Read Scorned! (Interracial Erotica) Online

Authors: Lexy Harper

Tags: #African American Erotica, #African American Romance, #Interracial Erotic Fiction, #Erotica., #African American Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #African American Erotic Romance, #Romance, #interracial erotica

Scorned! (Interracial Erotica) (2 page)

BOOK: Scorned! (Interracial Erotica)
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Of course, I could have fingered myself to an orgasm if I wanted to.  But I didn’t.  I was enjoying the punishment as much as he was.

The man who opened the door of the detached house looked so much like Cameron I almost did a double take.  He hadn’t mentioned brothers, but surely this man could not be—

“Holly, this is my father Adam,” Cameron said, as he ushered me forward to make the introduction.  “Dad, this is my girlfriend Holly.”

  One session of great sex in the gym and I was a girlfriend?  Wow!

“Nice to meet you, Holly.”  The way Adam squeezed my hand and leered openly at me I began to think that the two of them shared women—not that I would have a serious problem being sandwiched between the two of them.  “Come inside.”

“We’re not stopping, Dad,” Cameron said hastily.  “I’ve only come to collect the DVD.  I’m taking Holly home for dinner.”

“I’m sure Sophia will rustle up something for you.  I want to know more about this lovely young woman.  Come in for a drink.”

Adam introduced Sophia, a slim Indian woman and not a day over nineteen, to me.  He fondled her backside as she bent over to place the dishes on the table in front of us and I was surprised she didn’t drop the platter of Dijon Chicken or the salad bowl.

After the meal I began to feel really annoyed with Cameron when he let Adam convince him to stay and watch the game on catch-up TV although he had already made the recording on the DVD.

Cameron virtually ignored me as he got engrossed in the match.

Adam, in the meanwhile was watching me, his eyes seeming to strip the material of my T-shirt away and zoom in on my erect nipples which had hardly subsided since Cameron had been tweaking them between his finger tips. The man gave off sexual sparks like the sun gave off heat.  It felt weird to have a boyfriend’s father hit on me.  If Cameron wasn’t as reserved as I’ve known him to be I would have sworn that he and his father shared women.  I wondered what it would be like to be in the middle of a Dewhurst sandwich.

It would be like fucking twins—a secret fantasy of mine.

Finally the match was over and Cameron seemed to remember that he had naughty pussy to punish.  We said our goodbyes quickly, but not before Adam hugged me and surreptitiously squeezed my behind before he moved away and said, “’Bye, Holly.  It was a
meeting you.”

“I can’t believe you stayed to watch the bloody match,” I said peeved, as Cameron drove off.

“That was another part of your punishment,” he said, running his free hand up my leg and under my skirt, “God, you’re still so

I was surprised myself.  Thoughts of being a father and son sandwich filling must have made me hornier than usual.

When we got to his place Cameron tied my hands to the bed and continued to torture me by touching me, but not letting me touch him. After we had sex twice more, he asked me if I slept face up or down.  I told him down and the next thing I knew he had untied my hands, flipped me over and re-tied me.

Raising my head off the two pillows he had banked beneath me, I watched as he opened the bottom drawer of his wardrobe and took out a vibrator.

“I got this for my last woman.  We stopped seeing each other three months ago when she started worrying that her thug of a husband was having her followed.  She liked double penetration and liked to stick this in whichever hole I wasn’t occupying.  I’ve cleaned it, but I’ll put a condom over it for you.”

Wild as I can sometimes be, I have never slept with two men at the same time or had a double penetration other than with a finger or two.  But I was aroused by the thought of having him inside me, as well as something else—it would be my earlier fantasy come true, except for the fact that Adam would not be present.  I waited eagerly while he slipped the condom over the substantial length.  Usually I didn’t allow anal on a first date, but I decided that I would make an exception for Cameron as he was so sweet.

“Kneel up,” he instructed, coming to stand at the side of the bed.

I obeyed quickly and he slid the full length inside me slowly.  It was bigger than his cock and I winced slightly as it grazed my now battered pussy, but it felt so good.

“Right.”  Cameron turned it to a medium setting and straightened up.  “I’m going to watch 24 on catch up TV.”

“What?”  I asked startled as he moved away.

“I’m going to watch some TV.  By the end of the night you’ll be so sick of cock, you won’t want another but mine inside you.”

“Cameron, come back!” I pleaded, as the vibrator pulsed inside me.  I needed him to kiss me or touch my breasts, my clit, my neck—do something pleasurably that would shift some of the intensity of sensations to another location.

He ignored me and walked out the room.

I pushed one of the pillows down the bed and rubbed my nipples against it to get some relief, but it was not enough. Finally after a struggle of several minutes I manoeuvred it until it was close enough to rub my clit against it.  I came almost instantly.

I needed a breather, but there was no let up with the vibrator still inside me.  I was really beginning to get annoyed with it.

“Cameron!”  I shouted.

“Yes,” he answered, startling me; I hadn’t heard him re-enter the room.

“Please,” I begged him.

“No, I don’t think you’ve had enough.”  He came closer, his erect cock bobbing in front of him as he walked.  He pulled the vibrator out slowly, but even as I sighed in relief he buried it inside me again.  I couldn’t stop my hips from twitching or the gasp of pleasure escaping my lips.  “See, you still need at least another couple hours of fucking. I’m going to make you come one more time with this and then I’m going to fuck you myself.  And then maybe afterwards fuck you with the vibrator while I take a rest before fucking you again.”

I bit down on the remaining pillow as he put his arm around my hip and fingered my clit as he worked the vibrator smoothly in and out of me.

What a glorious way to be punished, I thought, as I felt myself on the brink of coming again.  If he intended to continue as he’d started there would be absolutely no need for me to look at another man.

I worried moments later if I would survive the punishment as Cameron moved behind me as soon as I’d come.

He really meant to punish me.

If I died, I decided, as I felt the head of his cock nudge itself way into me, it would be the perfect fucking way to go!


After seven weeks of bliss, Cameron who worked for a Danish company had to travel to their headquarters for a senior managers’ conference.

I took the day off work and we were in the middle of our final round of hot sex, I was on the brink of coming, at two fifteen, four hours before his flight was due to leave City Airport when his doorbell rang.  We ignored it and fucked on, but whoever it was seemed to know that we were at home and pressed the bell insistently.

“Shit, that’s probably my dad.”  Suddenly Cameron quickened his pace.  “Sorry, baby, I’ve got to come.”

He immediately pressed my knees further into my chest and gave a few fast, deep thrusts before stiffening and releasing into me.

“I’ll get rid of him and come back to sort you out,” he promised, grabbing his boxers and rushing out of the room.

I lay back on the bed playing with my clit as I waited.  Five minutes later he walked back into the bedroom, looking apologetic.

“Sorry, he’s come to take me to the airport,” he whispered.

“Tell him that you’ll take a cab,” I whispered back furiously. 

“I told him so but he’s insisting.”

“What about me?” I asked.

“I’ll make it up to you when I get back,” he promised as he bent over and kissed me.  When I tried to pull him down further he resisted.  “I can’t. Not with Dad in the house.”

I let him go have his shower, but I was not pleased.  I sometimes forgot that Cameron was two years younger than my twenty-seven, but every time Adam was around I got a rude reminder of that age difference as Cameron seemed to suddenly act his age.  But I guess it was hard for him be a man with a father as domineering as Adam.

I couldn’t quite work out Adam’s feelings for his son.  He showered him with the best of everything even though Cameron had a fairly well-paid job, yet he dismissed Cameron’s opinion if it differed from his own and every time we went over to his house, Adam didn’t miss a chance to touch my ass or tell me how much he wanted to fuck me. 

I was so pissed that Cameron was leaving me high and dry I didn’t bother to shower.  I wanted him to smell my hot pussy all the way to the airport, but Adam insisted that Cameron sit in the front passenger seat.  I shrugged my shoulders and let him hand me into the back seat.  Cameron looked back at me apologetically several times, but each time he did Adam made some comment and drew his son’s attention back to him.

We got to the airport an hour and a quarter before takeoff.  Since Cameron was travelling Business Class and had no check-in luggage he could have hung around until nearer to the departure, but Adam encouraged him to go on ahead so that he could get his choice of seat.

Cameron hugged his father goodbye and then took me in his arms.  Adam didn’t even have the decency to step back and give us some privacy to say our goodbyes.  But I didn’t mind who saw me kiss my man goodbye.  I closed my eyes as Cameron leaned down to kiss me.

One quick peck and he released me!

Adam waited until the plane had left the tarmac.  Then he turned to me and said, “Let’s go.”

Maybe he does care for Cameron after all, I thought a little touched. 
would have left as soon as Cameron was safely through Passport Control as we couldn’t see him once he went through to the Waiting Lounge.

Adam’s next words shattered any illusion of being a loving father.  “I wanted to make sure that he’d left the country,” he said, taking my arm.  “Sophia’s home, so I’m taking you back to my pad in Bromley for a good fuck.”

I knew that I should refuse.  The man was a bastard...but such a sexy bastard.  And arrogant with it.  But my pussy was so needy.  Cameron had left me high and dry.

As soon as we entered the studio flat he grabbed me. There was a roughness about his insolent touch that I found off putting.  He was a couple inches shorter than Cameron, but his body was much more beefy.  Cameron had told me that Adam worked out every day in his home gym.  It was obvious that he used heavyweights—he had huge, rippling muscles that his designer clothes disguised.

He stripped me quickly, tweaked my nipples and turned me facedown on the bed, my ass in the air.

“No!” I objected when I realized what he intended to do.

“Don’t tell me that stupid son of mine doesn’t give it to you up the ass?” he asked, sounding shocked.

“No, he doesn’t.”

“Holly, this is the 21
century—ass is the new pussy.  Any woman who wants to keep her man should know that she has to give him ass because there are plenty of other women who will, if she won’t!”

“Cameron is quite happy with my pussy, thank you very much!  If you want to fuck someone’s ass go to a gay club.  I am sure that you’ll find several willing—”

“I’m no sick faggot!” Adam denied angrily, making me dislike him even more.

“Gay men aren’t sick, you homophobic fucker!” I yelled at him.  “My brother’s gay and I’m
proud of him.”

“Cameron’s soft like his mother.”  Adam switched topics rightly sensing that I was on the verge of putting my clothes back on and telling him to hell with him fucking me!

“He’s not soft.  He’s just sensitive.”  I defended Cameron although I agreed with Adam that Cameron was sometimes a little too nice for his own good.  Except for that first night when he had punished me masterfully when we got to his flat, he was as gentle as a pussy cat.  Perhaps, not a pussy cat—more like a pet lion.

I don’t mind anal occasionally, but I’m choosy about the men whom I let slip their cocks into my backside.  It wasn’t only the fact that anal tissue was delicate and needed protection.  For me it was about respect.  If men thought that anal sex was their right, I refused them.  If they thought that it was an alternative to my pussy, I refused them too.  The few that understood it was a privilege and something to be done only when I chose, I allowed them access.  I judged each man and decided whether to indulge or withhold.  Adam fell into the first category, so naturally I refused him.

He used his cock like a weapon, pummelling me into the bed.  After a few minutes I was so bored, I could have fallen asleep, especially since the bed moved beneath me like a rocking chair.

“Cameron’s a wimp,” he said just before he gave me a few harder, robotic jabs and came. “I’ve fucked all his girlfriends.”

Envy in families is not an uncommon thing.  For years I had envied my mother’s effortless beauty, her smooth hairless brown skin, her small breasts and her high, tight behind until I discovered my own woman’s power.  It was clear that Adam envied Cameron.  And the only reason I could think of was that Adam was jealous of Cameron’s endowment. As a girl I had walked around naked in front of my mother.  Perhaps Cameron had done the same and before he hit puberty his father must have realized that he was already more endowed or had the potential to be.  So, he had systematically tried to exert his masculinity over his son.

Thankfully Adam didn’t want a repeat performance.  We dressed and he drove me back to Cameron’s.

“I’ll call you when I’m ready for another piece of pussy,” he promised and squeezed my breast hard enough to make me wince before I could escape out of his Ferrari.


After Adam left the sixteenth message on the answer machine in five days, I decided to answer the phone when he rang the next time.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he demanded.  “Didn’t you get my messages?”

“Adam, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to see each other again.”

“Surely you aren’t going to let my wimp of a son fuck you again?  Tell him it’s over!”

“He’s not a wimp!” I denied hotly.  “I love him. When he called last night he asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

BOOK: Scorned! (Interracial Erotica)
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