SAFIR: The Warlord's Bounty: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance) (Astral Guardians Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: SAFIR: The Warlord's Bounty: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance) (Astral Guardians Book 1)
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Arianna’s fingers flexed restlessly in my hair and she moaned and shuddered as my tongue flicked and swirled around her clitoris. I sucked it into my mouth and continued to tease it with my tongue.

“Oh God…Safir, I’m going to—you’re going to make me come,” Arianna said breathlessly, followed by a long moan that sent my system into a frenzy. Her hands tightened in my hair and her hips started to move on their own accord as she rubbed herself against my mouth and tongue. Her back arched and her hips lifted as the climax rushed through her.

I drank up the delicious juice of her orgasm and let her ride out the continual waves of pleasure I knew coursed through her. I knew then that I had already begun to mark her as I felt an echo of the pleasure she felt.

My erection twitched restlessly and I turned onto my side to alleviate some of the painful pressure. Arianna righted herself once she came down from climax and her gaze traveled down to the tent in my sweatpants.

I still could not keep my hands off of her as I caressed her soft skin. Arianna whispered for me to take the pants off and I hesitated.

“I want to please you too…” she said softly and my more primal side did not need anymore encouragement than that. I ruined the sweatpants and ripped them down the seams as I worked to remove them.

Arianna giggled and I groaned, anything she did fed the fire. Arianna gasped when my full length became visible and her eyes were rapt on it.

“Do I frighten you?” I asked, though I did not sense fear from her. Only arousal and curiosity. She shook her head and then took me firmly in her grip. My hips bucked underneath her hand and she straddled my legs to keep me still.

I closed my hand around hers and directed her as to how firm I wanted her to grip me and how fast I wanted her strokes to be. I watched her, utterly rapt and awed at how eager she was to bring me pleasure.

Her black hair had fallen over her shoulder like a silky curtain and her lips were parted with her own excited breaths, as if pleasing me brought her pleasure. I was amazed and speechless at the possibility of her having grown feelings for me, an alien who did not deserve her in the slightest.








Chapter 4





Safir was big in my hand, thick and impossibly long. I watched as he held himself tightly retrained, and I couldn’t help but marvel at how much power I had over this powerful being. He could easily throw me up against the wall and have his way with me, but he was so careful.

I could tell he really didn’t want to hurt or scare me. My eyes traveled down his taught abdomen, ridged with muscle that was tightly strung with his effort to control himself.

Safir bucked underneath me as he thrust further into my fist and I felt a drop of pre-cum slide down onto my hand. I wanted to taste him as he came so I lowered my mouth around his pink swollen head and sucked it into my mouth. Safir groaned and his hands came up to close around my upper arms. He caressed me restlessly as my mouth slid up and down his rigid shaft.

“Arianna, I will...release soon…” Safir informed me through clenched teeth and he gripped my arms tighter as if he didn’t want to come in my mouth.

I removed his hands and held them in mine. Safir groaned loudly and his hips bucked again as I took him into the back of my throat and swallowed around him.

I felt the first hot spurt of his cum at the back of my throat and I pulled him out of my mouth a fraction so I could taste him on my tongue. I moaned in pleasured surprise, he tasted exactly like papaya.

Safir’s entire body strained as he came and he began speaking in some beautiful foreign language. It sounded like a mixture of French and Arabic. Once Safir was completely spent, I slid him out of my mouth and was shocked to see he was still erect.

I met his gaze with wide eyes and he looked at me with only tenderness that touched my heart. It was unfathomable, but he was warming his way in and I didn’t know how to stop it. I barely knew it was happening until that moment.

“We do not have to go any further tonight Arianna. All you have given me is enough,” Safir’s expression was sincere and he pulled me up higher onto the bed to cuddle against him.

I was quiet and trying to understand what I felt, what that was…
I just did what I did with Safir. I should still be mad at him, I should hate him really, but I just
. I burrowed against his chest and into his warmth, I felt oddly complete in that moment.


* * * 







I woke up safely enveloped in Safir’s arms. He either hadn’t gone out early that morning or went and came back. I smelled the forest on him and figured it was the latter.

“Good morning,” Safir said quietly and I looked up at him with a soft smile.

“How’d you know I was awake?” I asked with a shy smile and Safir smirked, his expression a little cocky.

“Your breathing changed…also I sensed your mind sharpen into awareness.”

I thought about that and wondered if he could read minds.

“Can you…read my mind or something?” I asked curiously. Safir chuckled and I felt the sound rumble through his chest.

“No…I am bonding with you as my mate. If I fully mark you as mine, I will be tapped into your emotions. I will be innately aware of certain needs you have…” Safir said, his gaze was intent on mine, he was telling me something without actually saying it.

He knew I was softening towards him. He obviously had feelings for me. I wasn’t ready to come out with what I was feeling yet though. It was all still too confusing.

“So…um, what should we do today then?” I said, needing to change the subject. Safir’s expression changed and understanding crossed his features.

“Well, we can go for another hike in the woods, or perhaps stay in…?” Safir said as an innocent suggestion. I shook my head. The woods made me think and talk too much.

“We can stay in then,” Safir said. There wasn’t much else to do in the cabin in the middle of the woods really.

“Okay, we can go for a walk,” I said with a sigh and then got up to go and put some clothes on. I realized I was naked and felt suddenly self-conscious when just the night before, Safir had explored my body very intimately.

As I hurried into the bathroom with a change of clothes, I felt Safir’s gaze on me the entire time. After I freshened up and walked back into the main room, I saw Safir was dressed in jeans and a normal t-shirt even though I was sure it was below twenty degrees outside.

Safir and I had a light breakfast of apples and bananas and we walked through the woods for a long while without speaking. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, it was nice.

“What are you thinking?” Safir asked, his gaze intent on mine, waiting and expectant. He wanted to talk about us, I could tell. I sighed and decided to just be truthful.

“I’m thinking about what we did last night…how I feel, you know?” I said and Safir nodded.

“How do you feel about it? About me?” Safir asked while watching my face.

“I don’t know, I just feel like…you feel right is all I can say…somehow I know it’s you I’m supposed to be with,” I said. I was being completely honest with him.

“I feel the same way for you…obviously,” Safir smirked and I smiled.

“What does this mean, Safir?” I asked on a sigh and a slow smile spread across his face.

“Well for one, it means you accept me; will you consider being my mate?” Safir asked seriously and I looked up at his steady gaze. It was a heavy question because he was technically asking me to be his wife and have his kids.

“Do you love me?” I asked bluntly and Safir stopped walking. He took my hand and pulled me to a stop as well.

“I do love you Arianna,” it was as simple as that. I wanted to say the words, but something stopped me from admitting it then. We’d only known each other for such a short amount of time and he changed my life completely. Granted he was doing everything in his power to keep me safe and to ensure I had some sort of a future.

If I became his mate, his wife, what would happen with his men? Would they still hate me? Would they still want to kill me?

“I’m afraid Safir…” he took my other hand in his and kept his gaze locked onto mine.

“What about your warriors? Don’t they hate me? How can I be with you if…?” I trailed off and Safir took a deep breath.

“This morning I met with Tristan, Doran, and the other two men. I explained things to them and showed them that I could control my shifting without you as my mate, even though my mating instincts call out to you. They were satisfied and renewed their trust in me as their leader. They agreed to call off the hunt for your death.

“Though, Tristan can be unpredictable still and I would like to be completely safe where you are involved. All of this is to say that if you became my wife and mate, they would always respect you. You would be their Lord Commander’s wife. They would not dare lay a finger on you,” Safir explained all of this and I breathed a slight sigh of relief.

“Well that is good to know at least…” I said.

We continued walking and soon started a wide turn back towards the cabin. I kind of liked being hidden away with Safir, taking long walks in the woods and cuddling at night. Hell, I loved it!

He was protective and sensitive. We already had a connection deeper than I could possibly find with any normal human man. I didn’t want a normal relationship with a normal guy anyways. I wanted Safir. I looked up at his breathtaking face and knew that I loved him too.

“I would like to show you something before we return,” Safir said.

He led me along a different deer path and soon we arrived at the very edge of the forest. I hadn’t realized we were so high up in the mountains.

The abrupt drop off led down to a small river and beyond that was nothing but bare trees below. I looked out at the horizon and saw the mountain range painted against the backdrop of the already darkening sky by the setting sun. It was a beautiful view.

“This is incredible,” I said in an awed tone. I could feel Safir’s gaze on my face and after a moment of taking in the view, I turned to smile at him shyly.

“What?” I asked curiously and Safir shook his head, a small smirk touched his lips.

“You are beautiful is all. Incredibly beautiful,” Safir said sincerely. My shy smile grew even bigger and I turned my gaze back to the view.

“You aren’t so bad either you know,” I smirked and Safir chuckled.

“I think our children would be quite attractive,” I couldn’t help but laugh. He knew he was gorgeous, but he didn’t flaunt it arrogantly. It
a simple fact; anyone would be able to tell.

Safir and I began our walk back to the cabin, I wasn’t scared to be in the woods at night, I knew Safir would protect me and no being or animal in their right minds would think to confront him.

I couldn’t help but smile like a schoolgirl with a crush as I remembered his frank admission. He loved
, he didn’t even hesitate. The closer we got to the cabin, the more I wanted him to rip our clothes off and let him claim me. I wouldn’t fight it. My soul recognized his and I wanted him fully.

“Are you hungry? I can make something for dinner…?” Safir held the door to the cabin open for me and then he followed me inside.

“That sounds really good actually…” I said.

Safir got busy making pancakes while I went to the bookshelf to find another book to read. He had a taste for the classics. I chose one of them and curled up on the couch to read while Safir cooked.

“Have you read that story before?” Safir asked me curiously and I glanced over at him and nodded.

“Yeah, I’ve read it once in college and absolutely loved it. The story is just complete, you know? That and you have to love a good thriller-mystery tale.”

Safir went on to tell me about his favorite ‘human’ literature. I found it fascinating that he had adopted so much of our culture and really respected it as well.

The way he described his home on Voltaire, I would have thought Safir to be close minded and the type to deem himself superior to the human race. He was smart though, and he knew he had to assimilate for the survival of himself and his men.

Safir and I ate our pancakes and actually managed to watch a movie together while in bed. I thought that maybe Safir was waiting for me to admit that I loved him too and wanted him as completely as he wanted me. It grew late and soon I fell asleep against Safir’s shoulder.

I dreamed about Safir, his attentive blue eyes and his almost reluctant smile. I was sitting outside of the café and asked him continually to come over and give me a kiss. He was casually leaning against the wall over by the storefront windows and simply refused.

In my dream, just before I woke up, I asked him why he wouldn’t come over and kiss me. He laughed and told me that he loved me before looking at me expectantly.

I woke up and found that I was sprawled across Safir’s chest and he had actually been sleeping for a change. His eyes opened, he was instantly alert when I lifted my head to look at him. Safir bit his lip and looked like he was trying not to smile.

“What?” I asked. I had never seen Safir with such an expression. He was usually so collected; it was kind of a turn on.

My eyes widened with suspicious realization, “Did you…you didn’t have the same dream I had, did you?” Safir laughed and the sound was delicious to my ears.

“I did; do you have something you would like to tell me?” Safir seemed eager for me to finally admit my feelings for him. He sat up with me tucked into his lap and I took a deep breath and looked him right in the eye.

“I love you,” I said, the words felt natural coming off of my lips and I smiled at how light, yet how full my heart felt.

“I love you, I love you, I love you,” I said it a few more times and Safir smiled widely.

“I don’t want to be without you Safir, I want to be your mate,” I said a bit more seriously. I was ready for him to mark me; I was ready to make love to him.

Something clicked in my chest, like a puzzle piece being put to it’s right spot as I looked into Safir’s blue eyes. He slid me off of his chest and then pressed his body against mine so that I felt every inch of him against me. He was definitely ready to finally claim me as his.

Safir removed my clothes without ripping them and quickly got rid of his as well before he pulled me against his naked body. Safir gently caressed up and down my spine and goose bumps raced across my skin as electric fire sizzled through my veins.

“Arianna, I cannot promise that I will be completely gentle with you for this,” Safir’s tone was soft and quietly promising.

My entire core clenched and my clitoris throbbed. I didn’t really want him to be gentle; I wanted him to take me. Safir inhaled my scent as the tip of his nose ran up the skin of my neck. I shivered in anticipation and my nipples hardened against his chest. I was already getting wet and he was barely touching me.

Safir pushed me gently onto my back and I looked up at him with wide-eyed anticipation. He nudged my thighs apart and settled in between them, his cock slid against my clit and settled against my already wet folds. I moaned and he positioned his engorged head against my clitoris.

BOOK: SAFIR: The Warlord's Bounty: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance) (Astral Guardians Book 1)
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