Read Ryan's Protector - Lupinville 3.3 Online

Authors: Alice Cain

Tags: #MM Gay Erotic Paranormal Romance

Ryan's Protector - Lupinville 3.3 (2 page)

BOOK: Ryan's Protector - Lupinville 3.3
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The man breathed out a deep sigh. "Me
too," the man whispered almost soundlessly. "I'm sorry I'm not

Ryan wasn't sure how to interpret that until
the scent of his mate's arousal finally reached his brain. "Don't be
sorry," Ryan said, slowly extending his arm in the hope that his mate
would take it. "What's your name?"

The man laughed slightly and placed his
fingers into Ryan's palm. "Wesley Noel. I can't believe Maggie sent you
after me without telling you my name."

"I guess I should have asked a few
questions," Ryan said in a low soothing tone, "but I was more interested
in finding my mate." Ryan gently closed his fingers around Wesley's and
slowly urged the man closer. Ryan was still on his knees, but somehow it felt
right to stay there, to not intimidate this beautiful man with his size. Never
before had Ryan noticed such a lovely man. "Can I hold you?"

Wesley nodded and let Ryan pull him onto his




"Hi," Ryan said as Wesley gazed up
into his eyes in wonder.

"Hi," he repeated in a voice that
was barely a whisper. He'd only seen this man a few times before he'd realized
they were mates and not at all in the thirty years since, so
really been prepared for his mate's massive size.

And he really,
hadn't been expecting his body's reaction.

He moaned softly as his cock filled and heat
prickled his skin. He wriggled in Ryan's lap, suddenly needing to be closer,
much, much closer. He sensed Ryan's surprise, but it didn't stop him from
pressing their lips together and coaxing his mate to explore his mouth.

He panted hard, his arousal off the charts,
his need blinding, overwhelming, every inch of him craving his mate's touch,
his possession.

Even as he whimpered he tilted his head to
the side, inviting his mate to claim him, clawing at him as if the man might


He dragged his lips from Ryan's and gasped a
desperate breath into his lungs, trying to understand why he was doing this.
For thirty years he'd held Ryan's best interests to his heart, promising
himself that he'd let his mate live a happy life without his interference. Ryan
deserved to have a family, to raise kids, to have a normal life, not one
dragged down by Wesley's miserable existence.

"Wes?" Ryan asked, holding him
close even as he tried to pull out of his embrace.

"This is wrong," Wesley said
desperately. "I don't… I'm sorry… I–I need to go."

"Breathe, baby," Ryan whispered,
stroking him with his hands, soothing his need even as it grew stronger.
"It's okay. I think I know what's happening."

The hand on his cock was heavenly. Wesley
arched into his mate's hold, mindless in his need, his hips lifting and
thrusting as he fucked into his mate's warm fingers. He groaned as Ryan leaned
over and kissed him, forcing his tongue into Wesley's mouth over and over,
increasing the speed, the heat,
sensation as he
mimicked what Wesley really needed. He cried out when Ryan pulled his lips

"Come for me, my beautiful mate."

scent of his cum filling the small clearing even as he groaned in renewed

"We need to get you home," Ryan
said, lifting him in his arms and striding confidently in the direction of
Wesley's small cabin. "From what I understand, this is going to get a lot
worse before it gets better."

"Huh?" It was the only word he
could utter. He was shaking all over, his skin itched,
body ached. Despite his orgasm mere moments ago, everything instinct demanded
he move closer to his mate, to draw him in, to take him inside his body and
hold him there. "Please..." He whimpered as pre-cum pumped from his
cock and every inch of his skin felt like he was on fire. "Please explain
what's happening to me."

"You don't know?" Ryan asked
worriedly. He held him closer even as he trailed a hand up the back of Wesley's
thigh and then cupped his ass. Wesley was horrified to realize something
slippery coated his skin—had he sat in something unpleasant?—but before he
could freak out, Ryan lifted his hand away and bought it to Wesley's nose. He
almost melted when he realized it wasn't the horrible smell he'd half expected.

"What is that?" he asked as relief
overrode need for a moment.

"Baby, you're in heat."

Wesley raised an eyebrow and waited. Only
omegas went into heat and since omegas were all female and he was most
definitely male he couldn't be an omega. He liked his logic. He didn't,
however, like the frown on his mate's face.

"You didn't know you're an omega?"

"I'm male," he growled low in his
throat. He didn't mind being the submissive partner in this pairing, but there
was no way he was going to let his mate treat him like a woman. Humans might
have evolved into sensitive men, but werewolves still had a long way to go
before females in the pack were treated equally. Noah was trying—Wesley knew
that from his daughter's excited phone calls over the past few years—but with
so many of the pack being over one hundred years old, it was an ingrained
attitude that needed to be chipped away slowly.

"My friend Lukas is mated to a male
omega," Ryan said as he moved them quickly through the thick forested area
near that the backyard of Wesley's cabin. "Simon has known for a long time.
He suffered through many heats before Lukas realized they were mates."

"Well I haven't," Wesley growled.
"Suffered I mean. I haven't… This is new to me."

He turned his face into Ryan's strong chest,
trying to hide the tears that filled his eyes. Just the thought of going
through something like this alone was enough to make him feel like a coward.
He'd been protecting Ryan for thirty years. Would he have found the strength to
stay away from him if he'd gone in to heat?

He didn't like the answer that came to him.

"It's okay, baby," Ryan said,
lifting him higher in his arms and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I'm
here now. Together we'll make this okay."

"You should never have come,"
Wesley said sadly. This was exactly the situation he'd been trying to avoid.
We'll maybe not
. The omega
thing was something he'd never expected to have to deal with—but the dependence
he apparently now had on his mate was precisely why he'd stayed away from the
pack for so long. There was no way he would be strong enough to send the man
away to explore and indulge himself, to find a woman and have children, to live
a life that didn't revolve around the selfish needs of his mate. "You need
to go."

"No, baby," Ryan said. "We're
going to climb into your bed and I'm going to fuck you through this heat, and
then we're going to talk, really talk."


"Are you denying me?" Ryan asked
in a tone laced with hurt.

"No," Wesley said urgently.
"I want you. I have for decades, but it's—"

Ryan cut off his words with a forceful kiss,
stealing all the air in his lungs, and leaving him shaking with need once more.

"I only need the short answer, Wes. The
rest is just details."




Ryan could still feel the tremors skittering
through him. When he'd thought his mate might keep him out of his life, he'd
felt like he'd been split in two. Half of him had wanted to rage at the
injustice and the rest had wanted to simply drop to the dirt and weep. He
ground his teeth together and tried to find his normal equilibrium. At any
other time in his life he would have laughed at the thought of such strong
emotions. He'd always considered himself in charge of his own destiny, but the
beautiful man in his arms proved otherwise.

He didn't bother asking Wesley where the
bedroom was. It was pretty clear by the size of the cabin that his bed was in
the loft upstairs, so he simply marched over to the ladder and lifted his mate
onto the highest rung he could reach. Wesley shivered as he clung to the wood,
but it was the
scent of his arousal so close to Ryan's face
that made him hold
the man there, refusing to let him climb higher.

"God, baby, you smell delicious."

He couldn't resist burying his face in
between those taut butt cheeks. Wesley cried out his pleasure, but didn't try
to stop him. Emboldened, Ryan tightened his hold on Wesley's hips, holding him
trapped as he explored with his tongue. He moaned in delight when Wesley pushed
back, bending at the waist to give him better access.

"One day," Ryan said between
licks, "I'm going to fuck you right here. I'm going to just climb up the
ladder behind you and shove my cock so deep you'll feel me for a week."

Wesley whimpered and nodded frantically,
straining closer as Ryan forced his tongue deeper.

"Please," he begged with both his
lips and his body. "Please, please, please."

Ryan grinned, glad to realize his mate had
given up on the idea of pushing him away.
"Climb, baby.
I want our first time to be on a bed." He tapped his mate's ass with his
big hand and almost came all over both of them when the man groaned with
pleasure. He tried again, slapping him harder, and watching his mate writhe
with his arousal as Ryan's handprint bloomed on his mate's skin.
"Fuck," he whispered, "you're absolutely perfect for me,

His man was shaking so violently that Ryan
stayed on the ground, ready to catch Wesley if he lost his grip and fell. The
moment he reached the top, Ryan was right behind him, lifting him onto the bed.

Ryan groaned in complete agony when his mate
lowered his shoulders to the mattress, tilted his hips just right, and then
used his hands to hold open his ass cheeks.

Unable to withstand his own need a moment
longer, Ryan climbed onto the bed, and draped himself completely over his
smaller mate. With every inch of his chest pressed to every inch of Wesley's back,
he placed kisses on his mate's neck, biting little stings and sucking bites.
The urge to claim Wesley here and now nearly overwhelmed him, but he tamped it
down, desperately reminding himself that they still needed to talk.

"I'm going to fuck you now," he said
instead, forcing and arm between them and probing Wesley's tight hole with his
fingers. "I love that you're wet, that you've gone into heat just from
meeting me." He had no proof that it was the case—coincidences happened
all the time—but he was claiming this for both of them. He'd never expected to
be attracted to another male, but Wesley was already proving to be his perfect

He carefully pressed the head of his cock
against Wesley's tiny opening, groaning as the tight muscle
open for him. He held Wesley tighter as his mate tried to push back, tried to
increase the pace, tried to rush through the most amazing experience of their
lives. "Behave," he said with a happy grin as he slapped his lover's
thigh and slid just a little deeper.

As before, Wesley reacted to the smack
beautifully, his
body opening
more fully to Ryan's
cock, his omega lubrication flowing more freely.

Ryan ground his teeth together and tried to
rein in his own need. He knew from Lukas that it took a lot of fucking to get
through an omega's heat, but since Lukas was an alpha and had the advantage of
knotting and Ryan wasn't an alpha and therefore didn't have the ability, he
needed to pace himself. He moved slowly, steadily, fucking in and out while
making sure that his lover got what he needed, leaning over him to press kisses
to his neck and shoulders and anywhere else he could reach.

But then Wesley cried out, his ass
tightening around Ryan's cock before he could pull out. The incredible
sensation of Wesley's body caressing him over and over as he surrendered to his
orgasm simply dragged Ryan with him. He practically roared out his own climax,
fucking Wesley harder and faster as his wolf side danced happily in his mind.
He growled as he filled Wesley with his seed, marking him with his scent,
claiming him as his own.

He didn't even realize he had his fangs to
his mate's throat, ready to mark him more permanently, until Wesley panicked
and tried to pull away.

Instinctively Ryan tightened his hold,
soothing his lover with quite words and gentle strokes.

"It's okay, baby. I can wait to claim
you. I said right from the beginning we needed to talk."

"I think you should go," Wesley
said, refusing to look up at him even when Ryan tried to lean over and see his
face. "Thank you for getting me through this…heat. I'll be fine now. You
should just leave."

"No," Ryan ground out through a
tightly clenched jaw. "We need to talk. We're going to talk."

Wesley shook his head and actually tried to
crawl out from under Ryan's body. They both grunted in pain when Wesley
attempted to slid off Ryan's cock.

"What the hell?"

Ryan grunted again as he felt his cock swell
even more.

BOOK: Ryan's Protector - Lupinville 3.3
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