ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance)
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“Nice job ladies,” Jax called out to them. Jax was herself quite an experienced fighter and had working with Trisha and Kylie a lot. You could tell from the way she smiled, Jax was really proud of the work the two of them had put into their training. Kylie touched gloves and helmets with Trisha which was the tradition after finishing a match to show respect for your opponent.

Kylie ran into Max though on the way to the woman’s change room feeling totally spent from the sparring match.

“Those where some nice rounds you guys put in there,” he said looking impressed. “Nice moves and a bit of power now I see.”

Kylie took off her head gear and said, “I always had the power, you just never took the time to watch.” She didn’t give him time to respond and walked straight over to the woman’s locker room, but she could hear him laughing a bit. Max and Kylie had developed this sort of teasing and flirty relationship. At first, it was Max that always started the banter but lately Kylie was also going out of her way to tease Max a bit when the two of them were working out at the same time.

“Careful you don’t break a nail hitting that thing,” she called over her shoulder when she was almost through the doorway to the shower. Kylie could hear all the other people training in the room let out a big “OOooooohh”, followed by Max telling everyone to knock it off.

After showering Kylie walked over to her usual locker which was right next to Trisha’s.

“Ohh man, you should really think about finding a new sparring partner,” Trisha said, “I’m getting a little tired of getting thrown around by you,” gingerly pulling her T-shirt over her head.

“Hey, it’s not like I don’t need a hot bath with some epsom salts tonight myself.”

As Trisha finished with her shirt and started pulling her hair back into a ponytail she said, “I saw Max and Jason both taking an interest in our fight again tonight. What ya think of that?”

Kylie brushed Trisha off with a smirking huff. Trisha was always talking to her about the guys in the gym. Trisha had a boyfriend, which also meant that she was constantly teasing and prodding Kylie about hooking up with one of the guys there. Kylie didn’t want to mix up sex with what she had going on in the gym, but she was also starting to realize she hadn’t been with anyone in a long time, and the hard bodies all around her all the time were starting to get more and more tempting every day.

“Two of the best fighters here at the gym people say,” Trisha continued on after she realized Kylie wasn’t going to take the bait and reply to her question. “Both of them are probably equal favorites to win the tournament this year people say. I wonder if that would also translate to the sheets as well.” After pausing another moment or two, “you know maybe their fighting styles match their fucking styles.”

Kylie couldn’t hold it in anymore and the two of them burst out laughing the sound echoing in the locker room.

Kylie had heard of this tournament and seen the posters for it all over the gym. Apparently, this tournament was a pretty big deal and had a pretty big cash prize making it worthwhile for people to train hard all year round to win it. Also, making the competition pretty fierce. Once a year, all the any fighters who train in the twenty or so gyms in L.A. are given the chance to try themselves out in a real MMA tournament. Anyone could do it if they wanted but everyone knew it was really only for the serious fighters. It wasn’t just for anyone. Only for those experienced enough and who trained hard and fought just as hard every chance they got. It was something Kylie thought about sometimes as she trained at Ultimate. The day she would sign up and face off in a real fight with a real opponent in front of her, but that wasn’t going to be for a while, if ever, she thought. It didn’t matter that much though she got enough from her training as it was.

Trisha waited for Kylie as she finished getting dressed. “Drinks tonight?” she asked.

“Of course, you know it’s Friday in this part of the world,” Kylie teased back at her.


Round 2*

One of the routines Kylie had gotten into that she really liked was letting loose on either Friday or Saturday night. She was young enough and living life again. Lately though, she started thinking a lot about how she hadn’t had sex since moving to Venice Beach, and was starting to think that she would just probably need to take someone home soon one of these nights or she was probably going to go a little insane from how horny she was feeling.

That night the two of them went to the usual after workout spot for people who went to the Ultimate Pro Elite Spartan gym. It was nothing much, just a little old neighborhood bar close to the beach called the Yacht Club. It was one of those sarcastic names since it was obvious that this bar wasn’t, and probably was never intended to be anything like you would expect from a Yacht Club. Part of the charm of living in a quirky area like Venice Beach were funny spots like this. It was clean though and it didn’t take Kylie long to get to know the bartenders and other regulars from the neighborhood. Trisha and Kylie came in and saw Max and Jason at the bar and sat down next to them.

Outside of the gym you couldn’t really think of a more unlikely pair than the two of them. Max was big and broad with more of a clean cut style to him but with tribal tattoos all over his arms that he showed off in the gym and by wearing a sleeveless shirt that night. Jason was certainly muscular but more lean than Max. All his tattoos were more classic with a 1950’s edge to them. He was wearing his standard tight jeans, black belt, and white shirt that he always wore. Everything about him just seemed to scream rock and roll. The two of them were friends though, and you would often find the two of them hanging out at the Yacht Club talking and laughing with each other and the bartenders. Most of the time hitting on whatever girls were around. They weren’t creeps at all because most girls were more than happy to get attention from either of them. They were hot guys. Kylie knew it from the moment she saw them at the gym, and the way she was feeling then Kylie was more than ready to take one of them home that night, which would make for some interesting locker room talk on Monday between her and Trisha. Kylie just didn’t know which one it would be.

There was something about that night. All four of them seemed ready to tie one on and it wasn’t long before they had gone through a few back and forth rounds of buying terrible tasting shots for the four of them. Soon the bar filled up and got loud as everyone in there started catching up to them. Through the night, Trisha found herself sitting next to Max, then sitting next to Jason and slowly but surely starting getting more hands on with both of them. Waiting for one of them to make a move.

Eventually, Kylie started to get a little frustrated and started thinking she was going to be heading home alone to her vibrator and a trashy book again. Things turned in an instant though.

Kylie sat in between them at the bar while both of them were turned away talking with someone else. Soon she felt a hand on her left thigh. Then she felt another on right. They both were touching her at the same time in a way that was no accident, and certainly not innocent. Both of them moving it closer to her inner thigh. She laughed a little as she reciprocated back to the two of them at the same time. Trisha and Kylie made eye contact and started laughing as Kylie slowly squeezed her legs together making both their hands touch. When the two guys felt the others knuckles they quickly looked over and though it didn’t register with Kylie, Max and Jason both flashed a look that was gone almost as soon as it was there. Something ferocious. Something that said back off, but it quickly melted into embarrassed laughter.

The whole thing might have just ended there, but it was Trisha who stepped in. Nobody seemed to complain or put up a fight at that point though. Although Trisha had already called her boyfriend to come pick her up, she ordered another round of Tequila.

“This round comes with a dare though,” she said, which was something people at the gym did to each other sometimes when buying shots. “I dare you guys to do a triple kiss.”

Jason quickly protested. “Come on, if I’m gonna do a triple kiss, you get in here. Triple kiss with Trisha and Kylie.”

Trisha stood her ground, though. “That can be your dare. This one’s mine.”

“Perfect, my dare can wait for when your boyfriend gets here so he can watch.”

To most people the comment could’ve been taken the wrong way, but everyone knew Jason was friends with Trisha’s boyfriend so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Everyone burst out laughing, but as the laughter died down Trisha just stood there with her arms crossed and an eyebrow cocked.

“Well? I believe there is a dare on the table here still.”

The kiss was awkward as could be, a lot of nose bumping and a lot of spit. But Kylie liked it more than she thought she would. It went on a whole lot longer than she’d expected. She liked Jason’s hand on her right side, Max’s on her left. She liked both of their faces close when she snuck her eyes open. Max’s eyes stayed closed, but Jason watched her. Quirked an eyebrow.

She laughed and the kiss broke.

The dares didn’t continue as Trisha’s boyfriend showed up and laughed at how drunk the four of them together were.

“Wow, you guys did it up tonight.”

Trisha was draping herself all over her boyfriend obviously ready get home and tear his clothes off. Maybe just pass out.

Kylie didn’t know how she felt anymore as well. After Trisha and her boyfriend left though the bar was still really full and Max and Jason were on either side of Kylie. Now their bodies pushed right up against her. Their bodies sandwiched her and the movements of the crowd caused them to rub and grind her between them. None of them moved though, and Kylie took turns looking up at the two of them who were equally staring down at her with lust in their eyes.

“Check please!” Kylie called to the bartender putting a hand on Max and Jason’s chests.

“And one more round of Tequila,” Max called out.


Kylie didn’t know what changed or what was going on, but there was no doubt in her mind that she couldn’t choose between them. She wanted them both. If they were willing to share her.

Later on, she found herself leading them up the stairs to her studio apartment, where Rosie met them with incessant barking. Kylie reached up to the liquor cabinet over the fridge, questing for more tequila. Her sweater rode up, and she felt strong, masculine hands on her skin. She didn’t know whose they were and the thrill electrified her every nerve. She leaned back into him and let him pull her hair to the side and kiss her neck. His hands slid to her hips.

To Kylie’s delight, a second pair of hands found her. She let her eyes close, not particularly wanting to know who did what, which sensations were generated by which man.

Someone carried her to her unmade bed—she really hadn’t expected to come home with anyone tonight!—and they descended on her, ferrying her away to a shocking orgasm.

It was dark in her room and through the whole experience it was like she wasn’t herself anymore. Wasn’t in her body anymore, but just part of a meeting of mouths, hand and fingers, tongues leaving wet traces on skin, her hand stroking a massive erection, her mouth sliding over a cock as another moved to penetrate her wet pussy. They were a mass of moans and pleasure, and it was hard for Kylie to separate the moments where one orgasm ended and another one started to build. She could remember the sound of condom wrappers, but she also knew what she was like when she had sex while pretty drunk. She knew she’d want to feel all of them. Every stroke and every drop. Everything they could give her.


Round 3*

When Kylie woke up the next morning she saw the Jason passed out at the food of her bed still naked. She could see all his tattoos now and started rummaging around her room to find some clothes so she could take Rosie out. Her head was pounding, but Rosie needed to get out. Max seemed to have found his boxer shorts last night and had passed out on her couch. Kylie didn’t remember much of the details about what happened after they started, other than it felt amazing. She smirked to herself as she zipped up her light jacket. “No regrets on my part,” she thought as she stepped outside, but wondered how Max and Jason would be seeing each other when they both woke up. She didn’t get the chance to see though as both of them had somehow grabbed their clothes and taken off while she was on her walk with Rosie.

While leaving the house, before she came back to find Max and Jason gone, Kylie realized there would be no running this time, and most likely no workout today as well. The hangover was starting to take over her body already, which made her think about her body. She thought briefly about the consequences of the natural act the three of them had just done. She couldn’t even remember if both of the guys had finished inside of her that night though, but given the way they went at it she was pretty sure they both did. But she was on the pill so she told herself that everything was just fine. And her new life continued on.


Round 4*

Now, sitting in her bathroom, the very bed visible through the open door, she contemplated the pregnancy test. She had to tell them. She flirted with the idea of saying it was someone else, a guy from back in San Francisco…but it wasn’t the right thing to do. She’d just let them know what was up, she was going to keep it, she didn’t want anything from them. She could do this on her own, the way her mother had, with Kylie when her father died. Although Kylie wasn’t a baby then, it didn’t matter. She was strong. She could do this, but she still had to tell them.

BOOK: ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance)
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