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Authors: Ann Voss Peterson

Serial Bride (17 page)

BOOK: Serial Bride
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Diana Gale clutched the loosely wrapped bouquet of spring daisies in her hands and took her measured walk down the garden path. The June sun warmed her back. The scent of iris and peony hung sweet in the air, their blooms framing simple rows of chairs filled with smiling people. A guitar's simple strum blended with snatches of birdsong.

Diana reached her spot next to the minister and gave Bryce a generous smile. Dashing yet relaxed in his gray stroller, he looked happy. There was no hint of his ongoing hunt for his brother's murderer, the man called the Copy Cat Killer. No sign of the stresses that had played out in that forest many months ago. His hazel eyes were so focused on his future with Sylvie, his handsome face so at ease and sparkling with hope, that it made Diana's chest ache.

Since the night Bryce, Sylvie and she had walked away from that cabin in the north woods, she had
struggled to put her life back together. Never again would she let herself depend on others for safety and strength. Never again would she let herself be so weak, so vulnerable. She'd been a victim since she was a child, but now—no matter how difficult life became—it was time to stand on her own feet, make her own decisions.

Facing her own weakness and dependence had been hard. Facing Reed had been harder. He'd always been there for her. Protecting her. Taking care of her. And she'd always let him. He hadn't understood why she couldn't let him anymore.

She swallowed, causing her throat to ache. She couldn't think about Reed. She couldn't think about her own struggles. At least not today. Today she would push the worries aside, the thoughts of broken hearts, the shadow of Dryden Kane. She'd made it through the winter, and now it was time to enjoy the new life of spring.

And what better way to do that than by enjoying her sister's wedding?

Diana turned to look up the garden aisle.

Sylvie walked toward them. Her flowing white gown of silk chiffon wisped around her ankles. The sunlight played across the white lace bow in her hair. And on her lips danced the most glorious smile as she strode forward to claim her future.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-2546-6


Copyright © 2006 by Ann Voss Peterson

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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Wedding Mission

BOOK: Serial Bride
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