazing. Moon is more of a businessman. That doesn’t mean we won’t resort to weapons. I know that and Moon knows that. Let’s just hope Corbin does too.

I change the subject. “Where are you now?”

“Outside Madison’s office. Colby is driving me home. Jess and Two-dogs are glued to Madison.” Colby became Moon’s driver when Moon took over New Mexico and much of the day-to-day business dealings in Phoenix fell on my shoulders. Colby’s good and I trust him to keep Moon safe. Moon brought up finding a bodyguard for me and I almost took his head off. Rack sticks fairly close, though, which is how I escaped the bodyguard bullet and further arguing with Moon.

I snap out of my thoughts and give Moon my calendar for the next few hours. “I need to take care of this package and then, if you don’t mind, I’m arranging a visit with a lady from Madison’s office.”

Moon combines his laugh with a short cough. He knows sex is my antidote for the fucked up shit I do. He also knows this makes Madison uncomfortable, even though she runs the escort end of our operation now. She was Danita’s replacement. Madison has a file covering my particular tastes. All the better to line up the proper service, of course. She becomes flustered whenever I make an appointment, and the thought makes me smile and shake off some of the oppressive weight on my shoulders. Funny that the fire only burned hotter in bitch Danita’s eyes when she scheduled me with someone. Or maybe not so funny. Danita has a mean streak a mile wide. I never felt she protected the ladies under her care as well as she should. Madison more than takes up the slack now. I have no doubt she would bludgeon me in my sleep if I ever hurt one of her girls. Danita played favorites and enjoyed the petty jealousies and the bullshit that comes with escort divas. Madison is the opposite and pulls her hair out when the ladies have their inevitable spats. Moon and I hear the fallout when things are not running smoothly at the service.

I finish laying out my plans to Moon. “I’ll have Rack drop me at the Lincoln and then I’ll send him to Madison. He can drive her home if that works for you. I’d like double coverage on her until this is settled.”

Moon’s voice turns all business. “Sounds good. Clear up your business before ten and we’ll meet with everyone at the house then. Watch your back.”

“Got it,” I tell him and end the call. Most likely he’ll send someone to shadow me until I’m home. Moon and I play the tough guy routine and we both know neither of us is invincible. Though we aren’t related by blood, Moon is my brother. We take care of family even when one of us fights it.

It’s a little after two now and Moon’s giving me extra time to burn off some steam. I can make the meeting at ten with no problem. We drop the body at a new building site and I smile as I remember Madison and her fixation on me and Moon using cement foundations to hide bodies. It wasn’t exactly true, but in a pinch a deep hole suits the purpose. Disposing of a dead body isn’t as easy as Hollywood makes it out to be. Right now, I don’t have time for a long trip into the desert, and that’s best done at night in any case. Ramon is getting a semi-proper burial, and it’s much more than the shitbag deserves. He was hired to kidnap Madison. I will say this for Danita—the bitch holds a grudge.

I help Rack lift Ramon’s body from the trunk. Rack operates the backhoe I had delivered yesterday after running down Ramon. I keep my eyes peeled in case someone enters the abandoned construction site. It takes thirty minutes and we’re out. After the car is moving again, I call Madison’s office.

“Elegant Escorts, how may I help you?” a sexy voice answers. Reanna sounds nothing like she looks. She weighs about three hundred pounds, but her voice is pure wet dream material. She’s also very good with matching men to the perfect lady. Even so, I prefer to go through Madison because it irks her, and right now I need a little cheer in my day.

“This is Gomez. Would you please connect me with Madison?”

“Yes, Mr. Gomez. One moment,” she replies dripping sensuality.

It’s about twenty seconds before Madison answers. “Mak here.”

“Hi, Mad, how’s it hangin’?”

Her irritated sigh heightens the smile on my face. “Mad is worse than Madison and you know it. I need to start calling you Gom.”

“You know I won’t call you Mak, so get over yourself,” I tease. Mak is a badass name for a badass woman who’s an ex-cop. I won’t deny that Kick-ass should be her middle name. Pushing her buttons is too much fun, though. “I’m cutting your tantrum short, sweet cheeks. I’m heading to the Lincoln and I’d like you to arrange some company.”

She doesn’t hesitate. “The other matter is settled, then?”

She’s asking about the tail and knows there’s always a chance her business phones are tapped. She’ll need to talk to Moon in person for details, but I can at least answer this part. “Yea, but nothing has changed’ we’re still on alert.”

“Okay.” She doesn’t speak for a minute and I’m wondering what else she wants to ask. “I have a new hire and I’m not sure about her. I need some inside feedback. Would you do this one as a favor?”

The last thing I need when I’m in my current mood is a newbie, but it doesn’t change my answer. “Sure, Mad, anything for my little sister.”

She laughs. “You’re a cad and you know damn good and well your sister would kill you if she knew what you were asking for.”

I ignore most of her comment. “I believe you used the word ‘cad.’ You’re not reading Thomas Harding again are you?”

Her laugh rings even louder in my ear. “Literary thugs should be against the law.”

“No worries, I made that up. Never read Harding in my life.” I actually tried to but thought him quite boring. “I need you to hurry with my request if you get my drift. We’re pulling into the Lincoln parking lot right now.”

“One hour,” she tells me.

We end the conversation, and I step out of the Caddy and make my way to the front desk with a small overnight bag. I take a suite for the night, though I’ll only be staying until my dick and balls are sucked. That’s what I prefer from an escort. I pay them good money to choke on my cock.

Chapter Two


and my palms are sweaty. That should go over quite well with a client. Not! Madison Moon, or Mak, as she prefers to be called, saw through my bravado. I left the interview at Elegant Escorts with little hope that I’d land the job. It shows how far my life has sunk into a steaming pile of manure that I cried when she called and asked me when I could start. I need this job desperately, and now I’m on my way to my first experience as a paid whore.

I’m dressed in a conservative business suit with a black pencil skirt that goes to my knees. The cut of the jacket is tailored to my shape; it’s the same one I wore to the job interview a few days ago. It’s also the only suit I own. I got lucky at a local thrift store and bought it for twenty bucks. It’s short sleeved, the necessary choice for an Arizona summer. The white silk blouse beneath is buttoned to my throat and not the greatest for the heat. I was told to wear office business attire so I wouldn’t attract attention in one of Phoenix’s oldest hotels.

My cheap heels click against the shiny tile as I make my way to the front desk.

“I have an appointment to meet with Mr. Gomez,” I tell the desk clerk.

“Your name?” she asks with a flick of her head that whips her hair over her shoulder. She’s a pretty girl with an average job that wouldn’t come close to producing the amount of money I need. I envy her.

“Celina,” I say because I’m suddenly embarrassed to give her my decided-upon escort name of Ce Ce. So very stupid that I didn’t think about what I would tell her in advance.

“And a last name?”

“Celina, just Celina,” I tell her stupidly.

She raises her eyebrows but otherwise remains professional. She clicks away on the computer in front of her before glancing at me again for a closer inspection. “One moment and I’ll ring the room.”

She picks up the phone and presses several numbers. “Mr. Gomez, I have a woman here to see you. Her name is Celina, no last name given.” Her eyes swipe my body once more. “Yes, sir, I’ll send her up.” Now she looks me directly in the eyes. “Fourteenth floor and you need this pin number in the elevator. She writes the pin and room number on a piece of hotel stationery and holds it out to me.

I have no doubt she knows precisely why I’m here. Pink suffuses my cheeks as I take the paper from her hand. “Thank you,” I say before turning away and heading to the elevator that she pointed to. Maybe in the next weeks I’ll grow accustomed to feeling like a hooker. It most definitely won’t be today.

BOOK: Sizzle
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