Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance
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Colin wanted to laugh at Tamra’s face. She looked truly as if she were a deer in the headlights.  Her eyes were almost bugging out. He hadn’t thought the question a difficult one.


“How about I ask you a specific question and you can answer or not?”


“Uh, okay.”


“This isn’t truth or dare. I’m not going to ask you something embarrassing. And you can ask me a question back. About anything.”


She blinked. “Okay.”


“What’s your favorite color?”


Seemed like an innocuous question to Colin. He glanced at Roger, who was looking at Tamra.


“Green, I guess.”


His gaze went back to Tamra, whose focus seemed to be on her food. Clearly, she didn’t like revealing parts of herself. “You guess?”


She twisted her napkin in her hands. “Well, I haven’t really thought about it. Too busy doing other things.”


“Okay. Now ask me something.”


She blinked again and looked like she had no idea. Her mouth moved, but no sound came out. She was a tough woman, but somehow he’d reduced her to this. The doorbell rang out through the house.


“Saved by the bell,” Colin said.




Tamra sprang into action. “Stay here.”



She left and returned a few minutes later with a young woman laden down with fabric. “Hi, I’m Belle Blend the freelance designer. I’d shake your hand, but mine are full.”


Colin rose. “We can work in here or in the living room. Well, one of them at least. I think this house has at least two.”


“Wherever you want. Might be easier to lay stuff out on this table once it is cleaned.”


“Right away,” Colin said. He and Roger whisked the dishes away, leaving Tamra standing there.


When they returned, she said, “I still need your schedule.”


Roger piped up. “As soon as we’re done here I can give it to you.”


“You want to stay and watch?” Colin said.


She shook her head then scurried back to the kitchen. Roger laughed. “You really like picking on her.”


“She’s so buttoned down that I can’t help trying to get a reaction. I know it’s childish, but it’s fun.”


He stared at the door to the kitchen, hoping she’d come back, but she didn’t.


Roger entered the kitchen as Tamra did her work. He snagged a Diet Coke from the refrigerator.


“You need one?”


“No thanks. You guys done in there?”


“Yes, we are. Let me get my laptop and I’ll give you his schedule.”


Roger returned and Tamra had her calendar open. Easiest just to put it there, then figure out the logistics. Hopefully not too many trips out.


Colin came into the kitchen. He snagged a Diet Coke, then leaned against the counter drinking it.

She couldn’t help noticing his sleek throat as he swallowed the liquid. Why were men’s throats so attractive?


Was it the Adam’s apple? The muscles in them? Tamra wasn’t sure, and  she didn’t know why she was noticing this on Colin.


Was it because as much as that kiss disturbed her, it had been a good kiss? An expert kiss for sure. Bet he lost track of how many women he’d kissed in his lifetime.


“Is Roger coming back?” Colin asked.


He startled her out of her musings and that made her wonder what look was on her face. Lunch had been enlightening. No divas. Colin seemed to be a down to earth kind of guy.


Who happened to have a million adoring fans.

“Uh, yes. He’s giving me your calendar.”

“That’s good, because I have to reschedule Docta Hop.”

“Docta Hop?”

Sounded like an ointment you get on the internet.

“The best-selling hip hop artist. You’ve never heard of him.”

“Not really a music person.”

He swirled the can of soda, his head cocked. “Can I ask you something?”

“Seems to be the day for questions.”

“Had you heard of me before you were hired?”

Not one to stroke anyone’s ego, Tamra answered. “No.”

Colin laughed. “Okay. Thanks for that blunt answer.”

“You asked a question. I believe in honesty.”

He nodded. “Then I’ll be honest. I find you attractive.”

Tamra didn’t know how to respond to that at first. “Am I supposed to fall at your feet?”


Colin laughed even harder. “That would take the fun out of the pursuit.”




“The wooing of you.”


She blinked. Was this guy serious? She’d shown him nothing but her business persona. Why? “You’re going to woo me? Don’t bother.”


“Oh, but that makes me want to do it more.”


“Are you a child? Because really, I wish you wouldn’t.”


In some ways, Colin was used to getting what he wanted, but none of it had been handed to him. He was willing to work and he was also willing to be upfront with Tamra. Even at the risk of her leaving the case.


If she did, he’d find another way. The pursuit would be easier if she were under the same roof. He had enough of an ego to not fear putting himself out there, either.


She could reject him. He expected her to, but that didn’t stop him. Not in the way of a stalker. He was more subtle than that. Well, sometimes. Telling her he found her attractive had not been subtle, but oh well.


“I’m not a child. I’m willing to work for something. I’ve worked for everything I have. I’ll put in the time and do my best to court you and woo you or whatever you need.”


“How is that not like a stalker?”


He smiled. “Are you afraid of me?”




“Then I’m not a stalker. If you ever think I’m being one, you call me on it and I’ll back off. That will be the end.”


“What if I don’t want to be pursued?”


“It isn’t like you’re a gazelle and I’m a lion. I’m going to romance you. Make you feel special.”


Her face screwed up. “Romance me? Not sure I need that.”


“Does that mean we can go right to bed?”


Her eyes bugged out again and he laughed.


“I’m just kidding Tamra, but I did want to put you on notice. I have my sights set on you and I think we’d be good together.”


“What if our involvement causes me to lose sight of protecting you?”


“Au contraire. I think you being with me will make you want to protect me even more.”


She pressed her lips together. He wasn’t winning her over in this conversation, but that was okay. “I’m not interested.”


“Then just let me have some fun romancing you.”


She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

“I want to take you somewhere tonight.”

“I need to know these things in advance.”

“Not a public place. You’d probably have a stroke if you just jumped into my public life. No, my penthouse in New York City.”


“I pick the driver.”

“He’s my cousin, Tamra. No need to worry about him. It’s settled. We’ll have dinner at my place. I’ll order in. Look, I want to sleep there tonight as I have to pick up something from the fragrance company. I have a private meeting. Back doors and all.”


He knew she couldn’t argue. “Okay, but don’t make any other appointments without clearing it with me.”



Roger chose that moment to enter the kitchen. Tamra would have liked for him to be there sooner, but she bet that he was waiting outside. How often did he encounter his employer with a woman?


Did they have a signal? A tie on the door. She doubted that in this case. Roger was just an astute guy.


He sat down next to her then opened his laptop. “So, sweetie. How far out do you want?”


“A week. Hopefully by then we’ll have this stalker sorted out.”


“You sound so positive,” Colin said.


He leaned on the counter. Today he wore a shirt with buttons and she could see down his chest and the smattering of hair that was there. She tore her gaze away. Why was she suddenly noticing these things about him?


Why was her libido on overdrive?


She swallowed and then cleared her throat, looking at Roger. He had a smirk on his face. Had he noticed her looking at Colin?


“Don’t you have something to do?” Roger said to Colin.


“Yes I do. I have to make some arrangements for tonight. I’ll be sleeping at the penthouse tonight. Can you meet me in the city tomorrow at the fragrance company? I want your input.”


“Sure thing.”


Colin left, and Tamra resisted the urge to watch him walk away his nice butt on display.


“He’s a good guy,” Roger said.




“He’s a good guy. Fame has not changed him much at all.”


“Okay. That’s significant. Why?”


“Because, honey, when I walked in the sexual tension in the air almost choked me.”


She shook her head. “There isn’t anything going on.”


“Oh, there will be. Colin is irresistible.”


“Well I’m sure I can resist him.”


Roger laughed. “You go on thinking that.”



Colin spent a few minutes making arrangements for the evening. He wanted a nice romantic spread for Tamra, but not one that was over the top. He’d bet that she wasn’t one for girly stuff. Considering she could probably take him down, he didn’t want to piss her off.


No, this would be subtle. Candles and a lovely view of Manhattan. Along with take-out.


He wouldn’t have time to cook tonight, but her favorite chef would.


Next time he’d invite the chef to make the meal. He liked having money. Life was easier in some ways.


He listened with one ear as Tamra and Roger compared schedules. He’d have to get one from Roger also. He had no idea what he was doing after tomorrow. He would need to know so he could reschedule Docta Hop.


This album was not going to record itself and he really wanted this to be good. This was his product. He’d never put out a bad one so his collaboration with the Docta was crucial. Otherwise he’d have no credibility in the hip hop world as a white kid from Ireland.

With the details set, he wandered back to the kitchen. “Well leave in half an hour. Is that enough time?”


Tamra nodded, but her attention was on Roger. “So, the shoot is here?”


“Yes, we decided since this wasn’t really his home it would be okay. Colin doesn’t like strangers in his house.”


“He was eager for me to be here.”


Then she put a hand over her mouth as if she wished she hadn’t said that. He would bet that if she could, she’d be blushing..


“I think I covered that part earlier,” Colin said. “You staying here tonight, Roger? Want me to send the car out for you?”

BOOK: Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance
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