Read Sin and Desire Online

Authors: Carol Swan

Sin and Desire (56 page)

BOOK: Sin and Desire
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He was supposed to be in Europe, but he couldn’t let this opportunity pass. It was a farewell party for one of their senior executives. He just needed to see her. He just wanted to be there where she was.

Finally, he couldn’t take it any longer. Matt downed the rest of his drink, sat the glass on the table, and walked over to her as she held a conversation with her friend.

“Excuse me, ladies. Alice, would you like to dance?”


A bit surprised and about to refuse, Alice was urged by Karen to go ahead. “Sure,” Alice said and excused herself from her friend and walked onto the dance floor.

The DJ was playing an upbeat party mix. Matt danced behind Alice, grinding on her to the fast beat. She did not resist and that surprised him. He went further and pulled her by the hips close to him and Alice answered by circling her butt on him in a suggestive manner as if they were naked and joined together. She then turned around to face him and sung along with the provocative music with her sultry voice as she continued her seductive dance with him.

Matt bent down and whispered.

“You keep doing that and you’ll be in trouble, young lady,” he gave her a slow grind so she could feel exactly how hard he was.

She looked up at him from beneath her lashes with a sexy, confident look. “I can handle all of you.” She caressed the back of his neck, and he knew it was time to go before he pulled up her dress ever so slightly.

Alice was not drunk, but she felt like she was. She was so drunk on him and she couldn’t care less anymore. She would be his lover as long as he wanted her. She was tired of wishing he was with her. All those nights after the one they shared were not just lonely, they were hell. She was now more than willing to agree with whatever he could offer, as long he would be with her.

“Let’s get out of here,” he groaned as his erection was hardened more by her confident words.


Once in the limo, Alice sat on his lap and her dress rose to reveal a pair of black lace panties. His lips sought out hers, and he kissed her slowly, nibbling on her bottom lip.

“I’ve been aching to kiss you again, Alice,” he said. Matt pulled her tongue further into his mouth, relishing on its sweetness and feeling himself completely going insane. “You just have the sexiest lips and I can’t get enough of them.”

She replied with a sensual moan making him kiss her even deeper as he ran his fingers through her flowing hair. He slid one hand down to her panties and inserted a finger into her. She threw her head back and held onto to him tightly around his neck. He planted kisses on her throat while pushing his finger in and out of her. She became wetter the more he did so.

“Why are you so wet, Alice?” he whispered in her ear.

A sigh was her answer. Her moans were at his ear. Matt could feel his control slipping away, and it was then that he realized that it was really Alice that was doing all the seducing, and she was doing it so perfectly that she took control, not just over his body but also his heart.

He slipped another finger in, pumping them both fast in and out of her wet and slippery canal.

“Who’s making you feel so good?”

“You are, and that feels so good. I need to have you inside me right now.”

“Be patient. We’re almost there.” He glanced out of the window. “The limo is pulling into my driveway now.”

“Oh!” Alice hopped off of his lap and straightened her dress.


A few moments later, the driver opened the door. Alice stepped out and walked quickly to the porch.

Alice stood on the front porch and waited for him to finish speaking with the driver. She had an idea.

“Oh, Matt…” Alice yelled playfully as she went inside the house.

“Huh? Hey…” Matt followed.

Alice quickly undressed herself inside and hid around a corner.

“Come and get me, Matt,” she teased.

Matt grinned and began the hunt.

Alice snuck quietly from corner to corner looking out for Matt.

Where did he go?
she wondered.

Suddenly, from behind, Alice felt Matt’s strong hands wrap around her. His fingers slid down her stomach and found themselves inside of her.

Alice was

“I found you,” Matt said in a sultry voice as he pressed gently on Alice’s clit.

Alice gasped in pleasure. Was this really happening?

Matt turned her around, kissed her, and picked her up. He carried her to his bedroom, a prize for the taking. Alice was elated.

He tossed her down against his luxurious king-sized bed full of plush comforters that tingled against Alice’s skin. Alice landed on her back, and shortly thereafter, Matt pounced and found himself burying his tongue between her legs.

Alice clenched her thighs and moaned in pleasure. This was incredible. It didn’t take long for her to get revved up for the first orgasm of the night as his tongue moved up and down, side to side, and in ways she couldn’t imagine all over her clit. Alice came hard and fast, and she knew there were plenty climaxes to come.

“I’m going to fuck you, Alice. I mean it.”

Alice was ready.

Matt stood up and unbuckled his belt.

He slowly revealed his monstrous, throbbing cock.

He was ready to take her.

Alice was incredibly wet. She needed him inside her.

He stretched his long body next to hers. He was kissing her like there was no tomorrow. She closed her eyes, feeling his lips on hers. His kiss deepened and she met his kisses with her own hunger.

“I wanted you so bad, Alice,” he said in an enthralling tone, “I promise to show you just how much.”

His lips found hers once more, claiming power over them and over her heart, which was racing with pleasure.

“Oh, Matt. Please don’t stop,” she moaned.

“I don’t intend to.” His tongue probed her mouth as he pushed her back on the bed, her legs locked around his waist. “I want to make you happy, to satisfy you in every way possible. I intend to know every inch of your gorgeous body. I want to discover all of your hot spots and make them mine. Do you hear me, Alice?”

“Yes,” she managed to say.

He claimed her lips once more, feasting on her mouth, nibbling and licking her lips as if he was an eagle who caught his prey and he couldn’t get enough.

“Make me your woman, Matt. I don’t care even if I am just one of them. All I want is to be with you,” Alice declared in between moans.

Matt continued exploring her body until she was melting under his touch. She was so ready for him, and so he took her. Slowly, he inserted her hardness into her wetness and it was heaven. She met him half way. He pushed and she went along.

Soon they were dancing in a sexual rhythm that was driving them both crazy. They were gasping for air and their sweaty bodies were fused together, like they were one. Alice climaxed again and again, and Matt helped her climb the mountain only to guide her softly back down again. He knew every inch of the path she was walking to climax, and he knew just what she needed. His stamina and control was incredible. After several orgasms, Alice was pleased, and wanted to give him his reward.

Matt pulled himself out of Alice’s dripping wetness, wrapped his hand around his cock, his forearm flexing, and without words it was clear the question he was asking.

“Everywhere,” Alice answered, welcoming her reward.

Matt rubbed his hard cock and came all over Alice’s supple young body, covering her chest and stomach with her reward.

Good answe
r, she thought.




The Billionaire in the Library – Ethan


No one had told Leah that the first day would be the hardest. She’d had first days before, of course—first day of high school, first day in a new job—but none of them were like this. She’d woken up early on the first day of her internship, heart pumping at the thought of being late. She wore a simple black, knee-length pencil skirt, a white blouse, black pumps and tied her dark curly hair up in a loose bun.

The internship began with an orientation session first thing in the morning. About fifty interns sat in a large auditorium on the ground floor of the high-rise building. A few existing staff members joined them.

Everyone was seated and making small talk. The nervousness of the new interns hung in the air like a fog. Amongst them, Leah busied herself on her phone, hoping that no one would try to talk to her too much.

After a few minutes of chatter, the large doors on the side of the stage of the auditorium opened and a tall man walked confidently onto the stage. His dark wavy hair was neatly cut, and he had a perfectly groomed beard. He wore a dark tailored suit, freshly polished shoes, and a thin black tie over his white shirt.

He strode over to the podium, adjusted the microphone to his height, and his voice boomed through the auditorium speakers.

“Good morning, everyone,”
he said

As if in a cult, the audience simultaneously and in a single voice gave him a ‘good morning’ reply.

“I am Ethan Forge, founder and CEO of Forge Industries. I’m pleased to welcome you all and see so many fresh faces today! I hope you will find your time here at Forge Industries beneficial to your career…’

Leah’s body nearly shut down. Her heart raced, her mouth felt dry, and she could hear nothing. She was transfixed by this man who
power and confidence. She’d seen him in newspapers and magazines before. He was a famous entrepreneur who had made his first billion by the time he was twenty-five. In person, it was a whole different story. He was enthralling.

Forge Industries, while traditionally a manufacturing company, was recently becoming a cutting-edge industry leader in medical and mobile technology. He was also famous for having dated several high-profile celebrities, and was maybe
most eligible bachelor in the entire country.

She didn’t hear much of the rest of his speech. She was on auto-pilot as she stood with the rest of the audience and gave him a standing ovation. Afterwards, everyone moved into the atrium, where refreshments and morning snacks were being served.

Leah was getting a cup of coffee when she stopped and noticed him mingling and chatting with people—the
. Many of the more outgoing interns approached him and tried to suck up to him, asking to take pictures, to show off on their social media networks.

She got herself a muffin, and tried to talk to some of the friendlier faces. Still anxious about her first day, she was refilling her cup, not paying attention to anything around her, when a familiar voice next to her spoke.

“Hey. How’s it going?”

She looked up, to her side, and nearly dropped her cup. It was Ethan Forge himself.

“H-h-hey…” she stammered.

“I need some coffee too,” he chuckled.

She didn’t know how to respond

“So… what’s your name?”

“It’s Leah,” she replied. “I’m one of the new interns.”

“Ah, yeah, I guessed as much. Tell me, what are you studying, Leah?”

“I’m a final year Marketing student. I came here for some experience, and hopefully a job after I graduate. I really admire what you have built here.”

“Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that. Would you like to take your coffee and walk with me?”

“Sure,” she said.

He started walking, leading her in the direction of the elevator.

Her knees felt weak and she was petrified of slipping on the perfectly waxed floor. Many people watched them as they walked. The staff was curious, as it was unusual for Ethan to give extra attention to interns, and the other interns were dying of envy.

They were alone in the elevator, and he pushed the button that would take them to the top floor. She was still nervous, and was worried he could not hear the deep breaths, she was taking as she tried to control her anxiety.

“I’d like to show you some of the offices on the top floor.”

“Okay,” she replied.

“So, tell me, are you from New York?”

“No, I moved here recently from Boston.”

“Boston! Lovely city. I’ve enjoyed it on the occasions I’ve visited. So what brought you here?”

“Well, I needed a change of pace and scenery and….”

The doors opened before she could complete her sentence. She breathed a sigh of relief as she didn’t know how or whether to even explain the more personal reasons for her move.

“Well, here we are!” He walked out of the elevator and she followed him.

There weren’t many offices. In fact, there was just one
The elevator opened onto a huge office, with glass walls all around it that showed off a beautiful view of the city. The office was minimal and understated, not what she expected his office to look like.

She followed him as he walked over to a couch and he asked her to have a seat.

BOOK: Sin and Desire
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