Runway Romance (Love in the Air Trilogy) (4 page)

BOOK: Runway Romance (Love in the Air Trilogy)
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“I never figured out why they didn’t just leave an area empty for the exit.”

“Money. You take out a row of chairs and you lose money. It’s all about the money.”

“It usually is.”

Patricia swung her car into the secured parking area for Ballinger Air. They were third in line. When she reached the receptacle and the red and white striped wooden divider, she slid her laminated identification badge through the digital reader.

“Green light. You’re good to go.”

“Better be.”

“Someday we’ll all be barcoded or microchipped and they’ll just scan us and all our information will pop up on a little screen.

“Lovely thought.”

“The day is coming. Mark my words.”

“With what?”


“You said, ‘Mark my words.” I said, “With what?””

“Now I’m confused.”

“Just tell me you have a permanent marker in your pack.”

“Of course I do. Why?”

“So you can mark your words.”

“Am I missing something here?”

“Forget it. It’s not funny anymore.”

“Was it ever?”

“Probably not.”



Chapter Five


As they made their way to the Ballinger Air flight lounge, Jenny nodded at the familiar faces of the security guards. Newbies stuck out like bright red lipstick against a pale Seattleite’s face.

“Patricia, Jenny.” Jack Walters tipped his hat as they walked by.

“I wonder if Kate’s had sex with him?” Patricia said when they were out of earshot. “I’ve always thought he looked a bit like George Clooney.”

“No. Pierce Brosnan. It’s the eyes.”

“No. It’s the hair. Totally George.”

“When was the last time you had your vision checked? I think they missed a speck of Can’t Tell One Man From Another Correctly.”

“No matter who he looks like, he’s aged well.”

“On that we agree. Kate wouldn’t have done him anyway. He’s not a pilot.”

“What’s with her and the pilot thing?”

“Her dad was a pilot.”

“She was a daddy’s girl?”

“To the max. Just listen whenever she tells a story about her childhood. You’d think she didn’t even have a mother.”

“Did something happen there? Abuse?”

“I don’t think so. Both her parents worked, but I just think she was a tomboy when she was younger and she bonded with her dad. I suppose that happens.”

“Like with you and your dad?”

Jenny was quiet for a moment. “Yeah.”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to bring that subject back up again.”

“It’s okay. It is what it is.”

“I hate that saying.”

“I know.”

Patricia nudged Jenny with her elbow. “Trouble maker.”

“You’re staying with Teresa and Gail, right?”


“If I flew there more often, I’d go in with them on their house on Mayaguana.”

“I’ve thought about it, too, but it’s too expensive when I only get booked on a flight a couple times a year.”

“Kate’s the one who should do it. She goes more than anyone else I…”

“Who’s Kate going with?” Rocky Puffer squeezed between them, pulling his luggage behind him.

“Rocky! Hi love,” Jenny said.

Rocky kissed her on the cheek, then repeated the kiss with Patricia as they continued walking.

“It’s been forever,” Patricia said.

“Much too long. Did you hear about Captain Adams?”

“No. What?” Jenny said.

“Heroin, and I don’t mean the gorgeous kind on the cover of books.”

“What happened?” Patricia asked.

“Well, I heard this from John Atwater, and we all know what a big gossip he is, but I do think he’s telling the truth on this one. He heard it from Jane Campbell and she heard it from Bella Montgomery, or was it Tiffany Swan?

Well, whoever. Or is it whomever? Anyway, Lacy Williams found him in the pilot’s bathroom on a flight to Hawaii, the Big Island, ya know? He had the thing on his arm all tightened up so his muscles were bulging. Can you imagine? Well, I can, but…”

“Slow down a sec. Lacy Williams used to date Vince Adams until she hooked up with the guy with the beard, what’s his name?” Patricia looked at Jenny for the answer.

“Martin D. McMasterson. I only remember because he always made us use his entire name whenever we spoke with him. What an ass.”

“That’s him! Vince was really pissed off that she dumped him for MDM because he always considered him an inferior pilot.”

“He wasn’t though. MDM could outfly Vince at any time, but years ago Vince stole a gal from MDM and he’s been wanting to get back at him for years. It was the perfect opportunity.”

“Well, I don’t know about any of that, but Lacy found him and she didn’t want him to get into trouble, so she called this doctor she knows. I think it’s the one who helped her with her little problem a few years ago. You know, the baby bump that suddenly disappeared and she told everyone she had liposuction. As if!

So, the doc told her Captain Adams needed to go to the Emergency Room, so he called an ambulance and everything hit the fan because it just hit the papers this morning. Look!”

Rocky unfolded the morning paper and showed them the headline: Is A Heroin Addict Piloting Your Flight?

“Oh, my,” Jenny said.

They reached the door to the lounge. Patricia entered the passcode and they headed through the door.

“Have you seen it?” Monica Lions asked as she rushed up to the trio.

Jessica McDaniels strolled over with her usual air of disinterest. “They’ve seen it. Let me guess, you’re going to say something like, ‘We should all be concerned about his health’ or something equally as mundane?”

“Jessica!” Monica half screeched. She put her hands on her hips. “That is not a very nice thing to say. Poor Captain Adams needs help.”

“That’s why you’re running up to everyone who walks in the door and gossiping about him, right, Jessica? Because you want to help him.”

“I do want to help!”

“Calm down. No one really thinks you don’t want to help,” Jenny said. “Things like this always get blown out of proportion. For all we know, the real story is that he was in the bathroom, dropped a pen and picked it up and it got turned into a needle and heroin was added into the mix. Why don’t we all wait to hear what BA has to say about it?”

“Ballinger will deny it all. Nothing is ever their fault.” Jessica eyed Jenny as if she were dissecting a bug.

“I hear Kate’s lost some of her new girl shine; relegated to looping between Seattle and New York. Guess that’s what happens when you’ve ridden too many friendly skies.”

“I don’t know what you’ve heard, but Kate’s headed for Ireland with an extended layover. Sounds like a slice of heaven to me and far from any kind of reprimand.”

Patricia added, “You can only hope that some of her shine will rub off on your shriveled up…”

“Girls, we need to work together now.” Rocky reached into his pocket and handed out hard candy to everyone in the small circle. “You can’t say mean things while you’re enjoying a little sucky.”

“You should know,” Jessica said.

Monica began to snort as she choked on the cinnamon disc.

All four FAs said, “Raise your left arm.”

“Funny how our training kicks in,” Jenny said as Patricia pulled a chair over so Monica could sit down. Even Jessica helped out by heading over to the table to get a bottle of water.

“Okay?” Jenny asked.

Monica nodded. “Wrong pipe or something.”

“Did you swallow it whole?” Patricia asked.

“My, my.” Rocky’s hand flew to his chest. “Have you had experience with choking before?”

“My gag reflex isn’t very strong.”

“Now that’s a handy piece of information to keep in your back pocket.”

Patricia pressed her lips together to keep from laughing and didn’t dare look Jenny in the eye.

Jenny dug her fingernails into the palm of her hand.

Jessica opened the water bottle and handed it to Monica. “Are you okay now?”

“Much better.”

“We need to check-in,” Patricia said.

Jenny and Rocky joined her as they headed toward the inner office. When they shut the hallway door, laughter exploded from their mouths.

“Say it again,” Patricia said.

“What?” Rocky asked.

“About the little sucky,” Jenny said through giggling fits.

“All I said was that you can’t say mean things while you’re enjoying a little sucky.”

The women leaned against each other and the wall for support as they bent over laughing.

“What? It’s the truth. Can you talk when you’re enjoying a little sucky?”

Rocky continued to feign innocence about his comment as they teased him. Once they had their mirth under control, they headed into the inner office to sign-in.

“One of my favorite things about my job is working with you, Rocky.” Jenny gave him a hug.

“Aw, it’s one my favorite things, too. Here, have another sucky.”



Chapter Six


“Green light’s up for our flight.” Rocky zipped up his carry-on, extended the handle and stood up. “Wish you were going with us, Jenny.”

“Me, too. I know you really want to come to Utah with me.”

“I’m so envious.” Patricia gathered up her belongings and joined Rocky. “Seriously, you need to think about learning to drive. You have to wait hours before your flight leaves.”

“I can always find ways to keep busy. Safe flight.”

Rocky gave her a hug, whispering, “You, too,” in her ear.

“See you when I get back. I’ll be sporting an amazing Bahama tan.”

“It’ll just give you skin cancer.”


Rocky rolled his eyes. “Come on. I heard Captain Morris got bumped. Stomach flu.”

“So who’s the pilot?”

“New guy from Alaska, Captain Sean O’Dell.”

BOOK: Runway Romance (Love in the Air Trilogy)
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