Read Sex Symbol Online

Authors: Tracey H. Kitts

Sex Symbol (4 page)

BOOK: Sex Symbol
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I laughed harder and it felt really good.

“Don’t listen to what she has to say and don’t let yourself get worked up over a moron like James.”

Ozzy had remained quiet on the subject of James and our breakup. He had refrained from offering an opinion of any kind before now. I wasn’t sure how to take his comment.

“You think James is a moron?” I giggled just a little bit, further evidence that I’d had too much to drink.

“He left a smoking hot redhead with a beautiful body and ended up with a mediocre blonde with no tits. Are you kidding me? The man is obviously brain dead.”

To my surprise I could feel myself blushing at his words. Grabbing my crotch in front of a room full of people hadn’t made me blush, but Ozzy’s compliment did. Imagine that.

“You think I’m hot?”

“I think you’re gorgeous, but that’s not news.”

When he spoke his smile reached his eyes and I wanted very much for him to hold me.

“What can I do to help?” he asked.

“Dance with me.” He didn’t hesitate. Ozzy rose to his feet and took my hand, leading me back in front of the jukebox. “One of these days all this crap with James is gonna be like water under the troll.”

Oz busted out laughing. “You mean under the bridge, honey. Not the troll.”

“Shit, there’s trolls under bridges.”

He continued to laugh softly as he pulled me to him. “Well, I suppose it would have to go under them too then.”

The song playing was slow and every beat seemed to make my heart thump along with it. I pressed myself against Ozzy and could feel my nipples grow hard with the contact.

“Touch me, Oz. Put your hands on me.”

He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me harder against him. One leg slipped between mine and I ground my crotch against his thigh.

“You sure you want to do this in public?” he asked.

“Everyone in town already thinks we’re fucking. Let’s not disappoint them.”

Oz started to move with me then to the unapologetically naughty song. His hips moved and I gasped, imagining so many other things. I put my hands on his waist so that I could feel him flex as he moved and I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I was so wet now that grinding against his leg made my panties slip just a little and the slight friction almost made me come.

I could feel everyone’s eyes on us, but I was more concerned with Ozzy’s hands.

“You know,” he whispered against my face, “this sort of dancing doesn’t go over well in the Bible Belt.” I knew he was teasing me. Ozzy hated the puritanical notions that still ruled the South just as much as I did.

“Well, I think that belt needs to be unbuckled every now and then.” I ran my hands underneath his belt, just inside his pants. “Maybe you could even take it off and spank me with it.”

“I think I should take you home, honey. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Yes, I do. And I want you to take me home. Do you know what I’d like you to do next?”

His eyes had darkened with desire until they appeared black. I knew he wanted me, but I also knew that Oz would never sleep with me if he thought it was just the alcohol talking.

“What did he put in those margaritas?” he teased.

“Oz, I want to tell you something. I know that we’re friends and I want to continue to be friends. I cherish our relationship, I really do. But right now I’ve got some very unfriendly things I’d like for you to do to me and I really think I’ll be all right with that in the morning.” He hesitated and I added, “I’m not saying this because I’m drunk. I want you, but if it weren’t for the alcohol, I probably wouldn’t have the courage to tell you.”

“So, you’d just like to fuck me and go back to living your life?” He said it so matter-of-factly, yet it didn’t sound harsh at all. “Why didn’t you say so before now?”

Well, that was not the response I had expected.

“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. I love you, Oz. You’re my oldest friend besides Chase.”

His smile was the most wicked thing I’d seen in a long time. “Darling, I’m a sociopath. I don’t think you can hurt my feelings.” He ran his hands down my back, but stopped just short of grabbing my ass. I had no such inhibitions about touching him. “Tell me what unfriendly things you’d like for me to do to you.”

I leaned in close enough to appreciate the soft smell of his cologne. “I’d like for you to take me home and then I want you to take your cock and put it inside me. I want you to give it to me hard and rough until my screams rattle the floorboards. I want it until I tell you to stop. I want you to remember all the times we talked about sex and I want you to do all the things you know I like. Because we both know you paid attention.”

“Yes, I did. When would you like to do this?”

“Right now.”


The ride home was a mixture of hands and lips and tongue. It’s a wonder I didn’t run us off the road.

“I don’t know what’s come over me,” I panted.

“Well, in just about a minute it can come over me, we’re almost there,” Ozzy said.

He parked in front of the garage and I almost got out. But then I remembered that he always opened my door. As he walked around the car, the thunderclouds overhead finally burst and he was soaked by the time he opened the door. My first thought as I saw him standing in the rain was that I didn’t have any other neighbors for miles. There was no trace of the mystery man next door when we drove up and I really didn’t give a rat’s ass about any traffic. I was far enough off the beaten path that we shouldn’t see anyone.

“Hand me the umbrella, I’ll keep you from getting wet,” he said.

“Too late.”

I wondered how it seemed to be raining only around my house. But as he opened the door wider and reached for me, I didn’t really care if frogs fell from the sky and splattered on the pavement. What I did care about was how warm and real his hand felt as it completely covered mine.

“Are you a criminal, Oz?”

He seemed surprised. It was the closest I’d ever come to asking how he got his money.

“Why do you ask?” he replied smoothly.

“Because I’ve heard that criminals will fuck you like they might go back to jail tomorrow.”

He only laughed in response.

I stood up and saw him slip my keys into his pocket, before either of us could forget that we would need them later. It occurred to me then that I hadn’t seen Oz in two weeks. As I stood there, feeling the heat rising from his body, breathing in his familiar scent, I realized how much I had missed him. How much I had longed to run my fingers through his hair, although I never had. But that didn’t stop me from doing so now and enjoying the way his eyes closed almost involuntarily every time that I touched him.

Some time over the past two weeks he’d cut his hair. It was always short, but now it was back to being a bit more orderly. Still, there was enough length to fall down over his forehead and the stray hairs I brushed back looked black instead of red. Ozzy looked great wet.

It occurred to me as I deliberately messed up his hair that neither of us had spoken in several minutes. Not a word. I stood on tiptoe to kiss him but he beat me to it, meeting me halfway.

I have never in all my life been so aroused. I thought I would be finished before he ever really touched me. I moaned as he pressed the front of his body tight against mine, letting me feel the full extent of his erection pressed against my belly. The kiss that had begun so softly was now a deep, penetrating tangle of lips and teeth and tongue. I began to suck on his lower lip and he completely lost it, moaning as he took me in his arms.

Faster than I would have thought him capable, he picked me up, slamming me against the car. I growled and wrapped myself around him. I thought this would shock him, but it only seemed to provoke him further.

He pinned me to the car with his hips as he gracefully shrugged out of his wet shirt. I had never seen him without a shirt before. Ozzy is exactly ten years older than me. That would make him thirty-eight if you were wondering, and he was in damn good shape. I ran my fingers up through the back of his wet hair, pulling hard enough to cause his head to tilt, exposing his throat.

I began biting gently along his neck, barely controlling the urge to bite harder. The thought of leaving teeth marks briefly crossed my mind, but I decided against it. I’ll be honest, I really don’t remember how my shirt and bra got off. I was wearing only a very wet pair of jeans, chewing on Ozzy’s neck in the darkness like a vampire. What had possessed me?

I’d always thought he was attractive, but never acted on those feelings before. It was like I had suddenly gone wild. Whatever beast I had managed to keep at bay for so many long years came unleashed as I began to unbuckle his belt. I actually snarled, becoming frustrated with the button on his pants.

He smiled ever so slightly as he lowered me to the ground, unbuttoning them himself. I ran my hands eagerly into his pants and wrapped my fingers around his throbbing cock.

“Mmm, silk,” I said.

I’d never been with a man who wore silk underwear before. He pressed me back against the car again, spreading my arms out like he was searching me for weapons. His hands and mouth were warm in contrast to the rain that fell like cold needles against my skin. I tilted my face upward in an attempt to cool the fever burning inside me. His mouth made a warm trail down my body before finally stopping at my jeans.

He unbuttoned them with practiced ease and slid them off. Being naked in the rain was sweet relief. It felt wonderful to be out of my clothes. I couldn’t imagine why I’d wanted to wear them in the first place, much too restrictive.

Oz put his hands on my ass, lifting me against the car again. Only this time he hooked my legs over his shoulders and buried his face in my pussy. I growled and arched against him, my hands losing their grip on the wet metal I tried to use for leverage. He licked and sucked at my clit like a pro while I left angry red nail marks on his shoulders where I clung desperately as if trying to pull myself through him.

Finally he lowered me to the ground again, and I could barely stand.

“What was it you wanted me to do again?”

“I want you to put your cock in me.” My request came out as more of a moan, but that didn’t matter.

He grabbed me around the waist, lifting and slamming me against the car for the third time. I reached between our bodies as my legs wrapped around him and placed his cock right over my opening.

“I need you to fuck me good and hard, Oz. You think you can do that for me?”

He slammed into me full force. My cry of passion sounded more like triumph as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight. Ozzy was not small. It was hard to take at first, but it was exactly what I wanted. I adjusted quickly. The wet slapping noises our bodies made was driving me crazy. It was most likely from the rain, but just imagining my pussy being that wet was enough to get me there.

I arched against the door, thrusting my hips toward Ozzy, giving back as much as I could of what he was giving.

“I’m gonna come, Oz. Grind against me, it rubs my clit at the same time and… Oh! That’s it!”

As my muscles clamped tight around him his voice was strained in my ear. “Should I pull out now? I didn’t bring a condom.”

“I’m on the Pill. Come inside me, Oz. I want to feel your cum running down me.”

I felt his muscles go stiff with effort and his labored breathing stop for a split second as he came. It was wickedly sexy to hear him come, even though he didn’t say a thing. To feel the way his body moved against me and the warm spill of his cum between my thighs. When did I become such a nympho?

Chapter Five
Noises in the night

The moment was perfect. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed it for a while. When I opened them again Ozzy was looking at me. He began rubbing my rain streaked mascara out from underneath my eyes and seemed to be very relieved when I looked up at him and blinked.

He smiled. “You okay?”

I nodded.

He sighed loudly and a tension I hadn’t previously noticed seemed to slip from his shoulders.

“Had me worried for a minute.”

I’ve always heard that people show you who they really are during sex. Maybe Ozzy was just a little bit insecure at letting me see the real him. My legs were still wrapped around his waist and he was still partially inside of me. Oz never broke eye contact as he lowered me to the ground, but didn’t quite let go. My knees weren’t exactly what they should be.

He finally took a step away from me and started picking up our scattered clothes. His pants were still around his knees. He pulled them up, but left them open as he collected our things. The smile on his face seemed to express what I was feeling. Who’d have thought that we would ever have sex?

Well, the whole town thought it, but not us. It was funny. There we stood, myself wearing only a black lace bra and him with his pants pulled up but still unzipped, soaked to the bone and freezing. He looked hot. I probably looked like a drowned rat with my goose bumps, wet hair and smeared mascara.

It was like he read my mind and wanted to get rid of any insecurities I might have.

“You look sexy when you’re wet,” he said.

Ozzy put his arm around me and we walked toward the porch. Just as he turned the lock in the door we both froze.

“Did you hear that?” he asked.

We looked back toward the SUV, to the spot where we’d both been standing only moments before and saw what looked like a large black dog. Only it was much too big to be a dog. Its golden eyes glowed in the darkness and I practically clawed the paint off the door to get inside.

“Hurry up,” Ozzy said, pushing me in ahead of him.

He slammed the door and locked it behind us, tossing my keys onto the nearby table.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked.

It was the first time I had ever seen him look rattled. Ozzy ran a hand through his wet hair and walked into the living room as he spoke.

“I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a werewolf in person before. But if I had to make a guess, that would be mine.”

“A w-werewolf? You think there’s a werewolf in my front yard?”

BOOK: Sex Symbol
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