Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1)
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After a few seconds, I haul Harlyn off of Delilah. She tries to fight me, but I whisper in her ear, “Stop.” She stops fighting instantly, and she goes limp in my arms. “I’ll deal with her. I want you to go back to the room and clean up. You're covered in blood.” Her eyes meet mine, and they widen. Her breathing starts to ramp up, and she starts to hyperventilate.

“She okay?” Romeo asks.

Her legs give out and I pull her body to mine. I should have fuckin’ sent her away. I knew better than this. Picking her up, I put one arm under her legs and the other behind her back. She wraps her arms around me. Burying her face in my chest, I feel the tears as they start to soak through my shirt. “I need to get her cleaned up. I’ll be back.” They both nod and I make my way out of the garage, and towards the clubhouse. People try to stop me when I walk in, but I ignore them, and push my way past everyone. Getting Harlyn into the room is my only concern right now.

Opening the door, I take her straight into the bathroom and start to strip her down. When she takes a look in the mirror, she goes ghost white and looks like she might pass out. In all the years I’ve known her, she’s never been one to instigate a fight, and I’ve sure as hell never seen her beat the fuck out of another bitch.

“Where did you learn to fight from?” Her eyes meet mine and I can’t really read her expression.

“I don’t know. I didn’t think I was capable of that.” She looks down at her hands and more tears start to fall down her face. For the first time, I don’t know how to help her. I don’t know what to do to make things okay for her. She looks heartbroken and in shock with the amount of damage she did.

“What happens next?” Her voice is awfully low and I’m afraid of her freaking out even more than she just was.

“She isn’t going to live. She drugged me. Fuck, she even tried to fuck me while I was drugged. There is no way in hell I would have touched her otherwise, and she’s going to pay for that.” She swallows loudly and she looks like she’s going to be sick.

She runs to the toilet and pukes. Grabbing her hair, I keep it out of her face until she finishes emptying her stomach. She sits on the floor and just looks at her hands. I need to get her in the shower now.

Starting the shower, I watch Harlyn carefully. She looks like she’s ready to bolt, but I’m not going to let her. She has no idea what it’s like to kill someone. I’m sure if I didn’t pull her off of Delilah, she would have. Stripping down, I pull her off the ground, and force her into the shower with me. The warm water doesn’t even snap her out of her thoughts.

Harlyn is in a sort of comatose state. She doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t move. I take my time washing her body, her hands and her hair. Her eyes are puffy and red from the tears she cried, but other than that, you could barely tell anything was wrong with her.

Grabbing one of her hands, I make sure I got all the blood off of her before doing the same to the next one. When she’s completely clean, I wash my body and hair before I shut the water off and help her out. I grab the towel off the counter and quickly dry us both off. Picking her up, I take her to the bed and lay us both down.

“Stav.” Her broken whisper fills my ears and I can hear how upset she is.

“Yeah, baby?”

“I don’t want to be like you.” I flinch at her words, but the truth is, I don’t want her to be like me either. I want her to stay the pure woman I fell in love with. All my darkness will do is swallow her whole, and spit her back out just as damaged as me. I killed my first man at twelve, and although I would do it again, I don’t want a life like that for her.

She deserves better, and I will fight like hell to make sure she never has to do what I did to survive. I didn’t have a choice though, but I will make sure she always has a choice.

Harlyn curls her body into mine, and all thoughts of killing Delilah are gone. I just hold her. Nothing separating our bodies, just like we’ve spent so many nights in this room. Where I spent so many nights of being able to show her the real me that is hidden under the monster inside of my chest, the one that claws its way out when anyone I care about is being threatened or hurt.

She doesn’t say anything for hours, and I know that I need to get back to Dex and Romeo, but I can’t leave her alone while she’s like this. She didn’t leave my side after I was drugged, so I won’t leave her either.

When Harlyn finally falls asleep a few hours later, I slip out of the bed and pull on my jeans from the bathroom. They are just going to get bloody anyway, so why put on a clean pair. After getting dressed, I kiss her forehead. She looks peaceful, finally, and I want it to stay that way. Slipping out of the room quietly, I make my way towards the garage.

Walking through the clubhouse, it’s eerily quiet. No one is up and around since we’re on lockdown. I’m just waiting for all the damn drama to start around here. Opening the door of the garage, I see Delilah sitting upright in the chair again, her head is hanging down in an awkward position.

“Bout time.” Romeo says, hidden in the corner of the room.

“She finally just fell asleep. She’s a fucking wreck.” He shakes his head, but he doesn’t say anything else.

“Let’s get this shit dealt with so I can get back to her before she wakes up.” He smirks at that and we both make our way towards Delilah. I’ve never killed a bitch before. I’ve never had a reason to, but she did something I can’t overlook.

Kicking the chair, she startles awake. I thought she looked bad before, but now she looks even worse. Harlyn really did a number on her. Almost every inch of her face is bruised and swollen. You can barely tell who she is anymore. “Why did you do it?”

She tries to spit blood at me, but she misses. Walking closer, I grab her by the neck and start to squeeze. She starts to gasp for breath, but she can’t move her hands to try and get me to stop. When I release her throat, she starts to cough and gasp for air. “If you don’t fucking tell me, I’ll keep doing this all night. I won’t let you die. I’ll just keep torturing you until you give me the information I want.”

When she doesn’t say anything, I reach forward and grab her neck again. My fingers flex around her neck, and I almost don’t let go in time to watch her cough and gasp for air again. She doesn’t know that I don’t give a fuck why she did it, I only care that Harlyn is in my bed, and freaked the fuck out about what she did to Delilah. I’m doing this for Harlyn.

Before I can grab her neck again, she finally gives me the answer I was looking for. “Flint.” She coughs up some blood and then continues to speak. “He paid me to drug that stupid whore of yours and get her out of the building so he could take her. Instead, I put it in your bottle in the drawer…” she trails off and her head falls forward. She’s losing consciousness. Luckily I have all the information I need.

Grabbing my knife, I thrust it into her chest and her eyes meet mine as I watch the life drain out of them. Her head lolls to the side and she looks like she’s staring right at Romeo.

Pulling my knife out of her chest, I wipe the blade on my jeans and put it back in the holder strapped to my body. “You think he really sent her in here to get Harlyn out?”

“I don’t give a fuck. I’ll kill the bastard. He declared war when he openly threatened Harlyn, and I ain’t backin’ down.”

“In his trying to get her, he let some dumb bitch try and lure her out, instead, she drugged your ass. You were so fucking high on whatever shit she gave you that your heart stopped for a second. If she would have given that to Harlyn, she would have died.”
I nod, but my brain is running in a million different directions.

I want to go and fucking gut the bastard, but I also have to be smart about it. My need for revenge is almost winning the battle in my head. “Get the prospects to take her and leave her on their doorstep. They wanted a fucking war, they’ll get one. I’ll burn down every fucking building they own until I take every last one of the fuckers out.”

Stalking off, I have to clear my head before I go to see Harlyn, but I can’t bring myself to. Instead, I make my way to my room and as soon as I open the door, I see her sitting up with the covers to her chest. Anger flares up in me as I think about what Romeo said. If Delilah would have drugged her, she would have died. Her body is a third the size of mine.

Her eyes scan over my body and I know that she can see the blood on me. I watch as she crawls out from under the blanket and starts to make her way towards me. Something inside me snaps, and before I can stop myself from moving, I grab her by the throat and push her back on the bed. Her eyes widen for a second before she reaches up to touch my face.

No words are said but I can feel my heart pounding in my chest and the need to fuck her is burning in my stomach. I’m a bastard, this much I know. Instead of pulling away from her, I slam my mouth down on hers and kiss her like I’m fuckin’ starving. In a way I am, but it’s not fair to her.

Her body reacts to mine and I run my free hand down her chest and pinch her nipple. Grinding my jean cover dick into her bare pussy builds a fire inside of me, and I need to get inside of her right now. I release her nipple and suck the other in my mouth as I undo my jeans and start to move them down my hips. Her moans fill the room as I bite her nipple. Her body arches up into me, and I squeeze a little tighter on her neck.

Kicking off my boots and jeans, I slide between her thighs again and I slam into her - hard. Part of me doesn’t even care if I hurt her right now, and the other part of me wants to take my time - make love to her beautiful body, treat her like the goddess she is. Every thrust into her pussy is hard and deep, causing her to close her eyes. Her hands go to my hips and she starts to move them up my body, pulling my shirt up with them. Releasing her throat, I pull my shirt off and toss it behind me on the floor.

Reaching down to her pussy, I rub her clit roughly and I feel her whole body start to tense around me. She needs the frenzied fuck just as much as I do. Flipping us over, I get her on top of me, and she starts to slide up and down my dick fast and hard, bottoming out on me every time. Her hands run up her body and she pinches both of her nipples in between her index fingers and thumbs.

Just watching her do this gets my dick harder than it was a few seconds ago.

Thrusting up to meet her pussy, I force her down on me hard. My hands grip her ass as I move her. I release one ass cheek to give her ass a hard smack. Her head falls back and she moans out my name. Harlyn rides me hard and fast, and I keep smacking her ass until I feel her pussy tighten, and she groans out her release. Flipping her back over, I pound into her harder, and grip her throat once more. She cries out, but I don’t stop. I can’t stop. The darkness clouds my vision and I lean forward to take her nipple into my mouth again. Everything else fades away and I don’t even realize what I’m doing anymore. I can’t control my own body.

When I come inside of her, I thrust a few more times before I collapse on top of her. She doesn’t try and push me off of her; she just runs her hands through my hair and down my back until I can move again. When the darkness clears, I slowly pull out of her and roll over to my back. I watch her from the corner of my eye, and I see her look down at her chest before she moves to straddle my hips.

My eyes catch the marks I just left on her skin. She doesn’t say anything; she just looks into my eyes. Reaching up, I run my finger over the mark on her left nipple. Our eyes meet, and it’s almost like I can feel everything she’s thinking in this exact moment.

My attention moves to her neck, and I see my fingerprints. Closing my eyes, I feel the regret. I never want to hurt her. Moving out from under her, I watch her fall off the bed, but I don’t even try to help her. Instead, I get up and feel my anger lash out. Putting my hand through the wall takes a little of the anger out from deep inside of me, but it’s not enough to get me to calm down.

Her small hand lands on my back and I spin around. I’ve always tried like hell to keep her from seeing me like this, but it was never able to happen. She knows how this shit builds in me, and I hate that it’s her skin that I’m leaving marks on. It’s only happened once, and after that, she didn’t stick around for long. After we brought her back from being kidnapped I left marks on her skin just like this, I couldn't stop myself then either. I already knew my days with her again were numbered, but I was hoping that she would change her mind and stay with me.

BOOK: Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1)
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