Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1)
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Nate shifted his gaze to Tess as Eden and Xander continued to bicker. She stood in the corner, her arms crossed and eyes narrowed. The werecat appeared to be deep in thought. But about what? She’d been silent since they’d left
Even in the restaurant, Tess had only spoken after he’d asked her a question. Why wasn’t she making conversation anymore? Did the packs outdated and barbaric ways disturb her? He wouldn’t blame her. The old-school rules his pack lived by were wrong. But there was nothing he could do about it. Maybe in a few years once he succeeded his parents on the council. But even then, he’d need more people who thought like him to make a difference.

“I’m tired,” Eden stated already padding to her room. She stopped in front of Tess and motioned for the werecat to follow her.

Nate shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair. There was no point thinking about the things he couldn’t change right now. He turned his attention to the couch. Xander had claimed the large couch, and he’d gotten stuck with the loveseat. It was going to be a long night.

He pulled out his phone to set his alarm. The white screen illuminated, alerting him to a few missed calls. His mom had called twice, his father once, and Callum three times. Now what?

His finger hovered over the names for a long second as he contemplated which one he wanted to call. Finally, he settled on Callum. The werebear wouldn’t give him any grief. Nate smashed his finger down on Callum’s number.

“Where are you at?”  Callum answered on the first ring.

“Eden’s. There is some creepy guy that has been stalking her at Gordy’s,” he grumbled, walking to the window. He drew back the white lace curtain and glanced out at the abandoned street.

“We got a call. Tyler’s team is in trouble. They’ve got a bunch of men on their tail. They said there is another shifter that’s being chased too, but they don’t know who or what it is,” Callum explained in one breath. “Jax, Ray, and I are already in route to intercept.”

“Where are you headed?” Nate demanded. He needed to get there and help his friends.

“Kentucky border. I’ll get you more details as we get closer. Hurry,” Callum instructed.

The phone clicked and went silent. Nate jammed his phone in his pocket.

“I’m going with you,” Tess stated. She snatched her black sweater off the coat rack and slipped it onto her slender frame.

She’d heard that? Her hearing had to be phenomenal.
That’s not important right now.

“What’s going on?” Eden asked, popping her head out of her bedroom.

“Hunters are chasing one of our teams and there is another shifter involved,” he repeated the information. He turned to Tess. “I’d prefer you stay with Eden. Please,” he added. She’d be safer here than Sanctuary and his intuition told him Eden would be protected by the werecat if a problem arose.

“That other shifter could be my family,” she insisted, zipping her sweater. “I’m coming, and it’s not up for discussion.”

“I’ll stay,” Xander offered.

Nate glanced between his sister and Xander. She’d be well guarded with him too, and he didn’t have time to argue.


ess adjusted the heater vent, letting the hot air warm her icy fingers. She hated being cold.
Focus on something else
. Thinking about the icy weather would only make her colder. Her eyes darted to the windshield. The streetlights whirled above them as the car sped down the city road.

“How long of a drive is it?” she asked, realizing that she still had no idea where she was. Yeah she was in Tennessee, but which part?

“About an hour,” Nate explained. “You warm enough?”

“Yeah.” She leaned back and crossed her arms over her body. It wasn’t horribly cold outside, but she liked the heat. She should have run to Florida instead. No. Her family was going to Ohio. That’s where she needed to be. But maybe she could convince them to go to a warmer, preferably less rainy climate.

“You know, the other shifter might not be part of your pride. Hunters in this area are ruthless. They tear down packs and families in droves. It could be anyone,” Nate warned.

Tess closed her eyes. He was right. “I know. But I need to see for myself.” If it was someone from her pride, she wanted to partake in their rescue. If it were another shifter, then she would relish in the knowledge that she’d help keep them safe.

“You said your pride was large. I’m sure a lot of people got out,” Nate comforted quietly.

Tess blinked and turned to the window as she shook her head slowly. Images flashed in her mind. “I don’t know,” she murmured. She closed her eyes and searched her memories. Maybe in all the chaos she had missed others fleeing. “The attack was well coordinated. Hunters had been spotted in the area a few weeks ago. We were already on high alert. Everyone was taking turns watching our borders. It was my night off. I was sleeping and awoke to screams and hollers. The entire complex was on fire. We had no other choice but to flee.” Tears pricked her eyes and a lump formed in her throat as the night began to play through her mind.

“That must have been horrible,” Nate commented when she didn’t continue.

Tess opened her eyes and turned to look at him. His hand clenched the wheel tightly, and his eyes were fixated on the road. He’s probably seen something like that a hundred times. The last thing he probably wanted was to listen to another sob story.

“It was,” she agreed. She swallowed hard and let out a long breath.
Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Stay focused.

“They’ve been using fire a lot. It draws us out. Once we are in the open, they start to pick us off,” Nate replied hollowly.

Tess sighed. That’s exactly what happened. “Makes you think we should start taking the offensive.” She gritted her teeth. Maybe if she couldn’t find any survivors, she’d take the offensive herself. A rogue werecat on the prowl could do a little damage.
Yeah, but you’ll get yourself killed. Hunters travel in groups of at least six.
She fisted her hands in frustration. Helpless. She hated the feeling.

Nate turned, focusing his gaze on her for a long moment before turning back to the road. “I’ve been saying the same thing. Seems silly to sit around and wait for them to find us. More of our people are bound to get hurt if the fighting is on our turf.”

“Let me guess, your leaders don’t approve?” Tess questioned with a sigh. At one point the council was probably a good idea, but right now, it sounded like it was more of a hindrance than help.

“No. There are too many older people on the council. They are stuck in the old ways. We need to move forward and do what works best for everyone now,” Nate replied. “The larger we grow, the more of a target we become.”

“My pride was large,” Tess started quietly. She swallowed as she tried not to think about the bodies of her friends and family she’d seen littering the ground. “They tore us apart in a few hours. We held them off at the outer buildings for a while, but the fire from those buildings began to spread, and eventually made its way to the main compound. We couldn’t fight them and the fire at the same time. It was too much. By the time my father gave the order to evacuate, it was too late for a lot of us. Hunters had already infiltrated our compound. People began to run. A few of us were able to get out in small groups.”

“Your sister and her mate?” Nate asked.

Tess nodded. “There were a few others too, three children, and my brother’s wife. Hunters caught up to us fast. Thea’s mate Dustin offered to fend them off, but Thea refused—she’s due to deliver anytime. So I went. That’s the last time I saw them,” she whispered. “I led our pursuers away so everyone else could escape, by the time I’d fought them off, I’d been shot and there were others close by. The only choice I had was to run. I don’t even know if the plan worked or not.” She gritted her teeth. Thea was okay. She had to be. The rest of her family was questionable. Her heart ached at the thought.
Keep it together. You don’t know anything for certain.

“Given her condition, do you think they would have even made it this far?” Nate asked.

Tess paused considering his comment. She’d been in her feline form, which made her faster—a lot faster. Even injured, she’d run at top speed at a little over fifty miles an hour. Thea couldn’t transition due to her pregnancy—shifting was impossible during pregnancy. It was harmful to the fetus. Audrey, her brother’s wife was human. The three children they’d taken with them weren’t shifting age either. Dustin was the only one capable of transitioning. “Maybe if they obtained a car, but not by foot.”

“This might not be them,” Nate reminded. “There are a lot of us being displaced.”

“I know,” she sighed.
But I can still hope.


ate eased his car off to the side of the road, parking behind the black Suburban. “This is one of our vehicles,” he told Tess.

“Where are they?” Tess asked. She squinted, leaning forward to look out the window.

Nate dug out his cell phone and flipped through his contacts. He mashed his finger down on Callum’s name and put the phone to his ear. Where were they? It was quiet. Too quiet. The hairs on his arms prickled as the phone rang in his ear. He grunted when the phone went to voicemail. Before he could redial, his phone vibrated with a new text.

Watch yourself. We’ve gone to ground and are radio silent. Enemies are in the woods. Unknown number. Trying to make contact with the shifter and our people. No luck yet. – Callum

He closed his eyes before quickly typing out a reply.

We’re here too. Heading into the trees. Watch your backs. – Nate

He turned to Tess, but she was already out of the car.
She’s good. I didn’t even hear her.
He opened his door and slowly climbed out of his seat.

Tess stood in front of the car; her chartreuse eyes glowed as they scanned the perimeter.

“Something’s wrong,” she breathed, mirroring his earlier thoughts.

He nodded in agreement. “Hunters are here. Callum’s gone radio silent.”

Tess slipped out of her jacket, gently laying the garment on the hood of the car. Next she slid off her shoes. His eyes followed her hands as they tugged on the hem of her tee. Her toned torso came into view. He licked his lips, imagining how it would feel to kiss his way up her chest. “Do you mind?” she asked, interrupting his fantasy.

He blinked momentarily confused. Wait. She’s going to shift.
Get your mind out of the gutter and pay attention. What is wrong with you? You don’t know what’s going on and you’re daydreaming like an idiot. You’re going to get yourself killed. Focus.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he warned. “We don’t know what’s in these woods.”

Tess huffed. “Your friends are in these woods,” she pointed out. “I can move more fluidly and quieter in my feline form. It’s also easier to take them out.”

Nate turned around. She was right. They would fare better in a fight in their animal forms. As an animal they were faster, more agile, and most importantly stronger.
I better get ready myself.
He fought the urge to peek as he heard the shuffling of her stepping out of her jeans.
I bet she’s stunning. God. Get a grip.
Shaking his head, he quickly undressed. He heard the telltale cracking of breaking bones, then silence. Tess had finished her shift. Hurriedly, he walked to the back of the car and grabbed a bag from the trunk. He’d learned through trial and error that having clothes readily available was always a good idea. He stuffed his clothes into the bag and moved to the front of the car and shoved Tess’ in as well. Dropping the bag on the ground, he positioned the strap so he could easily step into the messenger bag. With a leap forward, he triggered his change and landed on four paws. He took a moment to stretch before stepping into the bag and turning back to Tess.

Her sleek black fur shone in the moonlight as she flexed her claws. He yipped quietly, and she met his eyes. Her gaze roamed over his, taking in his white and grey coat. He couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking. Did she like what she saw?

No. It would be better if the attraction was only one sided. There would be less chance of them acting on it. Interspecies dating was prohibited. Another stupid rule set forth by the council members.

A loud guttural shriek broke his train of thought. He snapped his head in the direction of the sound. Tess hissed then darted up the hill, and through the brush. Without a second thought, he lunged after her.

Tess was a touch faster than him. Her lithe legs moved effortlessly through the trees. She was quiet too. While he could hear every twig and leaf he stepped on, he couldn’t hear a peep from her.
How does she do it?

He pushed himself faster, harder, eager to get to the ensuing fight. Hisses and hollers filled the air. A gunshot rang out through the air, and both he and Tess paused.

His ears perked listening intently to the sounds of the forest. Small animals rushed away from the violence. The leaves rustled in the wind. Finally, he heard what he was listening for. To his left, a feral hiss echoed off the forest floor. He charged forward, Tess right beside him toward the scuffle.

They ran side by side in perfect sync, you’d think they did this all the time. She was perfection—she’d be a good partner.

Another gunshot boomed a few hundred feet in the distance. Together, they raced ahead. The world whipped past them as they ducked beneath low hanging branches and leapt over logs.

His eyes narrowed as a light green jacket came into view. Focusing on the woods, he searched for more people and quickly recognized another man dressed in green. This time of year, there wasn’t much green left in the forest, at least not in that hue, and the color was a sharp contrast to the earthy browns of the trees. He pushed his burning muscles faster. They had to save whoever was under attack. Enough of their kind had already paid the ultimate price.

The closest Hunter began to turn, no doubt having heard their rapid approach, but they were already too close. Nate lunged; claws outstretched, and drug the man to the ground. Tess darted past him, going after the other enemy a few feet away. She let out a ferocious hiss before tackling the second man into the dirt.

BOOK: Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1)
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