Read Servicing the Undead Online

Authors: Isabelle Drake

Servicing the Undead (5 page)

BOOK: Servicing the Undead
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She smiled, speaking over her shoulder, “That’s more like

He lifted her skirt and positioned his stiff cock between
her bare ass cheeks. “You might want to hold on to the counter.”

Without worrying about whether or not he hurt her, he
impaled her with a single sharp drive. She was tight, but her body accepted his
full length. He plunged in again. She bucked back, encouraging him to pound
into her, and he did. Flickers of the sexual fire that had started the night
before flamed inside him and tore through his limbs in a fierce and angry
blaze. Their bodies became one and he pumped his cock into her pussy using
quick, remorseless thrusts. The blaze exploded and stole his control. His
orgasm was upon him in seconds. His cock got bigger, seeming to expand beyond
its possible size, and she let out a long, heavy breath. Tremors rolled over
her body, the walls of her vagina squeezed, sucking the cum from his dick. He
shuddered, slowly at first, but more quickly as the waves of their explosion
rolled together. The last three thrusts were vicious and fierce, almost to the
point of pain, but he couldn’t control himself, didn’t really want to, and he
fell into the dark bliss of the mind-numbing physical release.

He withdrew, pulled down her skirt and adjusted his clothes.

Mattie looked him up and down as she straightened out her
clothes. “Well done, researcher.”

“Why do you keep calling me that?” he asked, stepping past

She followed him into the living room. “That’s what you do,
isn’t it? Research.”

“I write for a ridiculous tabloid newspaper. That’s not

She kicked the back of his calf, and he stumbled until he
grabbed the edge of the couch.

“You’re so smart, Hayden,” she said after a husky laugh. “I
can’t believe you haven’t figured it out yet.”

He looked over his shoulder.

“What I want from you, I mean.”

He pointed to his dick then moved to the picture window that
looked out on the street. The rows of white lights blinked back at him. Snow
lay heaped in corners, heavy and dense, turning into shadows as the sun set on
the slow-moving city. Long minutes stretched past as he watched the dusk, him
trying to guess what Mattie wanted from him and her poised behind him, a solid
wall of stealth.

Rachelle swung into the room, her giant fur wrapped around
her body. Despite having just fucked Mattie, a slow thrill of arousal ran
through his body.

She smiled, looking as if she was remembering too. “You guys

Mattie shoved Hayden toward the hall. “You go get ready,
Hayden. I’ll make us some tea to take on the trip.” She wrapped her arm around
Rachelle’s shoulders and kissed the other girl on top of the head. “I’ll make
sure we take care of everything.”

Chapter Five

“Well done, researcher.”


Fingers of wind brushed Hayden’s hair, ruffling it and
tossing the front strands into his eyes. He shoved them back and squinted. The
air in his car was cool and his breath came out in puffs. Beyond the windshield
the moonlight shone across a row of snow-covered trees that stretched across
the horizon. The line of trees was thin, narrow, as though it ran alongside of
stream or river.

Beside him a woman groaned.

Rachelle, wrapped tightly in her fur coat. She opened her
eyes and looked around. “Oh, hey.”

“Hey, you.” He reached over and took her hand. It was cool,
but not cold. “Were you asleep?”

“Guess so.”

A quick rap on the window made Hayden jump.

Mattie lingered outside, her booted feet deep down into the
snow. “You guys, come on out here.”

Rachelle squeezed his hand. “Where are we?”

“I’m not sure.”

She laughed. “You drove us here.”

Hayden looked at Mattie, but she was turned away, scanning
the tree line, the map dangling in one hand, her body outlined in shadow. He
turned to Rachelle, but she wasn’t looking at him. She too was scanning the
tree line, her gaze moving along with Mattie’s.

The sky was clear, the night quiet. It smelled cold. The
only sign of life was the soft clouds of mist that formed from their breaths.

Hayden twisted and looked in the backseat. His backpack was
there, the bag of food they’d brought and the thermos. Probably empty now. That
was the last thing he remembered—drinking the tea while Mattie gave him
directions. After that there was nothing. Now he was parked on the side of some
road out in the middle of nowhere. They could be twenty minutes from the city
or two hours. He glanced at the gas tank. It was about half full, but if he
blacked out driving he could have blacked out stopping for gas. He reached into
his pocket, looking for his wallet and noticed his belt was undone and hanging
down the back of his pants.

“What’s wrong?” Rachelle asked, her eyebrows pulling

He shrugged. “Nothing. Let’s get out.” He shoved open the
car door and rolled out, fixing his belt as he stood. A wave of dizziness found
him and he grabbed the top of the door to steady himself.

Mattie moved over. “It’ll wear off once you start moving.”

“Seems to me I’ve already been doing some moving.”

“You did a little. I did more.”

Rachelle spun in a circle. “So where are we, anyway?”

Mattie lifted the map and pointed to the top right corner.
“This is the camp. So we need to walk up the river, then we’ll see it.”

Hayden leaned on his car. “Just leave the car here?”

“We won’t be gone long.” Rachelle looked around the deserted
area. “Is this even a real road?”

Ignoring Rachelle’s question, Mattie opened the car door and
grabbed Hayden’s bag then held it out for him. “You’ll want this.”

Hayden took it and pulled the strap across his shoulder.
Mattie grabbed the thermos and tucked it under her arm.

Rachelle rounded the back of the car. “You really think
we’re going to see something out there?”

“My friend must’ve seen something or else he wouldn’t have
made the map. Right?” Mattie rolled the paper up, tucked it into her coat
pocket and started walking toward the trees.

Rachelle followed, her shorter legs working harder to get
through the snow. “It’s not anything dangerous, is it? I mean, nothing bad can
happen to us, right?”

Mattie bumped shoulders with Rachelle. “Only the bad stuff
we want to happen will happen.” She glanced over her shoulder and caught
Hayden’s gaze. “Right, Hayden?”

“That true, Hayden?”

Hayden ignored Mattie’s stare. “I’ll keep you safe,

“What about me?” Mattie asked, trying to look innocent.

“You’re on your own.”

She laughed.

They walked on in near silence, the rise and fall of their
booted feet the only noise breaking the deathly quiet of the clear night air.
It was cold, but not bitter. Finally, they reached the edge of the line of
tress. The snow was less deep, and they were able to walk more quickly. Mattie
stayed in front, Rachelle second, Hayden last.

When Mattie unscrewed the top of the thermos, he watched
Rachelle take several long drinks of the tea. When she offered it to him he
took it and drank too. The warm liquid settled in his stomach.

* * * * *

The dizziness was more intense this time. Hayden breathed
deeply, hoping the air would clear his head. Then he remembered what she’d
said—movement. He pulled in another long breath and placed his arms by his
sides. Somewhere in the back of his consciousness a chain rattled. He ignored
the sound and tried to lift himself. Again, the sound came. He pushed harder
but the only reward was a sharp snap to his neck and a shooting pain down his

He reached up and found a heavy, cold ring circling his
neck. A chain was attached.

He grabbed the metal ring and tugged, the rough, stiff steel
cut into his palms. “Rachelle?” He crawled back to create slack in the chain so
he could sit upright and then he yelled again. The darkness didn’t answer. He
yelled again and again. The third time his anguish and fear seeped out in his
voice and the sound circled him, making rings of fear that surrounded him like

“She’s fine, trust me. And probably having the best time
she’s had in a while.” Mattie moved into the room from a corner, her eyes
glowing green. “Except for last night, I mean. That was exceptional, wasn’t it?
Having her lick your balls. I bet that was delicious. For her and for you.”

She sat on the edge of the bed, the light from a lantern on
a small dresser beside the bed casting shadows on her face, and tossed back the
rough brown quilt covering him. He was naked beneath it, his cock was partially
erect. “She’s quite curious and very enthusiastic about sex.” Mattie ran her
cool fingers up his shaft, caressing him lightly. “You are too.”

Hayden gritted his teeth against the warmth curling through
him, heating his cock and reminding him how good it felt to thrust inside her
lifeless body. He clenched his jaw and looked away.

Beyond the edge of the bed, a fire was burning in a squat
wood stove. Two battered pots hung above. About three feet from the stove was a
square table with two chairs. A window was above it, but there was nothing
visible outside except blackness—a dark night that coated everything and never
ended. The wind was gone and silence surrounded them, wherever they were.
Mattie was staring at him, her eyes flickering bright and dark green, her mouth
was softer than usual.

“You know.” She smiled, moving her gaze back to his eyes. “I
think I forgot to thank you.”

He shrugged.

“I told you to make it good, you know, give me something
worth watching, and you did. I appreciated your effort.”

Last night, with Rachelle. “I didn’t do it for you,” he
said, ignoring the carnal want starting to spread throughout his body as he
began remembering the lust that had consumed him.

“I was part of it, though. Wasn’t I?”

Hot flames of fierce sexual hunger flared deep inside. There
was no point in denying what she already knew to be true. He nodded. She
touched him, squeezed his shaft and then jerked her hand up and down, bringing
more blood to his dick. She bent down and licked the tip. He sucked in a sharp
breath and stiffened his spine, trying to fight the stab of piercing pleasure.

It was wrong. Everything about Mattie and him was wrong, but
he’d never felt anything like it. Every nerve ending in his body was simmering,
ready to be ignited and taken over by the surreal electricity.

She licked him again, taking her time, swirling her tongue
smoothly across his tight skin. “Lay down. I’m going to suck the cum out of
your cock.”

He resisted, even though her hand was still curved around
his shaft, gliding slowly up and down, gently pulling him, and making him

“I need it. You can either settle back and give it to me, or
I’ll shove you back and take it.”

Hayden wanted to fight. He thought about the way his mouth
felt, pressed to her cold lifeless neck. He thought about her constant threats,
the chain around his neck. But she stroked him, gently, the coolness of her
hand making the heat under her fingertips feel even hotter.

She licked him, then ran her tongue around his shaft, making
his skin slick. “I really do like you.” Looking up at him with her green gaze,
she added, “I like you much better than my last one.”

Hayden lay back and stared at the rough wood timbers that
ran across the top of the cabin. He took a deep breath. “What happened to him?”

She licked him again, and again, then squeezed as she glided
her hand up and down. “Do you want to meet him?”

“He’s here?”

Instead of answering, she parted her lips and took in all of
him. His cock bumped the back of her throat. His hips jerked. The chain around
his neck shifted and cut into his bones. Pain shot across his shoulders, but
she continued sliding his shaft in and out of her mouth. He bucked, thrusting
himself deeper into her mouth.

Suddenly, she stopped and pulled away. “What you really want
to know is, is he one of us.” She caressed his firm wet skin with her fingers.
“The answer is yes. But not all my others wanted to be turned.”

He pulled in a sharp steadying breath as the tension in his
body spiraled tighter. “You give them a choice?”

“Of course. We all had the choice.” She slid her hand down
to the base of his shaft, squeezed. “That’s enough talking, Hayden. Now be
quiet while I make you come.”

The idea drifted up like fog. Choice was
something he hadn’t considered. But she took him into her mouth again,
swallowing him deeply as she swirled his tongue around his hard shaft. So the
thought drifted to the back of his mind, and his consciousness filled with shades
of green, the new colors of sex.

The tension in his groin tightened quickly, circled tighter,
and stole the air from his lungs. He bucked against her mouth, trying to get
even deeper into her throat. The heavy metal ring cut off the flow of blood
coursing through his neck. Instinctively, he gasped for air, but the first
waves of his release were already on him, taking control of his body. The rings
of pleasure were cruel, circling his cock, squeezing the cum from his shaft.
Mattie’s mouth continued to move over him, sucking every last bit.

Finally, he was able to shift up and break the pressure on
his neck. Heavy blood pulsed upward.

Mattie moved away and ran the back of her hand across her
lips. “I suppose you want to see Rachelle.”

Hayden shifted himself as upright as the chain would allow
and nodded.

She got off the bed and crossed to the wood stove. She
kicked it lightly with her booted foot. Sparks flared. She kicked it again.
Sparks flashed higher behind the glass. “You really need to start thinking bigger,
Hayden. Try to see what you aren’t even bothering to look at. You’re a thinker.

“Take me to her.”

She stared at the burning wood, her body unaffected by the
heat of the flames dancing behind the thick glass. The top of the stove was
flat, probably to be used for cooking. But she didn’t eat, did she? The heat
was for him, her effort to make him comfortable.

“I’ll take you to her. But remember, I warned you.” She
crossed the room to the dresser beside the bed. Wood squeaked as she wiggled a
drawer open. After soft rustle of objects, she turned and came toward him.
“We’ll have to…have to—can you put your ankles together?” She grabbed one of
his ankles and tugged it toward the other. “This isn’t going to hurt.”

The soft leather straps she bound his legs with were
reddish-brown and about an inch thick. It was obvious by the efficient way her
fingers worked the straps into knots, she had experience with tethering. Once
the straps were secured around his ankles, she tugged on the binds. “You’ll be able
to walk fine. They’re only there to keep you from running.”

He moved his legs, testing the limits of the binds. “Where
would I run to?”

“You’re crafty, researcher. You might think you could build
a dog sled and take off through the woods.”

“Where are we?”

“See? That’s what I mean. You’re always thinking.” She
pushed herself off the bed. “Why don’t you do us some good and start thinking
something useful.”

“What would that be?”

“You never did tell me what you found out in the library,
before I interrupted you.”

He got up and tried walking alongside the bed. The tethers
were manageable. “Interrupted? That’s what you’re calling it?”

“I don’t remember you complaining.”

It was true, so he didn’t say anything. If only he’d known.
But looking back, even if he had known, would he have done it anyway?

“Tell me, what did you find out?”

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the cover over his
legs and groin. “Are you serious? You know because you’re proof of it.”

She wiggled the drawer, the wood squeaking until it was
closed. “Tell me anyway.”

He described the tracker he’d read about, and how the man
followed the tribe into the woods and watched them train those freshly turned
how to live off the sex. When she prompted him, he told her about the drawings,
the details of the sex rituals, but she kept asking for more. “That really is
all of it,” he said once he’d told her everything he could remember. “Was there
something in particular you were hoping for?”

She got up and walked to the window and looked out into the
black night.

“What were you hoping for?” he asked.

“What happens next?”

How could he possibly know that?

Hayden grabbed the chain and tugged. The dull sound of metal
rubbing against wood made her look over.

BOOK: Servicing the Undead
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