Read Shifters of Shadow Falls Collection (Books 1-3) Online

Authors: Crystal L Shaw

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Contemporary Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Psychological

Shifters of Shadow Falls Collection (Books 1-3) (3 page)

BOOK: Shifters of Shadow Falls Collection (Books 1-3)
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Chapter 4: Devin


Shove it up my ass?
  I kept my face emotionless in front of the guys, but I couldn’t help the smile on my way over to her car.  I’m glad she’s feisty.  My mate, my Ariana.  I love the way her name sounds on my tongue.  I suppress a groan just thinking about saying her name while I pound into her. 

I stare at my mate from the front passenger seat.  Liz can’t seem to get close enough to her.  I can’t help my grin.  She can’t get close enough to her
.  That must be why they got to be so close.  My mate is alpha as fuck; the powerful force is rolling off of her gorgeous body in waves.  If I was a lesser wolf, I’d feel the need to bow to her.  It’s fucking sexy.  She’s subdued though.  My grin vanishes and the impassive mask returns.  Something’s beaten her alpha down, and I’m gonna find out exactly what happened.

Liz’s a cute girl, but she’s been getting on my damn nerves.  At least she’s stopped her wailing.  Out of the two of them, why’d it have to be my mate that passed out?  I swear I was two second away from choking her friend out to just put her to sleep.  It really would’ve been for the best.  But Dom wouldn’t have enjoyed that.  Caleb wouldn’t have liked it either.  I feel so fucking sorry for my Betas.  Having to share your mate – fuck that!  Dom’s already marching towards an uphill battle.  His mate denied him.  Screamed at him, pushed him away and beat him - repeatedly.  She broke his fucking heart.  She didn’t calm in his arms like Ariana did for me.  She only pushed away from me to get to her friend, her pack.  That’s what an alpha does.  A chill runs down my spine; that better have been the
reason she pushed away.

Dom shouldn’t worry though, Liz’s heat will come soon enough and she’ll be begging for him … or Caleb.  They’re so fucked.  I’m going to have to figure something out before they kill each other. 

The headaches don’t stop there.  Vince felt his mate in the stadium just like I felt Ariana last year.  It’s gonna be hell keeping him off human territory.  I should know. 

And of course I’m fucked because I can’t tell Ariana she’s my mate.  If I did, then Dom and Caleb would have to figure out a way to tell Lizie that she belongs to both of them.  And that can’t happen until they figure their shit out.  The two women are scared out of their minds right now, so I don’t think holding off on telling them is going to matter. 

With half of my pack falling over their mates, I should be concerned about us being prepared for the fallout from my old pack, but all I can think about is Ariana.  She’ll be going into heat soon, I can smell it coming on, and I can’t fucking wait.


Part II

The Alpha

Chapter 5: Ari


              “What do you know about werewolves?”  Devin, the alpha, looks at me expectantly, his sharp silver eyes penetrating mine.  His intense stare makes my heart beat chaotically.  There’s an overwhelming feeling of power and dominance radiating off of him.  His elbow is planted on the large, dark maple desk with his chin resting on his fist.  His dark brunette hair has that messy look to it that’s sexy as fuck and his five o’clock shadow is begging me to rub against it.  I imagine feeling his stubble against my inner thighs while he laps at my clit, sucking it into his mouth and letting it go with a “pop.” 
What the fuck is going on with me? 
I clench my thighs and swallow thickly in an attempt to suppress these sudden urges.  Devin’s gaze heats and a knowing grin pulls at his lips.  I purse my lips in response to his arrogance.

              He brought me in here, to his office, as soon as the car stopped.  He practically dragged me away from Lizie.  I didn’t want to part from her; she’s a complete wreck.  And who the hell could blame her?  She stopped crying at least, but I didn’t feel right leaving her.  She shouldn’t be on her own.  Or left alone with
.  Dom, as Devin called him, kept grabbing her arm and his possessive hold on her made me want to beat the shit out of him.  The only thing that stopped me was the fact that each time she pulled away, he released her.  That and the fact that even if I pounded my fists into his chest, I’m sure he wouldn’t feel a thing.  I smirk at the recollection of Lizie doing just that at the offering. 

The size of this “office” is ridiculous.  It’s larger than our entire apartment.  I’m in awe of the sheer size and luxury of werewolves’ estate.  I imagined werewolves lived in the woods, hunting down animals in their wolf form and basically behaving like savages.  If it wasn’t for their large frames and silver eyes, I’d have no idea that these men were anything other than human.   Not that I’ve ever met a werewolf before.  But I’ve always imagined them to be … primitive.  And nothing about them or this place is primitive.  I didn’t get a chance to snoop yet, but my curiosity is overwhelming.  If what Jude and Lev said is true, we’re going to be fine.  But their version of fine and my version may be very different and I still don’t know why they took us.  The thought makes my eyes narrow.  I don’t like being kept in the dark. 

“I asked you a question first.  Please answer it.”  I lift my head and square my shoulders, speaking calmly and politely, but with authority.  He may be an alpha, but he’s not my alpha… or is he?  My brows furrow in confusion at the thought.  His expressionless face gives nothing away.  He sits back in his seat, letting his hand fall to the desk and begins tapping with his fingers as if he’s waiting for something. 

“Your tone leaves much to be desired.”  He slowly rises from his seat and stalks over to me.  He stands directly in front of my chair and leans his ass against the desk.  “That’s something we need to work on Ariana.”  His proximity is overwhelming and I shift in my seat as he crosses his muscular arms.  I love the way my name rolls off his tongue.  But the fact that I love it makes me feel anxious.  I scoff at myself.  I’m uncomfortable because I feel comfortable.  I shouldn’t be feeling so at ease with him.  I sure as hell shouldn’t be fantasizing about him.  Everything about this is just … off.  I would keep my gaze straight ahead, but that would mean staring at the massive bulge in his jeans.  I can’t look him in the eyes, I try to, but I can’t bring myself to carry through with the movement.

“I have to admit that I love your smart mouth,” he uncrosses his powerful arms and takes my chin in his hand, forcing me to look at him.  His silver eyes mesmerize me.  He rubs his thumb across my bottom lip and my body betrays me by sending a hot surge of need to my core.  “Although I enjoy your boldness, you aren’t permitted to speak to me like that in front of the pack.  Is that understood?” 

I nod my head as best as I can with his hand still holding my chin.

“Speak, Ariana.”  Anger courses through me at the command.  I don’t care if I piss him off; I refuse to let him talk to me like that.  I smack his hand away; although I’ll admit that the smack hardly did a damn thing. 

“I’m not a dog!”  I raise my voice in anger and stare straight into his heated gaze.   He relents his hold on my chin and raises his brows in surprise.

“I didn’t think you were.”  The light in his eyes dims and he crosses his arms against his broad chest, stretching the grey Henley, making his delectable, chiseled chest all the more visible.  “When I ask you a question I’d like you to answer me verbally.”  I nod my head while I stare at the desk, avoiding his gaze once again.  After a moment of silence, I glance up at him.  His eyes are narrowed at me and his lips are pressed firmly against one another forming a hard line. 

“I understand.”  I do my best to keep the menace out of my voice. 

“Good.”  His tone is absolute.  “Don’t speak to me like that in front of the pack.”  His hard words make me feel insignificant.  For some reason it makes my heart clench in agony.  Tears prick at the back of my eyes, but I will them to go away. 

Still staring at the desk I respond limply, “I won’t.” 

I see him shift in my periphery, but I don’t bother to look.  I need all of my energy to calm the fuck down.  My emotions are off the damn charts.  I’m exhausted and horny.  I’m angry that he’s talking down to me – although I suppose that should be expected.  I’m upset that I’ve been taken from the life I worked so hard to finally have.  I feel like a shit friend for leaving Lizie.  And it’s all hitting me at once.  It’s on the verge of being unbearable.  But then again, when you’ve been taken from your home by a pack of werewolves, how the hell are you supposed to feel? 

“As far as answering your question, I’ll tell you why you’re here when the time is right.  For now, just get settled and make yourselves at home.”  My eyes fly to his and I part my lips to object.  I want to plead with him to let us go, but he stops my appeal before it begins.

“You’re a part of our pack now; there’s no changing that, so you better get used to the idea of staying.  The sooner the better.”  I swallow my plea, but my mouth is suddenly dry.  A hard lump forms in my throat, choking me.  We’re stuck here.  They’re keeping us.  The tears prick again and I don’t have the strength or energy to stop them.  I feel like an ass for crying.  It’s unproductive, but I can’t seem to will them away. 

I’m given a moment of reprieve when his cell phone vibrates on the desk.  He maintains eye contact with me as he answers.  He doesn’t speak, just holds it to his ear.  I can’t make out what the person on the other end is saying, but whatever it is, it pisses Devin off if his scowl is any indication.

“Yeah, I’m sure it was a real fucking emergency.  I wanna know as soon as his ass gets back.  What about the paperwork?”  He listens for a moment longer and then ends the call without so much as a word. 

He sets the phone down and his silver eyes glance down my body before settling on my gaze again.  His expression implies that he’s contemplating what he should do with me.  Which brings me back to my question. 
Why the fuck did he take me?

“What do you want from us?”  I search his hard eyes for compassion, or sympathy, or something, but he’s emotionless. 

His jaw ticks.  “I told you I’ll tell you when the time is right.”  My eyes fall and my chest pains at his response.  “Just know that you will be alright.  You’ll be safe and the pack wants nothing more than for you and Lizie to be happy here with us.”  His voice softens some at the end. 

“If you want us to be happy, let us go home.”  I plead softly to the wooden floor while picking thoughtlessly at my nails.

“Enough!”  His hard yell makes me jump in the seat.  His voice levels in determination.  “You aren’t going anywhere.  Get used to it.”  I sniffle weakly and feel like a fool for speaking the words.  I haphazardly wipe away the bastard tears falling down my heated cheeks. 

I flinch as his strong, muscular arms wrap around my small body, picking me up and pulling me into his hard chest, just like one would a child. 
What the hell is he doing?
  My body stiffens in his embrace.  I stop myself from pushing away from him.  Honestly, it feels good to be held, even if he has no right to handle me like this.  Half of me wants to fall asleep nestled in his chest.  The other half wants to run far away and hide from him.  He carries me as though I weigh nothing and settles me in his lap as he leans back in his chair.  I sit straight up lifting as much of my body as I can off of him, keeping my eyes straight ahead, staring at the wall.  I don’t try to get up though.  His large hands are firmly grasping my hip and thigh.  He has no intention of letting me go.  My breathing picks up and my entire body goes on high alert. 

Chapter 6: Ari

My head is roughly level with his chest, so he speaks looking down at me. 
How apt.
  My eyes stare straight ahead at the wall in his office.  The abstract images of wooded lands are actually quite beautiful and they calm me slightly. 

“I’ll ask you again, please be reasonable and just answer my question Ariana.  What do you know about werewolves?”

His thumb moves slow circles over my thigh and I find myself relaxing in his embrace.  Something about him soothes me.  Exhaustion overwhelms me as my body eases from his touch.  His hand at my hip releases me and he starts gently stroking up and down the curve of my waist.  I sigh at his soft touches, feeling myself slip deeper into comfort.  Although he could easily maneuver his hand up my shirt so we’d be skin to skin he doesn’t.  I’m grateful for the restraint, but at the same time I crave his body against mine.  For some unknown reason I warm with his consoling touch.  My anxiety seems to vanish and suddenly I can’t remember what I was so concerned about.  Everything just feels right and all I can think about is how good this feels.  As if reading my mind, he gently pulls me into his hard chest and I let my body fall against his.  My hand rests against his powerful body and I place my head next to it, as though my intention is to listen to the steady beat of his heart. 

“Ariana?”  His voice is soft and gentle.

“Yes?”  I answer easily, rubbing my cheek against his chest. 

“What do you know about werewolves?”  He asks again, keeping his voice low and soothing.  I feel so tired and relaxed that I hardly hear his words.  I nuzzle into his neck and have an intense urge to lick his throat and leave open-mouthed kisses all over his chest.

As quickly as the urges come on, they leave me. 
What the fuck!
  The realization of what I’d intended to do strikes me with a force that jolts me awake.  I jerk out of his embrace and stand up so quickly I almost fall flat on my face.  Devin doesn’t move.  He raises one eyebrow in question. 

“Are you doing this to me?”  My brows furrow in anger and I stare him down.  Of course he’s doing this to me.  That mother fucker.  I’m not a damn toy he can play with!

“Doing what?”  He asks as though he has no idea.  I fucking know that he knows.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about!”  I yell at him accusingly.  I don’t care if the rest of the pack can hear me or not.  I’ll talk to him however I fucking want.

He stares at me without moving, without giving me any expression or indication that he’s even heard me. 

“Calm down.” 

Calm down?
  I want to cry at his response.  What the fuck is happening to me?  I need to get away from him.  I search for the door, feeling extremely disoriented and light-headed.  Holy fuck – did they drug me?  I grip the edge of the desk.

“Ariana?”  He sounds concerned this time and he gets up from his seat to try to steady me, but I push against him and nearly stumble into the wall. 

“You drugged me?”  I say it as more of a statement and I can’t keep the sadness out of my tone.  How the hell did I let that happen?  I think back for a moment when they could’ve slipped me something, but I haven’t eaten anything.  I haven’t had a drink. 

He approaches me cautiously, like one would approach a wild, wounded animal.  I don’t blame him.  I’m so unpredictable that I don’t even know how I’m going to react.  He holds up his hands.  “No one drugged you.”  He reaches for me, but I take a step back and round the desk, getting closer to the door.  My heart drops in my suddenly hollow chest. 
  Fuck!  I shouldn’t have left her alone. 

“Ariana, you’re safe.  It’s okay.”  I shake my head at his words.  The action makes me feel dizzy again.  My skin feels heated and a tingling sensation takes over my limbs. 
.  What the fuck is going on?  He hasn’t tried to grab me, but I take another step away from him to get closer to the door.  I start breathing frantically and I don’t know if it’s from the drug or from my anxiety.  I try to swallow again, but I can’t.

“Ariana, I think you’re going into shock.”  He stays where he is with his arms still raised.  “Just try to calm down okay?”  I stare at him like a deer in headlights. 

Shock?  Is that what this is?  No, that doesn’t explain me wanting to fuck his brains out.  I bite my lip at the thought.  I’ve never felt this way before.  My gaze travels over his body.  He’s fucking gorgeous.  He’s got a bad boy vibe to him that let’s you know he’d pin your legs back and fuck you like he hated you.  My lips part and I let out a small moan as I picture just that.  My pussy clenches and heats as a hot moisture pools between my thighs. 

A look of relief flashes across Devin’s face almost too quickly for me to notice.  But I fucking notice.  I give him a questioning look. 

“Calm down Ariana.”  His voice is firm now. 

“No, tell me what the fuck is going on.”  I just barely get the words out with an air of authority.  My body is begging me to bow to him.  A hot sensation pulses through me, starting at my core.  It makes me squirm.  I can’t stop my facial expression from showing my desperation.  Something’s wrong.  My eyes plead with him to help as the tears fall.  I wipe them again as quickly as I can, trying to hide my desperation.

“What did you do to me?”  Any substance of authority I had has vanished.  I’m practically begging him to give me answers.  My skin feels cold and hot and numb all at the same time.

“I didn’t do anything.  I promise you.”  His eyes look so sincere, but I know something is very very wrong.  “It’s only because you’re around me that you feel this way.”  His tone conveys his sympathy. 

“Then I need to leave now!”  His eyes harden and his fists clench.  “I’m not okay!”  I yell and practically beg with the same words.

“No.”  His stern reply offers no alternative.

My body crumples and heats, making me feel weak and light-headed once again.  “Please help me.”  I plead with him. 

He nods his head, “I’ll help you sweetheart.  Come here.  Let me hold you.”  My tired eyes look him up and down.  What other choice do I have?  I can run, but how far would I get?  I feel so weak.  If he can help me, I’ll let him.  I thrive with independence, but I’m not fucking stupid.  My body is begging me to listen to him and to obey.  I cave and sulk back to him.  As I near him he sits down and opens his arms.  He wants me to sit back down on his lap.  I move to surrender to him but then I remember Lizie, I hesitate and look to the door once again. 

“She won’t be feeling what you’re feeling.  Not yet.”  His voice brings my focus back to him.  I stare at his face as I try to comprehend his words.

“Why?”  Is all I manage to get out.  He thins his lips in a hard line.  My eyes beg him to tell me.  He takes a deep breath, looking at the wall then back at me. 

“She’s not in heat yet.” 

“Heat?”  I tilt my head in confusion.  He just nods his head, maintaining eye contact.  My eyes widen in shock and outrage.  “Like a fucking dog!”  He grimaces and then a low growl barrels from his chest.

BOOK: Shifters of Shadow Falls Collection (Books 1-3)
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