Romance: Two Nights with the Billionaire (4 page)

BOOK: Romance: Two Nights with the Billionaire
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Chapter 9






As I drive home from the party, I put my phone on speaker and call Joshua.

I’m flushed and humming with happiness, not only at finding another familiar soul but at the prospect of working again, maybe discovering a new passion, or at least having something I enjoy doing until I can get back into app design.

“You’ve reached Joshua Franklin. Please leave your number and a detailed message after the tone.”

Straight to voice mail?

Does he have his phone off?

Maybe he forgot to charge it.

I frown, but it doesn’t spoil my high. I’m still humming as I let myself into our mansion and head straight for the shower.



The next day I’m pacing the halls.

All day I’ve been trying to call Joshua, but every time I’m sent straight to his voice mail.

I know he’s busy, but I’m calling his private number, the one reserved for close family and friends and me!

He never has that number go straight to voice mail.

At first I tell myself that maybe he’s on the plane, so his phone is off.

But twelve hours later I’m still getting his stupid recorded message.

Did something happen?

Gasping, I flick on the TV and scan the news channels.

If something went wrong with his flight surely I would have heard by now. But still my heart beats in my throat as I flick from news channel to news channel.


When I hear his car pulling into the driveway I have to physically grab something to stop myself running to the door.

Instead I walk to a chair, pick up a book, and pretend to be reading when the door opens.

“Joshua!” I jump to my feet, unable to stay still.

“Hey,” he says, putting his suitcase and coat in the foyer closet.

“I was calling you,” I can’t help saying. “Did you forget to charge your phone?”

“Just busy,” he says then he adds, “Sorry.”

Almost as an afterthought.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth down to mine.

I miss the taste of him.

But instead he stiffens.

He lets me kiss him but his response is barely there.

“Is anything wrong?” I ask, frowning up at him. “Did something happen at the meeting?”

He extricates himself from me and shakes his head.

“No, the meeting went fine. I...” His words drop off and he sighs, making his way towards his office. “I’m just worn out.”

“Do you want me to cancel our dinner reservations? We could just snuggle on the couch with a movie, if you like?”

“No, dinner out sounds better.”

Then his home office door closes with a loud click.

And I’m alone again.

Did I do something wrong?

Maybe he’s just tired.

Some people get crazy tired after flying.

Joshua never has before, but I guess it’s not set in stone.

In the silent mansion, more silent seemingly since Joshua arrived home, I shower and dress in an elegant backless black dress that Nicole helped me pick out after we’d found the perfect garden party dress.

I stand in front of the mirror and just stare at myself for a long time.

Is this what I want?

I can’t deny that I look stunning in the dress.

It flatters and hugs my curves and highlights my pale skin and wide eyes.

I should be happy.

Never in my life did I imagine I would live in a mansion with a housekeeper at my beck and call.

Never in my life did I imagine I could look like the woman looking back at me from my reflection.

But it’s not enough.

I’d give it all up right now if it meant Joshua looking at me the way he used to.

I’m not a silly teenager and I know that the spark wasn’t going to last forever, but the loneliness is beyond what I can endure.

When he’s away from me, he calls, texts, and speaks to me like he can’t wait to be with me again. But when he’s here it’s like he can’t wait to get away again.

Am I just taking up space in his home now?

Somewhere downstairs a door slams and I hear Joshua yell up the stairs. “Jennifer, are you ready?”

Am I?

And ready for what?

I sniff and dab at my nose then grab my leather purse and head out.

As I close the door behind me, it feels final, and as I start down the stairs I feel like a fool stepping off a cliff into the abyss.

Joshua looks up at me as I make my way down to him.

I feel his eyes grazing over my curves and flesh as though he was touching me, and I feel a shiver of rekindled excitement.

But then his jaw tightens and he turns away suddenly, and instead of walking with me, he merely leads the way to the car.

Rowe, his driver, opens the back door of the limo and I slip in.

Joshua follows and instead of sitting next to me the way he used to, he sits on the seat opposite and immediately pulls out his phone. The whole journey he gives orders to his personal assistant in a voice much more friendly than the one he used with me.

Is she the reason why he’s so desperate to be away from me these days?

If he’s seeing someone else, the least he could do is be honest.

I mean yeah, I’d be hurt and angry, but anything is better than the chasm between us right now.

We arrive at the restaurant and as I climb out of the limo, Rowe gives me a sympathetic smile.

Does she know?

Who am I kidding?

Of course she knows, she’s his driver, she’d totally know if he were seeing someone else…



Chapter 10





As Joshua and I sit across from one another at the best table in the restaurant, the only words spoken are when we order food.

We sip wine and then eat in silence.

I feel like I should say something, but why should I be doing all the work?

I tried to be welcoming and considerate when he came home tired, but he treated me like I was an annoying child underfoot.

If he gets sick of sitting in awkward silence, he can be the one to break it.

It takes me about five minutes to regret my stubbornness.

Even the waiter looks between us like he can feel the tension as he serves our food. I think the whole restaurant would be able to feel it.

I try to give him a grateful smile but it feels forced and I end up just swallowing another mouthful of wine.

Finally Joshua clears his throat and looks at me. “Grace tells me you did well at the party.”

I nearly laugh out loud.


“Well, isn’t it lucky Grace was there to fill you in on my behavior?” My words come out harsher than I intended, but the wine is loosening my tongue.

He gives me a dark look and I return it, meeting his gaze evenly.

Whatever he has to say, he may as well get on with it.

“She tells me you made a new friend. Spent the whole time cozied up, in fact, with Deidre’s nephew, Damon.”


“Would you have told me about that?”

I take in a breath and force myself to count to ten.

I use the napkin to dab my mouth, feeling my fingers tremble, and I pick my words carefully.

The final piece of the puzzle slips into place and I feel a strange sort of calm wash over me.


Perfect, beautiful Grace.

Well, at least I know now.

But one thing is for sure: no way is he going to make me out to be the cheater so he can run off with
, guilt free. 

“So I guess Grace wasn’t on your phone’s ignore list,” I say evenly and don’t miss the way his face twitches slightly.

“Grace and I are only good friends–”

“Good friends?” I cut him off. “Sounds to me like there is more to it than that.”

“There’s not.” His voice is firm.

“Did she happen to mention that Damon was the only person at the party who could be bothered to talk to me like I was a human being and not just some little toy you’d picked up from the gutter?”

“You’re exaggerating,” he scoffs.

“Am I?” I say. “Your perfect Grace led me around and introduced me to everyone as the poor programmer you swept up out of poverty. She may as well have slapped a sticker on my forehead saying, ‘She’s not one of us.’ Everyone took great pleasure in telling me how lucky I was that you saved me from my miserable hovel.”

His jaw tightens and his gaze wavers. “I’m sure she didn’t mean to make you feel that way on purpose.”

“Clearly,” I return. “But you know what, I don’t think it matters. She’s right, you did save me by investing in my app and I will always be grateful.”

He looks at me sharply. “What are you...?”

“I think we both know this is over.”

I stand up and drop my napkin over my half-eaten meal. The nerves flood throughout my body but I try to keep it together.

“I’m going to stay in a hotel tonight and I’ll pack my things and move out tomorrow,” I state.

He jumps to his feet and grabs my wrist, his fingers like iron. “You’re going to Damon?”

I balk.

The nerve of him!

“The fact that you can ask me that... The fact that you think I would cheat with someone you know, in front of your friends, tells me that you don’t know me at all.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to wish him and Grace the best.

But I can’t bring myself to say the words.

Instead I just turn and walk out.

I won’t cry.

Not here.


Chapter 11






Outside, the cool air kisses my wet cheeks and I know I’m crying.

I don’t care if anyone sees.

I have every right to cry. So I let the tears fall, and walk. I don’t know where I’m going and I don’t care. All I know is that I need to be away from Joshua and his games. His petty little games.

My heart is not a toy.

He can play with my body as a toy, but not my heart.

I can’t take that.  

I can’t let that happen.

My heart is not a toy.

The limo creeps up beside me on the road, keeping pace, but I don’t look. Joshua feels guilty and so he should. But I have nothing to say.

“Jennifer, get in the car.”

I keep walking.

“I know you can hear me.”

I flip him the middle finger like an immature teenager and keep walking.

I hear Rowe chuckle and feel a smile twitching at my mouth.

I think this is something that’s been coming for a while.

I’ve felt so hollow, like I was floating in limbo for so long, that right now – I feel like I’ve found solid ground. It might make me just as miserable, but at least I’m in control.

This is the right choice. The right choice for me and the right choice for him. This is the moment when the fairy tale ends.

“Jennifer, we need to talk.”

“What’s left to say?” I ask, not looking at him. “You’re clearly not happy and you’ve been looking for an excuse to get me out of the way for a while.” I wave my hands. “I free you from the ball and chain I clearly represent in your domain. Now go away.”

He swears and tells Rowe to stop.

I hear his door open and shut, then he’s beside me.

I just roll my eyes and keep walking. His guilt is not my problem.

Not anymore.

“Dammit, will you stop!”

He grabs my arm and spins me to face him, backing me up against the wall and crowding me against it with his large frame.

I have nowhere to go and no escape so I look up at him and wait.

What could he possibly have left to say?

Isn’t this what he wanted?

Me gone so he’s free to be with

His hands are hard on my arms but they soften when it’s clear I’m not going to struggle. Slowly, so slowly, he slides his palms upwards, over my shoulders, up my throat to cup my face.

He uses a thumb to wipe away a traitorous tear slipping down my cheek, then his mouth is on mine.

Tender, intimate, it’s the kind of kiss I remember from those first few encounters, back when I thought – hoped – that he might one day love me.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer,” he mumbles against my lips.

It’s a breathless rasp and I swear I can feel his whole body vibrate against mine.

“I’m a jealous idiot. The thought of you with another man made me crazy. But of course... Of course you’d never be so cruel. I know that. I just forgot. I just lost it.”

His mouth closes over mine again and I’m lost in him.

His mouth is hot and urgent, and his hands never leave my face. It’s like he can’t bear to be separate from me for even a heartbeat.

“I was an idiot. A stupid bloody fool. Don’t ever doubt for one second that I want you in my life. If I had it my way we’d never be apart. Not for one second.”

His words are like a dream come true and I feel warmth spreading through my veins at the feel of his body pressed so firmly against mine, his mouth so hot and passionate.

This is how he is in my dreams, how he used to be.

“Don’t leave me,” he begs, and I’m shocked to see his eyes shimmering. “Don’t you dare walk away from me.”

His fingers run into my hair and he’s looking deep into my eyes, his almost black in his intensity.

“I need you in my life. I know I haven’t shown it lately but give me another chance. Please, sweetheart, give me another chance.”


I don’t know how to respond.

I want to scream, yes.

But I want to slap him and walk away forever.

And I also want to shove him back into the limo and ride him hard and rough.

“We’ll go away, right now. Tonight.”


“We’ll take my private jet and go stay at my holiday mansion in Florida for a few days. Just you and me.”


I want to say yes.

But I also want to say no.

My head is spinning, but how can I say no when he’s so clearly laying his heart on the line?

It’s like he’s got some kind of emotional split personality.

Love bipolar? I almost laugh.

We’ve been together two years and though they haven’t been perfect, I know that we made a good team once. If he’s willing to try and make our relationship work then so am I.

In fact, this might be the first really major argument we’ve ever had. Somehow I feel lighter having gotten out those pent-up emotions, and maybe he has too.

“Just you and me?” I ask, my voice barely audible.

“Just you and me.”

I consider his offer.

My heart is not a toy.

I shouldn’t let him play with it. I should walk away now. This is the time to break.

But how could I walk away from those eyes?

“You have two nights.”

“Two nights?” he asks.

“Two nights to win me back,” I lay down the rules.

He grins and nods.

I let him lead me back to the limo and Rowe grins at me, giving me a wink as I slide in. “Good to have you back, Miss Jen.”




BOOK: Romance: Two Nights with the Billionaire
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