Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) (10 page)

BOOK: Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)
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He put his arm around her, pulled her to his side so she could watch, and casually flicked the clothespins on his arm. A few clattered to the ground and Cam gave a sharp yelp.

Frisco chuckled and struck again.

It took longer than Cassie thought it should to get them off his arms, sides and abs, and she felt bad she’d needed to use the meaner clothespins for his abs because Cam screamed louder when they came off.

“Okay boy,” Frisco said, looking at Cam. “I’ll be fast, so get a few good breaths and push plenty of oxygen into your system.”

Cam took a few deep breaths without blowing much out, much like a swimmer or diver preparing for a long time underwater.

He nodded once and Frisco literally tore into his cock with the flogger.

Cassie watched in horrified fascination as Cam fought his bonds, and screamed and thrashed and begged, but didn’t say his safeword.

When it was over, Cam hung on the cross. His body was marked from the clothespins and the flogger, and he looked as if he’d been tortured. He was breathing heavy, with the occasional pained moan, but his cock was hard as a rock.

“Want to kiss it and make it better?” Frisco asked.

She realized she’d been staring at Cam’s cock, and blushed. She thought he’d been joking, but his face looked as if he expected an answer and she said, “Can I?”

He nodded, and she leaned down to lick and kiss it. Before long she took him into her mouth and Frisco laughed.

“I didn’t say you could suck him.”

She came off him, embarrassed, but Frisco kissed her on the lips and pressed her mouth open with his as if he wanted to taste Cam in her mouth.

When he finally let her up for air she was breathless, and he smiled and said, “You can suck him a little later, if you want. For now, let’s get him down and move to the bedroom. I think it’s time we gave
some attention.”

As Frisco released Cam, he told him, “You’ll need to wake up early enough in the morning to put everything away before you leave for class.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you.”

Frisco kept his arm around Cam as they walked, not supporting him physically so much as emotionally. Perhaps providing physical balance, but it seemed more important than just having his arm around the younger man — as if Frisco wasn’t abandoning him after thrashing him.

They went down four steps and through a door into a huge bedroom.

The living room had been decorated sparsely, making the space even larger and more cavernous.

The bedroom, however, was full of old world furniture you’d have expected to see in a king’s chambers a few hundred years ago, with a huge bed sporting gigantic columns and metal work above. There was more than one armoire, and the fabrics on the bed and windows were all in navy and a variety of tans and golds. Most bachelors stayed away from fabrics, but Frisco had gone overboard and the effect was all masculine luxury.

“Okay, Cassie,” Frisco said, “take the shirt off and center yourself on the bed, on your back.”

He turned to Cam. “You told me you’d gone down on a woman in high school, but I’m going to talk you through it. Cassie will also give pointers. This is a training session; can you please explain your rules to our female companion?”

Cam crawled on the bed and sat beside Cassie. “Can I touch your leg while I talk?”

She nodded and he rested his hand on her thigh. “My contract says Frisco will train me in how to pleasure a woman, in case I someday have a Master who requires this of me. When he’s training me to do something I’ve agreed to, I can’t refuse an order. If I do, I’m punished.”

Cassie looked to Frisco. “Am I only here so you have a woman to teach him on?”

Frisco looked horrified, and sat on her other side and gently touched her face. “No, Cassie. Not at all, but if you’re uncomfortable with my teaching him we can do something else. He isn’t scheduled for this part of his training for another couple of months, but since you’re here, and he doesn’t know…”  He shook his head. “I apologize for making it seem so. I’ll change the dynamic, because I don’t want you to feel as if I’m using you.”

“Please don’t change anything!” she blurted. “I want to help show him, if he wants to learn. I just needed to know.” She waved her arms, trying to explain. “I mean, I want to be here, and I wanted you to want me to be here, too. Not just to train him, but because…” She trailed off, uncomfortable finishing the sentence.

“I’m very happy to have you here.” He caressed her cheek again and added, “Feel free to give Cam instructions to help him pleasure you. Okay?”

She nodded and he made a motion to Cam as he leaned over her and brought his lips to hers in a gentle kiss this time. Frisco could convey so much with his lips — tenderness, aggression, dominance. This one told her he was ready to focus on her, and she hoped she could withstand the force of his undivided attention with Cam also doing things to her. She’d barely survived Frisco alone.

Because Frisco started so tender, she expected it to stay soft and warm, but his lips spread hers and his tongue invaded, and she moaned as her hips moved of their own accord.

Almost immediately, she felt warm breath at her entrance and the gentle touch of a tongue.

Cam was tentative, but she didn’t say anything to encourage him. She was a little worried she’d get him in trouble. He had bruises on his ass and thighs, and while he’d seemed to enjoy what Frisco had done tonight, she had a feeling a punishment would look a lot different.

In a way, his timid faltering was even more of a turn-on. The idea he had to do this, and would be punished if he balked, somehow made her enjoy it more than she had from supposedly skilled partners in the past.

But then he hit a good spot, and her moan was several octaves lower than it should be, and Frisco rose to say, “Cam? Whatever you just did? Do it again.”

He did, and Cassie moaned again.

Frisco moved down to watch and began telling him things to try. Some hit the right spot, others were just so-so, but Frisco kept a running commentary as he instructed Cam.

And Cam was apparently excellent at following instructions.

When she could take no more, she moved her hips and said, “You’re driving me crazy! I need more, please!”

Her gaze met Frisco’s, and he smiled and said, “I think we can arrange for something more.”

His hand landed on the back of Cam’s neck as he said, “Use your first two fingers. Don’t just poke them in though…
them in.”

Cassie had no idea there was so much technical detail in properly fingering a woman. Frisco talked him through finding her g-spot — both the one Cassie knew about, and then another she had no idea existed.

He had Cam back off just before she came, every
time, and she was growing more and more frustrated, but didn’t say anything.

Finally, when he had Cam stop yet again, she opened her eyes and glared at Frisco. “Dammit! Why won’t you let him make me come?”

Cam looked horrified, but Frisco only smiled and said, “You only have to ask.”

She rolled her eyes and said, “Please, will you let Cam make me come?”

Frisco leaned down, kissed her forehead, and said, “Will you trust me to make this good? Do you want to have sex with Cam?”

Was this a trick question? Did he want her to say she only wanted him?

No, it didn’t seem Frisco’s style. She considered the question a few seconds and finally answered, “If he’s okay with it, then…I guess?”

He smiled, kissed her again, and sat up.

“Cam, get a condom from the top drawer and put it on.”

Cam immediately moved away from Cassie to follow orders with no hesitation. He didn’t seem comfortable putting it on, as if it were another new experience. Or, at least something he didn’t do often.

Frisco helped Cassie move to the edge of the bed, and had Cam stand beside it, between her legs.

She watched as Frisco lubed himself, and laughed when he touched both of her nipples with his shiny fingers, making them glisten as well.

He motioned Cam to step aside, and Frisco leaned down and slowly ran his tongue around her entrance, igniting nerve endings she had no idea existed.

Cassie gasped, moved her hips, and moaned until there was no air left in her lungs. God, the difference in Cam and Frisco was monumental. Frisco moved up to her clit, pulled it into his mouth, and grazed his tongue over and around the oh-so-sensitive nerve endings.

. If you don’t let me come this time I’m going to

He chuckled and pulled away. “You won’t die, Sweetness. I promise.”

Without talking, he guided Cam into her, and ordered them to look into each other's eyes as he penetrated Cam.

Cassie never realized how intimate it would be, to stare at someone inside of you, while someone else pressed into them. She tried to be still, but her hips moved of their own accord and Cam grunted and winced.

She mouthed she was sorry and he blew her a kiss, and about that time Frisco pressed in hard and jammed Cam into her.

So close to an orgasm, all she could do was open her eyes wide, and mouth a wordless, “Oh”.

When Frisco pulled back, Cam came a little bit out of her, and then Frisco pounded into Cam and thrust his slave’s cock into her.

In less than a dozen strokes the orgasm Cassie had been denied was upon her, and she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream, could do nothing except experience the sensations and stare into Cam’s eyes.

When she could finally scream, she did, and it seemed her orgasm went on, and on, and on, and on.

As she started to come back to reality she heard Frisco giving Cam instructions again, ordering him to find her g-spot with his cock and scrape across it with each thrust.

Cam found the spot and her eyes rolled up into her head as her world imploded, colors appearing before her she’d never seen before and didn’t have words for.

Her screams took on a different tenor now, the orgasm so overwhelming and all-encompassing she worried she’d drown in the pleasure and never find her way back.

When at last Frisco came inside of Cam and gave his boy permission to find his release, Cassie relaxed into the bed and thought she might die.

Frisco took the condom from Cam and ordered him to take care of her while he went to dispose of it and clean up.

She wondered about Cam also needing to clean up, with cum up his ass, but didn’t say anything as he helped her scoot to the middle of the bed and held her.

She and Cam didn’t really know each other, and had never had an actual conversation, and yet she felt as if they were twin souls, both under Frisco’s thumb. She shouldn’t feel as if she had so much in common with him, but she did, and she comfortably snuggled into him as he held her.

Frisco returned in a few minutes and ordered Cam to turn so he could insert a rather large butt plug.

, Cassie thought.
That solves the problem of what to do about having cum up his ass

Frisco climbed onto the other side of the bed and repositioned her so she spooned into him while Cam held her from the front.

The three lay together in a comfortable silence, and she was drifting off when Frisco asked, “Are you okay, Sweetness?”

She nodded her forehead against Cam’s chest. “Yes, I’m better than okay.”

“Do you want to stay here for the night and go home in time to get ready for work, or are you going to try to drive home tonight?”

Damn. She really should go home, but it felt so good to just rest here with Frisco’s arm around her as Cam held her hand.

She lifted her head, saw it was barely eleven o’clock, and decided she could wake at five thirty and drive home to shower and get ready for work.


* * * *


The three slept through the night together, wrapped in each other’s arms. Frisco got up with Cassie and ordered Cam to get up as well. She tried to argue on his behalf, saying there was no reason to wake everyone else just because she needed to leave, but he told her ‘the boy’ needed to get up and see to his chores.

She decided not to argue, but instead looked at Cam and asked, “What’s your cellphone number?”

He looked to Frisco and she said, “No, don’t look at him. I want to talk to you without him around, and for that, I need your number.”

Frisco touched her back and gently turned her towards him. “You can talk to him now. He can go outside and I’ll stay in here. Or, you can call him and talk. Unless I feel someone’s a bad influence, I don’t limit who he can talk to outside of his service to me.”

Surprised, she said, “Thank you.” She turned to Cam. “Will you walk me outside, please?”

He nodded and she took his hand and led him out.

Frisco had a little seating area over to the side of the house, and she sat on a loveseat and patted it. He sat beside her and she asked, “Were you okay with what we did last night?”

“Oh, yes, ma’am. I was very okay with it.” His calm strength seemed to contrast with his submissive nature, but she realized his submission was so much better coming from a place of strength than from weakness. Something settled in her psyche with the realization she could be strong while submitting — Frisco holding her leash didn’t mean she was a delicate flower.

BOOK: Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)
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