Roofie (MMA Bad Boys Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Roofie (MMA Bad Boys Book 2)
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“Can I come in. I need to talk to you.” His husky voice sends shivers down my spine but I don’t let it show how much him being so close to me makes me feel. Not after what he did last night.

“Uh, sure?” I say it as a question because right now I’m confused as fuck as to why he’s here at my apartment and not curled up in bed with the slag from last night. “Shouldn’t you be cuddled up with the brunette girl from last night?”

He doesn’t respond but I hear the door click shut behind me. Next thing I know, I’m pushed against the wall with Roofie’s hips pinning me and both hands on either side of my head. I gulp in surprise and my eyes widen in shock. “The fuck, Roofie?” I shout in his face. I’m not sure whether I’m aroused or just plain fucking angry.

“Shut up, Gemma. I’m talking.” His lips are just inches from mine and the temptation to move forward and kiss him is so strong that I’m struggling to keep myself from doing it and making a complete fool out of myself.

I stay silent, thinning my lips to pretend I’m not happy with the position he has me in. I narrow my eyes when he keeps me there but I wait patiently with my hands clenching my robe at my sides.

“I never knew how you felt about me. I thought it was all one-sided, until last night when you stormed off after… well, yeah…” He trails off and his eyes search mine.

“I did not storm off! I went to use the damn loo, Roofie.” His eyes silence me and I hold the words I was ready to spew at him. My heart is racing dangerously fast and I’m pretty sure my panties are soaked through.

“You did. Carlotta already told me, so stop fucking lying to yourself and to me. I’m interested in you. God, am I fucking interested. But, I’ve never had a relationship and call me a pussy but I’m petrified I’d hurt you. I’ve already done that way too much. But I like you, Gemma.” He strokes a hair from my face as I stand there, stunned into silence. Lust sparkles in his eyes and goosebumps takes residence over every inch of my skin.

I breath in his scent and close my eyes. “You like me? You sure have a funny way of showing it, Roofie.”

“I know, baby, I know. I’m so sorry.” He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. I’ve never seen him look so vulnerable. “Just an FYI, I never slept with that girl last night, I turned her down.”

I sag against the wall as relief washes over me. “Doesn’t make what you did okay. And I’m still struggling to get over what you said the one and only night we shared a bed.” I take a deep breath and just let it all out. “I like you too, Roofie. More than words can express. I’ve been an unapproachable hardass to you. The way you look at me with indifference sometimes made me think you didn’t feel the connection between us. I thought it was one-sided which is why I ignored Car when she told me to make a move. I’m also scared of you treating me like a two-bit whore again.”

“Gem, I was fucking pissed as a fart then. I thought we already sorted this yesterday?” He looks at me like I’ve stolen is favourite toy, deflated. “I thought we were moving forward but you’re still stuck in the past.”

“No, I’m not. Wounds take time to heal, that’s all. You can’t really blame me for having that fear, can you?” I mumble. I look down and wish I didn’t. His hips pressed against mine looks fucking hot and I swallow the lump in my throat.

“I understand. But I’m not drunk now so what’s stopping you,” he whispers in my ear before nipping my ear lobe. An involuntary moan escapes my lips and my eyes flutter closed. “You want me just as much as I want you.”

“Yes…” The word escapes my mouth before I even have a chance to think about it. My eyes fling open in time to see him biting his plump bottom lip and that shit there is hot as fuck. Before I can even form another sentence, his lips crash to mine and he grabs my wrists, pinning them above my head. I swear, my panties are about to spontaneously combust.

He nips at my lip, making me open for him and our tongues dance together. This isn’t soft or gentle, this is passionate, hard and lust filled. Fuck, I need him. I push my pelvis against his and his hips pin me back to the wall. A moan works its way up my throat and into his mouth and I can feel his erection on my lower belly. The tingling in my vagina is getting unbearable. I need my release.

“Please…” I beg. “I need you.”

He pulls back and rips my robe open. His eyes turn dark when he sees that I’m already butt naked. I feel the blush creeping up my neck as he peruses my body. Squirming, I try and pull my robe back together but he doesn’t let me. Instead, his hands roam up my sides, making me shiver and he shoves the robe off from my shoulders.

“Fuck, you’re hot.” His breathing has become more erratic and the longer he looks at my naked body, the more hot and bothered I get. “I can smell your arousal from here, baby girl, and it smells so damn good.”

His finger-tips run down my belly before stroking over the strip of pubic hair the leads to the apex of my thighs. I’m silently begging him with my eyes to take me, to make me his in every way.

“You want my fingers in your pussy don’t you, babe? You want me to tickle the spot deep inside you?” he says to me, licking his lips. Fuck. Me. Slowly. This guy just keeps surprising me.

“Fuck yeah, I do!” I exclaim, my face lighting up.

He hitches one of my legs around his hips and slams a finger straight up inside me and I cry out as the pleasure seeps through my body. Pulling out, he pushes another finger in and I clutch the muscles of his biceps, digging my nails in. Shit, that’s good.

His mouth meets mine as he swallows my cries, thrusting his fingers in and out. My hips push forward in time with his finger and I can feel the familiar build up, starting with the tingling in my toes and the goosebumps that raise on my skin.

He pulls his hand away and I glare daggers at him. “What the fuck?” I ask him. I was so damn close I could taste it.

“I want you to cum around my dick, not my fingers.” He pulls out his wallet from his jeans pocket and removes a condom. Ah, always prepared I see. I don’t know whether to be worried about that or relieved that he thought about it in the first place.

He undoes his jeans slowly which makes me groan with irritation, wanting him to fucking hurry up and screw me hard against this damn wall.

“If you don’t hurry the fuck up, Roofie, I’ll change my mind.” I pout at him and tap my foot against the floor. He just chuckles and rolls the condom down his impressive length. And fuck, I completely forgot about his cock piercing. Was I really that drunk last time that I didn’t take the time to admire his manhood?

“This won’t be gentle because, fuck, I’ve wanted you again for months.” He hoists me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He forcefully pushes me against the wall and I wrap my arms around his neck. “You ready to be wrecked for any other man, baby? There’s still time to back out.”

“Fuck that, just put it in already. Stop stalling!” I groan at him. I just about managed to finish my sentence before he thrusts in, burying himself deep. The piercing rubs against my cervix and I moan as my heart pounds against my chest and pleasure envelopes me.

He pulls out slowly before pushing back in, hard, and circling his hips and I cry out into the silence of the room. Burying his head into my neck, he mumbles, “Jesus, babe, you’re so fucking tight.”

I moan as his thrusts become more and more frenzied. I meet him thrust for thrust and I don’t even get the build-up before my orgasm strikes. “Roofie!” I cry out as my vaginal walls clamps his dick in a vice.

“Fuck!” he roars as he pumps two more times before calling out my name and slamming be back against the wall, pouring his seed into the condom. I can feel his cock pulsing through his orgasm and my walls quiver with aftershocks.

Leaning my head against the wall, I try to take in breaths but my lungs just aren’t co-operating with me. All that can be heard in the quiet expanse of my hallway is our heavy breathing.

After what feels like ten minutes, he places my wobbly legs down and steadies me on my feet before moving away, removing the condom and tying a knot at the top. He pulls up his jeans and smirks at me slyly as he does the button up.

“What are you smirking at?” I ask him as I stand there naked. I don’t feel uncomfortable standing here with nothing covering me, not after what we just did anyway.

“I didn’t think you’d call out my name. I’m glad you did though, that was a mega turn on.” The smile spreading across his face shows off his dimples and my breath hitches at the sight. I’ve never seen Roofie fully smile and it’s a fucking sight and a half; one I won’t forget in a hurry either.

He stalks towards me, eyeing me from head to toe and I just stand against the wall like a frozen lemon wondering what he’s going to do next. Inside, I’m nervous as shit about what he’s going to say. Trepidation has me stood on the spot, watching him, waiting for his next move.

He lifts his hand and a finger traces the length of my jaw before pulling my bottom lip from between my teeth. Planting a soft, gentle, kiss on my lips, the nervousness in my stomach dissipates and I smile when he pulls away.

“Let me take you out,” he says, his hands smoothing down my arms to rest on my hips.

“Take me out?” I squeak, eyes wide and staring into his. “Like a date?”

“Yeah, sure.” He shrugs a shoulder and that just makes me a little mad like he doesn’t want to but maybe feels obligated to do it.

“Are you sure? Because you don’t sound like you’re that bothered,” I snarl at him.

He looks at me all confused before saying, “I want to take you out on a date, woman. Shit, I’m not very good at this.”

I sigh and take pity on him. Moving close, I whisper in his ear, “As long as the night finishes with a happy ending.” I pull away and wink at him and a smile once again lights up his face.

“I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow evening. Don’t be late, I don’t like waiting.” Winking at me to show me that he’s only joking, he presses another soft kiss to my lips before turning and walking out the door.

I’m still frozen to the spot as I trace a finger across my swollen lips. They’re still tingling and my body still feels alive. I’ve never been fucked so hard and I’ve never fucked against a wall. I must say though, that was fucking hot.

Hangover forgotten, I practically skip to the bathroom for a quick shower before I think of what to have for breakfast to celebrate this breakthrough with Roofie.

I’m sat in my Porsche 911 Turbo outside Gemma’s, a smile still wide on my face. I can’t believe that just happened. After all this time of thinking it was just me that felt the electricity between us…I’m lost for words. That was hot and even thinking about it a few minutes later is making me hard as shit behind my zipper.

The ringing of my phone pulls me back to the present and because I’m on such a high, I don’t bother with caller ID and answer, “Hello.”

“Son.” Does this fucking woman not get the hint? My high is flattened and my dick shrinks inside itself. “You’re going to help me with Tatiana.”

“Am I now?” I laugh at her down the phone. “She’s not my problem. How many times do I have to tell you that? She’s your fucking daughter. She’s nout to me.”

“Tut tut, wrong answer, Levi. Wrong answer. You will help me; you have no choice. You wouldn’t want me to pay a visit to that lovely girl you just visited would you?” I can hear the smirk in her voice even from over the phone and my skin prickles with anger.

“How the fuck do you know anything about her?” I shout at her. My heart is beating too fast and my pulse is racing.

“I have men following you, Levi. Don’t ever underestimate us.” She must be on fucking crack. She isn’t no fucking hot shot. “Did you not know? I married a man whose life revolves around the Mexican drug cartel. He smuggles drugs from there to here and makes a shit load of money. I have him wrapped around my little finger, darling.”

“You think I’m going to believe that bullshit?” My laughter is loud and reverberates around the silent interior of my car. “We don’t have drug cartels here; we have the Mafia.”

“Believe what you want, son. I’ll be seeing your little friend soon.” The line cuts off and I’m greeted with the dial tone. Fucking motherfucking bitch!

I throw my phone onto the dashboard and bring my car to life. Anger is rushing through my body and I’m aware that driving while angry could lead to a serious accident. I slow down, take some deep breaths and head in the direction of the gym. I glance at the car’s clock, Beast will be there now and that’s who I really need right now to sort this shit out. My mum has taken it one step too far this time.

BOOK: Roofie (MMA Bad Boys Book 2)
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