Silver Bracelets: A Loveswept Contemporary Classic Romance (21 page)

BOOK: Silver Bracelets: A Loveswept Contemporary Classic Romance
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Read on for an excerpt from Sandra Chastain’s

Scarlet Lady


The New Mexico mountain hideaway known as Shangri-la to its creator and Angel Central to its grateful clients, had been peaceful for weeks. Lincoln McAllister knew it was too good to last. A need would arise and an angel would be asked to return the help given to him or her.

This time the call came from Sterling, secretary and administrative assistant to Mac’s old friend Conner Preston. Because of Mac, Conner had been reunited with the only woman he’d ever loved. Now they were on their honeymoon, leaving the ever-faithful Sterling in charge of Conner’s firm. But this call wasn’t business, it was a personal request for Mac’s help.

Sterling needed an angel.

“It’s Katherine Carithers,” Sterling explained. “Her brother, Carson, came to see me. He’s made some bad business decisions and Katie has come up with a plan to rescue him. Seems Carson’s tried to recoup his losses by
gambling. He lost. Then he put up his share of the family plantation as collateral for his gambling debts.”

“Plantation?” Mac said with a laugh. “As in the Old South? What is this, some kind of antebellum melodrama?”

“Almost. The Caritherses go back that far. Old Carson, one of the first planters along the Mississippi, gambled on cotton and indigo. He won big. He was smart, too, put his money in foreign banks before the War Between the States. The present Carson, his great-great-great-great-grandson, just gambled—not for himself, mind you, but in a foolish effort to save that business.”

“What’s your connection, Sterling?” Mac asked. With every telephone call he received, Mac became more intrigued by the mysterious Sterling, who ran her boss’s business empire but was never seen by the public. Though he and Sterling went back a long way, Mac had never known her to ask for a personal favor—until now.

“Katherine is the daughter of one of my mother’s oldest friends. She and her husband were killed in a plane crash two years ago. The family business has already gone under, but Katherine is determined to protect the plantation and her brother. Mother says she’s a certified genius when it comes to numbers.”

“Okay. She’s a genius with numbers.”

“Oh, Mac, I’m explaining this badly. According to Carson, Katie went to a casino tonight to gamble. She expects to win enough money to pay off her brother’s gambling debts and buy his marker back from the man who holds it and the plantation. I’d like to help her, but
she’s so proud she isn’t likely to accept help, and I … can’t leave here.”

“Sounds like foolishness runs in the family.”

“Carson says she’s a poker whiz. But she’s never played with professionals. Mac, she’s convinced she can win.”

“So was her brother.”

Sterling gave a low, throaty laugh. “Mac, the man she’s taking on is a real pro.”

“Oh? Who?”

“He calls himself Montana now, but I managed to find out that his full name is—can you believe this?—Rhett Butler Montana. He owns a Mississippi riverboat casino called the
Scarlet Lady.

Mac couldn’t hold back a chuckle of his own. He’d gotten Montana a job on that boat years ago when his family had disowned him. Now he owned the boat. And he’d dropped the famous name his starstruck mother had given him. Montana suited him very well.

“Ah, Sterling. Not a world-shaking dilemma, but interesting. Is Katherine beautiful, smart, and conniving?”

“I don’t know what she looks like, but she’s just as determined to keep her family together and save their land as the original Scarlett. And she thinks Montana is ready to take it. Carson is worried. I said I’d see what I could do. If you can help, I’ll owe you.”

“Of course,” Mac said. Finishing their conversation, he dropped the phone into its cradle and leaned back in his chair. “And I think we can keep the lady from knowing she’s being helped.”

Mac had been surprised at the emotion in the normally
unruffled Sterling’s voice. Gamblers who got themselves in trouble weren’t Mac’s idea of people with earth-shattering problems, but he couldn’t ignore her request to bail the girl out, and it
time he checked on the man calling himself Montana.

Though if Katherine had already left for the riverboat casino, Mac was too late to stop her. Maybe losing would teach her the lesson her brother hadn’t learned. Of course, she could win. Katie, Rhett Butler, and the
Scarlet Lady.


If the players were anything like their namesakes, the South could rise again. It was time he called in his marker from Montana. He tried the gambler’s office. Montana was on the river. Mac left a message and sat back to wait.

While he waited he thought about the mysterious Sterling who was never more than a voice on the telephone.


A hush fell over the rowdy Saturday-night crowd of gamblers on the third deck of the Mississippi riverboat known as the
Scarlet Lady.

The dark-eyed man, Rhett Butler Montana—Montana to his customers—glanced up, searching for the reason. The third deck was reserved for the serious gamblers, but this kind of silence meant trouble. It took one look at the woman standing in the doorway to know he’d found the reason.

Her hair was shiny black, pinned up with a swatch of red glitter and feathers. Her dress, held up by thin straps that challenged the law of gravity, had a short skirt barely covering long legs that ought to be illegal.

She simply stood, studying the scene before her with mesmerized concentration—until she spotted Montana. Then, deliberately, it seemed, she parted and moistened her lips.

“Whoa, boss,” Royal Lennox whispered from his
customary position behind the cashier’s booth. “Who’s the lady?”

But Montana didn’t answer. The connection between them was so potent he had no words. She didn’t move, and neither did he. Her gaze wasn’t just a question; it was a come-and-get-me dare. She was defying him to respond.

Lazily, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his signature cheroot, biting off the end and clamping it between his teeth. Then he dipped his head slightly in acknowledgment of her challenge.

Two could play whatever game she had in mind. In fact, he was counting on it.

The gamblers soon lost interest and the noise level rose once more. For another long heavy moment she continued staring, then gave a quick nod and started toward him in long graceful steps more like the slinky moves of a jungle cat than those of a woman wearing four-inch heels.

“Look out, boss, she’s giving you the evil eye. A woman like that’ll take your soul before you even know it’s gone.”

But Royal was wrong. Three steps before the woman reached Montana, she tilted her head, put a hint of a pout in her bottom lip, and gave him a nod that said they’d come out even, then moved past him and came to a stop at the change window in front of Royal.

“Yes, ma’am, Ms.?”

“Katie, just Katie,” she said in a low voice. She could feel the man with the dark eyes watching.

The man inside the iron cage seemed spellbound.

“Chips”—Katie’s voice was as smooth as silk, more Ivy League than Southern belle, until she added—“please?” She dipped into the purse swinging from a thin gold chain over her shoulder and pulled out two folded hundred-dollar bills that she handed to the banker.

Royal made a gallant attempt to speak, failed miserably, managing only a gulp as he slid a small stack of chips across the counter.

She turned, caught sight of Montana, then moved rapidly away. Moments later she was perched on a stool across from Montana’s best blackjack dealer.

As the smoke from his cheroot drifted into the darkness overhead, the riverboat owner groaned. Two hundred dollars’ worth of chips wouldn’t last her long. Not long enough for him to find out more about her, coax her into having a drink with him, and whatever might follow. Reaching a decision, he directed Royal to take the dealer’s place.

“Make sure she wins often enough to stick around,” he told his astonished employee.

“You want me to cheat, boss?” Royal’s voice came back in shocked dismay. “Really?”

Montana nodded. “If you have to.”

Having Royal cheat to lose wasn’t going to happen. He was a bad enough gambler to do it honestly.

As Royal relieved the dealer the puzzled man found Montana and lifted his eyebrows in question before turning over the cards.

The single blackjack player at the table turned to the slot machines, leaving the woman who called herself
only Katie alone. For a moment she and Royal engaged in conversation. Royal was apparently explaining the game. Montana’s worst fears were about to come true. A novice with only two hundred dollars wouldn’t last long, even with Royal dealing.

But thirty minutes later the stack of chips had legitimately moved from the dealer’s tray to the player’s side. The woman was either the luckiest player on the boat or she was really good. In either case, his plan was working. He continued to watch for a while, then, after she made a really bad bet and somehow still won the hand, he decided she had no more idea of what she was doing than Royal. She just didn’t have to deal with the same distraction.

It was time he gave her some.

Across the room, Katie Carithers moistened her lips again. This wasn’t working out the way she’d planned. By now all her lipstick had to be gone. He was watching; she felt the heat of his eyes burning her back. As she won one hand after another no matter what she did, she was beginning to get nervous.

She’d come here to play poker, the game she knew. If it hadn’t been for the confusion she’d felt at the encounter with Montana, she’d never have ended up playing blackjack. The dealer had to explain the rules. As far as she could tell, winning at this game was a matter of sheer luck, and the dealer obviously had none. Even her uncanny ability to count cards and remember exact sequences couldn’t account for her success here: The dealer was using a machine with more than one deck.

She was steadily filling her pockets, but in the
scheme of things, this amount of money was mere chicken feed. Sooner or later she’d have to find a way to force Montana to approach her. At the same time he had to be convinced that she was a complete novice. Considering her lack of experience, that shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish. Considering the skill of this blackjack dealer, though, she might have a problem.

“What about raising the limit?” she asked.

“Not without the boss’s okay.”

“The boss. Would that be Mr. Montana?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She leaned forward and gave the dealer her best smile. “Then ask him.”

The small crowd of onlookers she’d drawn suddenly parted and the subject of their conversation appeared, taking the cards from what Katie had decided must be the worst dealer in the history of the game. She had no experience with professional gamblers, but if her brother, Carson, had gambled at this table, there was no way he could have lost a fortune.

“I’ll take over, Royal.”

“Then I’d like a new deck,” Katie said with exaggerated self-confidence. That ought to tip him off to her lack of experience—no gambler worth his salt asked for a new deck when he was so far ahead.

“But—” Royal began.

“Of course,” Montana said, cutting off his associate. He shoved the shoe holding the multiple decks of cards beneath the table and brought out a single pack of cards. In agonizingly slow movements, he peeled off the cellophane and let it drop to the floor. “I’m the owner of the
Scarlet Lady
.” His gaze fell to the stack of chips surrounding her. “Looks like you’re about to break my bank.”

“Surely you don’t think I’m a threat to you?”

“Depends. I think you could be.”

His gaze was direct and potent. It said that as far as he was concerned, there was nobody else in the room.

“Do you always take over when your guests have a winning streak?”

“No, but then I can’t remember when a player asked to raise the limits when they were already winning. That makes me anxious.”

“You don’t look like a man who’s anxious.”

“Haven’t you heard? Looks can be deceiving. Sometimes a smile is a gambler’s best friend.”

BOOK: Silver Bracelets: A Loveswept Contemporary Classic Romance
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