Sergeant-at-Arms (Desperados MC) (5 page)

BOOK: Sergeant-at-Arms (Desperados MC)
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She was still dazed as she followed him around to the back of the building, going through the motions of putting on her helmet and climbing behind the biker mechanically. 
She barely noticed that it was already dark out.  The engine roared to life and they took off just as she started to hear the distant sound of sirens.

She wasn’t sure how long they road for, but by the time they stopped she had no idea where they were and couldn’t even recollect getting there.  She looked around and saw they were in front of a small little apartment bu
ilding.  Dax hopped off the bike and turned to her.

“Where are we?” she asked. 

“My place.  I don’t think you should go home tonight.”

“Why not?”

“I’d feel better if you were close by.”

“Am I in danger?”

“Not at all.”

“Then why... oh.  You don’t trust me.”

Dax just stared at her for a moment before saying anything.  “I just think it’s better if you let the shock of things wear off a bit before you go back to your family.”

Madison was suddenly overcome with emotion.  She wanted to see her family again.  But
Dax was right.  If she went home now, she’d probably run into her mother’s arms and sob, and tell her what she’d seen, and promise never to leave the house again.  As comforting as that sounded right now, that was the easy way out.  She’d already lived that life, and she knew she didn’t like it.  It might feel good in the moment, but after a week she’d start hating it again. 
This life excites me.  It makes me feel alive.
  Even still, she was having trouble holding back her tears.

She nodded and accepted
Dax’s arm as he helped her down off of his Harley.  She followed him into the lobby of the apartment and then up two flights of stairs.  The hallway was dimly lit, but in good repair. 
At least he doesn’t live in a shithole.

He opened the door and ushered her in before following.  His apartment was barely decorated, with only a small couch and television in the main area, and no pictures or posters on the walls, just
plain white paint.  As soon as the door closed, Madison spun around and began to sob.  Dax opened his arms and she fell into them, pressing her face against his leather as her chest heaved. 

His arms wrapped around her, making her feel safe again, but she still continued to cry. 
Dax said nothing, he simply stood there, holding her, until she finally started to calm down.  She wasn’t even sure what it was that made her erupt like that.  It wasn’t like she knew Magnum at all, she’d barely just met him.  And from what she could tell, he wasn’t a very nice guy, anyway, even as far as bikers go.  But she’d never seen a dead body before, not a real one.  And the day had already been full of excitement and terror.  She’d met the bikers, fucked them, and then gone back to their clubhouse where she’d had to fuck their president as well, not to mention face the notion of being passed around between the rest of the members. 

The thought of that
last bit made her start sobbing again, just as she had started to regain control.  Dax tightened his arms around her and waiting again for her to stop.  When she finally did, he led her to the couch and sat her down.  He disappeared for a minute and then came back with a glass of water which he handed to her.  She drank it thankfully, her head was still buzzing from the whiskey he’d given her back at the club.  That had probably contributed to her breakdown as well.

sat down beside her and she put her head on his shoulder.

“So what happens now?”

“With what?”

“With me.  With us.  Your club?  I don’t know, whatever.”  Madison took a deep breath.  “I don’t think I can do it,

“Do what?”

“When we got to the club this afternoon, you said that for a girl to be able to stay with one of the members, be his girlfriend – old lady – whatever, that she had to sleep with the president and then everyone else in the club before she could be with just the one.  I don’t think I can do that.  I want to be with you, I really do, but...”

put two fingers up against her lips, silencing her.  “I know,” he said.  “Things might be different, now.”

“What do you mean,” she said as he moved his fingers from her face and caressed her cheek.

“I don’t know for sure yet, so I don’t want to say anything more.  Let me work on it, though.  You just don’t worry about it for now, alright?”

She nodded, enjoying the feel of his fingertips sliding along her cheek as she did so. 

They were quiet for a while.  Madison could feel the familiar tugging of sleep drawing her eyes heavily downwards.

gotta go back to the club,” she heard Dax say softly.  “I want you to stay here until I get back.” 

Mmm hmmm,” she agreed sleepily. 

“I’m serious, Madison.  You haven’t listened very well in the past, please listen this time.  I don’t want you leaving this apartment before I get back.”  His fingers slipped from her cheek down under her chin, lifting her head up so that his hard gaze was staring down at her sleepy one.  “Do you understand?”

She nodded, having no intention of leaving.  Dax seemed satisfied, so he bent his face forward, pressing his lips against hers.  She responded, her heart beating a little faster as they kissed and then he broke away.  He got up from the couch slowly, letting Madison sink down onto the couch into the warm spot his body had just left.  She imagined she could still smell him underneath her head, and she barely felt him lay a blanket over top of her before she was already asleep.

She wasn’t sure how much longer it was, but she vaguely noticed being lifted up from a deep sleep and carried for a brief distance
in darkness before being dropped gently onto a bed.  Fingers tugged on her clothes and she submitted to them, half asleep, as they stripped her, replacing them with a blanket which she pulled tightly up to her chin before falling asleep one more time.

When she next awoke, it was
morning, the room she was in filled with light from the edges of the windows not covered in blinds.  She cracked an eye open, disoriented at first when she saw unfamiliar surroundings.  Her heart started to beat quickly before details of the previous day came flooding back to her. 
It wasn’t a dream after all.  Am I happy or sad about that?

The room she was in was as barren as the other room she’d seen in this apartment, with nothing but white walls surrounding her.  The blankets she had pulled tightly up against her w
ere dark burgundy, though, which at least broke the monotony of all of the white, shaking the feeling she had started to get that she was in some sort of insane asylum. 

She stretched, moving her feet out to the side until they bumped into something, her toes encountering the hairy leg of
Dax.  She turned her head and saw him next to her, his eyes closed as he continued to sleep.  He was on his back, and his chest and stomach were completely bare, the blanket she had wrapped around herself pulled from his upper body.  She lifted her head off of the pillow to look further down past his stomach, but the rest of him was covered.

She realized immediately that she was naked, and vaguely recalled him pulling her clothes off after carrying
her to bed when he had returned from the clubhouse.  Curious, she reached a hand down into the depths of the blanket until it touched his hip.  She watched his face closely to see if he would awaken, but he continued to breathe deeply as she slowly ran her fingers up and over his waist.  He was naked as well, and by extending her hand just a little further, she finally felt her fingertips graze along the tip of his cock.  As she suspected, he had an erection.  She’d never met a guy yet that didn’t start the morning off with wood.

With a devilish smile, Madison pulled the covers up over her head and pushed her body down towards the middle of the bed, moving to the side until she reached
Dax’s hips.  She couldn’t see under the covers, her body was bathed only in the warmth of trapped heat, but she slowly felt around until she found his hardness again, this time slowly wrapping her fingers around his shaft and rotating it, marvelling at the hard sponginess of his flesh as she got her head into position over top of him.

She lowered her mouth until her lips touched the tip and she gave it a kiss, breathing in the musky scent of the biker with a nose that w
as only an inch away from its prize.  She kissed it again, giving her wrist another rotation and this time opened her mouth, letting the head of his cock push past her lips slowly and dragging her tongue all around the tip of him.

She felt him stir, his body stiffening at first as he woke, and then relaxing once he realized what had aroused him.  Madison pushed her lips down further along his shaft, feeling the warmth of his cock fill h
er mouth as her hand moved down his length to rest atop his balls.  She brought her other hand up now to cup his sac, rolling it gently around as her mouth moved back up to his tip. 

She tightened her lips, creating suction as well as pressure and slid back down his slickened length, letting her tongue continue to work circles around the flesh with her mouth.  Her tease was working, as she could feel
Dax start to move his legs around, getting antsy with anticipation and his hand started to creep up along the small of her back towards her head. 

She started to pick up her pace just a touch, giving
Dax a little more stimulation in order to keep from driving him crazy.  Each time she pulled her mouth back up to his tip, she stroked his length with her hand as well, making sure not to break away from stimulating him for even a moment.  And keeping in time with her mouth and hand, was her manipulation of his balls which she also made sure not to neglect.

Continuing that pace for another minute or so, she quickened it even more just as she felt his hands start to move up again, once more keeping his attention focused on what she was doing without him having to guide her.  His cock was rock hard in her mouth, even the earlier springiness of his skin was gone, pulled taunt around the blood that was pulsating within.  She picked up her pace even faster now, her mouth moving up and down along his shaft quickly, her hand following right behind, easily sliding along the lubricated rod. 

Dax couldn’t stay still anymore, and she felt his hips starting to thrust up to meet her, in time with each of her movements, and his hands finally grabbed a hold of her head, fistfuls of her hair intertwining his fingers.  He was only using it to steady himself, though, satisfied with the pace that Madison was going.  She knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, but she was anxious for him to cum in her mouth.  She wanted to taste him for the first time, have him fill her mouth with his seed and mark her as his own.

Finally, she heard him gasp and grunt, his hands tightening in her hair as he pushed down while at the same time thrusting upwards with his hips.  She tightened her mouth around his throbbing cock, letting her tongue catch the first gush of cum to emerge before the rest pushed past and into her throat.

She greedily swallowed as much as she could, breathing through her nose as he continued to spew forth his manly essence.  The taste was musky and warm, at once comforting and masculine.  It filled her with energy, bringing a smile to her lips, even as they were still wrapped around his flesh.

When he was finally spent, she let her tongue roll along his cock once more, cleaning each bit of cum that she could find until he pushed her away, too sensitive to let her continue. 
Dax flipped the sheets down, allowing a fresh blast of cool air to hit Madison’s face. 

” she said, with a lopsided smile when he looked down at her.

“That’s a hell of a
wakeup call,” he replied.

She dug her feet into the mattress and pushed, feeling her breasts slide along his body as she moved upwards toward him.  She met his lips in a quick kiss before rolling off to lay beside him.  “What time did you get back?”

“Pretty late,” he said.

“Thanks for bringing me to bed.  It’s a lot cozier than your couch.”

“I stripped you as well, aren’t you going to thank me for that?”

She laughed.  “Was that for my benefit or yours?”

Dax chuckled as well.  “Can’t it benefit us both?”

She lay there smiling at the ceiling, both of them quiet for a few minutes. 

“Everything okay at the club?” she finally asked.

“We’ll see today.  We’re voting in a new vice president.”


“Why wait?  Club needs a second in command.  You saw how quickly something could happen to one of us.  Anyway, our
current president is more interesting in fucking than running things, so the VP job is more critical than ever.”

“Yeah, I can vouch for the fucking part of that, although luckily it was over almost before it started.”

Dax laughed loudly at that.  “You know, there’s a reason why he makes everyone call him Prez.”

“Why is that?”

“He wants everyone to forget his previous nickname.  Quick Draw.  And it wasn’t because he could get his gun out faster than anyone else.”

BOOK: Sergeant-at-Arms (Desperados MC)
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