Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4)
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He laughs. “No, no, Lexie. You’ve got me wrong. Maybe that’s my fault. But I happen to find the idea of you working out incredibly appealing. And I can imagine you’re very capable, before you start saying I’m being a sexist piece of shit.”

I smile and attempt to hold back my laugh. “Well, you don’t do yourself any favours, Sebastian.”

“Fair comment. So you gonna show me?”

I look up at his face as I sip my drink. “Hmm? Show you what?”

“Some of this upper body stuff.”

“No!” I cry, “I’m not here to fulfil your sexual fantasies of women working out, you know.”

“That’s not what I want, I just want you to show me how you travel along the bars… monkey style.”

“I may have had a few glasses of wine, Sebastian, but I’m not beyond knowing what you’re up to. Besides, I’m wearing a suit, blouse and heels. Hardly gym attire.”

“Fair enough. Hey!” he says, obviously remembering something. “This reminds me of a video I saw, did you see it? The one with the guy and girl working out together, using each other’s bodies for leverage?”

“No… I don’t think I have.”

“It’s amazing, you’ve got to see it,” he says, pulling his cell from his pocket. “I’ve got it on here somewhere.”

I wait patiently, sipping my wine as he searches through his cell for the video. I’m intrigued but not blown away by the idea of watching it. I look through the French doors into the night, the steps up to road glowing in the amber streetlights.

It’s so dark down here in the basement at night with only the one doorway lamp on. You can’t see the street from here so no light comes in at all if you don’t have the gym lights on. It’s probably quite nice to work out down here after dark.

Sebastian calls me, reminding me that I’m not in my own little world of darkness, and I wander back over to him expectantly as he holds the phone out for us both to watch.

It really is a very impressive video, as a matter of fact. It’s obviously a boyfriend and girlfriend… or very closer trainer/trainee, and they’re literally using each other to work out, as Sebastian suggested. They’re using incredible strength, holding each other’s weight and balancing with each other. It would definitely be an extremely effective workout routine if they managed to do it a few times a week. I wonder if Luke does that with Tilly… it’s probably unlikely, actually, they can’t hold hands without making it sexual, God knows what they’d do with this!

I watch, enraptured as the couple smoothly flex their muscles together to create a wonderfully intimate, yet professional routine. Their use of the frame fascinates me, her legs tightly wrapped around his waist as they both clutch the bar and chin-up together.

“Oh now this one is great, I’d love to do this…” Sebastian says as the couple change position, the female with her legs bent over the guy’s shoulders, her feet at his chest as she slowly leans back until she’s dangling backwards underneath him as he holds the bar, and planks. His body floating in the air, you can see each muscle flexing - his strength is magnificent, how he can hold his body so still horizontally like that as she performs sit ups, dangling from his shoulders – I have no idea.

“Oh wow, that’s incredible! His strength can’t be normal.”

Sebastian laughs, “I think it’s quite normal, it’s just not something you see every day.”

I look at him in surprise. “Really? You think you could do

He tilts his head to one side and contemplates it, nodding. “I think I could, yeah.”

“Really?” I cry in disbelief, that is incredible strength, not many guys could do it.

He chuckles and pulls back, frowning. “What? You don’t think I’m strong enough?”

“I’m just surprised is all… of course I know you’re strong but that takes hulk-type strength.”

“Can you do vertical sit ups like she does?” he asks.

“Yeah, I do them on the bars all the time, but it’s nothing next to what he’s doing.”

“Okay,” he says nodding and eyeing up the monkey bars, “let’s try?”

“What? Vertical sit-ups?”

“No, that whole move.”

“Oh no, no… we can’t do that, Seb, and anyway; I’m in a skirt suit.” As much as I’d secretly
to try that move, it would be wholly inappropriate. But I do love a challenge at the gym.

“That doesn’t matter, it’s not like I’m going to see anything; you’ll be on my shoulders. Come on, no one is here and on another topic… don’t think I didn’t notice that you called me Seb.”

He takes my wine glass, and places them both down on the floor before removing his jacket and beginning to roll up his sleeves. I think this through. I really want to try it… but I’m not in my yoga pants right now, this isn’t the time or the place…

“Come on Lex, let’s see if we’ve got it.” He grabs hold of the bars and begins warming up with a couple of chin-ups. He may still be in his pants and shirt, but I can see those muscles stretching and flexing, and I can’t stop the secret little pervert inside me ogling. “Take those heels off, hitch the skirt up and get over here…” He steps back from the bars and gestures for me to come over.

I look at him with a squint as I decide. Would it really be that bad? Could I actually attempt this with Sebastian?
why the hell not, he’s right, he won’t see anything, and I’d
like to know if we could do this. I’ll be extremely impressed if we can. Well, I know I can do sit ups, they’re easy, but I’ll be impressed if he can do the difficult part while I do that.

“Okay, let’s give it a shot. Tell no one. I hope nobody comes in…”

“The lips are sealed. So how will it work? You climb on my shoulders, upright first?”

“Er…” I think of the logistics. “Or, you hold onto the bar and lengthen your arms so your shoulders are lower, then I’ll do a handstand and hook my legs over your shoulders?”

“Not just a pretty face, Lexie. Okay, let’s go.”

He heads over to the bar and does exactly as I suggested. I flick off my heels, remove my jacket and drape it over a bench, and hitch my skirt up my thighs, exposing my nude lace hold-ups. Nobody can see, hopefully no one will come in and if they do, I’m sure we’ll hear them before they see us. The lighting is very dim in here and we’re tucked away around a corner anyway.

I step closer to him, gauging the distance to ensure I get close enough, and I go for it. As I flick my legs into the air, my wrists taking my full weight beneath me, they land perfect against Sebastian’s back. I part them slightly, feeling for his shoulders, and I bend them over to secure myself in the position.

“Fantastic, Lex!” He says with glee. “Okay, I’m going to go into the plank now, keep your hands on the floor, yes?”

“Sure,” I shout, my voice squeaky, thanks to the reversed position.

I feel his head move backwards as he lifts his feet off the floor to straighten out into the mid-air plank. I can only vaguely see from the mirror on the far wall, I’m upside-down and it’s dark so it’s not all that clear.

“Okay! I’m up, you can let go of the floor and sit up,” he groans, exerted, his body shaking slightly as his muscles flex. His torso feels rock solid against my calves.

I gently lift my arms from the floor and cross them over on my chest, tucking my feet around the sides of his ribs, and tentatively crunch into the first, mid-air sit-up. As I reach the top, I can see Sebastian’s body fully stretched out and I see for the first time how incredible this manoeuvre looks when
are doing it. “Oh my God,” I exclaim in excitement.

“We’re doing it Lexie!” he yells, happily.

“Yeah we are!” I cry in agreement. “It looks amazing!” I slowly lower back down to dangle once again from his shoulders and immediately curl into another sit-up.

“Keep going Lex, I’m cool for a while longer,” he says, clearly working his body hard, his voice strained.

“This is amazing, Sebastian! Way to go!”

“Give my head a little kiss, keep me going,” he says cheekily as I curl up once again, and I giggle and do as he asks, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head. I’m so proud of us!

“Yeah, that’s it. Come on, one more, baby!”

I smile excitedly as I lift myself one last time, and I look in the other, closer mirror in front of us as I do, seeing us both in our work clothes, dangling in such a precarious position on the monkey bars; me with my stockings out… it’s actually… I can’t believe this is running through my head… but it’s actually quite a turn on. His abilities are astonishing.

I lower myself back down, loving the workout my stomach is getting in all of this, and again rest my hands against the floor, immediately lifting my legs from Sebastian’s torso and kicking them over my head, to land perfectly on my feet, upright, instantly pulling my skirt down.

He lowers his body until his feet are back on the floor and releases the bar, turning and standing up straight. “We did it!” he cries, walking towards me, his face excited and glorious. He holds his hand in the air, inviting me to hi-five.

I indeed comply, smacking his hand joyfully. “I know! That was unbelievable! You’re so strong, Sebastian!”

“I could say the same for you, wow!”

He steps forward and embraces me in an enthusiastic hug, and I squeeze him back with just as much gusto. “That was so much fun, Lex. We should try a few more!”

I laugh, “We should, though maybe when we’re wearing work-out gear, next time, hmm?”

He grins, “Yes, okay then. Maybe in the morning…” his cheeky tone makes me giggle again.

“You coming back again in the morning? Because I sure as hell know you aren’t staying over.” He laughs heartily in response.

He continues to hold me, longer than is probably necessary, but I’m okay with it, actually. I’m so impressed about what we’ve just achieved that I think I’m a little awed.

He pulls his head back slightly, without releasing me, and looks down at my face. I look up to meet his gaze; both of us grinning like school kids. “Lexie, there is so much more to you than meets the eye. You’re sexy as fuck.”

“Ha!” I shout, thoroughly amused at his unexpected comment. “Well, thank you… I think.”

“Now, I know you’re not that kind of a girl,”

“Woman,” I correct.

“Sorry; woman. And I know you’re not interested in me like
, but would you please indulge me and consummate this gratifying moment with a kiss?”

I giggle loudly; he really is funny. And I’m not overly against the idea either. “Um… I’d say that would be okay.”
How times change

“You would?” he cries in disbelief, making me laugh, and he certainly doesn’t need the answer clarifying, his lips are against mine in a split-second; warm, soft and swoon-worthy.

I close my eyes instinctively and my mouth opens slightly as I subconsciously invite him to enhance the moment with a little ‘tongue tasting’. His breath is… it’s bizarrely delicious. He tastes of wine and man; two things I enjoy very much.

He moans almost silently, his hands slowly gliding over my body, holding me tightly. His tongue rolls in waves with mine, his masculine face moving gently against mine. I raise my hand to stroke his cheek, to run my fingernails through his beard… I’m succumbing to this; I want this… him.

With one hand still wrapped around his back, I press into him with the other and slowly ease it downwards to his pert, muscular butt. I grab hard, pushing his groin into my body, my hot, wanton, shameless body.
What the hell has come over me?
Actually, I don’t really care, I don’t even want to think about it, I just want to get right down to it, here, now.

“Ugh,” he groans loudly as I feel that very important part of him harden against my lower belly. He holds me tighter, almost squashing me, and masterfully walks with me to the mirrored wall behind the monkey bars.

He presses me against it and pulls neglectfully away from my face, sinking to his knees and clutching the sides of my pencil skirt, forcing it up my thighs roughly, making me gasp in surprise. He mutters as he pushes his mouth against my flesh, kissing both the lace at the top of my hold-ups and my hot, desperate skin.

“My God, my God… Lexie…” he moans gravely as if he’ll drop down dead if he doesn’t get inside me in the next thirty seconds. But I’m the same. I’m feeling it, too… I need to feel him, too.

I grasp at the skin on his shoulders, tugging lightly as he moves his lips and tongue against the sensitive flesh of my inner thighs, desperate for him to at least brush a little higher, a little more centrally, a little more... there.

The fact that we’re in the communal, residential gym doesn’t seem to be concerning me - whatsoever, and I close my mind as much as possible to those thoughts because I want this to happen.

I certainly didn’t want to want it, but now – having experienced that extremely satisfying and really quite arousing form of exercise, feeling his hard muscles moving against me in a way I can almost recognise from that one time in Aspen - I definitely do.

My head rolls back onto my shoulders as I savour this feeling of being devoured. His little sighs and grunts vibrating against my skin only confirms his arousal, his excitement about doing these things with

BOOK: Sexy Love (Sexy Series Book 4)
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