She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale (6 page)

BOOK: She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale
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“Your ass needs some damn help, bruh.”

“Nah, nigga. Your ass needs some damn help for starting this shit you ’bout to be stuck in the middle of.”

“Shorty said they’re not together, so it’s all good. That nigga don't own her just because they got a kid, bruh. You know me. It is what it is. He wanna come for me, let him. He just better come correct.”

“I swear your ass ain't been home but a hot ass minute, and you already got me stuck in the middle of some bullshit,” Train said and laughed.

“I ain't asking you for shit.”

“But you know your battles are my battles. Fuck, that shit don’t change, so if you got beef with Black, then I got beef with Black.”

“You know I appreciate that, but I’m also not gon’ ask you to put this shit on you.”

“The fuck, Miego? You ain't gotta ask. I know you heard what the fuck I just said.”

Train held his hand up and Miego met it with his. That was that, whatever happened from here, they were in it together.

“Now start the damn game so I can whoop your ass. I know you think you been running shit since I been gone,” Miego said with a smirk.

“Man, fuck you. It ain't nothing.”

Train started the game again and the two friends settled in, talking trash and just chillin’. Whatever problems were coming would be dealt with, but for now, they were just in the moment.

Chapter Four

ommy, I see Daddy!” Rayah yelled from the back seat as she pointed out the window at Black, who was leaning against his truck with a few of his crew.

Yami wished that she could be just as excited as her daughter, but she knew it was about to be some bullshit. It was crazy to her how she was so tough with everyone except Black. Being small all her life had given her a feisty firecracker attitude. She had fought guys and girls damn near three times her size without an ounce of fear in her heart and had come out on the winning side, but with Black, it was different. He broke her down in ways that she didn’t even understand.

“You want me to stay?” Yaz looked at her sister for a brief second before she looked over at Black. He winked at Yaz and she rolled her eyes.

“Nah, I’m good. We’re good right now, and he just wants to see Ray. I’ll call you later when I get back to Mommy’s house.”

Yaz looked at her sister for a second before she nodded. She knew that Yami and Black weren't always fighting, especially when Ray was around, but she also knew that Black was a little bipolar. It didn't take much to set him off.

“I’ight, if that nigga starts tripping, call me, and I’ll come get you.”

Yami laughed at her sister because she knew she was serious. She would fight Black if she had to, and Yami loved her for that.

“Girl, bye.” Yami laughed and got out.

She grabbed her book bag and purse before she opened the door of the back seat to get Rayah out. She held Rayah’s hand as she waved at her sister, who watched the two of them walk over to Black before she pulled away from the curb.

“Daddy, do you have a surprise for me?” Rayah asked, snatching away from Yami and running up to him.

She held her arms up, and like always, he lifted her from the ground and held her against his chest before kissing both of her cheeks. A smile spread across his face as he looked at her.

“Why you always asking me for stuff, shorty?” Black teased his daughter.

“Because that's what I’m supposed to do.” Rayah’s smile matched her father's. In her eyes, her father did no wrong and she loved him with all her heart as a daughter should.

Yami stood watching the two of them and waiting. She didn't speak to or look at any of Black’s crew because she didn't want to give him a reason to flip out on her.

“Yo, we’ll catch up with you in a minute. We’ll let you do the family thing,” Tech said before he lifted his arm and leaned toward Black.

Black did the same and their forearms created a cross in the air as they connected. Lo did the same before Black spoke to them.

“I’ight, just give me a minute and I’ll come check you out.”

“What up, Yami?” Tech looked at her with a grin, but she didn't speak, which made him laugh. He was just fucking with her because he knew she wouldn't speak.

Tech and Lo walked off and Black continued talking to his daughter about nothing important while he walked toward his apartment. He had yet to acknowledge Yami, which had her feeling tense. She knew that he was pissed about something, so she prepared herself for the bullshit. Her only saving grace was that Ray was with her, so she knew he wouldn’t overreact. He never did while Ray was around.

Once they made it up to the second floor of his apartment building and to his door, Black reached in his pocket for his keys.

“Daddy, let me,” Ray yelled, reaching for the keys.

“Come on, shorty, you're not big enough to unlock Daddy’s door,” Black teased, but handed her the key.

“I’m big, I can do it,” Ray said confidently.

Yami smiled as she watched her daughter fumble with the key. Black guided her hand, and once she had it unlocked, he kissed her.

“Look at you, Ray, you’re getting so big now. I’m not ready for that.” Black hugged her tightly against his chest and she giggled as they entered his apartment. Yami walked in after them, then shut and locked the door before she dropped her book bag and purse on the sofa.

“Daddy, can I watch a movie?”

“Yeah, but in your room. I need to talk to Mommy real quick. You need me to turn it on for you?”

“No, I can do it,” Ray yelled after she took off down the hall toward her room.

“Shut your door, baby girl,” Black yelled after her.

“Okay, Daddy.”

Black waited to hear Ray’s door close before he walked into the kitchen. Yami stood next to the couch preparing herself, and a few seconds later Black returned with a soda in his hand. He walked past her, but grabbed her hand and led them to his bedroom. Once inside, he closed and locked the door.

“So, you wanna tell me who this nigga is that's offering you rides and shit?” Black untwisted the top to his soda and turned it up before he placed it on the nightstand next to his bed. When he was done, he sat on the edge and looked at Yami.

“I told you they weren't talking to me.”

Black chuckled. “You must think I’m stupid, Yami. That nigga was loud as fuck, which meant that he was in your face. So who is he?”

“I don't know who he is because he wasn't talking to me. I’m not lying, Black.” She looked right at him with a straight face, hoping he believed her.

“Take your clothes off.”

“What?” Yami hadn’t expected him to say that, so it caught her off guard. She was preparing for a fight, but Black had other plans.

“You heard me, take that shit off.”

“Ray is—”

“Ray is fine. You know how she gets when she’s watching that princess shit. She’s not worried about us right now. Take that shit off,” Black demanded.

Yami knew the look he was giving her, and she knew better than to challenge him, so she stepped out of her Nikes and then rolled her leggings and panties down her thighs until she could step out of them. Once she was done, she pulled her shirt over her head and unfastened her bra.

Black watched her the entire time. When she was completely naked, his tongue glided across his lips. He didn't smile, in fact, she couldn't read his expression at all.

She admired his dark skin and dark brown eyes. Black's shoulder length dreads were neatly done as always in two fishtail braids, one on each side of his head, making Yami wonder what bitch had done it for him. Whoever it was, she knew he had fucked her for payment.

He was so sexy to her, but she hated the demon inside him. He could be so loving at times, and then just like that, he was hateful and uncaring. The way he treated her like she was his possession made it even worse. Yami stood there waiting while Black pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his chiseled body, smooth chocolate skin that was barely visible because it was covered with tattoos. Her eyes found her name right next to Rayah's, but it didn't mean anything to her. It was simply his way of further claiming her as his possession. It wasn’t a sign of love.

Black stepped out of his Timbs and moved toward Yami until he was inches away from her. The tip of his finger moved down the side of her face, to her chest, and then down her stomach, before he grabbed her around the neck and forced her against the wall. She gasped for air as he squeezed just enough to affect her breathing, but not enough to hurt her.

“If you think for one second that there’s anybody out there for you but me, then that one second is when you determine that you don't want to live. If you ever fuck around on me, I will take your life, Yami. When I say it's over, you can walk away, but until then, it's you and me, baby girl. Do you hear me?”

She nodded as a tear rolled out of her eyes, which he wiped away with his free hand, just then unbuckled his jeans and released himself. Once his manhood was free, he lifted Yami and lowered her onto him, holding her small frame in place as he slowly moved in and out of her. She didn't fight him on it because a part of her still wanted him. She just wished that he could be what she needed him to be.

“You love me, Yami?”

Her eyes were closed as she held onto him to steady herself, but she didn't speak. She did love him, but not in the way he was asking.

Her silence caused him to pump harder inside her and bite down on her neck before he asked again.

“Do you love me, Yamiah?”

She nodded, still not wanting to speak.

“Tell me then,” he said, grabbing her chin and turning her face to his.

She opened her eyes and his were focused on her. “I love you,” she released quickly and then turned her head.

He chuckled and buried his face in the crook of her neck, focusing on his strokes. Once he knew Yami’s orgasm had hit, he focused on his and then released inside of her on purpose. Black wanted a son, and he wanted Yami to give it to him. He had sex with a lot of women, but none of them unprotected. She was the only one because he wasn't with having kids spread across the city. That was another reason why he wasn't about to let her go.

Black loved Yami in his own way, but that didn't mean he knew how to be what she needed. He would figure it out in time, but for now, she would just have to take him as he was. Black's father had taught him at an early age that one woman was never enough when it came to pleasing a man, but one was all you needed to create a legacy for you.

Black's father always kept women around him, but his mother was the only one who ever had any of his children. Black was just like his father, call it following in his footsteps, or just being greedy, but it was all he knew.



“How did it go today?” Ginette asked her son after she sat down next to him on the sofa. She lifted her hand and gently patted his thigh while he leaned into her with his shoulder just a little and kissed her on her cheek.

“It was straight. You know how that shit goes. They just want my money and my time.”

“Just do what you’re supposed to do, and it will be over soon. The last thing you need is them giving you a hard time when you’re actually trying to do the right thing.” She looked up at him and smiled.

Miego knew that his mother who he was, but deep in the back of her mind, she was hopeful that he would somehow transform into a law abiding citizen who would not cause her any more heartache and make her proud.

That shit was never going to happen, but he let her think that because it was what she needed. Miego was a hustler, his father was a hustler, and every man who ever played a significant role in his life was a hustler. Why would anyone, his mother included, believe that he would ever be anything other than a dope boy?

“I got you, ma. Don't worry about me.”

She smiled before standing. “That’s all I know how to do.” With that, she left him sitting there.

It was just after eight and Miego had been thinking about Yami all day, but he was trying to give it time before he hit her up, especially since she claimed she wasn't going to answer. Honestly, the only thing saving him was the fact that his phone wasn't on him. He had purposely left it in his room so he wouldn't be tempted to call or text her. It had been hours since he left her at the student union building, but his patience was running out. He needed to talk to her, or at least text her to see if she would actually answer.

Miego stood to get his phone but then stopped dead in his tracks. “I’m tripping, shorty got me sweating her,” Miego mumbled to himself and then sat back down.

It wasn't like him to be worried about a female. It just wasn't his thing. In fact, it was more like him to ignore them. But for some reason, he couldn't keep his mind off Yami. She was consuming his thoughts, and that had him all out of sync.

To get his mind off her, he decided to focus on something else, so he picked up the remote and started flipping through channels. Stopping at SportsCenter, he leaned back and slid one hand into his sweat pants while the other held the remote. It only lasted for a few minutes because Yami kept creeping into his head and he felt a swell happening, so he removed his hand, let his eyes close and his head fall back.

“Fuck, what the hell is this shit?” He chuckled to himself, thinking about how he couldn’t focus on anything but Yami, so he finally gave in and decide to call her.

He stood and made his way to his room, shut the door and fell onto the twin sized bed that he’d had since he was sixteen years old. After he grabbed his phone from the table beside it, he searched for her number and dialed, feeling like a bitch because he was damn near holding his breath while it rang.

“Damn, her little ass really didn't answer,” Miego said a little pissed, thinking that Yami had played him.

He opened his texts and was about to send her a smart ass comment about her not answering, but that was cut off when her name flashed across his screen with an incoming call.
She called right back.

“Hey, sorry, I didn't hear my phone until it was too late,” she said, sounding out of breath

“You know who this is?”

“I don't give my number out, and every other number in my phone is saved, so yes, I know who you are,” she stated matter-of-factly, which made him smile.

“I guess I should really feel honored then, not only did you give me your number, but you answered after you said you wouldn’t.”

She gave him the sweetest laugh, which instinctively made his hand move to his slow rising erection.

BOOK: She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale
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