Sex and the Widow Miles (The Women of Willow Bay) (8 page)

BOOK: Sex and the Widow Miles (The Women of Willow Bay)
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How’d you do that?” I dried my hands on a clean tea towel and peeked at the screen over his shoulder. “I did exactly what Javier told me to do and I couldn’t get it to work.”

It’s a gift.” He flashed me a grin full of beautiful white teeth that sent a rush of sensation straight through me. “I could be your own personal guru.” Those blue, blue eyes offered way more than computer advice.

Yeah? Bet that’ll cost me.” I tossed him a wink.

was it about this man that hyped up my flirting mechanism? I assumed it had died with Charlie, or if it hadn’t died, it was in mothballs at this stage. But here I was, smiling coyly and leaning over his shoulder.

Oh, we could probably work out some suitable arrangement,” he replied. “I might not be cheap, but I’m certainly reasonable.”

’s handsome face was mere inches from mine. I could smell the citrus shampoo he used and the wine he’d had with dinner. My nipples tightened as my breasts brushed his broad back.

. The heat radiating through me told me I was teetering on the edge of real trouble. I couldn’t believe I was so attracted to this guy. But I was also determined to keep the promise I’d made to myself after that humiliating night a few weeks earlier. I definitely needed to watch my step with Will Brody.

I turned my attention to the screen in front of him.
“Um, thanks for doing this, Will. It’ll be nice to be able to get on the Internet here at home. I can stop checking email at the shop.”

Okay, let’s take a look.” With an obvious sigh, he clicked the email icon on the desktop before I could stop him. The program began to load. “God, you’ve got a ton of new email. I thought you said you were checking it at the shop.”

Oh, no wait.” I put my hand on top of Will’s on the mouse. “That’s not my email, it’s probably Charlie’s old hospital account. I have to use webmail on this computer.”

Well, so far we’ve downloaded thirty-seven emails and they’re still coming.” Will pointed to the box racking up the message count, but at the same time, moved his fingers under mine on the mouse. “Want to just let it do its thing? I can open the browser for you to get to your webmail while it’s downloading. Then if you like, I can delete his account and set up
email for you.”

Um… I guess.” My pulse was quickening under the gentle massaging action of his thumb on my wrist. But at the same time, my curiosity was piqued about the emails pouring into Charlie’s inbox. Surely the hospital should have closed out his account by now. Will clicked on the browser and the new window covered the email program, but I could see the little counter in the taskbar, still showing emails coming in.

When’s the last time you checked this email box, Julie?” Will glanced up at me, his brows furrowed. He gently tugged his hand from mine as a pinging alert sent him back to the email program. It was done.

lord, 1,092 new messages.

checked it before—this was Charlie’s laptop. I brought it along with me because I couldn’t find the charger for mine and his was all together in one bag. Plus, it’s newer and nicer than mine.”

I tossed the towel on the countertop behind me and pulled a chair around to peer at the screen with Will. The
inbox list was stuffed with emails, the last one dated yesterday, a year and month after Charlie had died. Will scrolled through the list, stopping at one from Tuckaway Winery—most likely an ad or something. As far as I could see, there wasn’t anything there related to cardiology or the hospital.

My God, this
is Charlie’s personal email.

Why had it never even occurred to me that Charlie might have a separate personal email box? When the kids emailed me, they
’d always copied Charlie at the hospital. He never mentioned having a personal email. I tried to think back, but I couldn’t place a time when I’d seen Charlie use this computer at home. He’d always put it in his office with strict instructions to leave it alone. Will’s finger twitched on the mouse button.

Unnatural cold clutched in the pit of my stomach and I grabbed his hand.
“Close this out, Will. It isn’t any of our business.”

” Will’s eyes widened as he gave a snort of disbelief.

It feels wrong to go through his private email. It’d be like reading his journal or something. Charlie and I respected each other’s privacy. Hell, I never even opened his wallet without asking him first.”

Really? Aren’t you even a little curious?”

No. Close the program, okay?” My tone had an edge that I immediately regretted, but I couldn’t explain my reluctance. I simply did
want to peruse those emails.

Okay.” With a concerned glance in my direction, he clicked out of the program.

I’m sorry.” I searched for the right words as he sat patiently, one hand on the keyboard. He deserved an explanation if for no other reason than because I snapped at him. “I–I just can’t face that right now. I’m so much better, you know? And it’d be like sticking your tongue in a sore tooth to see if it still hurts. Probing into the past, reading those emails and seeing what interested him besides me and the kids and his work would only open up the healing places.”

I get it, Jules. You don’t have to apologize.” He closed the laptop and stood up. “But if you want me to set it up for your email, I can go in and add it to the program.”

Thanks, but I think I’ll stick with the webmail for now.” When I caught Will’s eye, he was staring at me, confusion evident on his handsome face. So I gave him a big smile. “I appreciate you hooking me up.” I extended one hand toward the kitchen. “How ‘bout dessert? It’s chocolate molten lava cake from that bakery by the shop. Have you ever had it?”

I warmed the chocolate cake in the microwave, then added hot fudge and whipped cream before I put it in front of him with flourish.

“Ta da!” I handed him a fork. The extra hot fudge and whipped cream were my idea. “Sarah introduced me to these wicked things, she calls ‘em a mountain of sin on a plate and she is
right.” A mischievous little devil took over and I gave him a coy smile. “Carrie and I have our own special term for desserts like this.”

Really? What is it?” He poured rich red zinfandel into glasses. I’d opened it when I got out the dessert because red wine always tasted great with chocolate.



We call them UFOs.” I flipped my hair back with a slight head toss.

UFO? What’s it stand for?”

Guess.” God, I was flirting again. Elbows on the countertop, I rested my chin in my palm as an impish smile played on my lips. This guy brought out the naughty in me like no one else had but Charlie. I straightened up, trying to recover some semblance of propriety.

I’m not a good guesser,” he said. “‘Fess up, okay?”

Um… no.” I turned and pulled open a drawer behind me. Silverware rattled as I rummaged. “I think I’ll let you give it some thought.”

Oh, come on, Julie. You’re the one who brought it up, so tell me.”

Nope, I don’t think you’re old enough.” It was the old defense, but at the moment, it was all I had. I gestured to the plate in front of him. “Eat. Go on before it gets cold.”

Where’s yours?” He glanced around, but there was only one serving of molten lava cake. “Do I have to eat this in front of you?”

I produced another fork from behind my back.
“No silly, you have to
it with me.”

You obviously aren’t a serious chocolate lover, Ms. Miles.” He stuck his fork into the cake and scooped out a huge bite covered in fluffy whipped cream.

Excuse me?” I got my own forkful of chocolate decadence from the other side of the plate. “I happen to be a world-class chocolate lover, Mr. Brody.” The cake practically melted in my mouth, chocolaty and velvety smooth. I took a sip of the zin. The combination of chocolate and red wine was incredible.

I beg to differ.” He took another big bite of cake, the expression on his face one of utter delight. “A real chocolate lover would never share or expect anyone else to.”

I licked chocolate sauce and whipped cream from my lips.
“You couldn’t be more wrong. A true chocolate lover
shares because we know how important it is that everyone have the opportunity to know this kind of deliciousness.” I winked. “My boy, never ever try to best a menopausal woman when it comes to chocolate. Didn’t your momma ever teach you that?”

He grimaced at me around another mouthful of cake,
swallowed, and then said, “Um, Jules.” He reached across the counter. “You’ve got a little whipped cream… uh… “With a quick swipe of his finger, he snagged a fluffy dot that had somehow ended up on the end of my nose and then brushed it over my lips.

My tongue slipped out to catch it, but caught his
finger instead. He lingered there on my lower lip, which trembled when he touched it. When he ran his finger over my mouth, heat flushed my cheeks. I blinked and sucked in a quick breath. “Will, I—”

Shhh.” He cupped my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb, tunneling his fingers under my hair. Tugging me closer, he leaned in and lightly touched his lips to mine.

When I didn
’t pull away, he increased the pressure, letting his tongue trace the seam between my lips. I put one hand up, ran it over his shoulder and around to the back of his neck, and opened my lips to him.

He stood and balanced himself with his other hand. For one second, I wondered why he didn
’t come around the island and take me in his arms, but I wasn’t about to let go of the kiss to ask. His tongue met mine, and I tasted chocolate and sweet cream and Will. A moan escaped into the kiss as he leaned in even more and the fire in my core increased. After a long delicious moment, I pulled away, slowly dropping back off my toes.

When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me. Heat flared in his expression, his pupils were pinpricks of emotion, and he swallowed hard.

My libido shouted at me to grab him and haul him to the closest bed. When I met his gaze, I knew in that moment all I had to do was give him a sign and he’d make love to me right then and there. Dear God, I wanted to, more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life, but I didn’t say anything.

His breath
ing stuttered and his hands on my face shook. Then he surprised the hell out of me. He closed his eyes, and a deep breath later, tucked my tousled hair behind my ear and brushed his lips over mine.

Good night, Slugger, thanks for dinner. It was great.”







I didn
’t realize I was holding my breath until the door closed quietly behind Will. I released it in a giant whoosh before I laid my forehead on the cool granite of the countertop.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

My heart still pounded, every nerve humming from that sensual contact. Good Lord, the boy could kiss. The
could kiss, because most certainly Will Brody was all man. I whimpered into the granite. This was not good. Not good at all. Raising my head, I cradled it in my palms and tried to gain some semblance of common sense.

Sex had reared its frustrating little head again, and I hadn
’t been so shocked about anything since the night Charlie dropped dead in my arms. Taking a deep breath, I poured some more wine into my glass and slugged it down. It never occurred to me that I’d desire anyone except my husband. I’d never wanted any man but Charlie, so when he died, I assumed I’d live my life as a widow and one day a grandmother, but never again as someone’s lover. When was the appropriate time for a widow to start having carnal thoughts about another man? Only a year after her husband dies? And what would said husband think of me salivating over a man only a few years older than our son? Yeah, my life was changing and I was so much better, but was a fling with Will Brody the right path to take?

La Belle Femme had brought significance into my existence again, a way I could get out of my own head. I was having the time of my life assisting Sarah in putting together looks for those brave women. Who knew that my fashion sense would turn into a way to help others? I really believed it was my mission now, what would fulfill me. I could live happily by myself being a grandmother, a friend, and finding good causes. But Will Brody had thrown a monkey wrench into that line of thinking.

Did I need something more to feel fulfilled? Was
the something more?

BOOK: Sex and the Widow Miles (The Women of Willow Bay)
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