Secrets of My Hollywood Life #2: On Location (22 page)

BOOK: Secrets of My Hollywood Life #2: On Location
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I lean back in the leather seat and smile. It feels like only seconds until we're at the Kodak Theatre.

"We're the next car in line," Rodney announces as we pull up slowly. Once we stop, he jumps out of the car to run around and open Austin's passenger side door.

"Are you ready, Burke?" Austin asks as the door opens and the bright light filters in. I hear the cameras clicking, the crowd cheering, and people shouting commands. I'm sure one of those voices is Laney.

I take Austins hand and hold it tightly in my own. "I'm ready for anything."

HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER NINETEEN: Life is uncertain, but in Hollywood, a few things are law. If you want to stay hot, don't be photographed driving with your baby in your lap. Wearing feathers will definitely land you on the worst-dressed list. Thank God, your agent, and your sig nificant other (in that order) during acceptance speeches. And above all else, remember that the end of a movie (or a TV show, or a play or a book) is never really the end. There's always room for a sequel. My life is no exception, so stay tuned...


coming in Spring 2008


To Cindy Eagan, my amazing editor, for making Kaitlin al ways sound cool (and for indulging me in my love of all things pop culture). My former editor, Phoebe Spanier, thank you for helping bring Kaitlin's journey this far. Could you please come home now? And to Elizabeth Eulberg, Little, Browns "zactastic" publicist, who knows where to find the best margaritas in town, and the rest of incredible L,B staff--Christine Labov, Emilie Lara, and jacket designer extraordinaire, Tracy Shaw--thanks for everything you've done to make Kaitlin a success.

To my agent, Laura Dail, thank you for always having my back and for helping me look ten years forward. Mara Rein-stein, for taking my endless phone calls ("Are you sure this really happened before?") and "my cousin" Amy Cohn, for letting me tag along at work and see how things are really done in Hollywood.

To my dedicated family and friends--Tyler, for napping three hours a day so that I can write, Captain Jack Sparrow, for being my lap warmer, my parents, Nick and Lynn, my mother-in-law, Gail, and the well-connected school posse, Lisa Gagliano (your students can rest easy now), AnnMarie Pullicino, and celeb-obsessed Stephanie Ralton. Finally, and most importantly, to my husband, Mike, for always under standing what I'm trying to say, even when it makes no sense coming out of my mouth.

BOOK: Secrets of My Hollywood Life #2: On Location
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