Read Silver and Gold Online

Authors: Devon Rhodes

Tags: #m/m romance

Silver and Gold (4 page)

BOOK: Silver and Gold
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 “Sounds great. Although I’m surprised you were able to book a table at such late notice. They’re usually full weeks ahead.” Geoff fought to keep his hands at his sides when all he wanted to do was pull the beautiful golden man flush against him.

“Residents get priority seating. They always hold a few tables back for us.” The car began to rise, mirroring the heat building between the two men. Geoff was a little breathless by the time the door opened to reveal a foyer with four doors. Abe walked to the one on the far right and unlocked the door, indicating to Geoff to precede him inside.

Geoff stepped inside, and Abe immediately followed, molding himself to Geoff’s back as he kicked the door closed behind him.

“We have two hours before dinner,” Abe whispered as he nibbled on Geoff’s ear, running a hand around his chest to cup Geoff’s pec, flicking his nipple with his thumbnail. Geoff felt his knees weaken and his hand reached to grip Abe’s. “One for each of us, yeah? I know how I want to spend mine. How would you like to use yours?”

Chapter Four


felt a huge surge of relief as Geoff covered his questing hand with his own, not to remove it, but to encourage its exploration. Geoff slowly made circles down his abs with Abe’s hand, heading due south to his belt. Abe wished he could see Geoff’s face, but contented himself with bringing his other hand around Geoff’s trim waist and nimbly unbuckling his belt, leaving it in the loops as he unhooked, but left zipped, Geoff’s suit pants.

“Shoes,” he whispered, suddenly wanting to see Geoff’s bare feet, which he had been picturing in his mind all day. He contrarily didn’t give Geoff a chance to comply, instead taking him by the hand and leading him into the living room, giving a light push to encourage Geoff to drop to the couch. Kneeling in front of him, he quickly loosened and slipped off Geoff’s shoes and removed his socks. His feet were long and masculine, and Abe let his hands trail up the back of Geoff’s calves, feeling the light sprinkling of hair tickling his palm. Geoff watched him intently, completely still, but as Abe got to the backs of his knees, he let out a reluctant gasp and squirmed.

“Ticklish?” Somehow that seemed just right to Abe. “I’ll have to remember that.”

“Not…” Geoff cleared his throat and tried again. “Not ticklish, exactly. Just… uh, something.”

Abe let his hands trail back down the other man’s calves. Then he reached to slide down Geoff’s zipper and pulled out his straining erection. From his vantage point, he could see the individual veins bulging, a drop of pre-come welling in the slit, and he couldn’t resist. Using just the tip of his tongue, he extracted the drop of essence, probing for more, then asking, “Something… like this?”

He didn’t wait for an answer to his rhetorical question before taking the shaft fully in his mouth, feeling it stretch his lips. He pulled back up as Geoff’s breathy answer came. “Yeah. Oh God!” Abe licked his lips, loving the taste of salty and musky man, then dove back down, taking as much as could fit without opening his throat. He tongued around the shaft, finding and probing at the sensitive spot underneath the mushroom-shaped head; then, covering his teeth with his lips, he made a firmer pass down and back up.

Abe looked up from under his lashes, and felt a spurt of pre-come from his own uncomfortably hard cock as he met Geoff’s dark eyes. They were soft with arousal, pupils blown, and his face was taut, evincing the control he must be exerting to keep from moving. Abe had no desire to stop what he was doing at the moment, but knew that the extended play period he envisioned would be better in a bed. Plus the bedroom was where the supplies were—unless Geoff had some—he gave Geoff’s front pockets a quick pat. Nope.

“What’s up?”

Abe gave him a coy smile. “Just hunting for supplies, love.” He winked and Geoff flushed. “Why don’t we adjourn to the bedroom?”


*  *  *

was following Abe’s luscious ass down the hall and into the bedroom when suddenly he couldn’t bear to keep his hands off the stunning man for one moment more. He took a long step, wrapping his arms around Abe’s abdomen, locking Abe’s arms to his sides. Abe didn’t miss a step, and Geoff and he walked in sync to the bed, Geoff’s cock nestled happily against Abe’s jeans. As they reached the bed, Abe just kept going, crawling onto the bed with Geoff following to cover him closely, the feeling of pressing the younger man beneath him igniting a primitive, possessive part of him that had him kicking Abe’s legs apart and grinding against his high, rounded ass.

The moans and undulations coming from Abe beneath him were driving Geoff wild, and he knelt up on the bed to remove his tie and unbutton his shirt part-way, before giving up on the small buttons in frustration and pulling the shirt and undershirt at once over his head.

“You need to get naked, right now,” he growled at Abe, shocked at the intensity of his need to possess him. Abe stretched to all fours, prompting a groan as Geoff watched the ridiculously tight pants molding to his form, that tightly muscled ass on display in front of him.

Abe rose to his knees, turning to face Geoff with a little smile as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor. Abe knee-walked to the edge of the bed, teasingly crossing Geoff’s legs and grazing against his back, before standing and making quick work of the remaining clothing until he stood naked and proud in front of Geoff.

Geoff was stunned at the perfection of Abe’s body. Obviously in great shape, Abe was perfect proportioned and sported a tan as golden as his hair… all over. Geoff suddenly got an image of Abe sunbathing nude on a beach with a bunch of middle-aged perverts ogling him, and his breath seized in his chest. He reached out and pulled Abe into a tight embrace, frantically running his hands everywhere they could reach, learning the smoothness of that gorgeous skin, the firmness of his taut physique, the feel of that beautiful ass as it filled his hands.

Geoff was a little amazed at the ease with which he had moved back into man-loving after decades of being straight as an arrow. But that brought up thoughts of Jesse, and the last thing he wanted to do right now was worry about that impending meet-up. Better to stay in the moment.

Abe reengaged his attention by sliding his hands inside Geoff’s open waistband, skimming down bare skin until his fingers reached the sensitive area at the fold of his buttocks and thighs, teasing lightly along the crease until Geoff had to move or embarrass himself. He backed up and shucked his pants and briefs off in a single move, kicking the discarded clothes blindly to the side.

“You should hang those up, just in case I don’t let you leave tonight,” Abe cautioned with a smirk.

Geoff envisioned a long night exploring every inch of his new favorite pillow. “I have changes of clothes in my office,” he shakily dismissed, pulling Abe back against him, and they let out a groan in unison as they came together, bare skin on bare skin, for the first time. He felt moisture not his own and thrust into it, driving against Abe’s tight abs, gliding alongside his stiff  shaft until both were slick and sliding together.

“Let’s get…” Abe began huskily, and Geoff took the thought and ran with it, giving Abe a light lift and toss onto his back on the mattress and covering him, the five seconds it took away from touching him seeming like an eternity.

“…horizontal?” Geoff hazarded a guess, rubbing his bristly cheek against Abe’s smooth one before lowering his lips to Abe’s ear, giving his lobe a nip.

“Oh yeah, that works.” Abe rubbed back against him, his hands never still, floating down Geoff’s back, cupping his ass, squeezing his arms. “I was going to say ‘me ready’.”

Geoff translated that in his head, and his brain short-circuited at the thought of preparing Abe to receive him. “Lube,” he demanded roughly, already levering himself up and reaching for the obvious drawer of the bedside table. Inside he found what he was searching for, ripping a condom off the strip and popping the top of the lubricant with alacrity.

Turning back to Abe, his cock gave an alarming jerk at the sight that greeted him, Abe spread wantonly to fully reveal himself to him.
Holy shit, that’s hot.
Abe’s eyes were wide and he pinned Geoff with a heat and longing in his gaze that had Geoff suddenly looking away, disconcerted by the emotions coming into play.
Nah, don’t get attached. This is about having fun, nothing more.

Geoff focused instead on the lube he applied directly to Abe’s tight hole, adding some to his fingers before entering him steadily with a single digit. That welcoming warmth clinging to Geoff’s finger had him breathing through his mouth, trying to get enough oxygen to his overwhelmed brain. He added another finger, and soon a third as Abe writhed beneath his attentions, slowly stroking his own hard and leaking shaft.

“Yes,” Abe confirmed with a needy break in his voice as he reached for Geoff. “Time.”

Geoff took a deep breath and drew back to slowly open the condom wrapper with shaking fingers. Abe startled him by reaching out to touch his hand. “Let me,” he murmured, sitting up smoothly. Geoff watched, fingers clenching into fists at his sides in an attempt at control, as Abe took him in hand, stroking him tenderly a few times before easily rolling the condom down his rampant erection.

“How do you want me? Knees? Front? Back? Riding?” Abe’s image-provoking questions caught Geoff by surprise. He had only ever had male sex, giving or receiving, in the on-the knees-from-behind position. But suddenly he wanted nothing more than to see Abe spread out beneath him, watching his beautiful face as they came together. A quiver entered his voice as he responded. “Lay down.”

Abe immediately complied, going back to the same pose he’d been in while Geoff had been preparing him. Geoff ran his fingers over Abe’s opening, not penetrating, just a glance against the fluttering muscle, and Abe’s cock gave a bounce as it slapped Abe’s abs, leaving behind a splash of come. Geoff couldn’t resist using his tongue to make a long, wide swipe, scooping up the bounty, savoring it. Such an earthy, sweet taste.

He braced himself over Abe, again chancing to meet his eyes, this time not turning away from the want and need reflected there. Geoff used his hand to position his cock at Abe’s entrance, then barely had to press against it before popping through, Abe pressing back and enveloping him greedily.
Oh, the heat
. He sank halfway in, trying to keep his control, and paused, watching Abe for clues. Abe grabbed his ass with a quirk of his lips and thrust upward, taking Geoff to the hilt.

“Ah!” Geoff couldn’t control the exhalation, and pressed and held deep inside Abe for a long moment, reveling in the feel of Abe’s tight channel around him. His focus narrowed to the physical connection between them before he began to move, Abe undulating rhythmically beneath him, helping him set a sensual pace.

Abe’s hands never stopped moving, touching, loving him, and Geoff was overwhelmed by the carnal embrace: Abe’s depths around his cock, legs bracing his hips, arms holding, hands stroking. He was surrounded by Abe, his golden man, and the warmth of that gold wrapping him up brought him to the brink. Emotions were choking his throat as he raised himself to thrust into Abe from a different angle, catching Abe off-guard as his eyes widened and he came with a shout, long, ropy strands of pearly come painting his abdomen.

The sensation of Abe clenching rhythmically around him snapped the last of Geoff’s control and he thrust deep, his orgasm jolting through him, jerking his hips uncontrollably as he filled the condom with pulse after pulse.  He collapsed onto Abe, panting, feeling the man’s cooling come smearing between them, only the habits of decades keeping him from becoming a dead weight in his repletion, bracing on his knees and elbows.

To his surprise, Abe used his arms to knock him off his elbows, taking his full weight on his chest and using his legs to hook around his hips in a full-body hug. “Hey,” Geoff protested lightly, “I’m smushing you.”

“Mmm hmm,” Abe hummed in his ear, and he felt the vibration against his chest. “I like being smushed by you.” He licked Geoff’s neck then ran a hand over Geoff’s head, smoothing his hair with a gentle caress.

Geoff smiled and again took his weight on his elbows, raising up just enough to look Abe in the eyes. He muffled Abe’s protest with a kiss that started out light, but quickly became deep yet tender as Geoff slowly slanted across Abe’s welcoming mouth. He moved slightly to cradle Abe’s head in his hands, never relinquishing control of the kiss, continuing to probe and taste until they were both breathless.

“Wow,” Abe gasped against his mouth. “Sweetheart, you sure know how to kiss.”

Geoff felt a goofy-feeling smile creep across his face. “Kiss? Is that all you got out of the last hour?”
Quit being a nerd and at least act like you’ve had a hot fling before.
He schooled his features into a more neutral expression. “So, was it good for you?” he quipped in an attempt to inject a lighter tone.

Abe’s expression changed as Geoff’s did, with a brief hint of something—hurt?—crossing his face, and suddenly laying flush on top of the man didn’t feel as natural. Geoff withdrew carefully, pushed himself up off Abe and wrapped the spent condom in a couple of tissues. At a sudden loss for what to do with himself, he reached to pick up his discarded clothing.

Apparently Abe took that as a hint, and he got up and crossed to the
en suite
bathroom. “Do you need a shower before dinner?” he asked Geoff tonelessly from the door, and Geoff frowned, trying to figure out how things had changed in such a hurry.

“Yeah, but I can take one in my office if you’d rather.”

“Fine,” Abe responded quickly. “I need a half-hour to light the menorah anyway before we go. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and meet me at the restaurant at eight?” He turned and entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him with a decisive click.

What the hell?
Geoff was baffled and starting to get a little pissed off.
He pulled on his rumpled clothing, hoping like hell he wouldn’t run into anyone he knew between here and the office. Walking into the living room to retrieve his footwear, he finally had a chance to look around the large, window-lined great room and had to smile at the juxtaposition of the beautiful silver menorah on the sideboard and the enormous Christmas tree in the corner.

BOOK: Silver and Gold
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