Read Sensual Spell Online

Authors: Rachel Carrington

Sensual Spell (8 page)

BOOK: Sensual Spell
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She shifted, and her breast made contact with the side of his hand. “You know, I've been thinking about something since you left."

"Yeah, what's that?” Was that his voice that came out sounding like the engine of a freight train?

"You ... and what we started before you left. I'm getting the distinct impression you want me, but you don't want to want me."

Jacob leaned in closer, breathing in the scent of the fragrant bubbles and her feminine essence. “Did you put a spell on me?"

"So you finally believe I'm a witch now, do you?"

"How could I not?"

"I'm sure you could figure out a way if you wanted to continue to disbelieve my existence."

He glossed over one nipple with just the pad of his index finger. “You didn't answer my first question. Did you bewitch me?"

She let out a breathy sigh. “Weren't you listening when I told you I wasn't a very good witch?” She closed her eyes. “The attraction you feel is real."

His hand slipped beneath the heated water, sliding along her ribcage. “And did you sleep with my uncle?"

Her eyes popped open. “No, I didn't."

"How can you be sure?” He inched his fingers even lower, encountering soft, wet curls and slick flesh. Sweet Jesus. Any minute now, his cock was going to burst out of his sharply creased slacks.

"A woman knows when she's had sex, Jacob.” Her lashes lowered to half-mast. “She feels different. When I woke up this morning, I felt the same as I did the night before and the night before that."

His lips twitched. “So it's been a while, has it?"

"You could say that."

He palmed her mound, and the heat singed his skin. “Want to change that?"

She lifted her hips, pressing into his hand. “I do believe I do."

Jacob stood, dipped both hands beneath her, and lifted her into his arms. Water dripped down the front of his shirt as he shifted her wet, slippery body against his chest. “I was hoping you'd say that.” He carried her out of the bathroom and down the hall.

* * * *

The second Noelle's back touched the mattress, she summoned the can of whipped cream. Jacob looked over his shoulder, and Noelle whispered a naughty suggestion in his ear.

He let loose with a curse and covered her body with his. Everywhere he touched her, she burned. Any second now, she would implode.

The cool air had beaded her nipples, causing their pebbled tightness to press against Jacob's soaked shirt. Her stomach muscles tightened, and a rush of heat enveloped her pussy.

He smelled divine. Good enough to eat, which was exactly what she had in mind before the day ended. Just one of those wicked thoughts while she'd soaked in the tub.

"I want to fuck you so badly,” Jacob growled, his lips hovering over hers.

Noelle gave him a satisfied smile. “Excellent.” She might be a novice witch, but sex was a sport she'd excelled in once upon a time. Before the coven had taken over her life.

Jacob shifted, and his cock jabbed her thigh. “But it doesn't make sense. I should be thinking about Uncle Ed."

"No, you shouldn't. You should be doing exactly what you are doing right now."

"I need to find out what happened to him ... if you had anything to do with his death.” His words were buried against her neck while his hands busied themselves with massaging her breasts.

"I thought the same thing, too,” Noelle responded. “In fact, I ... oh, um, that feels nice.” She lost her train of thought when his fingers began to lightly pinch her nipples.

One hand fell away from her breast and slid down her stomach to cover her pussy once more. “Tell me how you like this."

Her vision greyed. Fingertips delved into her wetness, sinking deep into her sheath, and hers hips jutted upwards. “Sweet Mother Earth,” she cried out, digging her heels into the mattress. “Just like that. Oh. My. God. Just like that.” He tweaked her clit, and Noelle gave thanks to the Goddess.

"I want to taste you when you come.” His words were a ragged breath of sound.

Noelle thrust her legs open wider in silent invitation, wanting—no, needing—to feel his mouth on her pussy again, his tongue doing wild, wicked things to her clit. The wilder the better, in her opinion.

* * * *

Jacob didn't think about spells, lust, or common sense. He recognised this for what it was. Gut-wrenching desire. Desperation. Gnawing hunger.

He slipped down her body, inch by delicious inch, gliding over silky-soft skin. And loving every second of the journey. His tongue worshipped her from the undersides of her breasts to the slight indentation of her belly button. And lower.

The sweet beyond.

Her scent enticed him, a heady combination of soap and warm femininity. His tongue caressed the crease of her lips, and she moaned, her hands fisting in the comforter beneath her. A growl rumbled in his throat, and he dove into her pussy, licking, ravaging, and laving until Noelle squirmed and cried out with an orgasm. And still he continued to suckle while his cock throbbed and ached.

"Jacob.” The word came out on a husky whisper.

He needed no further invitation ... or demand. Standing, he ripped his clothes from his body, freeing his pounding sex. He'd never been this hard, this solid, and as his gaze met Noelle's he accepted the possibility that she really was a witch. No ordinary woman could entice him like this. Or enthrall him.

Caught in her web, he succumbed to his own need. Her legs went around his hips, cementing the invitation. Noelle's fingers dug into his shoulders, her nails scoring his skin. “Fuck me. Fuck me now."

"Oh, yeah, baby.” He swept his cock up and down her channel, swirling the head over her clit. She gasped and squirmed, growing wild in his arms.

Arching her back and grinding her pussy against his cock, she panted the demand, “Jacob, now."

Jacob hooked his hands underneath her thighs and plunged into her heat, going deep.

She was wet. Tight. Perfect. Her sheath clenched around his cock with a firm grasp, and he moved. The friction made him catch his breath.

"Faster.” Noelle pumped in time with his thrusts.

Sweet Jesus. He came with such force that even the muscles in his chest clenched. Head tossed back, he let loose a loud, long roar.

Weak, replete, he bumped his forehead against hers. “Shit."

She stroked his back and chuckled, the sound like pure honey in his ear. “Not exactly what a woman likes to hear after sex."

He raised his head and stroked the damp strands of hair away from her face. “I haven't done that since I was a teenager."

She arched an eyebrow. “Had sex?"

"Come so fast,” he corrected her.

A dimple appeared in her cheek. “Well, I don't remember holding off myself, but if you think it might help, we can try again."

Jacob looked down into her earnest face and began to laugh, deep, hearty chuckles. He couldn't remember ever laughing so hard.

This woman made him feel emotions that hadn't been a part of who he was in a long time, if ever. And damned if he wasn't starting to like it.

His hand settled on her hip. “So what exactly is the whipped cream for?"

Noelle's expressive eyes lit up. “I've always been a sucker ... for sweets."

The pun sent a powerful surge straight through him, and in that instant he wanted her again. He stroked her creamy skin. “I want to make love to you again.” And he would ... given the proper amount of recovery time.

Her eyes lit up. “I can't think of anything I'd rather do."

His foot rubbed her shin. “So compliant.” He nipped her ear. “Unfortunately, I'm not a teenager anymore, so you'll have to be patient."

"I could help."

Jacob shook his head so suddenly, his chin bumped her forehead. “No. No way. No magic.” He wagged a finger for added emphasis. “I'm not that old."

Noelle smiled and laid her head on his shoulder, but Jacob could tell by her constant movements that she was impatient. The knowledge made him smile. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

How long had it been since he'd held a sexy woman in his arms ... at least one that he found himself wanting to spend the night with? He couldn't remember the last time. Perhaps that was because it had never happened before.

Jacob had always been somewhat of a loner and preferred accompanying his ‘dates’ to their homes so he could leave immediately after sex. Maybe that made him a playboy, but it definitely kept him out of the same types of situations Uncle Ed had always found himself in.

Minutes passed while Noelle lay beside him, nuzzling her lips against his chest, running her hands up and down his thighs as if to encourage him. He grinned against her hair and felt the heat beginning a slow burn in the centre of his stomach.

"Do we have lift-off?” she purred, boldly curling her fingers around his rising cock.

"Do you have to ask?"

Her head bounced up. “Good. I have an idea."

His heart began to pump rapidly, and suddenly, hearing her idea was more important than breathing.

"Just lie back.” She pushed against his shoulders to help him follow orders.

Jacob flopped back against the mattress, arms outstretched. A million possibilities ran through his mind, all wicked and wild. Perfect.

Noelle snagged the can of whipped cream from the bedside table and held the tip close to the head of his cock. As Jacob's eyes widened, she depressed the lever and squirted liberally.

The cool foam contrasted with the heat of his skin. Jacob moaned low in his throat, quickly changing to a growl when Noelle delicately licked him.

She murmured her delight and began to slurp at his skin, edging closer to the tightness of his balls. “Noelle...” he whispered.

Her mouth closed around his dick, as tight as a vice, and Jacob came up off the bed, reaching for her shoulders. “Dear God,” he muttered.

She sucked enthusiastically, nails tickling his balls. His eyes crossed, and his hips began to pump. Noelle didn't complain. She took him deeper, almost to the back of her throat.

The orgasm began slowly, building as a warm rush, constricting his muscles. Then it swept over him, squeezing him in a powerful eclipse of feeling.

Jacob cried her name unintelligibly and jerked rhythmically while she swallowed his juices. Exhausted, content, he closed his eyes, his body relaxing into the mattress.

Then his cell phone shrilled. Just like before. He had to remember to turn the fucking thing off.

Regretfully, he opened his eyes. “Shit."

Noelle climbed up to lie beside him, her hand settling on his stomach. “Just let it ring."

He checked the caller ID. “I can't. It's my aunt.” He flipped open the phone in time to hear Aunt Mildred's dismayed shriek.

* * * *

The second Jacob tossed the phone onto the antique table next to his side of the bed, Noelle knew he didn't have good news. And from the set of his jaw, he wasn't happy.

She propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him. “Bad news, I take it?"

Dark eyes pinned her. “Yeah, you could say that. Uncle Ed's body has disappeared. Now, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Noelle closed her eyes. Shit. Now was a fine time for Ella to strike again. “Jacob, you can't believe I had anything to do with this!"

"Can't I?” He rolled from the bed and stood glaring down at her. “Maybe this was your plan all along. Keep me distracted so you could dispose of the body."

Anger snagged her, and Noelle came to her feet on the opposite side of the bed. “Let me get this straight. You think I fucked you so I could get rid of Uncle Ed? For what reason? Honestly, Jacob, I think you were right."

"So what was I right about?” he snarled.

"When you said you were fucking nuts."

Jacob rounded the bed just as the air shimmered, sizzled, and split open like a curtain.

"It's about time you got here,” Noelle snapped.

* * * *

Jazz covered her eyes with both of her hands. “Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Noelle, perhaps you would like to take this opportunity to put some clothes on."

"Jazz, don't be naïve. She's a fully grown woman and is entitled to have sexual relations with a...” Heart stopped, her eyes dropping down Jacob's body. “Sweet Mother Earth."

Noelle rounded the bed to stand in front of Jacob. She might have known this wasn't going to be pretty. She saw the storm building in Jacob's eyes and the light of challenge in Heart's. She worked quickly in an attempt to diffuse the situation. “You might want to put some clothes on. They look like they've come to stay a while."

Emmie sashayed forward, her cheeks pink and a knowing look in her eyes. “Well, of course we came to stay, at least until this is all sorted out.” She flashed Jacob a bright smile. “And don't cover up on our account, young man. I haven't seen anything that good since Michelangelo created his first masterpiece."

Jacob gave a low snarl and snagged his pants from the floor, where he'd discarded them earlier. He dragged them up over his hips, and Emmie made a disappointed sound.

"Damn. Just my luck to find a man with modesty,” she muttered.

Noelle glared at her. “You didn't find him, Aunt Emmie. I did. Or he found me, rather."

"With my uncle,” Jacob reminded her curtly, shouldering his way forward. “Now, who are these women, and what in the hell are they doing in my house?"

"We saw policemen outside,” Jazz inserted with a nervous lilt to her voice.

"Police?” Noelle asked, shooting an anxious look at the door.

Heart waved a dismissing hand. “We sent them on a wild goose chase. Don't worry about it."

"No one has answered my question yet,” Jacob barked.

Noelle sighed and caught hold of his arm to quell his threatening manner. “These are my aunts, Emmie, Heart, and Jazz. They're witches, too."

"Why am I always last?” Jazz complained, practically skipping forward to extend her hand to Jacob. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Sanders."

"So pleased she's simpering,” Heart snipped. “Ladies, let's not forget we're here for a reason."

Emmie tapped her forehead. “Yes, indeed, but you wouldn't happen to have a shot of tequila lying around the house, would you, Mr. Sanders?"

BOOK: Sensual Spell
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