Shadows of Fate (Shadow Born) (21 page)

BOOK: Shadows of Fate (Shadow Born)
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“Now isn’t the time, Gray.” She side stepped. “We need to speak with Claudius.”

“You will.” He leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to her cold lips. “But I want you strong when you face him.”

“And making out with you under the stairwell will help?”

He grinned. “You won’t know until you try.”

She rolled her eyes. “Your ego may rub off on me. That alone would help.”

The color had returned to her cheeks. He pushed her gently and she didn’t collapse.

“What was that for?”

“I wanted to make sure you were ready.” Grinning, he offered her his arm.

Sighing, she followed him. “You could have just said that.”

“You tend to be overconfident in that regard.”

In the parlor, Claudius had settled on the couch. Mira hovered over him, a frightening look in her eyes. Words, the kind that would make a lesser man blush, flowed through the room as they argued.

“I see Mira convinced you to come.” Brenna stepped into the room, Gray moving off to one side. “We could use your help. And you could use ours.”

Claudius ripped his eyes from Mira, his brow raised in mock amusement. “I figured it was only a matter of time before you came to me with your tail between your legs.” He stretched his arm across the back of the couch. “What do you want?”

Brenna slowly moved forward. “Well, pointers for one. The demons have had you back pedaling for centuries. It’s a new experience for us.”

Claudius blanched. Rising, he walked across the room until they were nose to nose. “You may be a Shadow Bearer, but you will show me the appropriate respect.”

Brenna rolled her eyes. “I am more powerful than you can imagine, vampire. You will have my respect once you’ve earned it.”

Claudius adjusted his cape. “Then there is nothing more for us to say.” He turned to leave.

Brenna cursed. She had let her agitation over Gray get to her. The vampire had an enormous ego. She couldn’t afford to alienate him.

She bowed her head deferentially. “I apologize. The situation has overwhelmed my better judgment.” He stopped at the door, a smile playing on his lips. “Miracles never cease. A Shadow Bearer coming to me for help. You must need me badly to apologize.”

“The demons are going to win this war. But if we work together, I believe we can overtake them.” Claudius shifted beneath her gaze. “Interested?”

Claudius considered her words. “You have nothing to offer me. Aside from you and Gray, my people are stronger and have more experience.”

“Don’t be too sure about that,” Mira said under her breath.

“I saw your soldiers downstairs…what was left of them. I wasn’t impressed.”

“Our men are trained for open warfare,” said Brenna. “Had that attack been at your compound, none of your men would have survived.”

Gray moved beside her. “Claudius, we know where your people are being held and we are willing to make rescuing them a priority.”

“Unless you aren’t interested in the help,” Brenna said. She turned to Mira. “How many has he lost so far?”

“Sixty, maybe more.” Mira now stood behind Claudius, lightly resting a hand on his shoulder. “You should have trained them better,” she whispered.

“Enough.” He pushed her back. “I am your elder. Be silent.”

“Elder bastard more like.”

He ignored Mira’s taunt. “I am willing to consider your offer. But you have to control this one.”

“Consider her controlled.” Gray cast a warning glance at Mira. “But we’ll need something to concrete our alliance.”

“I see.” Claudius brushed imaginary lint from his velvet robe. “All for one and one for all. It seems rather cliché. Should we open some champagne and toast?”

“I had something more appropriate in mind.” Brenna offered him her hand and led him back to the sofa. She sat down beside him, leaning forward. “I need a token of your loyalty.” Placing her finger over the pulse at his neck, she smiled. “A blood oath.”

Gray controlled his urge to interfere. A blood oath was intimate, sensual. It was not something he wanted Brenna to share with anyone. But he held his tongue because it was necessary. The exchange would also allow them to keep tabs on Claudius. The temptation of Shadow Bearer blood had left Claudius with a glazed look as he leaned into Brenna’s touch. “I need your oath, Claudius. Swear you will not betray us,” Brenna whispered against his ear. “Swear it.”

Fighting the desire to rip her away from the vampire, Gray watched Brenna press her mouth against Claudius’ neck.

Claudius’ head fell back as she pierced his flesh with her teeth. “My loyalty is to you and yours,” he said, and shivered as she drank. “I will not betray you and neither will my clan.”

Brenna lifted her head as the last word slipped from his lips, leaving Claudius slightly bemused. “You made the right choice. We are stronger together.”

Claudius’ turned his eager gaze to Brenna. “You need to make the same oath to me. I won’t go into battle unless you guarantee me the same loyalty.”

“Absolutely,” Brenna replied. She waved Mira forward. “It would mean more coming from Mira, since she wants you dead.”

For a moment it seemed Claudius would argue. It would be a boon for him to taste Brenna’s blood and receive the subsequent power surge. But Claudius accepted Brenna’s terms.

“Agreed.” Claudius turned to Mira, the lust in his eyes was plain. It was an interesting turn in circumstance. “But only if Mira is willing.”

Mira stiffened. “Brenna, can’t someone else?”

Brenna shook her head. “No. It has to be you.” She squeezed the other woman’s hand. “But if you say no, we will find another way.”

A sigh of resignation slipped from Mira’s lips. “You owe me for this.” She cast a look at Gray. “You too.”

Claudius’s eyes widened as Mira allowed her coat to slide down her body to puddle on the floor.

“We’ll give you two privacy,” Brenna murmured, glancing at Gray.

Vampires mixed blood with sex. Gray had no desire to watch, so he followed Brenna back into the hall. Before they closed the door, Claudius had slipped his shirttails free of his pants.

Out of earshot, he turned to Brenna. “Well played.”

She smiled. “I couldn’t give him my blood.” She laughed. “He’s impossible enough as it is.”

“Hopefully Mira doesn’t kill him,” Gray said. “I’m surprised she agreed.”

“I’m not.” Brenna paused. “I’ve never understood her feelings about Claudius. But underneath that hatred, she desires him. This will give her a chance to explore those feelings.”

“Ah. Underneath your stern demeanor you’re a romantic.”

Brenna shrugged. “I used to be.”

“Mira and Claudius.” He considered. “That’s a potential disaster.”

“You never know.” Brenna smiled. “Stranger things have happened.”

Placing a hand on the small of her back, he urged her into the empty kitchen. “You’re still weak.”

She smirked. “I assume you’re taking me somewhere private to rectify the issue?” She moved over to the sink. “Didn’t we already have this conversation?”

“I thought the solution was more than satisfactory.”

Shaking her head, she poured herself a glass of water. “Should we lock ourselves in a bedroom? Let the rest of the world go to hell?”

“That’s one possibility. Besides, the demons are already here. It wouldn’t be much of a change. At least we’d enjoy ourselves.”

Choking on her water, Brenna quickly sat down her glass. “You don’t give up, do you?”

Gray sidled up next to her. “Why should I?” He took her glass from the sink and took a drink. “You need my help.” He set down the cup then took her chin in his hand. “And I need you.” He lowered his lips to hers. He sipped on her warmth, reveling in her sweet taste.

For several moments she remained still, pressed against his chest. Then she gently pushed him back. “I’m not going to deny I want you,” she said. “But we’re in the middle of a war now. There is no time for this.”

“But you want it?” He brushed his lips against hers.

“No. I want you.” Slowly, she dropped her arms, pulling away. “But it could only be physical. Nothing more.”

Gray smiled.

She could deny her feelings, but he knew the truth. He decided to change the subject. “Do you think this alliance with Claudius is wise? He is a loose cannon.”

Clearly relieved, she stepped back. “If he betrays us, I have his blood signature. I can track him to the ends of the Earth. Claudius isn’t stupid. And he needs his people back.”

“Or the rest may mutiny,” Gray finished.


“It may have been smarter to let him come to us for help.” Gray leaned back against the counter.

“His ego would never allow it.” Brenna sighed. “Vampires amaze me. They live hundreds of years, but life lessons tend to escape them.”

“Die rather than show weakness?” Gray grinned. “I know a few of our kind who live by that mantra as well.”

Shrugging, she walked away from him. “That doesn’t make it wise. Stupidity runs in every circle.” She took a long breath. “Claudius will be helpful. We just have to keep a close eye on him.”

Seraph stepped inside the kitchen, “Looks like you managed to rope him in. I can hear him and Mira fighting.” He looked back over his shoulder. “At least, I
it’s fighting.”

Gray snorted. “They are undergoing a blood oath.”

Seraph grinned. “Is that it? The yelling is vibrating the walls.”

Brenna laughed, handing him a soft drink from the pantry. “It keeps life interesting.”

Seraph settled into one of the old wooden chairs. “We need to talk about the tunnels running under this place. How long has it been since they’ve been cleared?”

Brenna wondered where he was going with this. “They get checked every spring. I keep it open as an escape route.”

“Good,” Seraph replied, leaning back in his chair. “The demons know we are here. It’s only a matter of time until they attack. The tunnels could be our only way out.” He paused. “Do you have a map?”

“No. But they end in an abandoned field inside one of the craters, near interstate seventy.” Brenna crossed her arms. “So do you have any idea who our mole is? Tell me it’s not one of the men I healed.”

“I have no idea.” Seraph blew out a long breath. “But they’re just soldiers. Common sense says it is someone high enough up to have full access, but that’s impossible.”

“Why?” Gray asked.

“The only higher ups who aren’t dead are seated at this table.” Seraph looked at them pointedly.

Gray ignored Brenna’s fixed stare. How could she possibly still think it could be him? “I
trustworthy. As hard as that may be to believe.”

“It’s not either of you,” Seraph said.

“Possession of a staff member?” Brenna considered, then shook her head. “The alarms would catch that. Shape shifter? But there aren’t many of those.”

“Anyone that can go spectral, but that’s an even shorter list.”

“Debating this is pointless.” Seraph pounded the table with his fist. “We don’t have enough information.” He pushed away from the table. “I need to check on my men.” He paused at the door. “Tell Claudius he needs to move in here with some of his people. The people he lost disappeared from inside the compound. It’s been compromised, just like our headquarters. We’ll move locations soon, but for now this is the safest place.”

“That’ll go over well,” Gray muttered.

Seraph turned. “I don’t care how it goes over. Make it happen.” He left the room, the door slamming in his wake.

“Aye, Aye, Sir.” Gray rolled his eyes at Seraph’s retreating back. “I miss the days when he wasn’t so cocky.”

“Then you’ve known him longer than I have.” Brenna gave him a quizzical look. “The two of you seem to have an unusual relationship. How long
you known him?”

Gray paused. “I doubt I’ve known him as long as you have.” What she would say if he admitted he had known Seraph since birth?

“I’ve always wondered what Seraph is, you know, under the glamour. But he always shuts me down. A lot like you.” Her eyes narrowed.

Gray laughed, praying it didn’t sound nervous. “Seraph and I are in cahoots. We’re behind this demon invasion. All part of our evil scheme.”

Brenna chuckled. “Okay, I may be a little paranoid.”

“Just a little?”

She smirked and got up. “Let’s go check the tunnels. Seraph’s right. It’s only a matter of time before they come here.”

Gray followed her to the door. As she was about to leave, he pulled her against him. “So what are you the most afraid of? Me or the demons?”

Her body stiffened, but she didn’t try to pull away. “I’m working with you, aren’t I? Obviously you are the lesser threat.” Gray loosened his hold and she pulled free. He watched her disappear through the doorway.

“You’re wrong,” he said once she was out of earshot.

Chapter Thirteen


There were too many people in the house. It was making Brenna claustrophobic. Seraph had moved in what remained of the IRT hunters and staff as well as a contingent of Claudius’ vampires. The result was standing room only. It was unbearable.

BOOK: Shadows of Fate (Shadow Born)
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