Read Seducing Simon Online

Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Christian, #Romance Contemporary, #Best Friends

Seducing Simon (6 page)

BOOK: Seducing Simon
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Seducing Simon

Chapter Five

“Do you miss Mom and Dad?” Toni asked Matt across the kitchen bar before she downed a prenatal vitamin with a glass of water.

He looked startled by the question, but his eyes saddened just a bit.

He put down the mail he’d been sorting through. “Yeah, all the time.”

“I really miss Mom right now.”

“I bet you do,” he said sympathetically.

“She always knew exactly what to do, and gave the greatest advice.” They grew silent for a long moment. “I miss her too,” Matt said finally.

Toni set her glass in the sink and busied herself putting the dishes away from the dishwasher. Talk of her mother only brought home how blindly she was going into parenthood. Her mother wouldn’t be here to guide her and offer support.

As if sensing her thoughts, Matt stood up and walked over to her, closing his hands over her shoulders. “You’re not alone, Toni. I know I can’t replace mom, but you can count on me for anything.” She turned and smiled, slipping her arms around him in a big bear hug. “And to think you used to torment me as a kid.” He laughed. “I guess I did. That is until Simon threatened to pound me if I didn’t leave you alone.”

“Yeah he did, didn’t he,” she murmured. She drew away and resumed unloading the dishwasher.

“Speaking of Simon, how was the appointment? He go with you?”


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“Yeah, it was great. We heard the heartbeat. Doc thinks I’m about twelve weeks along. Gave me a March due date.”

“You feeling better about it then?”

“I think so,” she replied. And she did for the most part. She had spent the past few weeks numb to the reality that she was pregnant. But hearing the heartbeat today had brought home the fact she was carrying a tiny life inside her.

And already her jeans were too snug. She’d taken to wearing loose fitting slacks and sweatpants, but soon she’d have to buy maternity clothes.

“Oh, before I forget,” Matt said, snapping his fingers. “Mike called for you awhile ago. I told him to call back this afternoon.” She frowned and leaned back against the sink. “What did he want?” The only Mike she knew was the Mike who worked for the fire department with Matt, A.J. and Simon.

“Dunno. He said he’d call back.”

She shrugged and set her glass in the sink. After washing her hands, she walked to the French doors leading out to the deck and slipped outside. The sun was setting over the horizon, spreading an array of pink and purple hues across the western sky.

Settling into a lawn chair, she leaned back to enjoy the view from the elevated deck. As a song once lauded, there was nothing like Southern nights. The evenings were cooler with the coming autumn, and the faint smell of burning leaves filtered through her nose.

In six months her life would change forever. She no longer had only herself to look out for. Though she’d come to terms with her pregnancy, the idea of parenthood still scared the hell out of her. A lot of women seemed to have an innate sense of how to care for a child, but she wasn’t one of them.


Seducing Simon

Her hand crept up to palm her abdomen. Only the slightest hint of a swell existed, and someone not familiar with her usually flat stomach would never be able to discern the gentle curvature.

A light breeze blew over her, lifting the strands of her hair and blowing them softly against her face. Maybe pregnancy was mellowing her, but she felt an inner peace she hadn’t felt in many weeks.

The sound of the door sliding open pulled her from her silent reverie.

“Telephone for you, Toni,” Matt said handing her the cordless phone.

She took the receiver and Matt backed into the house.


“Hey Toni. This is Mike. How you doing?”

“I’m good. How about you?”

“Doing great. Enjoying my day off. Hey, listen. I was calling because I wondered if you wanted to go out this weekend. Maybe catch dinner at Drake’s.”

An awkward silence ensued as Toni struggled with her surprise. “I uh.” Shit. She didn’t want to get into the whys and wherefores over the phone. No one at the station knew she was pregnant yet. “Sure,” she finally said. “Sounds great.”

“Hey great. I’ll pick you up around six. That okay?”

“I’ll see you then,” Toni said. They said their goodbyes, and she punched the button, ending the call.

She leaned back in the chair and laid the phone in her lap. Her mind was whirling. Truthfully, she had no desire to go out with Mike, though he was a great guy. But on the other hand, it was high time she gave up her childish fantasies. Unrealistic dreams about a relationship with Simon and got on with her life. She had a child to consider, and despite the fact she couldn’t have the one man she wanted, she didn’t want to spend her life alone. Didn’t want to raise her child alone.


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Mike might not be the one, but he was a start. The beginning to putting Simon and her disastrous night with him behind her.

Today’s appointment had been an exercise in bittersweet. Simon had gone with her, but his presence had been a painful reminder of what she would never have. Pretending was doing her no good. She felt like a dog being patted on the head, and it was getting harder to bear.

A few weeks ago such thoughts would have her in tears, but now she simply felt a deep seeded melancholy over the course, or non-course, her life was taking.

Well enough was enough. She swung her legs over the side of the chair and got up. She walked back inside to see Matt and A.J. sitting at the bar watching Simon cook dinner.

“What did Mike want?” Matt asked with ill-disguised curiosity.

“He asked me out,” she returned nonchalantly. She crossed to the bar and replaced the phone on the charger then slid into a seat next to A.J.

Three sets of eyes turned on her. “What?” It was hard to distinguish who’d asked the question since all three of their mouths were open.

Simon stood frozen, spatula in the air. “Mike as in Mike from the station?”

“That’s the one,” she replied.

“What the hell is he doing asking you out?” She pinned Simon with a frosty stare. “Could it be because he’s interested?”

A.J. chuckled. “You stepped in it this time, dude.”

“I didn’t mean to imply that he wasn’t interested,” Simon said calmly.

“I was surprised. I mean it came as kind of a shock.”


Matt grinned. “You better shut up while you still have teeth.”


Seducing Simon

Simon held his hands up in surrender. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it like it sounded. I just had no idea.”

“Nice to know Simon the Smooth has moments of stupidity,” A.J. said with obvious glee. “For once it isn’t me getting into trouble.”

“I’m glad you all find this so amusing,” she retorted. “Why is it hard for you to believe I have a date?” She turned and stalked to her room in disgust.

“Way to go,” A.J. said shooting an amused glance at Simon.

Simon watched Toni stomp away to her room. He was still reeling from the news that Mike had asked her out. What the hell was he doing asking her out?

“If you frown any harder, something is going to go up in smoke,” Matt piped up. “And if you don’t flip those burgers, the kitchen’s going to go up in smoke as well.”

“You mean you guys aren’t bothered by the fact Mike asked her out?” A.J. raised an eyebrow. “Should we be?”

“Come on. Mike has a different woman every week. Do you really think we ought to be letting him take Toni out? You’ve heard him talk about how many times he’s gotten laid.” Matt and A.J. exchanged amused glances, which only served to irritate him further. “What’s wrong with you two? I’m being serious.”

“Oh, yes, we can see,” Matt chortled.

“Toni’s a big girl. She’s pregnant for Pete’s sake. She’s perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She knows all about Mike, and if she wants to go out with him, who are we to say anything?” A.J. pointed out.

Simon couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Any other time the two of them would be growling like a pair of Pit Bulls if Toni was going out with the wrong guy.


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He didn’t like it. Didn’t like it one bit. He turned back to the skillet and flipped over a burned hamburger patty.
one was going to be A.J.’s.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” A.J. said with a groan. “I gave up a date with Mindy Sue Stevens. I was assured of scoring too.”

“Quit complaining and keep a look out,” Simon snarled from behind his menu.

He edged the menu down and peered over the top across the restaurant where Toni and Mike were eating. So far they had appeared to talk, and Toni was picking at her meal. Why wasn’t she eating? Was Mike bothering her?

The waitress stopped at their table temporarily obscuring Simon’s view. He quickly ordered a dessert and waited impatiently as A.J. rattled off what he wanted to eat. When the waitress finally sashayed off, his eyes flitted back to Toni’s table.

His eyes narrowed as he saw Mike’s hand reaching across to cover Toni’s. She smiled at him in return, but didn’t make any effort to move her hand. This was not going as he’d envisioned.

“Looks like it’s going well to me,” A.J said with a shrug.

“Yeah, up until Mike tries to get her in the sack.”

“Well, if that’s where they end up, I am sure it will have been what Toni wanted.”

“She’s pregnant for Christ sake!”


Seducing Simon

“Lower your voice or we’re going to be busted,” A.J. warned. “Have you forgotten that getting in the sack is what got her pregnant to begin with?”

Simon gritted his teeth but lowered his voice to a loud whisper. “I can’t believe you’re so calm about this.” A.J. laughed. “You’re worked up enough for both of us. Why should it bother you for Toni to move on and find someone? I mean, she’s going to need someone. I can’t imagine she wants to raise her baby alone.”

“Yeah, but I don’t see Mike as a likely candidate,” Simon grumbled.

“Don’t you think that should be up to Toni? Maybe you should step up to the plate,” A.J. finished innocently.

He glared at A.J. across the table. This wasn’t the first time A.J. had hinted he should ask Toni out. But it wouldn’t work. If it was a disaster how would their friendship fare? And most of all, why would he be asking her out? Just to prevent her from making a mistake with someone else?

Or could it be he couldn’t stand the thought of her with anyone else?

Panic gripped his stomach. What a mess. He couldn’t explain his sense of urgency where she was concerned, just as he couldn’t make sense of his muddled feelings.

“Shit! They’re coming this way,” A.J. hissed.

They both lunged for their menus and flipped them open, sliding further down into the booth. Simon watched underneath as they walked by then scowled when he saw their entwined hands.

Toni slid into the passenger seat of Mike’s truck and took a deep breath. The evening had been surprisingly pleasant, but she had to tell


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him. It wasn’t fair not to let him know what he was in for. And where he stood.

“Want me to take you home now, or would you like to take a drive?” he asked as he started the engine.

“Is there somewhere we can talk? There’s something I need to tell you.”

He looked at her curiously. “Sure. Why don’t we go get some ice cream and sit in the truck and eat it?” She smiled at him. “Sounds good.”

They stopped at the local ice cream parlor that had been in business since the fifties and got cones. They settled back into the truck and Mike rolled down the windows to let the evening breeze in.

He was handsome. Probably considered downright yummy by most women, and Toni was well aware of his playboy reputation. But she was pretty much ruined for any other man but Simon.

Mike slurped at his cone then ran a hand through his dirty blond hair. “So what’s on your mind?” he asked, sitting back in the seat and resting his arm on the back. His fingers dangled inches from her shoulders.

She took a deep breath and looked earnestly at him. “I enjoyed tonight. I really did,” she began.

“I hear a ‘but’ coming,” he said with a smile.

“I’m pregnant,” she said baldly.

“Isn’t that supposed to come after we have sex?” he teased.

Despite herself, she laughed. “No, I mean I’m pregnant now. Three months pregnant. I just thought you should know. It isn’t in most guys’

dating plan to hook up with a pregnant woman.” She twisted her fingers nervously around the ends of her hair.


Seducing Simon

“Whoa.” His face reflected utter shock. He threw out the rest of his cone and focused his attention solely on her. “Wow. Really?” She nodded.

“What about the father?”

“He isn’t an issue,” she muttered.

“Holy cow. Do Matt, A.J. and Simon know this?” Again she nodded.

“And they haven’t killed the guy yet?” He sounded incredulous.

“I haven’t told them who it is.”

He drummed his fingertips on the steering wheel. “Sooo, where does this leave us?”

“I guess you’re more qualified to answer that,” she said meeting his gaze evenly.

“Well I guess my first question is how do you feel about the father?

From what I know of you, I can’t picture you hopping into bed with him for the hell of it. Are you still hung up on him?” She fought to keep her expression neutral, but she must have given it away because his face softened. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She ducked her head. “Is it that obvious?”

“Yeah it is.”

She puffed out her cheeks and expelled a long sigh, sliding down further into her seat. “This is hopeless.”

“Is there no chance for you two?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Try me.”

She jerked her eyes back to him. “Oh no, I know how you guys gossip at the station. No way I want this all over the fire department, much less get back to Matt, A.J. or Simon.”


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He frowned slightly. “I’d never say anything to the guys. Or anyone else for that matter. It might help to get it off your chest. It doesn’t sound like you have anyone you can talk to.”

BOOK: Seducing Simon
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