Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (10 page)

BOOK: Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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As he reached the fridge there was a sound from Craig’s bedroom. Someone was getting up. Jack scented the air to find it was Michelle. Not wanting to startle her, he slid back into the black front room and hid in the shadows.

A moment later she appeared in the doorway, naked, and headed toward the spot where Jack had been only a few seconds before.


His gaze went straight to the swell of her large breasts, then up and down as he took in the rest of her. Her thick brown hair cascaded over taut shoulders and upper arms. The toned physique wasn’t confined to her upper body either. She clearly worked out.

Jack moved a little farther back as she opened the fridge door, but he needn’t have worried. He was in all black in a pitch-dark room. She hadn’t a clue he was there.

She bent over to look in the fridge, and Jack couldn’t take his eyes from her ass and pussy. What he wouldn’t give to be able to walk over there and grab those hips and slide his cock inside her. He rubbed at the stiff bulge in his jeans, moving his thumb over his covered cockhead. He stroked slowly as she continued to look in the fridge, her perfect ass framed in the light.

The thought of her suddenly realizing he was there only turned him on further. Would she freak out, or would she drop to her knees and take his cock all the way down her throat?

He bit his lip to stop himself from moaning. She straightened, a water jug in her hands, and turned. The cold had stiffened her nipples, drawing his gaze back to her breasts. Oh, to slide between those…

Michelle took a swig from the jug and put it back in the fridge, then headed back to Craig’s bedroom. Once he was sure she was back in bed, he headed over to his own room, to finish what he had started.

As he lay on his bed jerking his cock, he hoped she could be persuaded to take both him and Craig.

Chapter Ten


Some five hours later, Craig and Michelle were already eating breakfast. Jack jumped in the shower first to remove any remaining scents of booze and cigarette smoke, then slipped into new clothes and made for the kitchen. He could sleep again once they were gone.

The two were discussing their plans for the day. Jack dipped into the fridge to grab the water jug, trying not to think about earlier that morning, then straightened and turned, all smiles.

“So, this is Michelle.”

The woman, just as beautiful clothed, smiled. “You must be Jack.”

“I am indeed. Nice to meet you.”

“What time did you get in last night?” Craig asked. “Didn’t hear you come in.”

Jack shrugged. “Not sure. Two? Three? The poker went long.”

Craig smirked. “How much did you lose?”

“Why do you assume I lost?”

“The more you lose, the longer you stay to try and win it back.”

Jack grinned. “Yeah, all right. More than I should have.”

In actual fact, he’d won three hundred dollars and change, but if a white lie helped explain his “lateness,” it’d do just fine. He crossed into the lounge and dropped into the armchair across from the pair. Michelle met his eyes for a moment, then looked away, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

Shit. Did she see me last night?
He put the idea from his mind. She couldn’t have. And even if she did, she would have told Craig, wouldn’t she? Not that Craig would mind much, given how often they’d shared women, but he’d have to at least put on a show in front of her.

“So, Michelle,” he said between sips of his water. “What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a graphic artist. You?”

“Oh, cool. I’m a freelance programmer.”

“That sounds interesting. Hard work?”

“When he does any, maybe,” Craig said with a grin.

Jack stuck out his tongue. “I do just enough to pay my bills. So no, not really.”

Michelle laughed. “I’ve been thinking about going freelance myself.”

“Well, it’s hard work at first, but once your name is out there you can pick and choose your hours, pretty much.”

The conversation shifted to the usual small talk issues for a while, before Michelle announced that she had to get to work. Craig stood and found his truck keys and handed them to her.

“I just need a quick word with Jack. Wait in the truck for me?”

Her gaze flicked between them, but she smiled and said to not be long. Both men watched her leave, then Craig turned to Jack.

“What do you think?”

“Yowser pretty much covers it.”

Craig smiled. “She’s a great girl. I really enjoyed the date last night.”

“And the sex afterwards?”

“Of course.” Craig glanced to the door. “I uh, brought up the threesome thing on the date.”

Jack winced. “Jeez, I know I’m eager, but I was kidding about bringing it up this soon.” It may have explained the blushing, though.

Craig sighed. “I know. It was an accident. Still, the good news is that she’s open to the idea, if nervous. We’ll have to play it by ear.”

“Sure thing. Maybe spend some time together, and see how it goes?”

“That’s what I was thinking. I’ll see what she thinks about a day out in the hills or something.”

“She likes to hike? That’ll come in handy when you need your walkies.”

“Fuck you,” Craig said with a smirk as he headed to the door.

“Hey, you forgot something.” He turned, and Jack grinned. “Your leash.”


* * * *


Michelle settled into the passenger seat of Craig’s truck and waited for him to come out. Were they discussing her? Maybe they were planning how to seduce her into sleeping with both of them. Now there was a thought that would keep her distracted at work all day.

Jack had managed to cover his tracks quite smartly, she noticed. When she’d gone to get a drink last night she’d assumed that nobody else was home, so didn’t bother to dress. She’d nearly had a heart attack when she spotted a pair of eyes in the reflection on a window. It was only for a second, but it was clear that someone was standing in the shadows, watching her.

Bent over in the fridge, her ass in the air, she must have been a hell of a sight. Or a target. Thoughts had flooded her mind of Jack coming from the shadows, naked and ready. Of Craig hearing them and joining in. Of her in between the two, screaming in ecstasy as they took her from every possible angle.

By the time she’d stood up and taken a drink, though, her nerve had gone. So instead of introducing herself she had pretended not to notice him and gone back to bed. She certainly hadn’t slept much afterwards, though.

The driver’s door thumped shut, bringing Michelle back from her musings. Craig smiled at her and turned on the engine.


Michelle smiled back. “Ready.”

The drive back to the city was almost depressing. Away from the trees, the hills, and memories of last night, and back to reality, clients, and too many damn e-mails. At least Alison would be there, though they’d probably only see each other at lunch.

As they approached the end of the quiet dirt track that led back onto the open road, Michelle reached over and squeezed Craig’s knee.

“I want to thank you for a lovely evening.” He looked over, and she shifted her hand to his crotch. “So pull over.”

Craig’s eyes widened, but he did as he was told and pulled into a layby just off the track. As soon as the truck was stopped she leant over and unfastened his pants, then pulled out his hardening dick and began to massage it with her fingers. Craig let out a breath as she pulled the foreskin back, revealing his cockhead.

As soon as his cock was hard enough, she began to stroke the shaft, slow at first, then increasing in speed until she found a good pace. Craig was silent, other than some heavy breathing. She often found that men lost the ability to speak once she had her hands full. Or other things…The sight of his cockhead popping up and down through her closed fist had her licking her lips. She lowered her head and heard Craig gasp as she first kissed, then licked, his cock.

A hint of pre-cum hit her tongue, and she felt a twinge in her pussy as she lowered her lips down onto his shaft. God, she loved to give head. In one fell swoop she could render a man speechless, get her rocks off, and get a mouthful of something tasty. The last part wasn’t always the case, depending on what the person ate, but she tended to be lucky in that area. Even Ed, for all his bad points, had tasted great.

She sped slightly, taking as much of his length as she could before pulling back up to the tip. She let her tongue slide up and down his shaft as she worked, and worked her hand on the part that wouldn’t fit. It wasn’t long before he was breathing hard. A hand met the back of her head, pushing her down onto his cock. She let him push, the thought of him taking control only adding to the fun, and relaxed her throat as his cock hit the back of her mouth, taking him deeper still.

That was enough to take him over the edge it seemed, and a moment later thick ropes of salty cum spurted into her mouth. She took everything he gave her, working his cock to make sure she got it all, before swallowing the lot and sliding up off his cock.

“Wow,” was all Craig managed to say in reply for a moment. “I like it when you take charge like that.”

Michelle grinned and licked her lips. “And I like it when you do the same.”

“A good couple, then,” Craig said with a matching grin as he zipped himself back up. “If we weren’t already nearly late for work, I’d drag you into those bushes and fuck you raw.”

Michelle licked her lips, his taste still present. “Don’t tempt me. I don’t need to be fired right now.”

Craig laughed. “Me either. Come on, then. Off we go before our bosses get cranky.”

They arrived at Michelle’s workplace soon after, and she gave Craig her number and a kiss before leaving. He left with a promise to call her later that day to arrange their next date, and Michelle headed to her desk to find Alison sitting in her chair.

“You’re in early.”

Alison jumped up and gave her a quick hug. “Thought I’d best make a good impression. How did last night go?”

Michelle tried not to grin like a loon as she sat. “Pretty good. The movie sucked, but the coffee was good.”

She kept what came after the coffee to herself. It wasn’t that she was ashamed of herself for jumping back into bed with Craig, but she figured if she got started talking about it, it would all come out, threesome ponderings included. And that was private until she’d decided what she was going to do about it.

“So you’re seeing him again?”

“Definitely. He’s calling me tonight after work.”

Alison clapped and bounced on the balls of her feet. “That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, Ally. It’s good to be out and about again.”

“Speaking of going out…” She waggled her eyebrows. “Did you ask Craig whether he has a friend?”

Oh, he has a friend all right. I’m just not sure whether or not I want him.
“Afraid not. He’s got a roommate, but he’s not interested in dating at the moment. Messy breakup or something.”

“Shame.” Alison shrugged. “I guess I’ll have to try your website instead.”

“Oh, I’d heartily recommend it.”


* * * *


Craig waved to Michelle as he pulled away back into traffic. What a night. He’d gone into it expecting nothing more than a movie, but shortly after they had met up it was clear more was coming from it. Even prior to their trip back to the house, Michelle had been a delight to be around. He hoped that there would be many more dates to come in the near future, either with or without Jack.

His cell rang as he came up to a stoplight, and he tapped the button on his dashboard to activate the hands-free speaker.


“Hey, it’s Stefan. Tate wants to meet with you and Jack as soon as possible. Can you make it to my place in the next hour or two?”

That didn’t sound good. “I’ll swing by the house and pick up Jack then head right over. Twenty minutes?”

“See you then.”

Craig glanced at his phone long enough to call the worksite, then took the next turn and headed back to the house. They wouldn’t mind if he was a little late. Just meant they could slack off more.

Jack was waiting in the driveway by the time Craig pulled in, and came straight to the car.

“Stefan called,” he said as he pulled on his seat belt. “Any idea what’s going on?”

“No clue,” Craig said with a frown. “Must be pretty serious, though.”

Jack nodded. “Well, no point worrying till we get there.” He sniffed the air and grinned. “Michelle sucked your cock in the car? How very unsanitary.”

Sometimes having shifters for friends has its downsides…
“Shut up.”

“Not in this lifetime.”

They arrived at Stefan’s cabin ten minutes later. Like most of the pack, his property backed onto the forest. It just made sense. Craig pulled his truck in behind Stefan and Tate’s vehicles and jumped out of the cab. Jack followed just behind. No other cars were parked nearby, and he couldn’t sense any other pack members either. Looked like it was a private meeting, then.

BOOK: Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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