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Authors: Aria Cole

Scarlet (10 page)

BOOK: Scarlet
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“We had a talk. As long as he takes care of you, I’m a happy man. Only the best for my little girl.” He placed an emotional kiss on my forehead, then turned away, swiping at his eyes awkwardly.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“Your daddy and I used to dream about a wedding in the back garden. That didn’t happen for us, but maybe, with Gran’s blessing, it will for you.” Mama cradled my cheek in her palm

“I would love that.” I grinned up at Beau and saw his smile spread.

He pressed my hand to his lips and placed a kiss there. “I would marry you anywhere, Scarlet Fair, but right here feels just about perfect.”



By the time summer sun set on the last week of August, Scarlet had the slightest bump protruding at her waistline. She was mine.

Like every fiber in my body had been telling me the day we’d met, Scarlet was mine to keep, and today would only make it official.

Today Scarlet’s father would walk her down the aisle and give her away.

To me.

I straightened my tie in the mirror, feeling, not for the first time, like the damn thing was choking me. I grunted, then spun, knocking over a photo of my parents. I sucked in a breath of air that actually stung on the way in. It pained me that they weren’t here, would never get the chance to meet the beautiful woman who had captivated my heart. Marrying Scarlet was a dream come true. Our courtship had happened in such a rush, our circumstances certainly not average, but we’d found love just the same. I only wished they could be here to share it all with us, but I was certain they would be here in spirit.

We’d thought about postponing the wedding for my sister, but she was still completing her ninety days in rehab, stronger and healthier than ever, and had plans to move into a transitional house after finishing. She’d wished us well and promised that she would come to visit soon, but that she didn’t feel strong enough to be exposed to all the temptations of the outside world just yet. I’d been silently saddened, but knew she was taking the right steps in her recovery and for that I was prouder of her than ever.

I turned back to the mirror, adjusted my tie once more, then flicked off the lights and left. I had a wedding to get to.

Taking long strides down the driveway, I cut left to head down the path that led to the big house. I stopped when I came to the tree line, taking in the massive estate. The mansion looked stately in the background, the rolling green gardens and terraces were always breathtaking, but now, in the evening light, even more so. Rows of chairs decorated the lawn, a large white tent to feed our guests after, and one long aisle. People milled around. A grand piano had been set up on the patio, and a pianist released sweet chords into the air.

It was a fairy tale, without a doubt. But my real happily ever after was getting Scarlet. I hadn’t seen her coming, was powerless in the face of the control she held over me, and utterly bewitched by everything that was her. Scarlet had chosen me, and I’d spend every day of my life proving to her that she’d made the right choice.

I walked the remaining yards down the path to the gardens, where I would take my spot at the end of the aisle as the groom. I approached Scarlet’s grandmother, and she welcomed me in a hug. She’d grown frailer as the months of summer had gone on. Scarlet was worried, and that was part of the reason why we’d wanted to rush the wedding, so we could share this day with her.

“You’re such a wonderful, kind man, Beau.” She patted me on the cheek. “I know somewhere deep in that stubborn heart of yours, you probably don’t think you deserve her, but you deserve all the love she has for you. You deserve everything, Beau.”

“Ms. Fair, you brought me Scarlet, and for that, I can’t thank you enough.” I held my arms open, and the little old woman tucked herself against my body.

“This summer has been nothing short of magic. I’m an old woman. I won’t be around for much longer, but I wanted to give you this.” She handed me an envelope. “It’s my will. I’m leaving you and Scarlet the house. I’ve always wondered who would live here after I was long gone, but now I can rest happy knowing it will stay in the family.”

“No ma’am.” I shook my head. “I don’t think we can accept that. It’s too generous.”

“Nonsense. Scarlet is my granddaughter, and the only other person I would consider leaving it to is standing right before me.” She smiled. “Now I don’t want to make you late on your big day. Go get your girl.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” I nodded, and she smiled and turned away, walking back to her seat in the front row. There’s another woman who constantly took me by surprise. Maybe it ran in the family.

Scarlet’s mom sat next to Ms. Fair and an empty chair where Scarlet’s dad would soon be sitting. My eyes crossed the aisle to the handful of people I’d invited, all the chairs filled except for two in the front row. A bouquet of white lilies on both in honor of my parents. It’d been Scarlet’s idea to include them, and the idea touched me to the very core of my heart. It was perfect.

The music started then, and I took my place at the head of the aisle beneath the flowering trellises, waiting for my girl.

Finally, the music changed, and Scarlet and her dad turned the corner and began their slow march down the aisle. My eyes were riveted the entire journey, my gaze caressing her form as she walked to me, tears shimmering in her eyes and a smile hovering on her lips.

, you look edible.” My voice was husky as she clung to my arms. “I want to peel this fluffy white confection off your body and taste you.”

A vibrant shade of red climbed up her cheeks before the cleric cleared his throat and started. I tuned out his words, my eyes only focusing on Scarlet’s.

“Who gives this woman?” I heard him ask, and her father stepped forward. “I do.”

The ceremony continued. We recited our vows and were finally pronounced man and wife. When he said the words, I took her face in my palms and kissed her like no one was watching.

“Love you so much,” I nipped at her earlobe.

“I love you too.” Her smile lit up my entire fucking world.

“Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Loup.”

Scarlet’s eyes twinkled when she locked hands with mine, and we walked down the aisle, man and wife, the first day of our forever.

After a delicious catered dinner, Scarlet and I headed for the dance floor for our first dance. I wrapped her in my arms and tucked my nose into her shoulder as the first few chords of ‘You Belong to Me’ started

“Beau, this song…it’s your mother's song.” She stopped for a moment once she recognized it.

I nodded and pulled her back to me. “It’s the perfect song. You gave me life, Scarlet. I don’t know what I would do without your love.” I pulled her even tighter to me as the song continued. “You’re my dream. The dream I didn’t even know I was wishing for.”

“I love you so much,” she whispered and pressed up on her toes to kiss me.

I’d be so alone without you.” I murmured the words of the song. “You belong to me. I’ll love you every day of forever,



One year later

The Saturday morning sun glinted off the treetops as I sat swinging on the front porch of our cabin.

“Need anything, babe?” Beau hurried out and dropped a kiss on my cheek.

“Lemonade maybe? It’s going to be hot today.” I scrunched my nose. “Will you grab the sunscreen, too?”

Beau ran back into the cabin and returned a minute later with both.

“What do you say we go up to the big house today, see how renovations are coming?”

“That sounds great. I’ll probably have to pee three times before we get there though,” I grumbled, already feeling uncomfortable.

“Ah, tell Mama she’s got another seven months to go,” Beau chuckled and pulled our squirming son into his arms.

“I’m not complaining, but this heat makes it worse!” I tickled Ben’s toes, and he broke into a gummy grin.

“You gotta be the little man around the house while I’m gone.” Beau tickled him, and a few giggles escaped his belly.

“I can’t believe we’re going to have two kids under two.” I rubbed at my still mostly flat belly.

“We’ve been busy, Mama.” Beau winked at me.

“I just wish Gran was here to see them.” Sadness creeped crept into my thoughts.

“She can see them just fine. I know she’s watching over both of them.” He cradled Ben in one arm and placed another on my shoulder.

“Let’s go for that walk now. I want to make sure the builders are on top of it.”

Gran had passed away in her sleep just six weeks after we were married. When Beau had told me she’d left us the house, I nearly crumbled into tears. Her generosity and kindness were so overwhelming, I was instantly overcome by the realization that my kids would never have the privilege of knowing her.

At first, I hadn’t wanted to even see the house, Beau and I having decided early on that we wanted to live in the cabin at the back of the property. I’d never grown up with excess. I preferred a simple quieter life, and the thought of all that room in the mansion going to waste had nagged at me.

After talking it over many late nights with Beau, we finally settled on a boarding house for underprivileged new moms. Whether they were pregnant, or had just had their baby, we would welcome them into the main house for as long as they needed, and provide them with resources and training to get back on their feet.

I think Gran would be happy with what we’d decided to do with her home.

We followed the path of the morning sun as we walked the trail to the main house. Beau lifted Ben onto his shoulders and held his chubby hands as we walked, his little green eyes wide with wonder at the world around him.

It was an amazing place, and we were so blessed to call it home.

Life was good. Life had given me the fairy tale. I’d never imagined that I would go away for the summer and become a new woman. I never imagined I’d find my soul mate, and he would be six-two with a beard and a rakish grin. I never dreamed of the beautiful little boy with the vibrant green eyes and strawberry-red hair.

They’d given me so much love every day. I only wanted to give it back, share it, multiply it until every life we touched was painted in vibrant brushstrokes of compassion, empathy, and tenderness.

Beau gave me everything, and I would live out the remainder of my days giving all my love back to him.


Turn the page for a sneak peek of
Bending Bethany
, coming in July!


(unedited and subject to change)



He’s a star international soccer player.

She’s the nerdy girl next door.

One wild night and a pair of lost panties is about to turn her world upside down.



“Come on, Bethy, you never do anything fun! It’s nose stuck in a book all the time for you.” My sister pouted as she tore through what was at least a dozen slutty dresses in her closet. “This one would look perfect on you.”

I narrowed my eyes, taking in the short, black glittery number. “That is not a dress it’s a shirt. Everyone will see my bits and pieces. You don’t actually wear that in public do you?” My eyes widened as I looked at the flimsy material. That so called dress was was long enough to fall just barely under my behind. If I moved people would see everything. “I’m not wearing that.”

“Does that mean you’ll go?” Her eyes lit with mischievous sparkle.

I sighed, frowning as I fingered a glittery red dress she’d tossed on the bed. “Yes, but you’d better find something longer, I’m not looking like a call girl.”

“You’re such a prude. A little cock never hurt anyone.” My wayward sister teased.

“I swear, I don’t even know how we’re related.”

“Believe me, I think that all the time.” She buzzed out of the wardrobe heading to the bathroom. “Now what are we going to do with your hair?”

She pulled curling irons and flat irons and a thousand products out of a basket.

“Can you give me some supermodel curls?” I’d never wielded a curling iron in my life, but my sister’s glam makeup and perfectly windblown waves always made me yearn for just one night of glam.

“Yes! Mermaid ringlets would be gorgeous, maybe we can even add a little color, let me do some highlights!” She squealed and I groaned.

“No highlights,” I shook my head firmly. “I’ve never colored my hair, why would I start now?”

“Because tonight you’re a new you. Try something else on for a while, hair is only temporary.” She shrugged and I huffed, checking out the streaks of magenta coursing through her dark locks.

I nibbled on my bottom lip, glancing down at the sensible Chucks on my feet, the crossbody I wore nearly every day, then back to one of her fancy clutches on the bed.

“Can I carry that?” My eyes gleamed, finally feeling excitement pulse to life inside me.

“My McQueen?” She stuck out her bottom lip and narrowed her eyes at me. “Swear on everything you hold dear to love it and cradle it like your firstborn child?”

BOOK: Scarlet
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