Read Secured Heart (Timberon Cat Book 1) Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #Romance, #interracial romance, #short story, #shifter

Secured Heart (Timberon Cat Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Secured Heart (Timberon Cat Book 1)
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Cutting their eyes to the side, they watched Mr. Tyler scan the balconies. He looked one way, then turned and glanced in their direction. Kal had no worries. He knew that unless Tyler understood how to decipher the inconsistency of patterns he wouldn’t see them.

Moments later, the old lawyer let out a sigh and shrugged, then Tyler turned and walked back inside.

Kal listened sharply to the tapping of the man’s shoes as he went away from the balcony doors. Slowly he dragged his tongue out of Lana’s mouth, ensuring he caressed hers as he pulled away.

Swiping her tongue over her bottom lip, she frowned. Her face tightened with confusion. “Why didn’t he see us? We were right here.” She spoke in low tones, most likely not wanting to alert her boss to their whereabouts.

Dragging a hand through his hair, he glanced away for a moment. “It’s complicated.”

She released a sigh, most likely frustrated at his cryptic words.

No regrets,” he whispered as he removed the remainder of his cloaking ability.

She stepped back and smoothed her dress down, giving it a tug or two as if making sure it was in place. She stooped down and snatched up her forgotten purse.

My mind is all over the place. I’m not sure—”

He cupped her cheek and waited until her eyes met his. When her face tilted up, he admired the evidence of their lusty kiss in her bright eyes and swollen lips. “What’s between us isn’t new, just unaddressed.”

Unresponsive, she dug frantically inside her clutch. She pulled out a small mirror and tube of lipstick. A Kleenex repaired the smeared makeup.

He couldn’t help but be impressed at her efficiency at putting herself back together. Except for the haze of passion still glowing in her eyes and the slight redness around her mouth, she looked presentable, untouched. He almost regretted the polished finish.

Her gaze may have held a hint of the desire they shared, but, something else was clouding Lana’s eyes.

Was she having second thoughts about what happened between them? Maybe she didn’t feel the same way.

His cat hissed, denying those words.

She turned to leave the balcony.

He understood her caution. If they were discovered, it would really place a major dent in his business. Possibly bring her trouble in her career as well.

Reaching out, he captured her hand before she crossed the threshold. “This is not finished between us, Lana.” He kept his voice low.

She stepped back into the shadows where he stood. “Kal…don’t have me make promises now. I have a job to do.”

Reaching up with his hand, he caressed her cheek. He wasn’t angry at her words. She was right, technically she was at work. This wasn’t the time or the place for a discussion of their future. “How’d you get here?”

My boss picked me up at the office.” She brushed her thumb over his hand, still holding hers.

He searched her gaze. “How do you want to play this?”

Without hesitation, she informed him, “I’ll tell my boss I have a ride home.”

Her boss called her name, moving closer again.

I’ll meet you downstairs at the end of the evening in a charcoal gray SUV.” She was correct, there was still a lot they needed to discuss.

I’ll be there, Kal.” Slipping her hand out of his, she stepped into the bright corridor. Moments later he heard her say, “Sorry, Mr. Tyler, I was in my own world and lost track of time.”

I looked around out there and didn’t see you.” Confusion registered in his voice.

Hmm, I must’ve blended into the darkness. Must be the black dress.”

Smiling at her words, Kal shifted into his feline form and leaped off the second floor balcony onto the manicured lawn. He had some time before he had to meet her and he’d use it wisely and go for a run. Tonight had been full of surprises and the mistakes of his past were being corrected. Now that Lana, his mate, was back in his life he refused to lose her again.

Chapter Two


I thought you’d change your mind.”

She looked up at the man holding open his passenger side door for her. “I considered it. Trust me, Kal.”

But you didn’t, Lana. That’s what we need to focus on here.” He lightly caressed the back of her hand.

Not commenting, she slipped into the seat. Leaning back against the headrest, she took a deep breath and for the tenth time that night she told herself she was doing the right thing. She and Kal needed to straighten some things out. Earlier in the night, things had moved way too fast. They needed to slow it down.

The three hours she’d been at the event with him had helped some. However, Kal was still paramount in her mind. Seeing Dwayne, his best friend, at every turn didn’t help.

Where to?” Kal asked as he got in and shifted the car into drive.

Meeting his gaze as he started pulling away from the curb at the entrance of the hotel, she couldn’t ignore the tripping of her heart. “My house.”

After she gave him directions, they sat quietly. Somewhat comfortable in each other’s presence, it was how it always had been between them. She stared out the side window, giving herself a little distance. This close to Kal caused her body to pulse and burn. Her desire for him hadn’t decreased in the years they had been apart, evident by her response to his kiss earlier in the night.

Don’t be a fool, Lana. Don’t rush into anything.

She tried to think about anything and everything just so she wouldn’t have to focus on being sealed in the vehicle with Kal. Not just his energy, strength and presence, but also his scent. His raw cinnamon and sage surrounded her like a cloak. The outside air coming through the vent wasn’t helping, as it seemed to blow his intriguing savory aroma directly into her face. It aroused her at the same time it made her feel safe and comfortable.

However, she should not have been surprised because this was Kal. Kal always made her feel those things even before her body really understood what was going on. He was her friend. Who was saying he wanted more.

She sighed.

You okay?” He glanced at her.

Returning his glance, she bit into her tongue not realizing she’d let the sound out. Amber eyes. Looking into his cat eyes was like staring into the gaze of a predator. Did you run or lay down…to play dead of course, she chided herself. She inhaled deeply.
Damn, I could get lost in his gaze and scent for hours, days even, while he….

Yes, good. Fine.” She rushed out and returned her gaze to the front window. Seeing they were getting close to her house, she pushed her thoughts away. “At the bottom of the exit make a right.”

Will do.”

She continued to give him directions for the next ten minutes until he pulled up to the gates of her subdivision. Her job paid her well, even though the area she lived in didn’t compare to the lavish estates where her boss resided.

Which house is yours?” He asked as they pulled through the iron gates.

Follow this road to the left and I am the tenth house on the right.”

Who’s that?” Kal pulled onto the cobblestone before her two-car garage and nodded toward the person at her door, leaning against the wall.

Oh, no.” She couldn’t take the time to say anything else at the moment. All she knew was that this evening had gone from unexpected to complicated. As soon as the vehicle was parked she undid her seatbelt and opened the door. “Stay here for a moment, please.” She called out as she slipped out of the SUV.

Lana. I was hoping you’d make it home soon.” Ben moved toward her, his smile spread as wide as his arms, disregarding whomever maybe in the car observing them.


Just the thought of his name sent heat spiraling through her body.

What are you doing here?” She stopped before Ben and found herself engulfed in his embrace. Knowing Kal was close by she tried to wiggle free. However Ben held fast and didn’t release her until he’d placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth.

She reared back. “I’m waiting.”

I called you several times tonight.”

Her phone had not only been in her purse but was off while she was handling her boss’s affair. “You know I don’t keep my phone on when I’m doing an event.”

Giving her a nod, he reached out and grabbed her hand. “That’s what I figured so I left you a message telling you I would just meet you at your house.”

I really need to learn to listen to my voicemail.

You should have waited for me to confirm. What if I’d gone to have drinks with someone afterwards?”

Ben shrugged. “You’d have come home eventually. What I need to say to you can’t wait.” Amazingly, his smile stretched wider and his eyes brightened like a kid with a secret.

It didn’t fill her with the joy she was sure he assumed it would, but instead with trepidation.

This is not the time. It has been a long night already.” She knew that her time was running out to get rid of Ben. Kal had never been a patient man. The last thing she needed was two men marking up her sidewalk with their testosterone.

We ended things poorly the last time we spoke. I said some things and you said some things. However, we can’t throw all of what we have away.”

Ben.” Moving away from him toward her front door, she tried to be plain. “I don’t think it is in the cards for us. We shouldn’t hold each other back.”

I love you, Lana. I know love me. We can make this work no matter what my mother thinks. I want you in my life.”

Fishing her keys out, she turned to face him. “Listen—” Two things stole her words and her breath: Ben down on one knee with a ring and Kal standing behind him, his amber eyes practically glowing in the shadows.

Oh, shit. No.

What are you doing, Ben?” She went to him and took hold of his arm.

Marry me. I want you as my wife, Lana.”

Oh, Lord,” she groaned and tugged at him.

A loud hiss/growl pierced the night.

There was no need for her to look for where it had come from, she knew. However, the sight of Ben whipping his head around to check behind him was comical.

BOOK: Secured Heart (Timberon Cat Book 1)
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