Senseless Attraction (7 page)

BOOK: Senseless Attraction
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      “Totally weird, but I wouldn't have it any other way,” Josh said while looking at me.

      “Man, I can't believe I don't remember you from before,” Javis said with a mouthful of hot dog—
really, another one?

      “I can.” Massie smiled over at him.

      “It was two years ago and I wasn't in your year, so I guess I can be forgettable. So what are the plans for the weekend?”

      “Not much. Every second weekend we usually have a DVD night—
, girl! What the hell was that for?” Javis glared at Jessie. She must have kicked him under the table.

      “Whose house is it this weekend?” Massie asked.

      “Mine,” I said. “So I get to choose, and no bitchin’ about what I get.” I eyed Mitch and Javis, while using a chip to point at them. Josh leaned over and bit it out of my hand. I blushed. Not that he would have seen because of my make-up.

      Josh held my gaze for what seemed like ten minutes, but was really only a few seconds, and then he looked away and leaned back in his chair, placing his arm on the back of mine. His fingers barely brushed my back, but I felt it. Goose bumps rose on my arms. Then my stupid brain wondered what sort of reaction my body would have if it had been Kane. I shook my head and concentrated on my food as the conversation went on around me.

      The rest of the day went too fast, and before I knew it, I was home worrying about Kane coming over. I would have liked to cancel. I walked into the kitchen and spotted a note on the table, it read: 


Hi, honey,

I've gone shopping but I’ll be home soon. Kane called and said he went home sick from school early today, so he won't be able to make it tonight. Too bad! I would have liked to see his cute face. (Haha) xo


Now that just made me mad. I knew he wasn't sick; he just didn't want to be alone with me.

      Was he too scared I’d try and jump his bones after that one little kiss. No, I wouldn’t even call it that. It was a peck if anything.

      How dare he ditch me! Fine, if he wanted to play it that way, then I could do the same. I'd just skip class on Thursday. Have him think that I didn't want to see
or that I didn't want to spend time with him. And maybe I'd just forget about Saturday as well. That’d show that little skunk.


* * * * *


I did just what I’d said I would and skipped class on Thursday, under Jessie's disgust. Which she told me on Tuesday, after I explained my plan to her. She also mentioned that ever since Josh had been sitting at our table, she’d been watching Kane, and it was clear he didn't like what he was seeing. Especially when Josh would gently touch my cheek, or place his hand on my thigh, or tuck my hair behind my ear.

      I laughed her off and told her I didn't care what he was doing. Honestly, I was enjoying the attention from Josh, and I told her to give up the idea that Kane was interested in simple little old me. Because if that had been the case, he wouldn't be dodging me like he was, and he wouldn’t have a girlfriend.

     Instead, I noticed when he saw me coming down the hall, he’d choose to walk the other way. Didn't he think that would hurt? Well, it didn't.

      I. Didn't. Care.

      After coming down from my little rant and rave with Jessie, Friday night over the phone—about the way he was dodging me—I decided all this was silly. I had Josh—not officially—and Kane had Donna. So why couldn't we just work on the stupid assignment, get it done, and be on our merry way? That was when I decided I was going to Kane's house the next day. We still had a lot to get done, and if we couldn't work together, we’d both fail, and I was sure both of us didn't want that.

      Standing out the front of his place ready to ring the intercom, I had second thoughts…until the gates opened. Someone must have seen me—
. I was walking up the driveway when the front door came flying open and a little blonde-headed monster came running out. I quickly held out my arms and braced myself, ready for the impact. Who would have thought such a tiny thing could have nearly knocked the breath out of me?

      “Hey, Dommy, how're you doing?” I asked, planting her feet back on the ground after a big hug.

      “Great now! Kaddy said you probably wouldn't come.”

      “He doesn't know what he's talking about. Hey, Dommy, how come you call Kane ‘Kaddy’?” I asked, ruffling her hair as we made our way into the house, hoping to get some dirt that I could use later.

      She giggled. “’Cause he was the one to start my name Dommy, so I called him Kaddy.”

      Well, that wasn’t gonna give me much…if anything, it was—sweet.”

      “Hola, Skylar,” Rosita said, coming from the room to my left.

      “Hola, Rosita, how are you?” I asked in her own language.

      She smiled and answered back in Spanish, “Can't complain because nobody would listen. It is good to see you here again.”

      “Thank you. Is Kane around?”

      “I will call him.” Rosita moved to the wall to speak into the intercom.

      “Don't worry, Rosita, I'm here,” Kane called out in Spanish as he descended the stairs. “I wasn't expecting you this morning,” he said to me.

      “Have you made other plans?”


      “Well then, let’s get to work.” I started for the library until Dommy grabbed my hand.

      “Can I come in too? I promise I'll be quiet; I'll play with my toys.”

      “Sure, sweetie. You go and grab them. And then later, I brought a book that I'm going to read to you,” I said, patting my backpack. She beamed and ran off to her room to collect some toys.

      “That is very nice of you, Skylar,” Rosita said in English. “Isn't it, Kane?”

      “Yes, it is.”

      I shrugged and moved to the library. I opened the door to see the table was already scattered with books. I went over and noticed that it was stuff from our assignment.

      “So, you’re feeling better?” I asked while tidying up the books so I could have room for my own.

      “Fine, thanks...Skylar, I want to...”

      “Don't,” I hissed. I looked up from the table into his eyes. “Don't say sorry for doing what you did. The thought of you wanting to apologise and regretting it makes me angry. I know it shouldn’t have taken place. Besides the fact you have a girlfriend, we’re just too different. We both have our separate lives. So let’s just forget the whole thing. We can finish this assignment, and then we can go back to the way things should be.” I had to look away. Damn it, for some silly reason I felt like crying.

      He took a breath; I didn’t want to hear whatever he had to say. Thankfully, I was saved from hearing anything when Dommy came bouncing into the room, her arms full of Barbies.

      We sat down at the table, Kane and me at one end and Dommy at the other. Kane and I spoke about what needed to be done, and with time, I started to relax. I think what helped was Dommy being there. Every now and then, she would come up and ask me for help to undress or redress one of her Barbies. I did it without thinking and kept the conversation going with Kane at the same time. After the second time of her coming up, she no longer asked for help; I just held out my hand and she'd place one of her dolls in it.

      Two hours later, I called it quits. I wanted to head home to spend some time with Momma before she went into work, because then I'd have to get ready for the movies. Jessie had mentioned on the phone last night that we should actually go to the cinema to see one of the latest movies, instead of watching the same things over and over on DVD.

      But first, I promised a certain little monster that I

 would read to them.

      “All right, Dommy, where do you want me to read to you?”

      “Oh, in my room, please.”

      Kane laughed at her excitement. “I'll finish this; you had better start before she bursts something.”

      Nodding, I followed Dommy out and to her room.

      I was halfway through the book, with Dommy sitting as close as she could get next to me on her bed, when Kane appeared in the doorway. I didn't stop reading. I was on a roll and getting to the good bit. I felt him enter the room, come over to Dommy's bed, and then lay down behind us. I glanced quickly behind me to see him stretching out his body and placing his arms behind his head as he smiled up at me.

      I rolled my eyes and continued. “Ready, Dommy? This is the best part. ‘Why, Grandmother, what big eyes you have,'” I said in a little girl’s voice. Kane laughed behind me. I turned to punch him in the stomach and went on, “All the better to see you with, my dear,” I said in a gruff, deep voice, and again, Kane laughed.

     “Shush, Kaddy,” Dommy scolded. He shook his hands out in front of him, as if to say he'd be good.

      Yeah, I’d believe it when I saw it.

      I cleared my throat and began again, “Why, Grandmother, what big ears you have. All the better to hear you with, my dear.” I turned the page. Kane sat up to look over my shoulder at the book, and then he ever so gently moved my hair out of the way by tucking it behind my ear. If it was Josh, I would have been fine, but with Kane, that small touch took my breath away.

      “Kane, stop it; you’re distracting her,” Dommy cried. I blushed.

      “Sorry again, squirt.”

      I had to clear my throat again. “Why, Grandmother, what big teeth you have. All the better to
you with. The wolf dove out of bed to chase Little Red Riding Hood around Grandmother’s house. Just when he was about to catch her and gobble her up, the door burst open, and there stood the woodcutter. With one strike of his axe, he cut the wolf’s head off and saved the day. Then they both heard movement coming from the cupboard, so they went over to it and opened it carefully, and there was Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother safe and sound. The end.” I closed the book and placed it down on the bed. “Well, what did you think?” I stared down at Dommy.

      “I think you are the best reader in the whole wide world. Isn't she, Kaddy?”

      “Yeah, especially with those voices.” He laughed.

       I glared. “The book’s only good when you do it like that.”

       He smiled, but it quickly faded and he sat there just staring at me. I wanted to look away, but I didn't. He reached his hand out and ran the back of it against my cheek. My breath hitched from the touch. Shivers coursed through my body. I felt sick because I wanted more than just that small touch.

      Why did he get my blood boiling? Was it because I couldn't have him? Was this some game to him?

      I quickly stood and backed away from the bed. “I—uh...” I didn't know what to say to him, so I turned to Dommy. “I have to go now, but I'm sure I'll be back next Saturday, and maybe one day you can come to my house and I'll show you all the books I have. I'm sure your brother can drop you off.”

      “I’d love that!” she squealed. “Oh, Kaddy, do you think Mommy will let me?”

      “We can only ask, squirt.”

      “All right, so I'll see you.” I waved, turned, and just about ran out of the room and house.





aturday afternoon I spent with Momma watching an old video of
Calamity Jane
. It was a sing-song, corny movie, but that didn't matter; I enjoyed the time I spent with her. Until, she thought it was time for another sex-protection talk. She'd heard down the street yesterday that Josh was back in town. She knew how much it had hurt when he’d moved away in the first place.

      “Have the two of you gotten back together?” she asked as we sat on the couch together.

      “No, Momma. He's only been back a week.” I pointed out.

      “Doesn't matter. Things can happen fast when two people have feelings for one another.”

      My mind went straight to thinking of Kane, though I quickly squished those thoughts.

      “Even though I still think there could be something between you and the good-looking Kane.” She smiled when I rolled my eyes at her. “I know, I know, he has a girlfriend. All I want to say is when the time comes, I want you to feel comfortable to come to me and say, ‘Momma I would like to go and see a doctor about birth control.’”

BOOK: Senseless Attraction
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