Read SexontheBeach Online

Authors: Amber Skyze

SexontheBeach (10 page)

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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A sliver of disappointment crawled through her skin. She’d
believed he’d be here by now. There was still time, so she grabbed the steaks
and headed out to the grill. She laid them on the hot grates. With the fork,
she poked the potatoes. It slid in easily. They were done. She moved them to
the top rack.

It would be a few minutes on the steak. She set the table in
the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. She’d just taken a sip when
there was a knock at the door. Excitement filled her. Tony was back and just in
time for dinner.

Swinging the door open with enthusiasm she knew immediately
that the guy standing with his back to her wasn’t Tony.


He swung around.

“Allie. How are you? The steaks are done.” He held the plate
of steaks as he walked over her threshold and into her home.

“I appreciate you watching my dinner, but those are for Tony
and me.” She attempted to take the plate from him.

“Now, now, now. I’ll just set these over here and you make
yourself comfortable. I’ll do everything.”

A chilling fear crept into her body. Paul was pretending he
hadn’t heard a word she said. He continued rambling on and preparing a plate
for them.

For a moment she thought he realized what he was doing when
he stopped and turned to her.

“You’re not sitting. Sit and enjoy that wine. We’re going to
have a great dinner tonight.”

“Paul, I think you’re confused. Those steaks are not for us.
I made them for Tony. He’ll be here any minute.”

“These are prefect. I can’t get over how well they came

He flat-out ignored her and she was scared. He wasn’t acting
like himself. She gulped her wine trying to find the courage to throw him out
of her place. With the way he continued making plates of food she thought he’d
lost his mind.

When he finished he placed a plate on the table.

“Sit. Enjoy.”

His voice had turned cold and angry and his eyes were filled
with hatred.

“Paul, I appreciate you going to all the trouble taking the
food from the grill and preparing dinner plates for us, but I’m not really
hungry right now.”

He slammed his fist on the table. “Sit.”

She jumped, almost spilling the contents of her wineglass.

“We are going to have a nice romantic meal,” he said through
clenched teeth.

She closed her eyes and counted to ten, hoping when she
opened them he’d be back to the Paul she knew.

“Please don’t make me get upset and ruin dinner, Allie.” He
nodded toward the table and she took a baby step forward.

“That’s my girl. Now sit in the chair and we’ll have a nice

Allie pulled the chair out and sank down. She swallowed the
rest of her wine trying to calm her nerves.

“I don’t understand why you’re here, Paul. What is it you
want from me?”

“What I want.” He leaned both fists on the table and looked
pointedly at her. “Is to spend some time with you. All I’ve wanted since I met
you is to get to know you better, but you couldn’t cooperate. No, you had to
continuously brush me off for that…that pig?”

The way he spat the word
had her reeling with
fear. He knew Tony was a cop? No one was supposed to know he was a cop. He
didn’t go announcing it to anyone for fear of blowing his cover and she
certainly hadn’t said anything to anyone.

“I don’t know what you mean, Paul. Why do you call him a

“Because that’s what he is. A ratfink cop. I’m not sure what
he’s up to, but I can guarantee you one thing, he won’t get a piece of me.”

Now she was more confused. Paul was not making any sense.

“Why do you think he’s a cop?” With shaky hands she poured
more wine into her glass.

“I saw his badge.”


“When you two disappeared on the beach the night of my
party. I followed you. I wanted to make sure you were safe. Going off with a
strange man isn’t a smart idea.”

“He’s my neighbor, he isn’t a stranger to me.”

Paul sat across from her and picked up his knife. “Like I
said I followed you. I watched as you stripped out of your clothes for him. It
pained me when he put his mouth on your body.”

She shuddered knowing he’d watched them and they never knew.

Dear God where is Tony? Please Tony get home soon.

“Tony didn’t know it but his badge slipped out of his shorts
when he tossed them to the ground. I knew immediately he was an undercover

“I think you’re mistaken, Paul. I don’t think he’s an
undercover cop.” She toyed with the napkins avoiding eye contact.

He slammed the knife handle against the wooden table. “Don’t
patronize me. I know a pig when I see one. Tony is a cop.”

She yelped.

Paul pointed the knife in her direction. “You need to calm
down. If you draw attention to us I’ll have no other choice but to slit your
throat to shut you up.”

Allie’s eyes widened and she gulped.

She believed him. He was acting crazy.

“I’m not trying to patronize you, Paul. I’m not sure if he’s
a cop. You could be right.” No sense in pissing him off any more.

“You’re not eating.” He pushed the plate closer to her.

“I told you I’m not really hungry right now.”

The knife slammed the table again. “I went to a lot of hard work
and you don’t appreciate anything.”

Jesus he’s lost his mind.

Allie picked up her fork and pierced a piece of pasta. She
lifted it to her mouth. It tasted bitter. She knew it was the acid coming back
up in her throat as she fought the bile that threatened to spill from her
mouth. She couldn’t afford to anger him so she did her best to eat the piece.

“That’s it. See, we can have a wonderful meal together. Just
you and me.”

She watched in horror as Paul picked up his fork and started
shoveling food into his mouth. He was eating Tony’s food. The bastard didn’t
give a damn that she’d made all this for another man. He didn’t let it deter
him from his plan.

What is his plan?

A new fear took over her body and she shook. What was he
planning on doing to her? What the hell did he want from her? Sex?

She swallowed the bile that rose to the back of her throat.
She could not and would not have sex with Paul. Over her dead body.

Immediately she soaked up her surroundings, looking for
anything she could use to defend herself against him. She would not go down
without a fight.

Tony where are you?

There weren’t any other knives in view except the one Paul
had and the one in front of her plate. She’d be no match for him if she tried
to attack him. She’d have to be smart about this.

“So Paul.” She paused trying to find something to talk about
with him. “Where are you from?”

“Right down the beach. You’ve been there.”

He was clearly irritated by her question.

“Right.” She continued looking around the room determined to
find something she could knock him out with and run for her life.

He ate all the food on his plate, licking his fingers clean
when he was done. Allie shook her head disgusted. How the hell did she ever get
herself in this mess? Why was he targeting her?

“That was delicious. Best steak I’ve had in a long time.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”
Too bad Tony won’t get to taste

“What time did you say your pig friend was supposed to show

“Any minute.” Hope filled her that he would take off knowing
Tony was only moments away.

“We’d better get you out of the kitchen then. I wouldn’t
want you ruining my plans.”

“What plans, Paul? I don’t understand what you want from
me.” Hope was replaced by panic. He said he had to get her out of the kitchen.
Why? Where was he going to put her? This was crazy.

“It will all become clear soon. Don’t you worry.”

“Paul, I think you should just leave and forget about
whatever it is you want from me. I won’t tell anyone you were here. We could
forget any of this ever happened.”

“I’m not going to forget anything.” He slapped his hand on
the plate, while pushing his chair out. The legs scraped against the floor.
“Get up.”

The venom in his voice sent her flying from her chair and
back against the wall.

“In the bedroom,” he demanded.

Oh dear God, please no. Please don’t let him rape me.

“Why?” She stalled for time. There had to be a way out of
this situation. She looked to the door. It wasn’t that far from where she
stood. If she could just inch her way over while he wasn’t looking.

“Freeze.” Paul picked up the knife and walked around the
table. He was in front of her, the blade directly pointing at her throat. “Try
to make a run for it and I’ll cut you so fast you’ll drop where you stand.”

Allie believed him. The black of his eyes were empty, soulless.
He meant business.

“I won’t,” she uttered.

“Now I’m not going to repeat myself.” He pointed toward the

She skirted around him and hurried to the bedroom. She
looked for a weapon in there and again came up empty-handed. She was at his
mercy. Her only saving grace would be Tony showing up and she hoped that
happened soon.

Paul entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him. The
lock clicked in place and Allie knew she wasn’t getting out of this situation
without help. She resigned herself to the fact she might have to accept defeat
and his advances in hopes he’d take off afterward.

“Is it sex you want from me Paul? If I give you sex will you
leave me alone?” She didn’t turn to face him. She couldn’t look at those cold

The tip of the blade pierced her shoulder. Not enough to
break skin, but enough to make his point.

“I’ll be the one to decide if and when I leave. I’ll also be
the one deciding what I want from you and how I get it.”

She squeezed her eyes closed and held her breath. This was
worse than she thought it would be.

“Sit.” When she heard the chair scraping against the floor
she let out a sigh of relief. She’d thought he meant the bed, but he’d brought
in a kitchen chair.

Allie sat in the chair and waited. Questions lingered on the
tip of her tongue, but she refused to speak. It was dangerous. Silence was

He pulled out a bunch of stuff from his shorts pocket. There
were white plastic things that looked like the stuff that held items together
in the store so they didn’t fall out of the boxes. Those pesky things that you
had to cut with scissors to get your product.

“Hands down to the sides.” He picked up two of the plastic

Shit, he was going to tie her up. Would her wrists become
tender like they had with the handcuffs? The memory of how they’d hurt her
stayed in her mind.

“Please Paul I won’t fight you. Please don’t tie me up.”

“I said put your hands to your sides.”

Allie complied.

He walked behind the chair and tugged on her arm.

“Ouch.” Her shoulder pinched against the back of the chair.

He ignored her and pulled the other arm so her hands were
close together. She felt the plastic wrap around her wrists. The sound of a
zipper filled the room as he tightened the grip. Her hand pressed against the
chair painfully. He did the same to the other.

“Paul, that hurts. Can you make it less tight?”

“I’m sick of hearing you bitch and moan. You need to shut
your mouth while I decide what I’m going to do with you.”

Her heart pounded in her chest, the sound filling her
eardrums. This guy was a sick ticket. He didn’t care that she was hurting,
scared and not a willing participant in his game.

Allie bit back any words that wanted to spill from her
mouth. He wanted her quiet. Listening to him was the only chance of survival
she had.

Paul rummaged through her drawers looking for something.
Tempted as she was to ask what he was looking for she decided against it. Where
the fuck was Tony? His gun would outmatch Paul’s knife.

When Paul didn’t find what he was looking for he left the
bedroom. When he returned he was carrying duct tape.

“You’ll need your mouth for later, but until then I’m going
to shut you up. Maybe I’ll even cover your eyes. You won’t be able to see
what’s coming. Don’t you just love the element of surprise?”

“Please not my eyes. Let me be able to watch you.”

“You want to watch when I stick my cock down your throat and
make you suck me off?”

Her stomach churned.

“Okay. I kinda like the idea of you seeing my cock stuffed
in your mouth.”

This couldn’t be happening to her. What did she do to Paul
to deserve this?

He cut a piece of tape from the roll and covered her mouth.
She worried she’d puke and choke on her own vomit. She fought back the
sickening thoughts of Paul putting his dick in her mouth.

“Now be a good little girl while I go take a shower. I want
to be nice and clean when you’re sucking me.”

She nodded and he smiled.

He closed the bedroom door again, securing the lock.

“I’m going to show you what you’ve been missing while you
were putting out for that pig.”

Paul unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to the floor.
Next came his boxers. His cock was hard. His shirt came off with ease and he
stood in front of her naked.

He took his penis in his hand and shook it.

“Turns out you’re gonna get some of this after all. Whether you
wanted it or not. You’ll realize how lucky you are when I’m done fucking you.
You’ll never want to go back to your cop.”

That was highly unlikely but she nodded to keep him happy.

“I’m tempted to fuck you now instead of showering. A
quickie.” He stepped closer and Allie froze. She prayed he’d shower and give
her more time to get out of this mess. With her hands tied behind her back she
wasn’t sure how she’d manage an escape.

BOOK: SexontheBeach
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