Read Six Sagas of Adventure Online

Authors: Ben Waggoner (trans)

Six Sagas of Adventure (55 page)

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Turville-Petre, Gabriel.
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Viðar Hreinsson, ed.
Complete Sagas of the Icelanders.
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Waggoner, Ben.
The Sagas of Fridthjof the Bold.
Troth Publications, 2009.

Webster, Kenneth G. T.
Guinevere: A Study of her Abductions.
Milton, Mass.: The Turtle Press, 1951.

Whitelock, Dorothy, ed.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Revised Translation.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961.

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Alexanders saga
Medieval Scandinavia
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Zitzelberger, Otto J.
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A Decipherment, Edition, and Translation of a Fourteenth-Century Icelandic Mythical-Heroic Saga.
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Sturlaugs saga starfsama
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. Rory McTurk, ed. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2005. pp. 354-371.

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