Read Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson Online

Authors: Becca Jameson and Paige Michaels

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary Romance

Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson (11 page)

BOOK: Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson
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“I don’t think Julian and Morgan will ever forgive me,” she said in a near-whisper.

He shrugged. “Maybe not. They seem to be doing fine.”

“Not because of me, though.”

He studied her face. “You’re right. It was a reckless thing to do. But we’re done with that now. You’ve paid for it. I cut it out of you. Do you understand?”

She nodded, eyes slightly glazed. “Yes, Master.”

“Good.” He would talk to Julian. Get his take on what had happened. Lucinda was wrong and clearly felt awful for it. But it’s not like Theo hadn’t done his share of stupid stuff when he was a teenager, before he met his sensei and started going to the dojo.

“I need to go to work soon. I told Camille I’d be in late, but I need to take care of a few things. Are you working?”

She shook her head. “No classes today.”

“I’d like to give you a series of tasks to do today. Would you agree to that?”

“Yes, Master,” she said. He ripped the tape on her hip off, and she shivered, her nipples pebbling. He reached his hand up and pinched her right nipple as he slathered more ointment on the cut at her hip. She released a breathy sigh, and he tugged and pinched harder. Her legs shifted open and he chuckled.

“I don’t have time to address your needy cunt this morning, brat. But I promise when I return, I’ll give you what you need. Can you wait?”

“You’re asking me?”

He chuckled. “Yes, brat. I’m asking. You can either quickly get off right now, or you can wait until I get home where I will spend a long time indulging you. Your decision.”

She gnawed at her bottom lip, and Theo could almost hear the wheels spinning. His greedy girl needed to learn the value of patience instead of immediate satisfaction. But he wanted her to find it herself, not force it on her.

“Tell me my tasks first, and then I’ll decide.”

He dropped his hand from her puckered nipple. “Nope. Decide first.”

She huffed. “Fine. I’ll wait. Now, what are my tasks?”

He grinned and replaced the bandage at her hip before he grabbed both nipples so hard she squeaked. Her hips tilted as if her pussy was seeking him, and he laughed again. “I want you to take a nap for at least an hour. Then I want you to work your ass. I want you to play with a plug so by the time I get home tonight, you’re stretched enough to take my cock without bleeding.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

He pinched her tits again and then pressed his fingers into the bruises around the full globes. Bruises his mouth had made. Jesus. He couldn’t wait to go another round with her. “And brat?”

She looked up from where she watched him grip her chest. “Master?”

“Make sure you don’t bleed. I know you’ll want to. I know you’ll try and force it. But that’s not your job. Your pain is mine to give now. You will not hurt yourself. That belongs to me. Am I clear?”

She nodded, and the relief was so plain in her face it took everything he had not to lift her up and plunge into her tight pussy until she screamed.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. “It’s yours now.”

He kissed her long and hard, devouring her mouth and drawing whimpers and mewls from her until he pulled away, leaving them both breathless. “Nap. I’ll leave lube and your plug on the side table. I want you to be at my house by five. Can you do that?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, which he held out for her to see before setting it on the bedside table. Next he held out a folded piece of paper and set it next to the key. “There’s a code for the alarm on that paper and instructions to disarm it. Go to the room you’ve been using and wait for me on the bed. Understood?”

“Why do you make me sleep there? It feels like a damn servants’ quarters.”

He lifted a brow and watched her squirm. “You’ll do as I say and keep your opinions to yourself.”

“Yes, Master.” She nodded, and he couldn’t stop the smile from cracking open his face as he pointed to the bed.


Lucinda shot out of bed the moment she heard the front door close. There was no way in hell she could nap when there was a butt plug and a task from her Master swirling around her head. She hadn’t bothered to put her clothes back on before he’d tucked her into bed. She preferred to sleep nude anyway, and Theo didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

She took the items into the bathroom and eyed the large mirror, spinning around so she could see herself completely. Part of her was embarrassed to see all the marks on her body, see what she’d allowed him to do to her, but a bigger part cherished each of them. She pulled the bandages off so she could see the cuts too. She couldn’t believe how good that had felt. How much the press of the knife made her body sing.

She lifted a foot to the toilet lid and smeared lube onto her fingers, eyeing the plug on the counter. Why the hell had she purchased that plug in the first place?

She shivered as she admitted to herself she enjoyed looking at the toy while she masturbated on occasion. She’d never had the guts to use it, but she would set it in her line of sight and daydream about having a Dom who would use it on her. Theo had used beads almost as large as the plug on her. And now he wanted her to use the plug on herself.

Being instructed to use it was headier than anything she’d ever conjured in her mind.

Before she allowed herself to pick it up, she stroked her tight bud with her fingers while staring at the plug. It was purple. And it was large. Much larger than anything she’d ever inserted.

Her leg—the one supporting her on the ground—nearly buckled as she moaned around the sensation of pleasuring herself by pressing two fingers against her perineum. Her eyes fluttered, but she forced her gaze to remain on the rubber plug.

Knowing how much it would hurt to press the wide object into her tight ass sent a rush of arousal to her pussy. She wanted to thrust her fingers into her core, but instead she applied lube to her fingers and then pushed two into her ass without bothering to stretch the tight ring of muscles first with one finger.

She curled her toes against the toilet seat at the stretch. It didn’t hurt. It was simply tight. The pressure was actually welcoming. Intense in a way she wasn’t used to experiencing at her own hand.

She scissored the two fingers for a few seconds and then added a third, forcing the finger to join the others even though she knew it was too soon. Too much.

She moaned at the pleasure pain, shocked by her ability to bring herself so close to the edge by fucking her own ass with her fingers. If she had known how arousing the act would be…

Then again, ninety percent of the reason she was so excited was because her Master had instructed her to do this—fuck her ass with that plug to get her ready for him.

She gritted her teeth while she continued to fuck herself with three fingers, pressing them deeper. When she couldn’t stand the suspense a moment longer, she yanked her hand from inside her body and grabbed the plug off the counter. Without bothering to apply lube directly to the toy, she pressed it into her ass.

She bucked forward at the instantaneous shock. So filling…

Her eyes rolled back into her head as she jerked the plug out and then rammed it back in just as quickly, hearing the moan coming from her mouth.

Luckily there was enough lube smeared on her ass to keep the plug from tearing the sensitive skin this time. Theo had specifically instructed her not to draw blood. She didn’t think she had. The pressure was intense, but she knew it would hurt much worse if she had broken the skin. Hell, it had hurt much worse when he’d fucked her with the beads.

Nope. Blood wasn’t her problem.

Keeping herself from coming was her problem. That hadn’t been in the list of instructions. And she knew Theo didn’t intend for her to orgasm while she worked her ass.

She was so close…

She jerked the plug in and out two more times and then had to force herself to stop. Her hands shook as she lowered her foot to the floor and padded to the sink to wash the toy. She left it on the counter and glanced at herself in the mirror. Her face was red. Her skin was splotchy. She needed to replace the bandages on her cuts, but she didn’t have the energy right then. Later.

Chapter Thirteen

Lucinda waddled into her room and lowered herself onto the bed. Her ass ached a little, but it wasn’t enough. She’d have to do it again before she went to Theo’s house, make sure she was good and stretched. Her phone pinged from the side table, and she rolled over to check it.

Theo: Brat, I know you went after that ass the minute I walked out the door. I said nap first.

She didn’t know how to respond. He was right, but he couldn’t really expect her to pay attention to the chronology of his commands. Both would happen. Probably. Though how she was supposed to nap now that her ass had been worked, she wasn’t totally sure.

She went for straightforward and hoped for the best.

Lucinda: Sorry, Master. I got curious.

Theo: We’re going to need to work on that. I said nap, then ass play.

Lucinda: Tomato, tomahto. Who cares which I do first?

Theo: Your ass cares. Now stop sassing me, brat, or I won’t play with you later.

Gah, would he always use that as a threat? Would he always deny her if she wasn’t doing everything just right? It was infuriating, and she didn’t know if she could deal with all that push and pull for the long-term, but right now, she couldn’t help wanting to test him.

Lucinda: So don’t.

He didn’t respond after several minutes, and she started to worry her bottom lip. She’d gone too far, and now he was going to follow through. Tears pressed against the back of her eyelids, and she blinked hard to push them back. She curled onto the bed and wondered if he would throw her over now. If this would be the thing that finally made him step away from her.

Her phone rang ten minutes later. She saw his name and choked on a sob.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

“Sweetheart, I understand it is your kneejerk reaction to give me attitude every step of the way, but you will not win this game. You think you can push me into doing what you want, and I’ll tell you right now that you cannot. Push all you want, but as far as you’re concerned, I’m an immovable dam against your torrential waters. Now, would you like to rethink that last text?”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. I’ll take a nap now and listen harder next time.”

“Lucy, sweetheart,” he said, and his voice circled around her like a soothing balm. “We need to move past this testing me thing. I want to play with you, I want to give you everything you need, and I need you to trust me. Follow my instructions, listen to me, and trust me. Will you do that, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Theo. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I keep doing this. I don’t mean to, but it’s like this thing just takes over, and I blurt out whatever comes to mind.”

“You’re asking for boundaries, sweetheart. You’re testing to see if my walls will hold. They will. I’m not going anywhere. I gave you a promise. Now, go take a nap. I will be home by five o’clock. I expect you to be there ready for me.”

“I will, Theo. I promise.”

“That’s the sweet girl I know you can be. I love hearing you be all docile with me. As much as I love to hear you fight, there is a time and place for both those things. But right now, I quite like sweet Lucy, and I want her to follow instructions and be a good girl.”

“Yes, Master.”

“See you at five, sweetheart.”


He’d never known such a needy submissive. She was everything he craved, and he couldn’t wait to get to the point where he could show her how much he could give her. He drove the rest of the way to the office in silence, having stopped at home for a quick change first. He spent much of the ride contemplating how to deal with her guilt over the Julian and Morgan situation. There was no help for it. She needed him to handle the problem, and handle it he would.

He slipped into his office with a nod to Camille and picked up his phone. Julian and he didn’t overlap business worlds very often, but he knew he ran the creative department for one of Minneapolis’s top advertising agencies. Minutes later, he’d set up a lunch for the two of them. He hadn’t entirely figured out what he was going to say yet, but he knew he needed to help his brat.

Two hours later, he was sitting in a diner when Julian swept in. The guy wasn’t that big, not nearly as big as Theo, but he had a presence about him that seemed to take up a lot of space in the room.

“Theo. It’s been a while. To what do I owe this spontaneous lunch date?” Julian said, slipping into the booth across from Theo.


Julian hissed. “I’m not interested in discussing that bitch. If that’s why you’re here, I’ll leave you to eat on your own.”

Theo placed a hand on the table. Julian eyed it, but didn’t respond. A pissing match probably wasn’t the way to go with him, but if push came to shove, Theo would fight to get Julian to listen. “She told me what she did. All of it.”

Julian shook his head. “She was supposed to keep her mouth shut.”

“I didn’t let her. She feels horrible. She’s eating herself alive in guilt.”


Theo sighed. “Is there no making amends here?”

Julian’s eyebrows shot up. “You’ve taken her on, I assume. Do you know what you’re getting into with that one?”

Theo offered a single nod.

Julian sighed again. “Did she tell you she jeopardized my Morgan’s job, jeopardized the entire Loft because she wanted me to claim her? I mean, for fuck’s sake, Theo, we lost a fifty thousand dollar grant because of her.”

Theo nodded. “She told me.”

“And you still want her? Really?”

Theo folded his hands and leaned forward. “She fights so hard because she thinks she’s unlovable. She’s like a child who isn’t getting any attention from her parents, so she does all the wrong things because at least pissing them off makes them react.”

“Except I’m not her parent,” Julian snapped back.

“You’re right. And she
wrong, but she does want to make it up to you. She’s suffered for this. She lives in a shit hole and teaches toddlers how to make pinch pots. Hell, until I found her at Exotica the other night, I think she’d almost completely removed herself from the scene. Even then, she was pressed in the back of the room, hiding.”

BOOK: Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson
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