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Authors: Corinne Michaels

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Say You Want Me (34 page)

BOOK: Say You Want Me
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Melissa Erickson, you’re amazing. I love your face.

Kristi, your friendship means everything to me. I value our friendship more than anything. Books may have brought us together, but so much more keeps us together.

Vi, Claire, Mandi, Amy, Syreeta, Kristy, Kyla, Mia, Tijan, Alessandra, Meghan, Jessica, Christine, Michelle, Laurelin, Kennedy, and Lauren—Thank you for keeping me striving to be better and listening to my crazy.

York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author. She’s an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun loving mom of two beautiful children. Corinne is happily married to the man of her dreams and is a former Navy wife. After spending months away from her husband while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness.

Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers were librarians, which only intensified her love of reading. After years of writing short stories, she couldn’t ignore the call to finish her debut novel, Beloved. Her alpha men are broken, beautiful, and will steal your heart.



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BOOK: Say You Want Me
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