She Shouldnt, But She Will (4 page)

BOOK: She Shouldnt, But She Will
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“Who are you,” she demanded.

“Someone who knows your desire for adventure.”

She knew he was right but apprehension consumed her. “Please don’t hurt me. I’ll do what you want.”

"I want to fulfill your every wish. But you must obey."

Standing placidly but with her insides churning, she faced the window, or at least she thought so. Arms reached around her and two strong hands took control of her breasts, gently kneading them as she was pulled back against a firm chest. His arms trapped hers and the stimulation of her nipples prompted her to round her shoulders. Her heart raced from excitement rather than fear. Being taken by an anonymous man had always been a fantasy, although one she’d never revealed to a soul, not even to Henry, her late husband.

A warm breath tickled her ear. “That’s a good girl. You just might enjoy this.”

His hand left her right breast and moved up to her neck. A chill crawled up her spine as her imagination conjured the worst scenarios. She lifted her chin and let his hand stroke the column of her neck. The strength of his rough hand indicated he could easily kill her, but he had said if she cooperated he wouldn’t hurt her. With the tingle running through her, she had no will to stop him.

Between the caress of her neck and massage of her breast, Thia was lost between sensations of helplessness and the stimulation of danger. Then she realized the hand that had been stroking her neck now unbuttoned her blouse. The pressure holding her right arm slowly eased but she didn’t move. Remembering the blinds were open and the dawn would make it easy for people to see in her office, her heart sank, wondering if anyone watched from one of the boats or with a telescope from the other side of the bay. And if they did, would they realize what was happening?

When all of the buttons on her blouse were free, the assault on her left breast stopped. Her blouse was pushed down her arms. The man gave a hum of appreciation. Her rapid heartbeat and increased respiration caused her breasts to rise and fall. His finger flicked her nipple through her bra. The cool air from the vent sent goose bumps down her arms and across her chest. Her nipples pebbled and probed the lace that barely covered them.

“Nice,” he murmured. Big hands inched their way down her torso, stroking a path to her waistband. “You have a firm body. That makes me want you even more.”

Her breathing quickened when he reached the top of her skirt. Just when she expected him to invade below, he pushed her shoulders forward and unlatched her bra. Light-headedness struck when the cool air kissed her breasts and her nipples puckered. She started to lift her hands to cover herself but he pushed them back down to her sides. “You shouldn’t hide yourself, there might be watchers.”

Thia flinched and tried to pull away but he trapped her. The heat of a blush stole over her with the thought someone could be staring at her naked breasts. The feeling intensified when he whispered, “Now stand still. I’m not finished.”

Her heart sank, feeling her skirt slide down her legs.

“Take off your panties and hose.”

Without an argument but with a feeling of despair, she pushed them down. He held her steady as she stepped out of them and kicked her clothing aside. Now naked except for the blind fold, she wondered what he would do. “What now? Do you have friends watching us?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” His hands now on her breasts and her arms trapped by her side, he whispered in her ear, “Someone you know, too.”

Thia’s heart raced. Someone she knew would watch her be humiliated? Who could be so cruel? Then she scented her own arousal at the thought of someone spying on the scene. Unconsciously, she played into his hands by arching her back, rocking her hips.

The man’s hands inched down her stomach and into her pubic hair. She bent slightly in anticipation. “Please don’t.”

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”

“My employees will be in soon.”

“That’s your problem, not mine.”

Thia gasped and clenched her thighs together when she felt a finger penetrate the private space between her legs.

“Oh no, we can’t have that. Open up or I will do it for you.”

Spreading her feet, she gave him room to explore at will, moaning when he found her throbbing clit.

“Good, that’s good. Smile for our friend.”

“I don’t believe there’s anyone watching, you son of a bitch.” His finger breached the opening of her pussy and she moaned again, in spite of herself. It didn’t matter that her employees might be coming to work and hear her.

He moved beside her to give his hand better access.

“Be nice to me, Sweetcakes.” With his finger stroking and rubbing between her legs, he fisted her hair.

She knew before his lips touched hers he was going to kiss her. She tried to keep from kissing him back but his tongue traced the seam of her lips, his finger spread the cream from her pussy over her clit and she couldn’t avoid the moan that gave his tongue access to her mouth. For the little comfort it gave her, he groaned too, showing he was losing control as fast as she.

Of their own volition, her hands moved to his back and found he was naked also. Impossible! How had that happened? The question flitted through her mind and then she pushed it aside.

Pulling him to her, her breasts rubbed his chest sending swirls of need through her. Much more of this and she’d come on his hand. Absorbed in the moment she followed his lead as he lifted her leg to the desktop. Her breath caught in her throat, feeling his cock against her belly, knowing what was about to happen. She should stop him, she should scream, or push him away or something, but her will was gone as his tongue pushed in and out of her mouth.

“Tell me what to do,” he rasped.

“But you have me trapped.”

“You’re in control. You’ve always been in control. What’s happened so far has been because you wanted it to. What do you want now? Tell me.” The last was a whisper against her ear.

“I want you inside me.”

Her body out of control, she almost came as his cock pushed into her pussy. Slowly he invaded deeper and deeper until his hips snugged against hers. The rhythm of his thrusts came in sync with his tongue’s assaults on her mouth. It wasn’t long before she contracted with waves of sensation and fireworks of light behind her eyes. The orgasm rocked her very being. Moments later, he grunted his completion and pulled out. His cum trailed a path down her inner thigh.

“Very nice show.” Roughly, he turned her and pressed her spread eagle against the glass, then removed the blindfold. The light blinded her and her hand came down to shield her eyes. His hand came from behind and tapped on the glass. Tap, tap, tap. “I’d say a
nice show.” Tap, tap, tap.

Tap, tap, tap. “Thia, are you in there? I brought you a cup of coffee.”

Thia jerked up in the chair. July’s voice came from the other side of the door. The balance sheets were still before her, the numbers still on the terminal. She rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands. How long had she slept? At least a couple of hours. What a dream.

She turned her large chair around from the terminal on the credenza. “Come on in, July,” she called out. From behind her oak desk, she watched her admin walk across the office, and put the coffee on the stone coaster.

“Are you all right? I had to knock a long time, and you’re flushed and out of breath.”

“I’m fine. I just fell asleep and had a strange dream, that’s all.” Thia reached for the cup July placed on the desk. “Thanks for the coffee, it’s just what I need right now. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

She took a sip of hot caffeine and sighed. Attempting to get hold of the situation she continued, “I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on. I can’t isolate the mistaken transactions to a single person or customer. Damn, these things never happened when Henry was alive. I think it was a mistake for me to take over.”

“Your husband would have had trouble with this mess, too. So far we’ve caught the discrepancies before the customers found them, but we can’t keep on like this.”

“You’re right.” Heaving a sigh, Thia pushed the papers aside and closed her weary eyes. Moments later, she popped open one eye. “I’ll bet you thought this coffee would buy you some information on how my date went with Aaron, or did you talk to him yesterday?”

July smiled and leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs and holding her own cup in both hands. “I couldn’t reach him and you’re right about the coffee. You didn’t answer your phone yesterday morning, either. Were you with Aaron?”

“No, I wasn’t. What did you do yesterday?”

“We went on a picnic with the grandkids. Now, about Aaron?”

“We were to meet at a gallery on Market, but I’d no more than gotten there when Aaron called and cancelled. He said he had some kind of emergency.”

“Oh, no! I’m so sorry, Thia. Wait till I see that ass again. And after I built him up for you, too.”

Thia tried to keep from laughing and failed. “It’s all right. It so happens, the most beautiful hunk of man was standing right in front of me when I hung up the phone. He was one of the artists. Oh, July, you should see his work. In fact you can when you come to the house next time because I bought four. It’s so amazing, it almost made me cry.”

“Wait a minute. I’m beginning to get a picture here. The artist is the reason you weren’t home yesterday morning?”

Thia’s cheeks flushed with heat. “I’ll never tell.” Then she saw the knowing look on her friend’s face and said, “Oh, hell, yes I will. It was amazing. He was amazing. You know I’ve needed to let loose and get back in the mode of living.” July nodded. “That’s why you set me up with Aaron, so I decided to take the leap. I wanted to dress and act hot for the date, but my meeting ran long and I had to go in work clothes. The tight skirt and pumps must have worked anyway.” She smiled past her embarrassment.

“Heavens, girl! I want details.”

“Well, I looked around the gallery, drinking wine and chatting. Then Derek—that’s his name, Derek—took me to his studio down on

Third Street

“You went to his studio? Down in that part of town? Are you out of your mind, woman? What if something had happened? What if he was a perv—”

“I know. I thought about it and I decided to go anyway. I was up for being wild, July, and I trusted this guy for some reason. And I’m alive, right? So stop worrying. It was one night, a one fling thing. Over and done with. But, oh my, before it was over and done with, it was fantastic.” She stared into space, lost in the memory of her night with Derek. Or was it the sensation of her dream from a few minutes ago? “Let’s just say, I’ve heard it before but never understood the meaning of the word—” Thia sat forward and lowered her voice, “—fuck, before I met Derek.” She sighed at the memory then leaned back in her chair and smiled like the cat that knew exactly what happened to the missing canary. “So you can’t tell me I need to get laid any more. I’ve been laid,

July was speechless for a long minute. Then she shut her mouth, sipped her coffee and looked up with sparkling eyes. “Well, I must say, you do look different this morning. Are you going to see him again?”

“That’s the kicker. I don’t know anything about him except he paints in a studio on

Third Street
and the lady at the gallery thinks he’s a great guy. I guess I could see him again if I wanted to, but I think I’d rather just keep Saturday night and Sunday morning as good memories. When I thought about what I’d done, putting my life in danger by going off alone with a stranger, it scared me. I’m more the boring, play it safe kind of person.”

Thia said the words then wondered why they caused such a stir of discontent deep inside. She’d always been happy with her conservative lifestyle, BD—Before Derek. And she still could be. She just had to forget about the thrill of adventure and excitement of the unknown.

“Besides,” she continued, “I’m sure he thinks I’m a slut in a business suit. But I did have fun.”

“I’m happy you had fun, and I’m glad you’re safe after doing such a stupid thing.”

“Yes, well, enough of all that. Our problem happened again last night.”

“Oh no! With the same accounts?” July pulled a chair around the desk and sat beside Thia so she could see the computer screen.

“No, different accounts, but the same low figures. That’s actually how I caught it last night. I’ve made the corrections, but I don’t see how we can keep this up. To confuse things even more, these were generated electronically. It looks more like a software problem.”

“Thia, we’ve been down this road before and nobody can find any problem with the software or the hardware.”

“I know but that’s the only common factor. Believe me I’m at my wit’s end. We may be forced into getting new software.” She sat quietly for a moment, absently sipping her coffee. Suddenly she set the cup down with a thump and blew out an exasperated breath. “But how can it be the software? We’ve been using this version for years and the problems just started.”

July eyed her boss. “Face it. With all that’s happened since Henry died, you need help.”

Cynthia and Henry had founded the company. She was as skilled an accountant as he had been and as responsible for the business. But after all that had happened in the months since his death, she felt like a failure. “You’re right. I hate to do this because it looks like I can’t handle this company.”

July laid a hand on Thia’s arm. “You’ve done everything that can be done. You have nothing to berate yourself for—Henry couldn’t have handled these problems any better.”

Thia nodded, and heaved a sigh showing her despair. “Okay, you better get on with verifying this week’s reports and I’ll dig deeper into these numbers.”


* * * *


The ring of the phone in the studio snapped Derek out of his concentration and he put down his palate and brush. “Hello.”

“Derek this is Peter Slayton. Are you still coming down to Monterey next Saturday?

“I’m planning to. Is there a problem?”

“No, quite the opposite. I have an invitation for two to a fund raiser at the house we talked about. I can’t attend but it would be great if you could because the room where most of the night’s activities will be happening is the focus for my decorating scheme. The fund raiser is for some trendy cause, I don’t remember which.”

BOOK: She Shouldnt, But She Will
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