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Authors: Chandra Ryan

SharedObjectives (3 page)

BOOK: SharedObjectives
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“Are you sure?” Instead of stepping back and giving her
space, he braced one arm above her on the doorjamb and leaned even closer to

Yep. It wasn’t fear she was feeling. If she had to give it a
name, she’d call it anxiousness. That fluttery feeling she’d get in the pit of
her stomach when she knew everything was about to change. “I’m sure.”

“Good. I like you.” He stared at her for another moment
before pushing away from the doorjamb. “I’d like to think the feeling is
mutual.” He turned and then took several steps into the night.

She stared out into the darkness long after he’d left,
trying to make sense of his words before she finally gave up and closed the
door. He liked her? What exactly did he mean by that? She ran her fingers
through her hair in an attempt to detangle it. But she quickly gave up. The
knots were too dense and she was too tired. So tired that she was most likely
reading something into a perfectly innocent conversation.

As she replayed their evening together in her head, she
began to feel foolish about the whole thing. He’d said he liked her, not that
he wanted her. No one could be attracted to her in her current state. She must
have let her imagination get carried away. She’d seen something that wasn’t

Turning, she walked over to the bed and then lay down next
to her son. As she held his tiny body next to hers, her thoughts started to
wander. Okay, maybe Dixie hadn’t been attracted to her. Maybe she had imagined
it. But if he were, would the feelings be mutual?

He was attractive. She remembered the fluttery feeling in
the pit of her stomach and smiled. Okay, hot was probably a better descriptor
for the man. And he could protect Nate. Something she couldn’t count on Nate’s
father to do.

She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind so she could
fall asleep. But Dixie refused to leave her. The last thought she had before
finally drifting off was how inviting and tempting his mouth had been when it’d
been just inches from hers.

Chapter Two


Ben stormed around his quarters and tried not to think about
Dixie being with Lisa. He told himself that he didn’t want to see his friend
played for the same fool he’d been but he couldn’t completely convince himself
that was all there was to it. Even he could see the differences between his
relationship with Lisa and the one Dixie would have with her. The most obvious
being that Dixie knew Lisa worked as a government scientist. Or, at least, she

He shook his head as he thought about Lisa and Dixie again.
It just didn’t make any sense. Had he known who Lisa worked for, he never
would’ve made a move on her. He never would’ve voluntarily given her the chance
to screw him over. But it didn’t seem to bother Dixie. If anything, the man
seemed to like that she’d worked for the enemy.

He went to sit but couldn’t because of the blanket of dirty
clothes that currently occupied his spot on the couch. With an irritated sigh,
he scooped up an armful of the laundry and threw it onto the floor. He’d wash
it tomorrow. Right now he just needed to relax and get some sleep. He sank down
into the couch and then closed his eyes. Only, he couldn’t find any peace with
the chaos surrounding him.

He growled as he opened his eyes and looked around the room.
Maybe his mood couldn’t be completely blamed on Lisa. He liked things neat. And
he hated that anyone who came into his quarters right now might think he
enjoyed living like this. He’d just been too busy with assignments to worry
about the mounds of mess accumulating in his quarters. And when he did find
himself at home, he’d tell himself that he’d take care of it tomorrow or the
next day. But who was he kidding? He ran his hands through his hair in
frustration. He never stuck around long enough to get to tomorrow let alone the
day after. The same would undoubtedly hold true after this evening’s mission.
He’d probably be out the door again before he had a chance to catch up on his
missing sleep let alone his chore list.

He’d just pulled out his digital reader and started to make
notes about the rescue when a knock echoed through the room. He wanted to tell
the person to go away but couldn’t. It was late. Whatever the man wanted had to
be important for him to disturb Ben.

“Who is it?” he asked as he reluctantly got up off the
couch. He’d made it to the door before he heard Dixie identify himself. That
was interesting. He figured Dixie would still be with Lisa. He opened the door
and stood back so the other man could walk past him. “Everything all right?”

The wary look Dixie gave him warned Ben to brace himself.
This wasn’t going to be pleasant. He didn’t know it would be painful, though,
until he heard what the man had come to tell him.

“What the hell do you mean I’m going to be looking over
Lisa’s work? I’m not a fucking babysitter!” The words were harsh but the
assignment Dixie had just given him had to be a joke. A sick joke at that.

“I understand that this might be uncomfortable for you but
the order came down from Commander Wallace.”

“Uncomfortable?” Ben stared at the man as if he’d just grown
two heads. “No. Uncomfortable was flying halfway across the territory to rescue
the woman who used me. This is horrific.” He couldn’t really blame Dixie for
the assignment. Orders were orders. If he was going to blame anyone it should
be the commander. And already Ben was thinking up ways to get even with Wallace
without getting caught.

Dixie sighed deeply. “Don’t you think you’re overreacting
just a little bit?”

“No. She’s the enemy. For all we know she could still be
working for the government and this is some sort of elaborate trap.”

“Which is why you’re going to be looking over her work. I’d
think this arrangement would make you more comfortable. If she is up to
something, you’re the one person with a shot of catching it.” Dixie stopped and
studied Ben for a moment. “Unless this is personal.”

Ben rolled his eyes but he didn’t bother denying it.
Everything with Lisa was personal. Always had been. “I don’t trust her.” How
could he? After figuring out that everything they’d had together had been a
scam. That she’d played him. He couldn’t just forget a betrayal like that.

“Then do your job. Make sure she’s on the up-and-up.”

It made sense, he’d give Dixie that much. But being in the
same room with her still hurt. When he’d seen her in the helicopter it’d felt
as if he’d been sucker punched. He couldn’t endure that day after day. “It’s
not that simple.”

Dixie leaned back against the door and crossed his arms in
front of him. “I’m sorry, soldier, did you forget to put on your big-boy undies
this morning?” He continued without giving Ben a chance to defend himself.
“Need I remind you what her research could mean for us?”

If Lisa could do what the intelligence said she could, it
would be a game changer. If they didn’t need the shots of NB-7 to maintain
their metabolism, the government would lose a major bargaining chip. “No sir.”

Dixie smirked in return. “Good. Then do your damn job.”
Dixie seemed to take in the state of the room for the first time. “And clean
your quarters. I’ve seen pigsties neater than this.”

Ben started to relax with the change of topic and with
Dixie’s teasing tone. Dixie was his superior but he’d always treated Ben more
like a little brother than a subordinate. It was one of the benefits of working
for the other side. The Coalition had a hierarchy but because they were
fighting for a cause and not for a bureaucracy, they were a little more lenient
about things. Egos weren’t as big or as easily bruised on this side of the war.
“I’d reckon you probably have. I’ve seen the pictures of your momma you keep on
your nightstand,” he said with an exaggerated wince.

Dixie’s chest shook in silent laughter at the joke. Dixie
was fair and one of the smartest men Ben had ever met, and he respected Dixie
immensely for those traits. But Ben loved the man for his sense of humor. No
matter what they were dealing with, they could always give each other a hard
time without having to worry about either of them becoming offended. “The only
picture I’ve got on my nightstand is the one of your sister. She gave it to me
the night I converted her.”

Ben snorted. “Converted her?”

“Hell yeah, I made her see god.”

Ben couldn’t resist the bout of laughter. “You’re lucky I
don’t have a sister.”

“And you’re lucky my mom is beautiful.” Dixie turned to
leave but then looked back at Ben. “Seriously. Clean this shit up. I think I just
saw that pile of clothes over there move on its own.”

Dixie had just opened the door when Ben stopped him to ask,
“Did you sleep with her?” He didn’t have to say who. They both knew he meant

The other man coughed before closing the door again. “That’s
a pretty ballsy question. A disrespectful one as well.”

Ben couldn’t believe he’d actually asked it out loud. He
hadn’t meant to. He’d planned to just let Dixie leave and then try to get some
sleep. Still, somehow it’d slipped out. “Sorry, sir. I didn’t mean any

“Not to me. It was disrespectful to her.” Dixie took a deep
breath and held it for a second before releasing it slowly. Ben had come to
recognize the gesture as Dixie trying to regain hold of his temper. “How long
ago were you two together?”

That threw Ben. He’d expected a dressing-down. “Almost two
years ago. Give or take a couple months. We were only together for a couple of
weeks.” He was so relieved that Dixie hadn’t started yelling at him that Ben
found himself willing to spill all the sordid details.

“I bet she was really pissed to find out you were using her
for her government access.”

Anger rolled through Ben at the mere suggestion. “I didn’t
use her. I had no idea who she worked for. How could I have possibly been using

“Come on. You were already with the Coalition two years ago.
She had to be in our database. She was too important to ignore even back then.”

“I didn’t know,” Ben insisted. Why wouldn’t Dixie believe
him? He was telling the truth. And the man had always trusted him before.

“You expect me to believe you didn’t look her up? You forget
that I’ve seen you in action. You won’t even meet a contact without knowing who
his great-grandfather slept with.” He winked at Ben conspiratorially. “You
can’t expect me to believe you’d spend more than a night with a woman without
checking her alliances out, do you?”

“I trusted her. I liked her. Hell, I thought I lo—”
Realizing what he was about to say, he stopped suddenly. He couldn’t have loved
her. She’d lied to him. Their whole relationship had been a sham.

“Damn straight you did. Apparently she trusted you more,
though.” Dixie slipped into the dressing-down that Ben had been expecting. “She
didn’t tell you she worked for the government at first but you didn’t tell her
you were with the Coalition either. But it never even crossed her mind to
question your motives. When I talked to her, you know what she said? That she
realized it was an honest omission.” Dixie opened the door again. “No. I didn’t
sleep with her. If she wanted me in her bed, though, I sure as hell wouldn’t
let some stupid misunderstanding stop me.”

Ben’s jaw dropped as he watched Dixie leave. He never
enjoyed being lectured by Dixie but it’d actually been a mild reprimand. He
couldn’t blame his bruised ego on it. No, that, he figured, came from the ring
of truth in Dixie’s words. He hadn’t told Lisa about his involvement with the
Coalition until that last day. Right about the time she’d told him about her
job. He could’ve been using her to get information. Had his superiors found
out, they might have insisted on it. But she’d never once accused him of using
her. He’d been so angry that night he hadn’t even realized that. Hell, he’d
been so angry that he never even stopped to consider the possibility that maybe
he’d jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Had he been wrong? Just thinking about it made his head
ache. He was too tired and on edge to puzzle it out right now. It would have to
wait for tomorrow. The only thing he could accomplish right now was a good
night’s sleep.

He cleared off his bed and lay down. Every time he closed
his eyes to fall asleep, though, memories of his time with Lisa haunted him.
Things had been good when he’d been with her. His cock hardened just at the
memory. Yeah, things had been really good. Her body had been soft and warm
under his. And she might have a biting sense of humor, but the sting left her
when they’d kiss. She’d open to him. Give him all of herself without any

He wrapped a hand around his erection as he remembered how
lush her lips were, especially when she’d been sucking on his cock. The woman
had been insatiable in the bedroom. It’s what had drawn them together. She
wanted to try everything. Wanted to feel everything. And he wanted to feel
everything with her.

He could still remember the silky glide of her hair as he’d
bury his fingers in it. She’d moan and take him deeper into her mouth until the
head of his cock would brush against the back of her throat.

His hips rocked at the memory and he tightened his grip on
his erection. She would suck, moan and lick him until his head was spinning and
his body was tight with need. Then she’d smile up at him and wink. It was a
move designed to break his control and he was embarrassed to admit it always
worked. He would fuck that lovely mouth of hers until his balls tightened
against him and he felt the tingle that swept down his spine just before he
came. He would try to pull out but she’d tighten her hold on his ass and moan
louder. And as he came down her throat, he would feel her muscles tighten
around him and her tongue sweep across his sensitive skin as she swallowed.

He moaned and his whole body shook as he climaxed with the
memory. His breathing was hard and his body covered in a thin mist of sweat.
And as endorphins swam though his blood, he nearly smiled. But as the memory
faded so did the feeling of contentment. Sure, they’d been drawn together by
physical desire. But that wasn’t what’d kept them together. The more he’d
gotten to know her, the more he needed to be near her. Until that one fateful
day when he’d blown up and thrown it all away. Now that he knew he might have
lost her over a misunderstanding, the pain of that day came back in full force
to chase away any afterglow that still lingered in his system. He got up to
grab a glass of water but froze when shots rang out through the camp. He cursed
as he threw on his clothes and then grabbed a weapon. Time to reminisce about
the past was officially over.

When he stepped out into the warm night, he looked around for
the attackers but they hadn’t made it to his quarters yet. He started to make
his way through the winding pathways that led off the base before he became
trapped in the encampment. He might be Coalition but that didn’t make him a
fighter, not technically. His specialty fell under support staff and, as such,
no one expected or even wanted him to defend the encampment. His orders were
pretty simple and straightforward. They had a shielded bunker about two and a
half miles away from their base that had been designated as the emergency
meeting spot. He needed to get there and make sure the systems were up and
running for everyone else.

The dirt roads of the base soon gave way to thick vegetation
and then lush jungle but they’d practiced evacuations enough over the years
that he could find his way blindfolded. Which was good since the light of the
stars didn’t penetrate the forest canopy. It took about fifteen minutes for him
to make his way to the bunker on a sunny day with a compass. He figured he
should make it there in twenty given the current circumstances. And those
twenty minutes gave him some time to think as he darted around trees and jumped
over roots.

He didn’t believe in coincidences. The raid had to have
something to do with Lisa’s rescue. But did she play an active role in it or
was she merely a pawn in someone else’s game? Two hours ago he would’ve argued
vehemently that she’d set them up but Dixie’s talk seemed to have taken root
and now he wasn’t so sure. He might not be fond of scientists in general, but
Lisa seemed like a genuinely good mother. She’d trembled as she held on to that
little boy when they’d handed him to her in the chopper. She’d even been nice
to Ben after he’d given her the dose of NB-7. That couldn’t have been easy for
her. And, even though she’d been exhausted, she wouldn’t give that child up for
anything once she had him back in her arms. They were just observations. He
couldn’t pretend to be an expert on Dr. Lisa Colt. But they led him to believe
she wouldn’t be a part of anything that might hurt her son.

BOOK: SharedObjectives
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