ROMANCE: The Lion Wish (BBW Paranormal Lion Romance) (Paranormal Mystery Alpha Male Romance Short Stories) (6 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: The Lion Wish (BBW Paranormal Lion Romance) (Paranormal Mystery Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)
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The three of them reached the holy land of the wolves. There were a total of nineteen wolves waiting and the moment Matt entered the territory, he gave in a loud howl. He turned back to see if Tara was scared, but she gently smiled which made Matt angry. He had howled to scare her off, but he had no clue to know that she was a paranormal being too.

She knew that Matt was getting on the edge, but she knew what she had to do. She had to win over the pack and she was determined to fight for her love. It wouldn't be an easy battle, but she won’t let it go away either.

As they entered inside the pack, the wolves looked hungrily at Tara. Ralph stood in front of her and took her hands. This was a sign of claiming his territory and he could see how Andre recoiled at the sight.

“Ralph, where had you been? You made no attempt to connect with your pack?” Andre said with an anger filled voice.

“I was terribly injured and close to dying. I would have died had it not been for Tara. I owe my life to her. She saved me and brought me back from the clutches of death. I love her,” Ralph said confidently.

“Bullshit. This can’t happen. Do you know who the hunters were? They were humans. One of them was Dimitry’s friend and he was the one who betrayed us. Humans will always betray the wolves. They can never be yours. You are making the same mistake as Dimitry did. Humans have always been the reason for the loss of the werewolves. You can’t love her.”

Tara touched Ralph’s hand and emerged from his shadow. “Isn’t love supposed to be the truest magic known to any species – be it the wolves, witches, vampires or even humans? Alahara decartona ramiasa” she said and Andre was stunned to silence.

“Who are you, young lady?” Andre asked in disbelief.

Ralph too couldn’t understand what had happened as Andre bowed down in front of Tara.

She uttered some other words in a language none of them could understand. Ralph wondered if she had cast a spell on Andre, but he knew that Tara would never use the magic in a wrong way. She would never dare to hypnotize the alpha of a wolf pack. But there was no explanation for the way Andre was reacting to Tara’s words.

After a long conversation that went on for quite some time, Andre gave in a loud howl and welcomed Tara to the pack. He turned around to face the pack and said, “Welcome Tara to the pack. She is the daughter of Samirah, the elder wolf-witch and deserves our respect. No one here will disobey any of her commands and we must treat her with love and respect. Ralph, you are a lucky man to have found the love of the royal witch.”

Ralph couldn’t quite understand the whole thing. He had been with Tara for so long, but she had never once brought up her royal lineage.

She understood Ralph’s confusion and said, “I always thought you were a lone wolf and hadn’t found your pack yet. In our witch customs, it is considered rude to ask someone of their pack time and again and to boast of your lineage. Samirah was my mother and she was married to Aguilera, the lord of the werewolves. I am their daughter.”

Ralph was amazed and saw how quickly the whole clan accepted her. He was delighted beyond words and he was even more touched by the kindness of her heart.

“I don’t even believe my luck as to how I stumbled upon you. You are a royal witch. Take my regards and respect, lady.”

“Come on, Ralph. I am still your Tara. My lineage and royal blood do not make me any different. I had chosen you for who you are and nothing changes between us. I am glad that your pack is also accepting me.”

She turned to the pack and said, “I don’t stay with my royal family. I stay alone and I have been practicing witchcraft for quite some time now. I am in love with Ralph and he loves me too. We made a life for each other and I know everything about the werewolves even before he told me. I would never betray any of you and I will impart a spell to strengthen the ties and it will help you be safe.

I would like to stay with Ralph and be with him for the rest of my life. However, the whole clan is invited to come to our home and socialize whenever you want to. I am willing to be a part of your pack too if you all agree to it. The combination of a witch and werewolf is extremely powerful and I can call my mates and help them strengthen the tie too so you could put a fight with the hunters.”

Andre smiled and bowed down again. “We are glad to have your support highness. When we have you by our side, we do not need to fear anything or anyone. You don’t need to seek any permission and you are free to do whatever you want. Ralph can stay with you and come and join us whenever he wants to.

We will need your blessings as we will try to fight the hunters. I am sorry for all the trouble you had to face.”

They spoke for some more time as Tara explained the details of her plan to strengthen the ties. Andre listened with rapt attention and agreed to her points. Once they had settled on everything, Ralph and Tara decided to go back to their home.

“You are a royal witch. Why did you choose an ordinary wolf like me, Tara? You even thought I was a lone wolf and you know how loners are looked down upon. You still didn’t flinch from picking me. Why?”

“Darling love doesn’t follow logic. If I chose you for your royal lineage or for your blood type, it wouldn't be love. When you love someone, you do so because they make your heart sing a song which you have never heard before and yet can’t stop humming. When you love someone, you see the best in them. Even when they get on your nerves, you can’t stop admiring them for who they are. I didn’t care if you were a lone wolf or a royal wolf, all I cared was the way you made me feel and how your kiss awoken my senses. I knew in a crowd full of people, my heart would always find you and call it the perfect home.”

Ralph looked in her deep blue eyes and he could see his reflection and how he belonged there. Yes, he felt like he had finally found his home. It is wrong to believe that a pack completes a werewolf. No matter who you are, whether you are a wolf, a witch or even a human, it is love and love alone that has the power to complete a person and give meaning to his/her life.

As the sun set in the backdrop, Ralph kissed Tara and he knew that he would happily kiss her all his life. He had found a reason to love and he promised to make love to her every morning on waking up and every night before heading to bed.

“Are you still going to keep your promise” Tara winked.

“The kitchen counter sex?”

“Of course!”

“You bet!”

The moment they entered their home, Ralph hungrily leaped on her body and undressed her by ripping her fabric apart. He wasted no time and got her undressed and then started gobbling her big breasts. He then carried her on her lap and placed her on the kitchen counter. The kitchen counter table was cold, but she felt all kinds of hot with Ralph’s body pressed to her.

He parted her legs and made circles on it. She could feel the buzz and she arched her legs even wider. This gave him all the room to bury his face inside her legs. He kept licking and tasting her soft flesh and left his own bite marks.

“Oh damn it, get in now” she screamed.

He climbed on the kitchen and pushed her a little backward. When he was on the top, he quickly positioned his dick and pushed it in. Tara screamed and held on to his sculpted back because the pleasure was out of the world. He let his tongue taste the pink soft flesh on the nipples and pushed harder and deeper in.

The moment he touched her most sensitive spot, she climaxed and he filled her inside and ejaculated in her vagina. As a witch, she knew that this was the moment.

“Ralph, our child is on the way,” she said and smiled.

Ralph danced in joy and kissed her one more time.








I’ve never been so scared in my life.


Sure, I’ve been through some frightening situations before. I was in a car wreck when I was in high school where the car actually rolled over four times and landed in a desolate desert ditch out in the middle of nowhere (Me and my friends were all incredibly luck, because where we crashed was literally the middle of nowhere. And while none of us were hurt except for a few bumps and bruises, we had a long walk back to civilization. Luckily a retired couple were camping in their travel trailer 800 yards from where we wrecked and called 911 when they saw us flip), I’ve been bullied by the biggest, meanest girl at my high school (Melanie Trapper, 6’2, 225 pounds of pissed off redneck, and for one reason or another she absolutely wanted to kick my ass the first quarter of my freshman year.  Once again, it was nothing but pure luck that she became distracted with tormenting one of her teachers and eventually got kicked out of school for beating her up). And, of course, I’ve gone through all the usual teenage girl scares like SAT’s, finals, the prom, etc. But I’ve never in a million years thought I would be actually in fear of my life, especially because I’m currently in the clutches of a monster.


Yeah, you heard me right, a monster.


Before you start in on me by telling me that things like monsters don’t exist, I’m hear to tell you that they do. By the way, so do aliens and flying saucers. So do multiverses and a whole bunch of other stuff that you’ve only read about in science fiction novels. I know because I’ve seen ALL of these things first hand, and couple of them up close and personal, including this 8 foot tall, fire breathing monster I’m currently hovering in front of like one of those junky remote control toy helicopters. The only difference between me and one of those things is that the monster is holding me in place with its mind and it about to turn me into atoms with its fiery breath.


What’s going to me even harder for you to believe is that this monster used to be my English teacher and that I was actually stupid enough to believe I could stop this creature single handedly and save planet Earth from complete destruction. Oh, and by the way, I’m doing this all because of a boy I’m crushing on … And the boy just so happens to be a nine-foot tall walking, talking stalagmite who can change himself into a human man.


No, you probably don’t believe any of this. But you know what, it doesn’t matter one bit what you think because you’re not the one who’s having to live through it. Or, you know, die. So just shut up and listen while I tell you how I ended up in this spot.



On February 9, 2015, the western half of the United States was treated to an intergalactic light show few human beings have ever witnessed. Astronomers the world over flocked to Southern California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada for the unique chance to see the heavens rain down in a spectacular array of color that would last for as long as four hours. These traveling scientists were not disappointed. The meteor shower lasted an astonishing 6 hours and at its peak, the western sky was streaked with so many tails of brilliant light that the night seemed to turn to day before their eyes.


But what all of the scientific community missed was a single meteorite that trailed away from the massive shower and rocketed through Earth’s atmosphere, and finally came crashing to the ground 30 miles north of Phoenix, Arizona. The area where the meteorite landed had been decimated the previous summer by a massive wildfire which burned 15,000 acres of desert and dry brush. Normally the area would have been heavily occupied by hunters tracking both deer and elk, but the ghost of the fire had driven off humans and wildlife alike, so there was no one or nothing there to witness the meteorite strike the ground or what emerged from it.


If there was either man or beast in that lonely, blackened field, they most likely would have believed they were hallucinating, because the thing which emerged from the blast zone resembled a giant walking slab of rock more than it did a man, but yet moved on two legs. The thing stretched its long arms and legs and appeared to be sniffing at the air like a hunting dog would. It did this for five minutes until its massive head turned south, its blue gaze narrowing with something resembling contempt.


“It’s here,” It said with a voice like distant thunder, and it began walking.






When I was in high school, the one thing that kept me from going completely crazy was the thought that one day in the very near future, I wouldn’t be in high school anymore. I wouldn’t have to put up with all the shallow boys and their over-masculine preening. I wouldn’t have to put up with stuck up girls—most of whom I’d known since grade school, and at one time weren’t all that stuck up—who did nothing but obsess about make-up, expensive clothes, and their weight. I wouldn’t have to put up with all of their insecurities and the meanness those insecurities inspired.


Every morning in high school as I looked into the mirror either brushing my teeth or hair, I would say to myself: “Sara, one day soon, you won’t be in high school anymore. One day very soon, you’ll be in college, and none of this will matter. High school will be nothing but a distant memory and everything will be different.”


I gave myself this little speech every morning, and for the most part, it worked. Of course, I had no idea that college would be almost exactly the same as high school, but on steroids.


Okay, so it’s not exactly the same. I’m 100 miles away from home, living in the dorms of Arizona State University, so obviously mom and dad aren’t here—and yes, I love and miss them, but I’m glad they’re down in Tucson. Although dad keeps talking about buying a weekend house up here, which I hope to god doesn’t happen— and none of the crappy kids I went to high school with are here. But they’ve been replaced by kids who might as well be their clones. So now my new mantra is: “Sara, one day you won’t be in college. One day you’ll be in the real world working your dream job (Whatever that is? I imagine I’ll figure it out in the next couple of years.), and college will be nothing but a distant memory…”


Of course, with my luck, the real world will just be another long, exhausting facsimile of both high school and college, and then I’m probably going to have a real problem with coming up with a new mantra. Or it will be something like this: “Sara, one day you’ll be able to retire, and then you can go and live on a desert island out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean…”


So maybe it isn’t all as bad as that? I think it’s because I’m in an entirely new situation where I really don’t know anybody and I miss my friends. Both Tamara and Shelly had wanted to enroll at ASU, but their grades weren’t exactly stellar, plus their folks weren’t into the overall cost of them living in the dorms, so they’re making them go to community college until they get their grades up. We text all the time, but I still miss them. And I’ll admit it, I miss mom and dad. Yes, they can both be a bit overbearing and a little too overprotective, but they are great, and I miss talking to my dad when something’s bothering me. I didn’t think I would, but I do. I miss his goofy jokes and his arm around my shoulders, telling me that everything would be okay.


But maybe—just maybe—I’m being a bit overdramatic and I’m not giving college enough of a chance, but I feel just so invisible here. Not that I didn’t in high school, but at least in high school I was just a small fish in a small pond. But here, I’m a tiny fish in a massive ocean, and thankfully no one really notices me: Not predators, not bigger fish, not even other teeny-tiny fish like me, and I think that’s what bothers me more than anything else. Absolutely no one notices me, not the girls and not the boys. Especially not the boys.


And honestly, at this point in my life, I want the boys to notice me. I mean, I’m not a bad looking girl. I’m not one of these skinny waif girls who look like they would blow away if they ever got caught in a wind storm. My dad always described me as “Rubenesque”, which is kind of a polite way of saying that I’m fat. But I’m not fat, I’m curvy, kind of like Marylyn Monroe, but my boobs are much, much bigger. I worked my ass off over the summer and went to the gym every day, so I burned off most of what you would describe as my “baby fat”. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never be the societal definition of skinny, but my figure will turn the right heads if I just put myself out there.


And I think that’s my biggest problem at the moment, I’m just not putting myself out there. I’m waiting for people to introduce themselves to me. I waiting for all these other tiny little fish to ask me over to their dorm room for a beer. Instead, I should probably just “man-up” and introduce myself.


So, my new mantra is: “Hi, my name is Sara … “I might sound like an idiot at first, but I’ve got to try something.

BOOK: ROMANCE: The Lion Wish (BBW Paranormal Lion Romance) (Paranormal Mystery Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)
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