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Authors: Cassie Maria

Shame On Me (21 page)

BOOK: Shame On Me
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Ethan can tell that I’m exhausted so he orders everyone to call it a night. I head to bed while he locks up the house, and I’m asleep before he even makes it upstairs.

Chapter Thirty

Adding It Up

Friday…Three weeks later

I’m nervously patting my feet in the waiting room as we wait for Bria to be called back when I feel Ethan’s hand land on my thigh.

“Darlin’ calm down, its just a check up.”

“I know but we’ll get to see the baby. It’s the first time we get to see him or her, how can you not be excited?”

“Maybe because this one is uncertain, but the one I’ll plant in you on our wedding day will be a sure thing.”

I lean closer to him and take in his hazel eyes.

“Lets move up the wedding date,” I whisper.

“Its too late, the wedding invitations have already gone out.”

“Lets go to Vegas for a quick wedding and still have the ceremony here in May.”

“What’s the rush?”

“Are you serious?”

We agreed to not have sex again until we’re married. It’s a struggle but I think its great that he wants that night to be special.


I narrow my eyes at him, which causes him to laugh at me.

“You know I want babies with you and thinking about making them makes me want you now.”

“We only have three months.”

“I want it now,” I say as I bite his lip before licking it. I see his eyes heat the same time that Bria’s name is called. Ethan helps me out my seat before walking over a few rows to help Bria out of hers.

It takes him a few seconds to realize that I’m not behind him and his eyes search for me. When he finds me he tilts his head to the side and waits for me to join him.

When I reach him his hand captures mine and he runs his thumb over my ring. He never lets me forget my position in his life.

We wait outside of her room while the doctor examines her. After what feels like forever, we’re called in to hear the doctor’s assessment.

“Dr. Hamilton this is Ethan and Mia, please feel free to speak around them.”

“Nice to meet you two. Bria you’re doing well but I want you to continue exercising. Go for short walks or a slow pace on the treadmill; just keep moving.”

“Are there any concerns?” Ethan asks.

“No, I just like for moms to stay healthy through diet and exercise. Bria is great with her diet but a little lazy with the exercise portion.”

“Is there anything else she needs to do?”

“Just watch her diet and remain relaxed. It’s almost over but I don’t want her going into labor early.”

We both nod our understanding and he turns back to Bria.

“Are you ready to see your baby?”

Bria nods and the doctor pulls the sonogram machine from the corner of the room and fires it up. A nurse comes into the room and Bria lifts her shirt over her belly. The nurse squeezes some type of gel onto Bria’s stomach and the doctor leaves. She then grabs a wand and rolls it over Bria’s belly and we see a black and white image of the baby. The heartbeat fills the room and tears spring to my eyes. Ethan blindly reaches for my hand and I squeeze his.

“How’s the baby?” I ask. The nurse looks to Bria and only responds when she says its okay to share her medical information with us.

“He’s fine; a good size and weight. I’m taking a few pictures and measurements to make sure he’s on target.”

After a few more clicks the nurse prints out three photos and hands one to Ethan and one to Bria. She then leaves to get the doctor to review her notes and the photo. A few minutes later the doctor returns.

“Okay everything looks great. He’s right on target for you being 34 weeks. From now until your due date I want to see you every week.”

Ethan stares at her for a long time before she quietly says, “Okay.”

“See you next week Bria.”

Ethan is still staring at her when he helps her off of the table. He’s being weird but I’ll wait until we’re alone to question him.

We accompany her to the desk and I make a note of her next three visits. Outside we discuss with her which one of us will be at which appointment before we part.

Ethan drives us to Tea Time and I secure us a table while he orders our snack and tea. When he comes to the table with our order he’s very quiet. I pick at my blueberry muffin as I wait for him to speak his mind. He’s staring out the window distractedly, so I speak up.

“So a boy huh?”

“I guess so.”

“You’re not excited?”

“I have this nagging feeling that he isn’t mine and I don’t want to get my hopes up.”

“Why do you think that?”

“We only had sex three times in two weeks. She should be closer to 31 weeks not 34 weeks going on 35.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve been calculating the last time we were together plus two weeks gestation and it just doesn’t add up.”

“What do you want to do?”

“We’ll ride it out and kill her with kindness. Eventually our kindness will cause her to feel guilty and she’ll confess.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah. She’s already on alert because she waited until the end to contact me. She became uncharacteristically shy when the doctor revealed how far along she is and she knows I’m on to her. It’s just a matter of time before she cracks.


Two weeks later

The more time I spend with Bria the more confused I become. A part of me wants the baby to be Ethan’s but the other part of me wants to expose her for the schemer that she is.

It very quickly became evident that she wants Ethan to be her husband. She began dropping hints of how cute their family will be (seriously).

She then began inquiring about Ethan’s finances and wanting to see his place. Ethan flat out denied her any financial information and refused to let her past his front door. When I informed her that I wanted the baby in the wedding she flat out refused.

“My baby won’t be in your wedding.”

“Why not? He’s Ethan’s baby too.”

“But he’s not yours.”

“The baby or Ethan?”


What a total B! I’m trying my hardest not to call her one to her face but she’s pushing it! Ava suggested I cut my time with Bria but that would mean Ethan would have to increase his time with her (not happening).

After she showed her claws, so did I. I made sure to involve her in our wedding chats, date night, and anything else romantic we did together.

I convinced him that she needed to see what the baby would be doing when he spends the weekend with us. He knew I was up to something but reluctantly agreed to her being a third wheel.

The more I involved Bria in our romance, the less confident she became and the closer her due date approached the flakier she became.

She changed her 4d ultrasound appointment at the last minute without telling us and began avoiding us. I figured that she was attempting to keep us from the hospital when she went into labor, so I called in a favor.

Due to my frequent dinner dates with Ethan at his job, I got to know a lot of his coworkers. I called a few of them and they called a few of their friends, so no matter what hospital she delivers at we’ll be notified.

Chapter Thirty-One

One Step Closer

February 28th…4am

I watch Ethan as he tensely grips the steering wheel. We got a call that Bria showed up at a different hospital twenty minutes ago. She even switched doctors so we couldn’t call and get any medical information on her.

I tried to calm him down but every time I spoke he just glared at me. It’s bad enough that she waited until the end of her pregnancy to contact him, but now she’s keeping the birth from him too.

“Babe, please calm down.”

“I can’t! After all the time we spent with her. How could she do this to us?” We’ve been buying her groceries, covering her overdue bills, and buying stuff for the baby. So he has every right to be pissed right now.

“I don’t know, but having a heart attack isn’t going to get you any answers any faster.”

He doesn’t respond but I notice his hands loosen a bit. When we enter the maternity wing we are directed to the waiting room. When the nurse informs us that Bria won’t allow us back to see the delivery, Ethan informs her that he wants a paternity test done as soon as the baby is born.


Five hours later…Ethan

We are told that a 7lb 5ounce boy has joined the world. When we ask to see him and inquire about the baby’s name, everyone becomes tight lipped.

A nurse comes to collect me after my test is done and
takes us past the nursery. While there, we are approached by a tall well built man with a thick Italian accent.

“Are you here to see Bria Washington?”

“Yes. Who are you?”

“I am Nicoli Campisi, potential father of her baby.”

Oh shit!

“I’m Ethan Grant, potential father as well and this is my fiancée Mia.” Nicoli nods his head and turns his attention to the baby behind the glass.

“He is a handsome boy.”

“Were you at his birth?”

“Yes.” I keep my eyes trained on the glass but I know Mia can see the hurt in my eyes. She grabs my hand in silent support and I squeeze it tight.

“If I had known you were here I would have made sure you were in the room also.”

“How did you get into the room?”

“It’s complicated.”

“I have time.”

Nicoli stares at me for a beat before turning his back to the nursery. “I was with her when she feared that she was pregnant. After she took the test we were happy and excited but near the middle of her pregnancy I had to go out of the country for business. I would be gone for months and didn’t want her to have to switch doctors so I asked her to stay here. She was angry and accused me of cheating. It was a nasty fight. During the fight she confessed to sleeping with others the same time as me. I knew she was dating but I didn’t know that she was sleeping with them. Until this argument, I never considered that the baby wasn’t mine. I left the country and neither of us contacted the other. I got back a few weeks ago and had to search for her. She had disappeared without a trace. I finally found her house sitting a friend’s apartment. We are trying to work it out but I demanded a paternity test before I’ll sign his certificate. She should not have kept you away even if we are working it out.”

“Thank you for explaining. I’ve also got her consent to a paternity test.”

“Do you think he’s yours?”

“No. The time doesn’t add up and we used protection, but things happen.”

“Very true. Would you like to hold him?”

“No I don’t want to get attached if he isn’t mine.”

“I struggle with that possibility myself. Would you like to see Bria?


We follow him down a short corridor to the last room on the left. Bria is propped up in bed but fast asleep. Her hair looks like it’s been sweated through and drying and her belly has shrunk considerably. She looks exhausted but beautiful at the same time. Nicoli gently wakes her and when she sees us she stiffens then cries.

“It is her hormones, they are still running crazy.”

“I’m sorry Ethan.”

“About what?”

“Hiding from you, making you worry, and making you believe that the baby is yours.”

“Is he mine?”

“No. Nicoli had left and I was panicking. I knew you would help me but I was afraid that Mia was close to figuring out the truth. I figured that I had to get rid of her so I was intentionally mean to her.”

“What if Mia and I had broken up so you and I could be a family? What if I found out the truth after Nicoli showed up and I was unable to get her back?”


“You owe Ethan and Mia an apology.”

“I’m sorry that I took advantage of your good will. Mia I’m sorry I was mean to you when you were nothing but kind to me. I had no idea you two were together until I told him I was pregnant. By then it was too late to take it back and a part of me wanted someone to feel the betrayal and hurt I was experiencing. There is no excuse for what I’ve done but I am sorry.”

Mia squeezes my hand to remind me that she’s here for me if I need her. “I took a paternity test already. At least this way we will all know for sure and we won’t be pulled into this every time you two fight.” Bria drops her eyes and Nicoli nods his understanding before we walk out of the room holding hands.


I wasn’t ready to talk about it and Mia respected that. She gave me space on the subject until the DNA results came in. I called her at work to tell her that I was right all along; I’m not the father. I’m relieved but a little sad too.

“She was wrong for what she did but she was afraid, and fear makes us do rash things.” A grunt is all I give her. “How about we take a break from wedding plans, you call out tomorrow and we make a day of it. We’ll go out for breakfast, go to the boardwalk and play games, get on rides, go to the movies, and not talk about Bria at all.”

BOOK: Shame On Me
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