Sam's Promise: Blackwater, Book 1 (8 page)

BOOK: Sam's Promise: Blackwater, Book 1
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“Saved!” Much more of that and she would’ve driven herself senseless.

Julie jumped up and went to the door. When she flung it open, she came face to…Carhartt. Ah, she’d know that black coat anywhere. Julie looked up. “Sam? What are you doing here?” Right about then she realized she hadn’t bothered to change out of her ankle-length red plaid flannel nightgown. And her hair was in rollers. Good God Almighty.

His gaze traveled down her body, then back up. His grin sent her blood rushing. “You like to be warm and cozy, huh?”

Embarrassment swamped her. “In my defense, it
five thirty on a Sunday and I wasn’t expecting company.”

He fingered one of her rollers and murmured, “I can see that. May I come in anyway?”

“Of course, sorry.” She quickly stepped back, but before she could take her next breath, Sam was pulling her into a tight embrace and kissing her silly. He kicked the door shut behind him and pushed her up against it, then coasted his soft lips over hers. His tongue probed, demanding entrance. Julie wrapped her arms around his neck, then opened up and let him inside. He tasted good. Spicy and warm and so darn yummy. Julie knew she’d crave the taste of him.

When he pulled back an inch, he whispered, “I missed you.”

“Uh-huh,” she mumbled. Reality intruded when she remembered his odd behavior at the hospital. Julie pushed out of his arms and planted her hands on her hips. “Now wait a darn minute, Sam Jennings, if you missed me so much, then how come you were rude to me at the hospital?”


She poked his chest. “Don’t dare deny it. You were frowning at me. Again. Heck, you barely acknowledged my presence.”

To her surprise, he looked shamefaced. “You’re right, and I’m sorry.”

“Thank you, but I still want an explanation,” she demanded.

He unzipped his coat and pulled it off, then slung it over the recliner. “It’s complicated.”

“I’m a real whiz with complicated issues.”

He looked pointedly at the couch. “Can we sit down?”

Julie didn’t say a word as she strode toward the couch and sat. He followed and took the cushion to her left. “Brodix wanted to call you.”

“He did? Why?”

“I assume to ask you out. I told him you were off limits.”

“Don’t try and tell me it’s because you were protecting me. Not this time. I won’t buy it.”

“No, my motives were totally selfish.”

“They were?”

“Yes. I don’t want to share you.”


He quirked a brow. “You’re just chockfull of questions today, huh?”


“Stubborn,” he whispered. “No wonder Mom likes you so much.”

“Sam, I’m losing my patience.”

Without warning, Sam reached out and took hold of her waist, then hauled her across the couch and plopped her onto his lap. He cupped her chin. “I don’t want to share you because I want the right to call you my woman. Get the picture now?”

“And I’d like the right to call you my man, but that doesn’t explain why you were pouting today when I saw you at the hospital.”

His face went hard as granite. “I was not pouting.”

She reached out and flicked a piece of lint off his collar. “Call it what you like, but I still want to know why.”

“It threw me for a loop.”


“Seeing you next to Mom’s bed, the two of you smiling together. She cares about you, and you care about her. I remembered at Thanksgiving how Brodix flirted with you. River was even a little taken with you, and that’s a big deal for River. He’s usually so closed up, barely lets anyone in. With you, he was at ease.” He wrapped a hand around her nape and pulled her closer. “Everyone has a part of you, except me.”

“Oh.” Julie didn’t know what to say. Sam had completely undone her with his stark confession. “Any thoughts on how to fix this little problem?”

“Give me a part of you, Julie. Give me the most intimate, sweetest part of you.”

“Yes,” she answered, her body suddenly ablaze with sensation. Caving in to his erotic demand was the easiest thing she’d ever done.

Sam’s lips drifted back and forth over hers before he gently pulled back. He was aroused. His fierce gaze and the hard length beneath her bottom testified to the fact. Her pussy throbbed as she imagined his thick cock stretching and filling her. Julie started to bring him back to her mouth, anxious for more, but he stopped her.

“What is it?” Had she done something wrong to ruin the moment?

“You haven’t been with many men have you, sweetheart?”

His question wasn’t critical, but Julie still felt like a lumbering giant in a china shop. “How could you possibly tell that from only a few kisses?”

His smile was gentle as he said, “It’s in the way you look at me. As if you want me in sixty different ways, but you aren’t sure how to go about it.”

Her gaze shot to his chest, unwilling to watch if he laughed at her. “I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to experiment.”

Sam tugged on one of her curlers. “Look at me, Julie.” She squared her shoulders and met his gaze. “How about you experiment with me?”

Oh, now she was starting to get the drift. She let a small smile slip as she asked, “You want to be my canvas, is that it?”

He chuckled. “Sort of. That’s what foreplay is for, to tease and play.”

“And if I do something you don’t like?”

“I’ll like it. As long as it’s you, I’ll like it.”

“And here I thought guys went for women who knew their way around a man’s belt.”

His hands smoothed their way down her back to her bottom. He cupped and squeezed her through her flannel gown. “I don’t know what other men want, nor do I much care. All I know is what I want, and I want you comfortable. For now, just let all your worries go, Julie.”

“That doesn’t sound too difficult.”

He pulled her closer until his cock was pressed into the seam of her buttocks. Julie moved her hips back and forth, teasing them both.



“How much is not much?”

Her stomach sank. “Oh, lord.”

“I need to know, are you a virgin?”

“No, it’s not like that. But I can count on one hand the amount of lovers I’ve had and still have a finger or two left over.”

His eyes shot wide. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously.” She pushed against him, not willing to be humiliated by her lack of experience no matter how badly she wanted him. But he was about as movable as a cement wall. He wasn’t budging. “Let me go.”

His brows drew together. “What the hell for?”

“Because I don’t need you staring at me as if I’m some sort of loser.”

“I don’t think you’re a loser,” he quietly explained. “I’m surprised, that’s all. I mean, a woman as smoking hot as you should have men lined up on her front porch.” He shook his head. “I’m glad they aren’t, because I seriously don’t share well with others.”

She squinted, still leery. “You don’t think I’m hopeless, then?”

He licked his lips and looked at her chest, as if mentally picturing her naked breasts. “You’re the furthest thing from hopeless, sweetheart. Sexy, delicious and overdressed, but not hopeless.”

Sexy and delicious, yeah, that works.
She swallowed hard as his hands began to massage her backside. Sam had somehow managed to wiggle her nightgown higher, exposing her thighs in the process. His rough fingers there, teasing, nearly had her moaning, and he hadn’t even gotten to the softer parts.

“Jesus, Julie, we need to lose the clothes. And the rollers.”

Her hands flew to her head. “Wow, I actually forgot I had them in.”

“Here, let me,” he offered. It took him a few tries to figure out the catch on the side of the foam curler, but once he had it, Sam made quick work removing them.

“I’m a little bit impressed with your skills, you know,” she admitted.

He chuckled. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Soon, his fingers were sifting through her hair, massaging her scalp.

Julie moaned. “God, that feels good.”

“You have beautiful hair, sweetheart.”

“Thank you.”

“But I’d really like to see the rest of you now.”

Julie’s eyelids popped open. “And I’d like to see you.”

He picked her up and stood her in front of him, between his widespread thighs. “First, take off your clothes for me so I can see all of you.”

Julie froze and looked around. “Uh, shouldn’t we move this little party to the bedroom?”

Sam shook his head. “No, I want to see you now. Here.” When she took hold of the hem of her gown and pulled it upward, exposing her legs, Sam hummed his approval. “Mmm, yeah, that’s the way.”

Sam sat back, watching her every move. His messy, dark hair curled up around his collar, and his jeans pulled tight over his straining erection. Julie licked her lips and tugged the gown higher, high enough that her white panties and belly were on display for him.

“So damn pretty,” he whispered.

Julie’s entire body hummed with excitement, and her pussy was wet with arousal. Her fingers shook as she slipped the nightgown over her head and tossed it to the floor.

“Ah, damn, I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Sam declared, then he reached down and popped the button of his jeans, and Julie could only stare in anticipation of the big unveiling.

Chapter Eight

Julie’s gaze roamed over his body, stopping and staring for several seconds at his cock before finally meeting his face. “You’re magnificent,” she replied, her voice a little husky. “And, uh, big.”

Sam hadn’t taken it nearly as slow when he’d shed his clothes. The way he saw it, the faster he was naked, the faster he could get back to drooling over her. “Hell, I want to go easy with you, sweetheart, to be gentle.”

“A little speed never hurt anyone,” she murmured as she licked her lips and stared at his cock once again.

He plucked her off her feet and sat her back down on his lap so that she straddled him, his dick a heavy weight between them. Every damned inch of her was perfect. “I went to bed last night thinking about your soft pussy beneath my hand. I couldn’t get the look of you as you climaxed out of my head,” he admitted. “I thought of how good it’d be to have you all spread out naked for me or bent over while I took you from behind.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and asked, “You did?”

He nodded. “But having you stand before me and strip in the stark light of day was by far the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.”

She laughed. “Hotter than the rollers and flannel? I’m shocked.”

“I don’t mind the flannel or the rollers, but they were in the way of my goal.” He’d liked her hair in the ponytail earlier too, but seeing the dark waves all around her shoulders, brushing her nipples, was damned sexy.

“I wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of your goal, Sam.”

“When you were perched on my lap and that flimsy nightgown and panties were the only thing keeping me from paradise, I had the urge to shove it up and bury my cock inside you. I could’ve been balls-deep inside your sweet heat so fast, sweetheart.”

“Why didn’t you?” she asked, her voice not quite as steady as before. When she moved from side to side, Sam felt her wet pussy.

“Because that’s not the way I want our first time together to be,” he murmured. “No quick fuck on the couch, Julie.”

She toyed with his hair, sifting her fingers in and out of the strands. He wondered if she even realized she was doing it. “What do you want?”

“I want to have a little playtime.” Sam’s mind stuttered to a stop when his gaze settled on her breasts. Lush and round, with large, mauve nipples. He wanted to taste her, to suck on her for hours. As he reached out with both hands and cupped her breasts and squeezed, Julie shivered.

“Cold or turned on?”

“I’m not sure it’s possible to be cold with you sitting naked on my couch.”

He grinned and continued to plump and knead the creamy swells. “So, turned on, then. Good.”

He looked into her pale green eyes and declared, “You’re mine now, Julie, and I’m going to make you feel so damned good.” She nodded; then his lips were covering hers in a rough show of possession.

Sam licked and bit at her, hungry to take all that he could for fear she’d disappear in a puff of smoke at any second. Julie tugged him forward, and he was forced to tilt her head back. “Look at me,” he ordered. As her eyes opened, he covered her mouth with his. She let out a little whimper, and the sound drove him higher. His cock was rock hard.

Sam kissed his way over her chin and neck. When his lips encountered her jumpy pulse, he gave in to temptation and suckled.

“Oh, God,” Julie moaned as her fingers tightened and pulled at his hair.

Sam lifted an inch and whispered, “I need more of you.”

“Anything,” she promised. “Just please don’t stop.”

“No way in hell is that happening.” He scooped her up and laid her out on the cushions beside him, then stood. When her eyes opened, her gaze wandered down his body in a heated journey that left Sam singed. Her curious eyes stopped on his cock, and he watched her lick her lips.

“Yes, taste it,” he softly ordered. He wrapped his fist around the length and stepped to the couch until he was directly in front of her face. “Lick it, Julie.”

Her sweet excitement thrilled Sam. It was all he could do to keep from grabbing her silky head and thrusting her onto his throbbing, aching cock. Knowing how little experience she had stirred his blood and squeezed his heart at the same time.

Her tongue darted out and licked every hard inch. “Jesus,” Sam groaned. She teased the sensitive, bulbous head. When her hands came up to his balls, fondling and kneading, Sam’s blood pounded hot and fast through his body. He took hold of her face and guided his cock into her mouth. “Fuck yeah. That’s good. So damn good.”

Julie started to suck him deeper, and Sam had to flex his legs to keep from falling to his knees. Her mouth was a hot, wet suction taking him to paradise. Julie moaned and began drawing him in and out. She went up and down on his pulsing erection, making love to him with her mouth. Sam reached down and pinched one nipple before wrapping his hand around the creamy weight of her tit and squeezing. When his thumb grazed her erect nipple, Julie nearly shot off the couch.

BOOK: Sam's Promise: Blackwater, Book 1
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