Savior: A Tattered Club Story (Tattered Social Club Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Savior: A Tattered Club Story (Tattered Social Club Series Book 1)
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Niko’s dick twitched with the thought. “I’m not going to stop you. Come here.” He twisted, pulling Ethan against his chest. Hoisting the lean body over one shoulder he loved the
then laughter coming from behind his head. “Who’s the boss now, skinny jeans? This ass is mine tonight.”

He didn’t protest, just held onto Niko’s lower back as they climbed the stairs. Niko dropped him on bed and smiled when the mattress squeaked with the bounce. “Now, what?” Ethan asked, eyes twinkling in the lamp light. “You’ve got me up here, stud, now what are you going to do?”

He all but tore the T-shirt over his head and grabbed Ethan’s feet to pull him to the edge of the bed. “This,” Niko flipped him onto his belly. Spreading Ethan’s thighs, he leaned in to brace his fists on either side of Ethan’s head. When he nipped the shell of one pale ear, he whispered, “Tonight I want to be inside you. We can negotiate for the next time.”

Ethan turned, resting his cheek on the blanket, letting Niko see his pink. “There’s going to be a next time?”

Had Niko really just decided another night was on the table? He guessed he had. “Yes.” He brushed the loose strands of sandy-blond hair away from Ethan’s forehead. “There will be another night.”

“God, I want you.” Ethan bucked and turned, knocking him off balance. Ethan popped one button and released the zipper.

Niko sucked in a breath. No underwear. Jesus, his dick wanted to explode a wad in his pants.

“What?” Ethan asked as he freed his bare feet and tossed the jeans next to where Casper lay curled up on the floor. “You like what you see?”

Niko swallowed. Never had he had this reaction to any woman he’d slept with. “Yes.” When he leaned in and slid the wide head into his mouth, Ethan’s hips bucked and shivered. He had to plant his palms on the crest of Ethan’s lean hips to keep balance, trying to distract himself from the moans or he would come before ever getting started.

“God, Niko, you suck like you’ve done it a million times.”

Niko split his lips into a smile knowing Ethan had no idea it was only
sweet body making him want to suck like a porn star. Popping Ethan’s cock out of his mouth, he sat up and tugged off his shorts.

“Hold on.” Ethan got up, giving Niko a full sexy shot of his tight, bare ass and grabbed a tube from a plastic bag on the floor.

“You thought of everything.” Niko crawled up on the mattress and watched him pull out a small box of condoms.

“I didn’t know what kind you liked, so I got these.” He held up the box.

Niko didn’t give a good god damn what kind of condoms they used. He just wanted inside Ethan and any way they had to do it was fine by him. “You’ve got two seconds to get in this bed.”

Ethan tossed the lube and condoms on the bed and stood at the edge. “Or what?”

“Or what?” Niko liked the contradiction between Ethan’s innocent face and his dirty mouth. “How about I toss you on this bed and take your ass any way I want? That make you wanna get moving a little faster?”

“Yes, sir, it does.” Ethan hopped on the bed and nestled in the crook of Niko’s arm. “This is a total boyfriend thing to do, isn’t it, lying here like this?”

Yes, Niko thought, but decided to kill the anxiety riding his brain and take the moment for what it was—two friends alone, finding comfort. Jesus, when had he become a fucking Buddha? He leaned down to kiss Ethan’s soft lips. Was it to shut him up or start the party? He didn’t care. Right now his body was in overdrive and his cock hurt.

Ethan’s tongue darted out, teasing him to taste. When he rolled on top of Ethan’s body they molded together, Niko’s thick arms enfolding the smooth sinew on Ethan’s arms and chest.

“You’re beautiful. I’ve never met anyone like you. Your body is so hard, but you’re gentle at the same time. Niko, you’re such a contradiction.” Ethan lifted his head to nibble on his bottom lip. “Don’t make me wait, okay?”

The thud in Niko’s head kept in time with the cadence of his thudding heartbeat. He gave a sharp nod. Ethan sat up and grabbed the tube and condoms. Niko’s breath caught in his throat. He was supposed to be the one taking care of everything. He didn’t like the quiver racing through his gut. Vulnerability sucked and the one guy he wanted to keep safe was leading this show.

“Let me do that.” Niko took the condom box and ripped it open. He grabbed the lube and popped the cap.

Ethan lightly petted his shaking hand. “Our secret, okay? Just promise me when we’re alone you don’t treat me like I don’t matter.”

Niko split the square foil packet and looked up. Ethan’s eyes were glassy. God, that look was going to kill him. “You matter, Ethan. You’ll always matter even if I’m an asshole.” The moment the tension in his face eased, Niko had to look away. He was going to be that asshole, just like the other guy’s in Ethan’s life. Too ashamed to admit he wanted a man in his bed and too fucking unable to handle wanting to wake up beside Ethan. Scrubbing the thoughts from his mind, he rolled the condom over his erection and squeezed the slick gel over his cock.

Ethan pressed his hands against Niko’s chest and explored the connection between his pecs and shoulders. “Don’t stop. I’ve never had anyone look at me like you do.”

He rested his weight on Ethan’s naked body and sighed. When Ethan’s arms wrapped around his neck he slid his tongue over his closed lips. The moment his mouth opened, Niko tasted and let the tipsiness take him under like a glass of whiskey.

“How do I look at you?” Ethan wove his nimble fingers through Niko’s shaggy faux hawk. “I bet everyone looks at you like they want a piece of you.”

Niko closed his eyes. The massaging fingertips working his scalp made him lightheaded. “They all do. I’m the can do guy. I get shit done. I don’t want to be that man right now. I just want to be here with you. Do you want me?” Had he really asked that?

Ethan nuzzled Niko’s neck, his warm breath sending a tickle up Niko’s jaw. “Yes, Niko. I need you.”

Niko plundered his sweet mouth. Rage possessed his senses and nothing mattered but the lithe body beneath him and the fact his man was safe. He was protecting and going to pleasure the only person in his life he’d ever opened up to. “Let me have you, then. Open your legs.”

When Niko leaned up, he watched Ethan’s thighs part, welcoming him into the sacred space. “Go slow. It’s been a long time.”

He’d have to go slow if they were both going to get anything out of this. Two pumps and he’d threaten to blow his load. “Slow. Okay.”

Ethan took a deep breath, sinking into the mattress. “I trust you.”

The trust thing needed to be a two-way street. He manned up. “I trust you, too.” He fisted the base of his cock and rubbed the tip against the broad head of Ethan’s dick. Thin clear liquid coated the condom. “God, you’re so ready for me.” He curled his abs and slid his tongue over the smooth skin, tasting the slightly musky flavor gathered in the tiny slit. Ethan bucked his hips and pressed the back of his head into the pillow.

Flipping the lid on the tube, Niko poured a generous amount of lube on the length of his cock. The moment the tip pressed against Ethan’s bud, Niko held his breath and studied Ethan’s face. “Push harder,” Ethan whispered. “Just go slow, but push.”

Pressing his hips, Niko breeched the tight ring and his balls instantly crept tight against his body. The only thing he could process was to not blow his wad yet. “You’re so tight.” He watched Ethan’s hole swallow his cock inch by inch. “Does it hurt?”

“A little.” Ethan grabbed his cock and started a slow tug. “It’ll stop burning once you get all the way in.”

He grunted. Jesus, he was only half in and drops of sweat were sliding down his forehead. Ethan was probably expecting him to fuck like a freight train, Hell, the women he’d been with had wanted that, but he couldn’t do it. Not this time. Ethan’s comfort meant more than a moment of pleasure. When had his partner’s needs ever mattered?

“God, Niko, you feel amazing. Go faster.”

Such lusty words never sounded as good coming from anyone else. He drew back his hips and slid in to the hilt. “Jesus,” he muttered and pulled only to push again. His tight lips barely parted as he forced the air out of lungs. “Am I hurting you? Please say no because I don’t think I can stop.”

Ethan grinned and a quiet laugh followed. “No, but if you stop, I’ll kill you.”

He furrowed his brow and concentrated on Ethan’s parted mouth, chest bowed, hand rocking the long length of his hard cock. He liked this side of Ethan, the one out of control and free. He was the one making this happen. He was the get-it-done guy. “Will you come for me?” Forcing himself not to ask again, he clenched his teeth. His balls hummed and tingled. The ridges along his dick vibrated as they massaged the inside of Ethan’s tunnel. “Look at me. Open your eyes.”

When those shimmering blue pools gazed up at him, he brushed Ethan’s hand away and cradled the long shaft. The surprise in his eyes made him rock faster, harder. This slender young man was all grown up with sexual heat and Niko was willing to give his dick the come of a lifetime.

“Let me have it, Ethan. Come on my hand. I want all of it.”

As Ethan’s ass rose off the mattress, Niko licked the palm of his hand to slide the tight grip up and down, forcing a groan out of Ethan with every motion. He panted from the effort, but wasn’t going to pussy out and release before Ethan had a chance.

“I have to come, Niko. I have to come.” He laid his hand on Niko’s as they rocked back and forth.

When the warm fluid oozed over his fist in gushing cascades, Niko’s dick throbbed, pulsed until it felt so full he wasn’t going to be able to pull out with each thrust. As Ethan’s back settled onto the bed, Niko gently stoked the length, careful not to rub the sensitive tip.

“Will you come for me?” Ethan ran his warm hands along Niko’s biceps. The light caress was innocent, making Niko war with the sensation. The comfort in the touch was what he imaged home would feel like, but he really had nothing to draw from to compare.

He drew Niko down, down until he braced his forearms on either side of Ethan’s head. Tiny nibbles tickled his ear. The misty heat of a whisper floated into his ear. Niko couldn’t decipher what he was saying, but he sensed the rise and fall of his stomach against his own, the sensation a constant reminder they were joined.

The coil in his cock tightened, the thickness growing heavy and ready. “Fuck, Ethan, fuck. I have to blow. Jesus, I want to do it inside you.” Ethan’s channel spasmed, or was it his cock? Where one began the other didn’t end. When he brought his knees up and tightened his thighs against Niko’s sides the world went black. Nothing else mattered. Not the shop, not the guys, not the bullet lodged in his father’s leg, and not the cold-hearted bitch who didn’t defend her son against a predator. All was right and calm in Ethan’s arms.

He reared back, plunging one last time as the rhythm of his semen leaking into the condom took hold. His arms locked, his head tucked against Ethan’s chest as he let out a sound like nothing he’d ever done before. Panting, sweating, shaking, he lifted his head and let the last wave of pleasure sift from his limbs.

The speck of light in the shadowed darkness was Ethan’s grinning lips. “You came back to me. You scared me. I thought you’d passed out.”

The heat in his face intensified, and it had nothing to do with the inferno he’d exhausted while fucking. “I’m good. You good?” He leaned on one elbow and, with the other hand, played with a strand of hair on Ethan’s forehead.

“Yeah, really good. You must lift a thousand pounds because you weight as much as a house.” He laughed and smacked Niko’s thick chest. “Next time how about you give the little guy a warning before you smash him?”

Niko rolled over. “God, I’m sorry. Hit me in the head next time.” He’d said
next time
more than once tonight and the fact should bother him, but it brought more peace than anything.

“So.” Ethan rolled onto his side, letting his hand explore the line of hair below Niko’s belly button. “How was it to lose your virginity?”

Niko laughed, tugging on the back of his head to drop him down for a quick kiss. “All right.”

Ethan smacked his arm and scrambled to get up and straddle his narrow waist. “All right?” He playfully struggled when Ethan pinned his hands against the bed. “You might be stronger than me, but no one can suck your dick like I can so you’d better be nice, big man.”

“That so?” Niko popped up and wrestled him to the bed. Peppering kisses all over Ethan’s neck made this whole damn situation feel like two boyfriends having a fun night together. Desperate to erase the dark road his mind was traveling, he changed the subject. “You made tacos, right? I’m starving.”

Ethan stilled. He looked between their bodies where Ethan was rubbing their cocks together. “Can we go again later?”

Without control, he pressed his groin into Ethan’s hand. “Yes.” He’d just sealed his fate. He was someone’s fucking




Ethan rolled over onto his back, flinching when the soreness gripped his ass. Maybe they shouldn’t have gone for round three. Niko had rolled over several times throughout the night and whispered in his ear how much he needed to be inside him. Ethan couldn’t deny the man. Not that he’d had an abundance of experiences, but he knew enough to recognize Niko was the best fuck he’d ever had.

With closed eyes, he reached over to run his hand over the warmth of the strong chest lying next to him. Nothing but a cold mattress met his hand. This meant one thing and he could punch himself for giving in to the delusion of last night. After the second time, Niko had slid inside, he’d spoken of future dates and romantic nights.

Ethan rested his forearm over his face. He’d been fooled again. His heart tightened with the familiar break. Who was he kidding? Promises made in the moments of lust. Nothing should be trusted when someone was getting off.

The phone in the pocket of his jeans chimed. He wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and rolled out of bed to stop the annoying sound. He swiped the screen.

BOOK: Savior: A Tattered Club Story (Tattered Social Club Series Book 1)
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