Shades Of Dragon (A BBW Dragon-Shifter Paranormal Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Shades Of Dragon (A BBW Dragon-Shifter Paranormal Romance)
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“We won’t,” Tegan replied smoothly, pulling her in closer. “I promised you that I would deliver your father safely, and I will.  Do you trust me?”

Ciara nodded, her body pressed firmly against his. “I do…” Her voice was barely a whisper, tinged dark with lust.

“Shh.” He leaned forward; his lips so close to hers she could feel his breath, smell his masculine scent. His eyes drew her closer, held her enthralled, captive.

When his lips brushed softly against hers, it sent a wave of heat through her body. She shuddered, closing her eyes, letting him claim her lips with his, moaning against the sensual feel of his mouth against hers.

The tip of his tongue traced along her lower lip, and she gave herself over to the kiss, opening her mouth, meeting his tongue with hers. She settled her body against him, arching her back as his hands moved from her arms to slide up her torso.

He lifted her off from the floor, and held her easily, his hands spanning the curves of her body, resting just beneath her breasts, her legs wrapping around his back to support her weight. It felt as if she were weightless, suspended against him. She was aware of his growing erection pressing against her stomach, hard and hot, and she wiggled in his grasp, seeking more contact. Tegan flexed his hips upward, pressing himself against her, moaning against her mouth.

Time seemed to stand still, the kiss deepening, intensifying, and sending frissons of pleasure through her body. It could have been minutes or hours, but when Tegan finally tore his mouth from hers, and her feet gently moved to settle onto the floor, she was weak and breathless.

“Make love to me,” she whispered.

Any thoughts of resisting her, of not taking advantage of her in this vulnerable situation, of not giving in to his own desires, quickly left him. He reached for her, his hands on her torso, pulling her against him once again.

Their lips met, hers soft against his, as lush as the rest of her. He traced his tongue briefly along her lower lip and she opened her mouth to him instantly, her tongue meeting his fully, almost aggressively.

He worked his hands beneath her dress, momentarily surprised to find something satiny and soft. But beneath the shift was skin, delicious and warm, irresistible. His fingers brushed against the weight of her breasts, and something broke loose inside of Tegan… a shiver rushing through his body, his erection straining against his suddenly too-tight pants.

Ciara broke away from their kiss, grabbing the hem of her dress and stripping it over her head, leaving her in a white shift. Once free of the dress, her hair fell around her shoulders in a wavy mass, a mix of burnished copper. Tegan reached for a strand, running it through his fingers, mesmerized by her beauty and innocence. It was softer than anything he’d felt in a long time, and a wave of longing and desire washed over him. He wanted that mane spread across his pillow, wanted to run his fingers through her hair, to tangle his knuckles into it.

He realized she was looking at him, a small smile playing about her lips.

“There’s more to me than my hair, you know.” She giggled softly.

Her fingers were impatiently tugging his shirt up over his body, and he lifted his arms, as her hands slid beneath the fabric, working the shirt up his chest, letting her pull it over his head. Her hands were back on his body, seemingly everywhere on his skin, fingers eagerly running over his nipples, down the flat plane of his stomach, over the bulging front, beneath the edge of his pants. A low groan escaped his lips as she cupped his cock with her warm hand.

The primal urge to mate was always strong with Tegan, and never more so than now. But more than just wanting to ravish Ciara and make her his, another desperate need began to surface, the need to connect with her on a deeper level, connect to her in a way he’d never wanted to with any woman before. She had opened up a part of him he thought didn’t exist. And it terrified him. To need someone this badly, was to allow that person to control him, and lack of control was a weakness.

And it meant that the person had the power to hurt him, as he’d been hurt so many times in his life.

But he gave in, pulled Ciara hard against him. She grunted softly as their bodies came together, her hands now on his chest, caught between them. He claimed her mouth again, wanting to devour her, his hands winding through her hair as he held her against him.

She wiggled in his embrace, her hands moving down to work the button on his pants. His hands followed the curves of her body, down to the flare of her hips, to the curve of her ass. Gasping against his mouth, she rose up slightly as his palms cupped her ass.

Suddenly frustrated by the clothing between them, Tegan broke the kiss, tipping Ciara onto her back. She squealed in surprise, her eyes dancing with desire as he impatiently pulled off his own trousers.

He looked down at Ciara, lying in his bed, her hair spread out on the pillow, the white satin shift molding sweetly to her body, the outline of her breasts pushing against the fabric, making his blood sing.

“I want you naked,” he growled, reaching for the hem of her shift and tugging at it until it was up over her head. He quickly tossed it to the floor and looked down at her nakedness. Her breasts were perfectly round, with pink nipples that were hard and ready for his mouth.

His body was thrumming with arousal, with the overwhelming need to satisfy the animal desire of his body with hers. But beneath that was the desire to claim her as his mate, make her want him as badly as he needed her.

Tegan climbed onto the bed, Ciara already reaching for him. He was so incredibly hard and she was very ready, her legs parting, her warm thighs sliding up his hips, wrapping around his waist, and pulling him down to her body.

He barely had time to wonder if this was what he should be doing before he was sliding against her, and then pushing into her, into the heat and slickness she offered up to him.

She cried out softly beneath him as he entered her, but met him fully, her hips rolling up beneath him, accepting all of him completely. Her soft cries became louder, sharper, his acute sense of hearing picking up every nuance in her voice as he thrust into her.

Time stood still for Tegan. The movement of their bodies together, the intense feeling of her surrounding him, drawing him further, almost drove him out of control. Every thrust of his cock, every response from her beneath him driving him crazy, pushing him closer to the edge, making him want more of her, even as he took her.

And she demanded as much from him as he took from her, her movements matching his, her passion and arousal just as intense as he felt. Her body was one continuous wave, crashing over him, pulling him deeper into her, pulling him further out of control. He gave in, let her sweep him along, finally letting go of any illusion of restraint he thought he still had.

When she came, it surprised him, both with the suddenness and the intensity. She arched up sharply beneath him, her head thrown back, her nails raking across his shoulders, brief sharp pain that only added to his pleasure. He looked down at her, watching her face in the throes of her release, feeling her twisting beneath him, the contractions of her core so strong around his cock, pulsing waves that fueled his own release.

He was joining her then, his growls mingled with hers, almost before he realized he was coming. The heat that had built inside of him came rushing to the surface, and he pressed Ciara hard into the bed as his hips jerked and flexed, every muscle tensed, far beyond even his control, as he spent himself inside of her.

As the final waves of his orgasm faded, and his body began to relax, Tegan collapsed beside Ciara. Every sense was heightened, attuned to her. He listened to her breathing, heard the beating of her heart, matching the beat of his own heart. The rich fragrance of sex rose up around them and he drew in a deep breath.

But beneath that still was Ciara’s intoxicating scent. It had changed, grown stronger, not just her scent alone now, but mingled with his. The sun-kissed orange was still there, but spiked with something sharper, spicier, spiked with his masculine blend. All of that imprinted itself in his mind, on every cell, branded him.

He pulled her against him, nuzzling her neck, losing himself in the soft tangled mass of her hair. She turned toward him, curling her body against his and they moved in a brief silent dance, fitting his angles against her curves. And when they were still, it was a perfect fit. Ciara was asleep in minutes.

Tegan lay awake, watching the moonlight streaming in through the window, outlining Ciara’s curves, casting deep shadows across her skin. And lying in the moonlight, Tegan had decided. She was the one for him, the mate he’d been searching for. In the moonlight he sighed, knowing all the complications that came with that decision and knowing that he really didn’t care about any of that. He only cared about never being away from Ciara again.

Chapter Eleven



Tegan could hardly believe his good fortune as he stood in the village square with Garrison, and looked out at all the shifters his half-brother had gathered together in such a short amount of time. When he’d decided to travel to his father’s clan, the most he’d hoped for was handful of reinforcements, if he was lucky enough to not be tossed out unceremoniously on his ass.

      Instead, he had an entire troop of shifters at his side, willing to fight with him. “This is amazing,” he muttered to Garrison as he scanned the men, who were all dressed in black and purple leather armor with the Blackfire emblem, and armed with knives and spears. “There’s got to be at least two dozen shifters here.”

      “I want no chances of us suffering a defeat,” Garrison said, a small smile softening an otherwise stern face. He’d seemed to drop the animosity from earlier once Tegan had publicly announced he intended to lay no claim to the Alpha’s title when their father passed. “And there’s well more than two dozen of us.”

      “Thirty-two, if you count Garrison and myself,” Dageus said with a chuckle, and Tegan turned to see him striding toward them, dressed in full battle armor as well.

“Dageus!” Tegan exclaimed. “You… you don’t have to come yourself. These fine men are more than enough. Truly. I appreciate everything you’ve done.”

“Of course I do,” Dageus scoffed. “What kind of father would I be if I weren’t there to lead my son into his first major battle? And besides, someone has to keep an eye on this fine young lady as well.”

      Tegan felt his jaw drop as Dageus stepped aside to reveal Ciara, dressed in the same type of battle armor the men wore, though it had clearly been specially crafted for a female’s body. It fit her well, outlining every dip and curve, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to discourage the instant erection that threatened to rise beneath his own armor. Strapped to her side was a long, sheathed knife, and he could see two other knives protruding from her boots. Her long red hair was plaited and pinned around the top of her head like a crown, making her look less like a village mayor’s daughter, and more like a warrior princess, or maybe even a queen.

      Ciara smiled shyly as Tegan gaped at her. “I’m not incredibly adept at using these weapons,” she said, touching the sheath at her side, “But Ayla did show me the basics so that I could defend myself, if need be.”

      “Wow,” Tegan finally said, shaking his head. “Wow.” He crossed the space between them in three strides and placed his hands on Ciara’s shoulders, looking her up and down. “Are you sure about this? I don’t know how I feel about putting you in harm’s way.”

      Ciara gave him a wry smile. “Tegan, I’ve been in constant danger since this whole thing started. I’ve gotten kind of used to it, and if you leave me back here, you’re going to drive me absolutely mad not knowing what’s happening. I have to be there to help tend to any of the wounded or injured, which I’ve got plenty of supplies for.” She patted the leather pack tied to her back. “I just have to.”

      “Well, alright.” Tegan hugged her fiercely, then kissed her. “Just… promise me you won’t do anything reckless, okay?”

      “I’ll do my best.” She kissed him on the nose, then tweaked it gently, and stepped out of his arms with a smile.

      There was no more time to talk after that – the sun was close to dipping below the horizon. Everyone quickly shifted except Ciara, whom Tegan scooped up into his talons again for the ride, then launched themselves into the air, quickly organizing themselves into a V-formation.

      Tegan took point, with his father to his right and his brother to his left, leading their little army towards the last place he and Ciara had seen the caravan. It didn’t take long for Tegan to spot them – he caught sight of three wagons rumbling along a winding trail, with the same two dragons from before flanking them on either side.

They’re over halfway to Solara by now
, his father mind-spoke to him.
Better we head them off now where they’re too far away to call for reinforcements.

      Mere moments after his father finished the thought did the caravan spot them; Tegan knew because the dragons on the ground flexed their wings, and spat long gouts of flame into the air as a warning. Neither Tegan nor the other shifters flinched though, and so the enemy dragons launched themselves in the air to meet them. Several other males ran around the sides of the covered wagons as well, and as they began to shift Tegan wondered just how much of a fight there would be.

      The green dragon’s eyes sparked in recognition as he eyed Ciara, apparently realizing she was the mayor’s daughter, and dive-bombed Tegan, intending to snatch her from his grip. But Garrison and another dragon intercepted him, engaging the other dragon in combat and shielding Ciara and Tegan from harm. The other dragon was also intercepted, and the two were quickly taken down, their wings slashed to ribbons, causing them to plummet quickly to the ground.

      Tegan cursed as he noticed several other shifters were launching themselves into the air to meet them, and more were coming – he needed to get Ciara to the ground before he collided.
Cover me!
He mentally shouted to his father, and then began descending as quickly as he could. Normally he would have tucked his wings in and dive-bombed, but with Ciara in his grasp he couldn’t risk it.

      He was approaching the ground when Prophet came around from one of the wagons and into view. Tegan’s heart stopped for a second as Prophet whistled to the other shifters and pointed toward him. Immediately three of them turned around and swooped down at him all at once, clearly intending to get to him before he could land.

, he thought, and then tightened his grip on Ciara as much as he dared.
Hang on
, he told her.
This is about to get rough!

      He tucked his wings in and dove for the ground, hurtling through the sky as fast as he dared – it was a huge risk he was taking but he knew that if the dragons got too close he would never be able to protect Ciara while in the sky. Before he managed to make it, one of the enemy dragons slammed into him, knocking him off his trajectory. He dropped like a stone, and rolled in the air so that he came crashing down on the rocky ground on his back, shielding Ciara from the worst of the shock.

      “Tegan!” Ciara screamed, scrambling out of his grasp. Her face was stark white, her eyes wide with terror as she ran up his huge chest so she could lean in and touch his face. “Are you alright?”

He shouted at her, swatting her off his chest as the dragon who’d attacked him landed beside them. He heard Ciara cry out as she was knocked into the dirt, but he didn’t have time to look – the other dragon, a dark blue beast with lemon-yellow eyes, flexed his shoulders, and then opened his maw to let out a huge blast of flame. Tegan threw himself in front of it, shielding Ciara from the worst of it, and then roared as another dragon pounced on his back, digging his sharp claws into Tegan’s tough, armored hide.

      Just as he was sure he was about to be overwhelmed, a golden dragon ripped one of the enemy dragons off him and sent him flying into the dirt behind him.
Tegan exclaimed as he recognized his half-brother.

Go get your woman
, Garrison ordered as he and several other shifters engaged the dragons who had tried to kill Tegan. Two other shifters landed on the ground, one of them standing guard behind Ciara, the other next to Tegan.
These two will go with you. You all need to get the humans before the Firewalkers start slaughtering them.

      Tegan stiffened at the sound of human cries, which he was just now noticing for the first time. Turning around, he saw male shifters in human form wrestling humans back into the wagons – evidently some of the humans had decided to try and take advantage of the commotion by trying to escape.         

      Apparently he wasn’t the only one who noticed, because Ciara pulled her sword from his sheath and rushed them. “You leave him alone!” she shouted at the Firewalker, who had a gangly human teenager in a chokehold. She kicked him in the stomach, loosening his hold, then wrested the human away from him and shoved him behind her.

      Terror gripped Tegan in an icy fist as he watched Ciara charge straight into battle. Knowing he would be of little use in dragon form, he shifted back into human and rushed over to her just as the man charged her. But to his surprise, she side-stepped the shifter, kicked him in the back of the knee, and then plunged the sword into his back.

      “Gods,” Tegan gasped, skidding to a stop. He watched, open mouthed as the shifter collapsed into the dirt, dead as a doornail. “I thought you said you didn’t know how to use that?”

      Ciara shrugged a little. “I told you that Ayla taught me a few moves.”

      “Not bad for a human female.” Prophet’s voice came from behind them, and Tegan spun around to see him standing next to one of the other wagons, his arms crossed. The expression on his handsome face was impassive, but his dark eyes, which smoldered with suppressed rage, bellied it. “But I’m afraid that will be the last time you ever plunge a sword into anyone.”

      Tegan bared his teeth at Prophet, angling his body so that he provided a barrier between Prophet and Ciara. “Your business is with me, not her,” he hissed.

      “On the contrary, it’s really not, as I was planning on selling her into slavery, not you,” Prophet drawled. “Unfortunately you insisted on sticking your nose where it didn’t belong, and now I have to deal with you.” He glanced up at the aerial battle taking place. “Where on earth did you get all these reinforcements from, though? I wasn’t aware that Grey had any allies amongst the Blackfire clan.”

      “Just shut up and fight, already!” Tegan shouted, refusing to be drawn into Prophet’s stalling tactics. He snatched a knife from his boot and threw it at Prophet, then used the distraction to shift. But Prophet was fast, faster than him, and he dodged the knife mid-shift, his body rippling into the form of a large bronze dragon with the same evil yellow eyes. They both took to the sky, flapping their wings as hard as they could to get the aerial advantage. Tegan’s heart pumped hard as his wings strained – his wingspan was huge, over two times that of Prophet’s, and that gave him a significant boost. The other dragon disappeared into the sky above, shielding himself from Tegan’s eyes by hiding in the glare of the sun.

, Tegan thought frantically, trying to figure out what to do. Any second now, Prophet was going to dive-bomb him, and there was no use trying to spot him because staring up into the sun was only going to blind Tegan.

I need to try and put as much distance between myself and where I think Prophet is going to strike
, he thought, and then an idea came to him. Instead of simply trying to gain height, as dragons normally did, he started doing loops and swirls, using his lighter body mass and agility to turn him into a moving target that would be significantly harder to hit than if he was simply trying to catch up to Prophet. He did circles, and loops, never repeating the same motion twice and circling around a certain area so as not to be pinpointed into a single spot.

      He heard the whoosh of air before he felt it, and following his instincts he leaned left just as Prophet swooped down. The other dragon missed him by inches, and Tegan tucked his wings in and followed after him, catching up before the other dragon could rectify his mistake. Prophet shrieked as Tegan sank his claws into his shoulders, squirming and letting out blasts of fire, but Tegan held on tightly, refusing to give in as they spiraled to the ground.

      The earth shook as they crashed into the ground, the force of the blow forming a kind of crater beneath. Dust billowed out all around them, stinging Tegan’s eyes, but he put all his weight on Prophet and didn’t budge.

      Thankfully, neither did the other dragon. Several moments passed, the dust settling around their ears, but Prophet did not stir. Tegan opened his eyes to see that the other dragon’s eyes were closed, his pulse indicating that Prophet was out cold. Craning his neck towards the sky, he noticed that the aerial battle above was over as well, and that the Firewalker dragons were all being rounded up by the Blackfires, who were battle-weary and wounded, but triumphant.

      “Tegan!” Ciara shouted, her footsteps slapping against the hard ground. Tegan turned to see her sprinting toward him, her hair no longer confined in its plait but flying around like a wild halo around her face. “Tegan, are you alright?”

I’m fine
, he tried to tell her, then groaned as he extracted his claws from Prophet’s scaly hide. He climbed out of the crater stiffly, then changed back into human form, the process taking a little longer than usual due to being so weak. Ciara threw herself into his arms almost before he was done, squeezing him tight.

      “Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright,” she mumbled into his chest. “When I saw you both tumbling from the sky like that, I swear my heart stopped.” She lifted her head and caught his mouth in a fierce kiss that set his blood afire and made his head spin. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

      “I won’t,” he said with a grin, squeezing her tight.

      “Good. Now come with me,” she exclaimed, taking his hand and dragging him away. “I found my father, and it’s about time you met him properly!”

BOOK: Shades Of Dragon (A BBW Dragon-Shifter Paranormal Romance)
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