Read Sapphire Angel Online

Authors: Khloe Wren

Sapphire Angel (3 page)

BOOK: Sapphire Angel
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Using both hands he lowered her lips to his and he kissed her senseless again. When he left her mouth he trailed kisses down her throat, over her collarbone and down to her breasts. He laid a kiss on the flesh above the skimpy bikini triangle covering her nipple.

On their own accord, her hands travelled up to his head. She ran her fingers through his silky shoulder length hair. The black strands stood out against her tanned olive skin.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her in close to his body, sitting on the ledge. His face was at the perfect height to devour her breasts.

With his other hand he ran a finger along the edge of the bikini causing a shudder to run through her body. He looked up and caught her gaze. While watching her closely he slipped inside the material, as he ran over her nipple it puckered beneath his touch.

She gasped at the sparks that flew through her body.

He trailed his hand up behind her neck where he tugged at the bow holding her top in place.

She felt the straps tickle as they fluttered down over her chest to float beside her.

He brought both his hands up to cup her breasts then pushed them together and lifted them slightly so her nipples now sat above the water. He lowered his gaze a moment before his mouth descended and he sucked both her nipples into the wet haven of his mouth.

Her head dropped back on a moan as she tightened her fingers in his hair, holding him to her. He knew just how to play her, he sucked, nipped, and licked at her flesh. When he gave her taut nipples another hard suck, her legs gave way. Before she splashed below the water, his hands dropped to her waist and held her to him.

He lowered his head into her neck and licked up her throat.

"You’re not going to bite me are you? I don’t want to die—or be a vampire."

~ * ~

Angelo paused as he heard both arousal and fear in Darcy’s voice. Giving her neck one last open-mouthed kiss he raised his head from her flesh. He shifted back on the ledge and put her over his lap so she straddled him. This position would be so much more fun with no clothes, but he mentally shook his lust filled thoughts aside. His Bride didn’t know all she should. She’d been misled with fairy tales and Hollywood nonsense.

"I am rushing you, Darcy. I thought you knew about us, but you don’t, do you?"

"I’ve heard rumors. I’ve never met a real live vampire before, Angelo. It’s not like I’ve had any opportunities to ask one questions."

"So you know about Eternal Brides from rumors only?"

He watched her nod. She still held some fear in her eyes but the arousal had died down. Which was good, he needed to tell her things first then he would rekindle what they had started.

Va bene
, where to start..."

"How about you begin with how you intend to change me into one of you?"

"You will never be as I am, Darcy. A vampire is born, not created."

"Born? As in you could get me pregnant? How—"

Angelo hated to cut her off, but he could see she was beginning to panic.

"Once claimed, an Eternal Bride will only ovulate on the twenty-ninth of February. Once every four years, after I claim you, we will be able to have a child. The pregnancy will last thirteen months and the child is born just as a human baby is born. The child will be male and a vampire, but like a human it will be born without any teeth. There is no risk of you being bitten or injured."

His explanation seemed to calm her a little.

"How do you claim an Eternal Bride? And how long with I live?"

"I will claim you by making love to you then biting into your throat and drinking your blood. You will then need to drink some of my blood; not much, only a drop is required. Once claimed, our lives are linked. We will die together. As a vampire or Eternal Bride we could live forever, so long as the Nobles don’t get us."

"What the hell is a Noble? No, wait, first, you will only ever bite me the once? To claim me?"

"I need your blood to live. A vampire will die without his Bride’s blood. He is given one hundred years to find and claim her. I will need to drink your blood at least every third day. I can last longer without it though I will be weakened. If I cannot drink from you for a number of weeks I will become sick and die quite quickly. Within a month, I am told I would pass. Do not fear my bite,
. It does not hurt, quite the opposite."

He watched her run her hand up to her neck and rub over her vein. His fangs vibrated with his need for her and her blood.

"And what is a noble?"

"That can wait for another time. I need you."

He swooped in to take her mouth in a hard demanding kiss as he slid off the ledge while supporting her sexy little bottom in his hands. He quickly made his way from the pool into the bathroom and set her down on the bench. As fast as he could, he got the shower going and went back to collect his bride.

Once under the spray he took pleasure in washing her body. He shampooed her hair then combed conditioner through her long golden tresses. Allowing it time to soak in, he tended the rest of her body. Slowly, he cleansed her from top to bottom, starting with her shoulders and arms before he moved onto her lush breasts. He plucked and tweaked her nipples until they were hard little points and she was breathing heavily. He made his way down over her flat stomach. All their talk of how vampires were created had him dreaming of how heavenly it would be to see her tummy swollen with their child.

He reached the apex of her thighs and pulled the strings over each hip. The bows came undone and the skimpy piece of material fell away from her, revealing in its wake her beautiful bare mound. He sighed in awe as he lent in and licked up her slit with one long deep stroke of his tongue. He felt pricks of pain as she grabbed fists full of his hair and shuddered against him. He gave her two more slow teasing licks before he moved on to cleaning her legs and feet.

He rinsed her hair then switched their places. She raised her hands to his chest and began soaping him. He watched with intrigue as emotions flittered across her face. Her fear was rapidly being replaced with other stronger emotions. Arousal, awe, nervousness... If she kept this up, she would overwhelm herself in no time.

He cupped her face and kissed her to distract her from her thoughts.

She pulled back from him with a shake of her head.

"Stop distracting me, I need to get you clean so we can move this party to the bedroom."

He chuckled at her eagerness, "Well,
, hand me the cloth and I will have us ready in but a moment."

"One day soon, I’m so going to take my time cleaning you."

He took the cloth and began washing his arms and chest.

"What does

"It’s Italian for 'little one', an endearment."

Anything else she was going to say apparently evaporated as he took hold of the top of his boxer briefs and peeled the wet material down his thighs. As he stood, he felt the tip of his rock hard penis tap the lower edge of his belly button. He’d seen a few pictures of naked human men, but they were considerably smaller than he and his vampire brethren were. He looked up at her face and saw she was staring at his erection with her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open. He made quick work of washing his lower half and turned the water off. As he moved toward her, she backed away from him, still staring at his erection.

"I will never hurt you, Darcy. You have nothing to fear."

Her gaze finally rose to meet his and she licked her lips before speaking, "But you—you’re huge! There is no way
will fit in my body without it hurting."

"You were designed for me. We will fit together perfectly. I will cause you no harm."

~ * ~

Darcy’s thoughts jumbled and her skin tingled with her shock. He was massive! He was thicker than any man she’d ever seen and it curled up to his belly button. She wasn’t sure he’d even fit inside her much smaller body. What she was sure of, was that it would hurt like hell if it did.

She came out of her daze and realized she was now in the bedroom. While she’d been lost in thought Angelo had dried them both and moved them from the bathroom to the master bedroom by the look of it. He now stood before her, in all his naked glory. He took her hands in his and raised them to his mouth. He gently, reverently, laid kisses on the inside of each of her wrists.

"Will you allow me to claim you? Will you agree to be my Eternal Bride?"

She shook her head at him, "I can’t. Not yet. You are asking me for forever, when I know nothing about you. You telling me I’m your Eternal Bride isn’t enough, Angelo." She paused to release a sigh, "This morning I was in a relationship I thought was forever. This afternoon I found him with another woman—in
bed. I need to get to know you. I need to be sure you won’t hurt me like Karl did."

She closed her eyes against the tears which were welling up. She felt them escape to slide down her cheeks. Before she could raise her hands to swipe them away, Angelo’s cool hands were there, his thumbs caressing her tears away.

"Darcy, you can put your mind at ease. A vampire only
takes one woman, his Eternal Bride. You don’t have to fear me ever straying from you. And even if it was not the case, I would never cheat on you. You are all I'll ever need. Five years ago, when I guarded you, I learned a lot about you. I fell in love with you as I watched you go about your nights. I knew then, regardless of you being my Eternal Bride, I could never love another."

She still hadn’t opened her eyes and more tears ran down her face at his beautiful words. But could she believe him? Karl had promised her the world too and look how that had ended up. The feel of his cool, soft lips kissing her forehead snapped her out of her thoughts. She opened her eyes and looked into his. No doubt about it, they were the exact same color as hers. She guessed that was proof enough really. She’d never before met anyone with eyes as deep a blue as hers, and she knew how unusual they were.

"I just can’t let you claim me if I don’t love you. I’m sorry."

He bent down to gently kiss her lips, "Don’t be sorry,
. I will wait as long as I can, but with you so near it will be hard to resist your body and your blood. Every cell of my body, heart and soul craves you."

She shuddered as his words wound around her heart. She didn’t think he’d have to wait long. She could already feel herself falling for him and his charms. She moved her hands up and ran them slowly, gently over all the contours of his face. She got to his lips and ran her thumb over his lower lip, then pulled it out a little. His mouth opened enough for her to see his fangs.

She ran her finger down the length of one fang; it wasn’t much longer than the rest of his teeth. Nothing like the huge fangs the Hollywood vampires had. She ran her fingertip over the sharp point of his fang and saw his body shudder.

He pulled back and closed his mouth.

"I may score your skin, Darcy. If I taste your blood, I will not be able to stop myself from claiming you."

Damn, but she was very tempted to tell him to take her, claim her. She rolled her lips in and clamped her mouth shut to stop herself from blurting out words she wasn’t ready to commit too.

He lowered his hand to her mouth and gently peeled her lips out.

"Don’t worry, Darcy, I can wait. I will wait, until I have won your heart. I want you to be sure—and I want you to freely choose to be with me."

He lowered his hands and took hers in his and gently tugged her over to the large bed where he laid down with her. As soon as her back hit the cool sheets his hands were on her skin. He caressed her from shoulder to hip, heating up her body. Her breathing quickened as she gripped the sheets in her hands as her arousal built. He continued to stroke her skin, tweaking her nipples on each pass. He nuzzled into her neck and kissed his way down to her breasts, and suckled first one nipple then the other. He gently scraped his fang over the tight hard peak and she shuddered beneath him as sparks flew through her body, landing between her thighs.

She began to rub her legs together, trying to get some relief, when he raised his head from her breasts and looked at her with one eyebrow cocked, in a very sexy way.

"Tell me what you need,

She shook her head back and forth. She’d never been good with pillow talk. She couldn’t bring herself to utter the words. She felt her cheeks heat as she blushed under his gaze. His low masculine chuckle caused her to blush even more. She opened her eyes to glare at him but didn’t get the chance as he devoured her mouth in a hot demanding kiss.

When he released her mouth, he whispered against her lips, "You have no need to be embarrassed. I know you need to come. I just want to hear you say the words. I want to hear you say you need me to pleasure you, to love you. I will not penetrate you until I claim you, but I can give you so much pleasure before then."

She still had trouble forming the words. Her body was on fire from his touch and his voice. The thought of having him deep inside her made her womb clench in anticipation. She groaned as her body continued to heat up. She looked up into his gaze and was instantly mesmerized by what she saw there. His need to hear her say the words was deep. She couldn’t refuse him.

BOOK: Sapphire Angel
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