Side Chick Turned Wife: A Hood Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Side Chick Turned Wife: A Hood Romance
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Chapter Fifteen:



“I can’t believe that he did that,” I said out loud to myself as I fumbled with the paper ring on my finger.


I was sittin’ in my office playin’ with the damn ring like it was a real diamond ring. I had it on since the moment he put it on me, well I took it off to take a shower, but other than that, I slept with the thing on and just never felt the need to take it off. I was beyond flattered that he gave me the ring and told me how he wanted to have a future with me. I’m all for it, but I want him to fix shit with Cynthia and make her go away. He can do whatever the hell he wants to do to  make sure she doesn’t ruin our lives, and I mean anything. Well, maybe not killing her because that is just inhumane and  I wouldn’t want anyone to wish that shit on me so I’m not goin’ to wish it on her.


Knock, knock.


Mel must have been standin’ at my door for some time for her to see me messin’ with the ring. She scared the fuckin’ shit out of me when she knocked on the door. I looked up at her and tried to not make it obvious that I was tryin’ to hide the ring, but my efforts failed and it was beyond obvious that I was trying to hide it.


“What you got there?” She asked as she walked up to me. I knew better than to yank my hand away so I just let her take my hand into hers as she observed the paper ring. I thought she was goin’ to laugh at me, but she didn’t; she just looked at me all confused and wanted answers.


“Danessa, what is this?”


“It’s a ring, from Tyrek. We were at the beach and shit and bein’ cute and he gave me this. He told me he would possibly put a real one on my finger if our relationship got that far and I believe him. I feel like there is potential in him and we could possibly be somethin’. I told him he needed to deal with his main chick before he started to bring over that mess my way because I was not ready to fight some bitch. If he ain’t serious about me then he won’t make her go away, right?”


Mel just shook her head and closed the door behind her. She took a seat right by me and took a deep breath.


“First of all, why didn’t you just tell me that y’all were still talkin’? I thought you was done with his ass and that is why yo ass was lookin’ to date the niggas I had lined up? I was about to slide you another nigga, but I guess I’ma put a stop to that one. You didn’t have to hide it from me, just be honest with me, aight?”


I just nodded my head and lowered it soon afterwards. She placed her finger under my chin and lifted it up.


“Hey, no need to hang your head low like that. I really don’t like that nigga, but you obviously do and as your best friend I can only advise you to do so much. I ain’t here to change your life decisions and make you do what I want. I was just suggestin’ niggas ‘cause I don’t like Tyrek ‘cause of the mess that he is in with that other bitch. I’m glad you told him how you were feelin’ and how you want him to end shit with her before y’all move forward and talk about a real commitment. Just please be careful, aight? I am always gone be here for you so don’t be afraid to come to me about shit that is goin’ on between you and Tyrek, aight? I love you so much, girl, you more than my friend, you know you my lil sis and I love you with all of me.”


I looked up at her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a nice and tight embrace. I was so lucky to have Mel in my life and it felt so good being able to tell her what was goin’ on. I now know I can go to her about anythin’ Tyrek-related and I no longer have to bite my tongue about it. I was so happy.


I let go of her and watched her leave the office to get back to work. I needed to do the same so I turned towards the computer and typed up all the logs that needed to be entered for the rest of the day and for tomorrow.


Ring, ring.


“Hey, Tyrek!”


“Hey, baby. You down to hang out at the club tonight? Get dressed all nice and shit and I’ll pick you up later on.”


“Okay, I’ll see you later.”




I went back to entering the data and updatin’ the logs before I headed out to the main floor to see if Mel needed any help out there. She informed me that she didn’t need help and that she had it under control, so I went back to my office and wrapped up my shit. It was time for my shift to end and I wanted to get home as soon as possible so I could spend some time gettin' ready. When all my shit was good to go, I packed up and headed out to my car. I waved to Mel and wished everyone a good night before I got into my car and headed back home. I weaved skillfully through the streets and made it to my house in no time. I rushed inside and took a quick shower before puttin’ on a bright and tight-fitting red dress. It had slits on the sides and was sexy as fuck. I touched up my natural curls and accentuated my makeup with a bomb ass smokey eye and some bold red lips. I did a twirl in front of my mirror and made sure that I was lookin’ perfect for my man.


Knock, knock.


He was here! I grabbed my clutch and headed down to my front door. I plopped my heels on the floor and slid them on before I opened the door to wrap my arms around Tyrek. We kissed and he then led me down to his car and opened up the door for me. We sped through the streets and made it to the club in no time at all. He had someone valet park his car and led me into the club. This place was live as fuck and I was already high from the excitement. I danced my way all the way to the VIP section where Tyrek and I sat and drank for a little. It was like last time; there were stripper hoes and a whole bunch of people who were now starting to look familiar ‘cause they was here the last time that I was here. They were all doin’ the same shit—smokin’, drinkin’, and snortin’ lines of cocaine. It was live back in the VIP. I sat on Tyrek’s lap and gave him a nice little lap dance that he seemed to enjoy. I knew he was enjoyin’ it ‘cause he had a nice lil hard on goin’ on under his pants. I just rotated my hips and shit. Before I knew it, we drew a crowd of people around us and they were cheerin’ us on. I guess they, too, were enjoyin’ the show. I was so drunk on my spotlight that I decided to turn it up and put more effort into my hip movements. I pressed harder against his crotch and exaggerated my movements. The strippers came by and started to throw money on me and on my lap. It was so much fun.


When the show was over, everyone went back to how they were and I picked up a glass of Ciroc. I drank it quickly like it was water and poured myself another few more cups. Before I knew it, I was in my zone and I wanted to go on and have a good time. The stripper I smoked with the last time spotted me and gave me a big hug.


“Hey girl! I was wonderin’ where the fuck you was at. How you doin’? You wanna smoke with me again?”


She waved around a baggie with the same white powder that she used last time, but I was cool off of that shit. I might want to take her up on that offer later though, just not right now.


“Nah, I’m good off of that. It was good though, I just don’t need any of that right now.”


She let go of me and smiled at me before she went off to smoke that shit. Tyrek was over on the sofa alone drinkin’ so I went to sit by him and see what was up. He held up a glass and I took it graciously. We sat close to one another, bobbin’ our heads to the music as we drank.


Buzzzzzz. Buzzzz.


Tyrek’s phone was ringing and he looked all confused. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and his face changed when he saw who was callin’ him. I didn’t get to see who it was so I just placed my ear close to the phone and listened in.


“Tyrek, baby! It’s loud where you are. Where you at?”


It was fuckin’ Cynthia. What the fuck did this bitch want?


“I’m at the club, why?”


“Oh! Okay, I know where you are. The music that is comin’ from your end sounds like the music that is playin’ at the club I’m at, so I must have found the right one!”


I started to panic. Was she really here, right now? I looked over at Tyrek who must have been feelin’ the same way that I was thinkin’.


“Yeah, I’m at the right one! I’m headed to the VIP section, let me in, baby.”




Before he could answer her, she hung up on him. We both looked at one another and low key started to freak the hell out.


“Want me to hang out over there and pretend like I don’t know you? I don’t mind until she goes the fuck away. You haven’t had the chance to talk to her, have you?”


He looked at me like he had just seen a ghost. He shook his head in response to I have no idea what. I could only assume that he was shakin’ his head to let me know that he had not told this bitch about his plan. I mean it only had been a day so I don’t blame him. For now, I had to pretend like I didn’t know him or else we would both be fucked. I didn’t know how much time I had so I just left the little section that he was in and went to another section in the VIP area. I sat and drank with that same stripper hoe and some other familiar people while I waited for Cynthia’s crazy ass to come up through to the VIP.


Soon enough, there she was all dressed up in a short ass skirt with a crop top. She looked cute but shit, she looked like she was tryna get some dick tonight. I just knew it wasn’t gone be from Tyrek or else I was gone leave. I watched as she looked around the VIP section and observed everyone. I quickly looked away and engaged in conversation with the people around me. When it was good to look at her again, I looked over and saw her trying to throw herself on Tyrek. I watched as she forced a kiss on him and how he pretended that he liked it. I knew he was pretending because he clenched his jaw and looked beyond annoyed, but that lil bitch wasn’t able to see how irritated he was. She was just too concerned about bein’ around him in the VIP.


I saw them sit down and he looked like he was tryin’ hard to tolerate her annoyin’ ass. It was so damn obvious that he was annoyed. She poured herself a drink and threw herself all over him. She even made him stand up to dance with her. He looked in my direction and rolled his eyes as he placed his hands on her hips and let her twerk all over him. I gotta say though, that bitch had hips and she knew how to use them. I grew tired of watchin’ them so I just focused on the people in my little group and drank with them. I had a raging headache coming on and I was two seconds from tellin’ this stripper that I was so down to smoke some of this shit, but nah, I just kept on drinking.


In the midst of the conversation with my little groups of people, a drunk nigga from the group stood up and went to Tyrek’s section. He looked hella confused when he looked over at Tyrek and then over at me. I had no idea what the fuck he was doin’, it was weird. He was cool just a second ago when we was out here laughin’ and jokin’ over shit that made no damn sense. He then started to bust out laughin’.


“Yo, Tyrek. Yo girl is cooool as shit. She hella funny too.”


Cynthia looked at the guy, confused, and looked over at Tyrek who looked just as confused as she was. This nigga then had the audacity to shake his head and look at Cynthia like she was some alien.


“Nahhh, not that one.”


He then looked towards me and came my way. He made me stand up and wrapped his arms around me to drag me back to where Tyrek and Cynthia were.


“This one. I’m gone steal her from you, Tyrek. She is a goooood one!”


Tyrek looked at me and he looked panicked as fuck. If I was right next to him, I probably would have been able to feel his heart trying to leap out of his chest. I didn’t change my facial expression though. I remained calm because I knew that if I were to have made any other facial expression like I knew somethin’ was up, she would have been hella suspicious.


“Nooooo. Me? I ain’t even his girl. You got me all messed up. Aha! My nigga ain’t here, I just come here to unwind and have me a good ass time. Speakin’ of which, wanna go dance and drink with me?”


With those magic words, I whisked the nigga away and immediately shut him the hell up.


“Sorry to bother y’all!” I said as I ushered the drunk idiot back to the section we were in. I had to make it believable so I threw myself onto him and drank some more. I had a feelin’ that Cynthia was still suspicious but there really wasn’t much else that I could do. I hoped that she wouldn’t let Tyrek have it.


I looked over at them and saw that she was dead starin’ at me, lookin’ like she wanted to murder me. I just waved at her and mouthed that I was sorry so that she didn’t think I was starin’ at her. From the corner of my eye, I was still able to look over and see what was goin’ on. Tyrek looked like he was tryna calm her down and she wasn’t havin’ it. Damn it. I thought I was for sure going to die that night until I turned to see Tyrek plant a nice wet and passionate kiss on her lips and she just ate it up. I wish I could hear what he was sayin’ to her, but it was too fuckin’ loud in there. It hurt me to see him kiss her like that, but he was just doin’ whatever he had to do to make her believe that I wasn’t his side bitch. Or at least that was what I hoped was the reason. What if he kissed her because he realized it was too much trouble havin me around? Shit.

BOOK: Side Chick Turned Wife: A Hood Romance
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