Read Safe Harbor Online

Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Triangles (Interpersonal Relations), #Tarpon Springs (Fla.), #Sexual Dominance and Submission, #Adult, #Suspense, #Erotica

Safe Harbor (29 page)

BOOK: Safe Harbor
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Before dark, they arrived at a small motel in Memphis. Despite leaving Ohio on an up-note, she’d barely spoken to Mac during their drive because of her nerves. Sully had specifically instructed Mac to take it easy, take his time, and pay close attention to any vehicles that appeared to be following them. Even to take exits in populated areas and to drive around for a minute before getting on the interstate again if he had to.

Overkill, sure, but the men wouldn’t risk her safety.

Clarisse was surprised to see the room only had one bed, not that she was complaining. Mac set up Bart’s crate. “Master said a couple of rules could lapse.” He looked at her. “Unless you want me to get a room with two beds?”

She shook her head.

They talked to Sully on the phone before they walked across the street for dinner. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” Mac asked.

“You’ve been quiet all day.”

“Did you talk to Sully before we left Columbus?”

Mac grinned. “Yep. Why do you think he relaxed a few rules?”

“That doesn’t make sense. Why would he relax them instead of making them stricter?”

“Ah, the irony inherent in the lifestyle,” he joked. “Because you’ve seen us strict. You know what that’s like. But will you like us vanilla too?” He winked. “I told you, it’s not all about the kink. That’s


just one part of it.”

“A big part of it.”

“Depends on who you ask. Some would call a lot of what we do nothing special. Some would think we’re total pervs. It’s all relative.”

They hit the road before nine the next morning. She’d slept well cuddled against Mac, but nothing sexual happened between them despite the new status of their relationship. Sully called them after he talked with the detective and the state attorney’s office. He also hired an attorney to coordinate things on that end for them. That evening, Sully was in New York and they were south of Atlanta. Mac had taken his time, frequently taking smaller roads.

“Not much longer, sugar,” Mac said. “We’re pushing home from this point.”

It would be good to be home. But the closer they got, the more her nervous tension increased. There was still time to back out, take her words back.

Not that she wanted to, if she was totally honest with herself.

They rolled into their driveway a little before two a.m. the next morning. Mac helped her carry Bart’s things inside and then headed straight for his bedroom. He didn’t close the door, but he didn’t ask her to sleep with him either.

She waited for any hint of an invitation, then went to her own room. Despite how sexually frustrating it had been for her to sleep next to Mac, she’d behaved herself. Although she suspected Sully’s commands to Mac would have kept him honest regardless.

Clarisse went to her bedroom, but she left her door wide open. An invitation if he wanted to take her up on it. Bart spent a few minutes sniffing around their new digs before curling up on his bed in his crate.

Upset and not quite sure why, she crawled beneath the covers and tried to sleep. When the house phone rang a few hours later, she rolled over and answered it without thinking. Sully.

“Did I wake you, pet?”


She glanced at the clock. Almost ten. “That’s okay. Want me to get Mac?”

“No, I wanted to talk to you anyway. I’ll be home in three days.

Have you thought more about what we talked about?”

Sleep evaporated from her system. “Yes.”


“I still want to, Master.”

“Very good. Good girl. Tell slave to call me when he wakes up.

Love you.”

She swallowed hard. “I love you, too.”

He hung up. She couldn’t contain her smile.

She also couldn’t go back to sleep. So she made a pot of coffee and took Bart downstairs to the backyard to let him run around. It was a peaceful morning, a few boats in the bayou heading out for the day.

This could be her life forever.

That was a good thing, she realized. Why fight it?

The mental image of Sully playing with Doreen spoiled her perfect picture.

She heard the back sliders open a little later. “You down there, kiddo?”

“Yeah. Sully said to call him.”

“Okay.” He walked back into the house.

She called Bart to her and carried him upstairs. She was hungry.

Mac would probably want something. His bedroom door was closed and she heard him talking, too low for her to hear. She was cooking pancakes for them when he opened the door and walked into the kitchen. He wore shorts, but no shirt. The ID bracelet and necklace were gone, but his locking leather collar was in place. He carried something in his hand.

She couldn’t read his serious expression. Her heart skipped with fear. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I talked with Master. He wants me to work with you before his return. To give you a taste of what life will be like with us.




Are you ready?”

“Yes.” She hesitated. “Master?”

“No. You never call me Master. That title is reserved for him only. For the time being, when I’m topping, you can call me Sir, just like you called him Sir at the party.”

She nodded, too nervous to speak.

“I don’t know what he’s going to have you call me when he’s home and we’re together. For now, he said boat rules until he comes home. Except for one small thing.”


He smiled. “I’m not allowed to fuck you. He gets the honor of being first.” He held up what was in his hand. A lightweight, silver chain collar with a small, silver decorative lock, similar to the discreet formal collar Mac wore when out in public with Sully. “But Master gave me the privilege of being the first to collar you. Among other things.”

This made it real. Her pulse thrummed.

He stepped across the kitchen. “Are you sure you want this? You can back out. You can live with us as long as you want without being involved with us, you know that.”

She couldn’t take her eyes off the length of silver chain and the heart-shaped silver lock. “I want it,” she whispered. “I love you.”

“I love you too, pet.” His face and voice grew stern again. “You have to abide by the rules I set down for you. Including punishment.

Do you understand?”


He arched an eyebrow at her.

“Yes, Sir,” she corrected herself.

“Very good, baby. Hold up your hair.” She did while he fastened the collar around her neck. It felt cool at first, then quickly warmed to her skin.


Her skin flushed. She waited for him to break into a smile or joke


or something, but he stood there, watching, waiting.

Blushing, she did as commanded. He held out his hand for her clothes and once she stood totally naked, he carried them to her room.

Not sure what else to do, she continued cooking breakfast. It made her self-conscious, and she felt weird to be totally naked, but she also realized it made her more than a wee bit horny.

He returned a little while later and sat at the table with the paper and started reading. He still wore his shorts and sat where Sully usually sat.

Without any further direction, she fixed him a plate and placed it in front of him before fixing her own.

“Thank you, pet,” he said, but he didn’t look at her.

She sat in his normal seat, on the towel. After a few minutes, he glanced at her. “You okay?”

“This is weird.”

He grinned. “You’ll get used to it a lot faster than you think.” He shifted in his chair. “This fucking thing, however, is murder.”

“What thing?”

“The CB.” He stood and pulled down his shorts enough she could see the clear plastic cage-like device he wore over his cock and balls.

Padlocked shut. Then he sat and continued eating. “Master trusts me, but only so far.” He laughed. “It’s probably better this way,” he said with a wicked grin. “If I had half a chance, I’d be fucking you all day.

It’d be worth a hundred strokes from the cane. More, even.”

She gasped as a flood of heat pooled between her legs. She knew her face reddened.

From the look on Mac’s face, he noticed. “Babe, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He grinned.

She gulped.



* * * *



He returned her clothes after they finished breakfast and cleaned


the kitchen. She followed him downstairs where they started unloading the truck’s contents into the downstairs storage room. An hour later, they’d both had showers and she rode with him to return the truck.

When they returned home, he stopped her inside the front door.

“Strip, sweetheart. When you’re inside the house, unless Master’s said otherwise or we have guests, you’ll be naked.”

This time, she was brave enough to meet and hold his gaze as she removed her clothes and handed them over. When she stood naked before him, he smiled.

“Damn, girl. I’m
gonna get tired of seeing you like this.

You’re beautiful.”

She blushed as she dropped her gaze and fought the urge to say something self-deprecating. Sully’s admonishments rang in her ears.

Then again, getting spanked by Mac might not be a bad thing.

“Thank you.”

He gently tipped her chin up. “You’re gorgeous, baby.” He leaned in and kissed her, gently, slowly. She savored the feel of his lips against hers. She didn’t resist when he gathered her in his arms and his tongue swept over her lips, tasting, exploring. They parted before him. Time expanded, slowed, passed them by. When he lifted his face and tightly cuddled her to him, he let out a ragged sigh.

“Jesus, I could do that with you all day.” He buried his face in her hair as his hands slipped down her body and pulled her hips tightly against his. She felt the hard plastic of the chastity device through his shorts. “Fucking good idea he ordered me to wear this damn thing,”

he growled. “I’d have you on your back in bed and be fucking you right now, you realize.”

Hot desire coursed through her, a dull throbbing ache between her legs holding her attention. Then he scooped her into his arms and carried her to his bedroom. She stared into his sweet brown eyes, captivated by the blatant passion there. Bryan had never looked at her like that.


No one had ever looked at her like that. Except Mac and Sully.

He gently laid her on the bed and stretched out next to her.

“Master said I’m not allowed to fuck you or use my mouth between your legs. He has the right to take you first like that.” He leaned in and slanted his lips over hers, kissing her, taking her breath away.

A sultry smile curved his lips. “He didn’t say I couldn’t make you come. In fact, he told me I could and should.”

His eyes never left hers as his fingers slowly trailed down her cheek, between her breasts, over her belly, through the downy tuft of hair between her legs. “This,” he whispered, “will have to go.” He leaned in and kissed her before lifting his head again.

His fingers trailed lower before they curved, teasing, pressing for entrance.

She closed her eyes, her back arched, encouraging him.

He withdrew his hand. “No, baby. Keep your eyes open. Look at me.”

Clarisse forced her eyes open. Liquid, molten need pulsed in his gaze. Nestled in his arms, she’d never felt safer or more loved.

Except when nestled in Sully’s arms after the scene at the party.

“Good girl.”

His gaze never wavered from hers as he returned his fingers to her mound, slowly teasing, finding her wet. She let out a soft gasp as he slid one finger deep inside her and slowly pumped it before his hand fell still.

“If that was my tongue, I would have it buried so deep inside you,” he whispered.

Her breath came in short gasps, her body afire.

He withdrew his hand and traced her mouth with his finger, then crushed her lips with his. He let out a soft moan as he plunged his hand back into her sex.

“Jesus, you taste good,” he moaned. The hungry sound of his voice only served to fire her own need as she squirmed on the bed, her body impaled by his fingers.




When he withdrew his fingers again, he slipped his hand lower between her legs and found her rosette.

She froze, but didn’t look away.

“Are you a virgin there?” he asked.

She nodded.

He lowered his mouth to hers and gently traced his finger around the puckered ring of muscle, never attempting to breach it. After several minutes of this, she relaxed. When he felt that, his thumb slipped inside her wet sex as his other fingers massaged her rim.

“Don’t come,” he softly ordered, his voice firm.

The very order propelled her body closer to release as she squirmed harder on his hand, wanting more.

He nipped the base of her throat. “If you come before I tell you, I will give you five strokes with the cane.”

Clarisse forced her body to lie still, tried to think of any and everything but what his hand did to her body.

Mac played dirty. He sucked her right nipple into his mouth and teased it, nibbled and bit at it, then repeated the action with her left.

“I…can’t hold it…”

“You can,” he said, his voice stern. His fingers worked harder, teasing, his thumb slowly fucking her.

Desperation vied with need. Was it worth five strokes to not fight harder to obey? She trembled from the stress of trying to comply.

“Are you close?” he asked.


He sat up. With his other hand, he grabbed her chin. “Don’t come yet. Look at me.”

She tried to focus on his eyes, on his voice, not on what his other hand was doing between her legs. When she thought she couldn’t take any more, he sternly ordered, “Clarisse, come for me now!”

Her body obeyed, the explosion ripping through her as his hand continued fucking her. She struggled to keep her eyes on him, his gaze stern and unreadable. Just as the first wave began subsiding, he


rolled her clit between two of his fingers. “Come again, pet. Now.”

Apparently her body didn’t need her brain’s assistance in the matter. A second wave of pleasure ripped a cry from her lips. This time, her eyes dropped closed as she ground her hips against his hand.

When she couldn’t take it anymore and tried to pull away, his hand followed.

“Again. Now.”

Pain and pleasure wrapped into one as he pinched her clit between his fingers and another climax punched through her conscious. Then her body gave out as she sobbed.

He lay next to her and pulled her into his arms, soothing her, one hand stroking her hair. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured. “That’s my very good girl. That was so good. I’m very proud of you.”

She cried harder, relief and things she couldn’t begin to explain tumbling through her heart and soul. Mac didn’t question it, let her cry herself out in his arms as he continued to whisper to her what a good girl she was and how much he loved her.

She didn’t realize she’d dozed off until she opened her eyes a while later.

Mac smiled. “Feeling better?”

She nodded, not knowing what to say. One thing for certain, now she knew why people enjoyed scening. She’d never understand the need for pain, but if their cathartic release was a fraction as good as hers, that
something she understood.

He leaned in and kissed her again, tenderly, sweetly. “You were perfect, sweetheart,” he said. “Absolutely beautiful. I wish Master had been here to see that.”

She blushed, which prompted a playful grin from Mac. He touched the tip of her nose. “What’s with the red face?”

Clarisse shrugged.

He sat up, pulling her with him. “You’ll get over that pretty quick.

Come on, let’s take a bath.” He led her by the hand into their bathroom and had her sit on the counter. “First, we need to take care


of something.” He grabbed a small pair of scissors and knelt in front of her.

She blushed again as he pushed her knees apart to expose her to him. He wore a playful grin. “Don’t move, sweetie.” He carefully trimmed her close, then cleaned up the hair on the floor. He scooped her into his arms and kissed her as he carried her over to the huge sunken tub and set her on the low edge. “Wait right there.”

When he shucked his shorts, she got a better look at the devious device keeping her from his cock. Actually, Sully was probably pretty smart to order he wear it. Given half a chance, she’d be riding him.

Mac grabbed a new disposable razor and shaving cream, then proceeded to finish the job. He ran warm water into the tub and rinsed her, smiling as his fingers traced every fold and curve of her sex.

“That’s much better, darlin’.” He filled the tub and pulled her in with him, nestled her between his legs, her back against his chest.

When he settled against the back of the tub, he wrapped his arms around her and let out a content sigh. “I could easily turn into a prune like this.”

She let her head fall back onto his shoulder. “Me too.” She closed her eyes as he stroked her arms, his hands tender and gentle on her flesh.

He kissed her temple. “When Master gets back, we’ll talk. You understand Master will own you too, right?”

“Yeah.” The thought thrilled her.

“You won’t be mine to do whatever I want with.”

“I know.”

He nuzzled the top of her head. “I love him, babe. He’s my life.

I’m not going to lie to you and say that you and I will run away together one day. If you want to be with me, you have to be with him, in whatever way he dictates. That’s the rules.”

“I’m okay with that. Two hunks who love me and who would kick the crap out of my ex to protect me? Tell me how that’s a bad thing.”

Mac smiled. “Yeah, absolutely. You’d better believe it. That


shithead shows up here, he’s a fucking dead man.” He prompted her to sit up and washed her hair for her, lovingly, massaging her scalp as he lathered her head. Then he took a long time running a washcloth over her, kissing his way across her shoulders after he rinsed the soap from her.

She turned around and took the wash cloth from him, kissed him as she repaid the favor. Their interlude was interrupted by Mac’s shorts ringing on the floor next to the tub.

“Dammit.” Mac reached for them, fished his phone out of his pocket, and answered as he hung over the edge of the tub. “Hello, Master.”

Clarisse draped herself over him, her arms around him.

Mac listened for a moment. “Yes, Master…We’re in the tub…No, I’m wearing it…Yes, hold on.” He handed the phone to her. “He wants to talk to you, sweetie.”

She blushed and took the phone, careful not to get it wet. “Hi, Master.”

“Hello, pet. How are you?”

Her hand slid between Mac’s legs, her fingers running over the plastic cage. “Trying to figure out how to pick a lock.”

Sully laughed, the sound thrilling her. “I bet you are. All the more reason slave has to wear that thing. Too much temptation for you. Did slave shave you?”

She blushed. “Yes, Master.”

Sully’s voice dropped, sexy and low. “So your sweet pussy is totally bare for me?”

It was also throbbing with need again. “Yes, Master,” she whispered.

“Good. Love you. Put slave back on.”

“Love you, too.” She handed the phone back to him.

Mac’s eyes twinkled. “Yes, Master?” He listened for a moment, then leaned in and kissed her while Sully still talked to him. “Yes, Master. Love you, too.” He hung up and put the phone down, then



pulled her on top of him. “Okay, where were we?”

She straddled him, feeling the hard plastic bump against her bare mound. “Isn’t that thing uncomfortable?”

“Fuck yes it is. It’s practically cutting into me. That’s sort of the idea, it keeps me from being able to do anything about my hard cock, but it doesn’t stop my cock from trying.” He kissed her again, then took her hand and placed it between his legs. “Play with my balls, babe.”

“Won’t that make you hurt?”

He grinned. “Masochist, remember?”

She stroked her fingers along his sac, where the plastic had them corralled and swollen. That was as hairless as the rest of him. Mac closed his eyes and bucked his hips against her.

“Don’t stop,” he said, lacing his fingers through her free hand.

“Master said I was allowed to come if I could while wearing this thing.”

“Is that possible?”

“I don’t know. I damn sure want to find out.”

She stroked his balls, traced the shape of the plastic cage, and gently raked her short nails over his flesh. After a few minutes of this, he opened his eyes. Without a word, he grabbed her hand and pushed it down lower in the water, pressed one of her fingers against his rim.

“I don’t know what to do,” she nervously said.

He smiled. “You’ll figure it out.” He spread his legs further, hooking one over the edge of the tub. She gingerly pressed against his dark hole. “Don’t I need to use lube or something?”

He nodded to a small bottle on the edge of the tub. She erred on the side of caution and used a huge dollop of the goop, then slowly pressed for entrance.

Mac let out a low groan. “That’s it,” he gasped. “That’s the spot.”

He pulled her close and kissed her as she wiggled her finger around, paying attention to his responses to determine what worked. It wasn’t long before he grabbed her tightly and loudly moaned as he kissed


BOOK: Safe Harbor
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