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Authors: Sammie J

Rock the Viper (4 page)

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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Noah says something and I catch the name Peppa. He then takes my hand and shakes it and mentions a phone call. I’m suddenly shoved from behind and my body comes in contact with Peppa's, her hand comes to rest on my chest and then a lightning bolt, that’s the only way I can describe it, hits me. I feel it pass between the three of us, and I witness Peppa's body shiver. I look down at myself for some sort of clue, that’s when my dick decides to join in this little party and I find myself rock hard. I look between Peppa and Noah and they look as confused as I do. Then the pressure at my back moves away as I hear someone shouting at the crowd to move back.

Peppa moves her hand away from my chest and whatever just passed between the three of us is lost. My eyes focus on Peppa and she looks scared as she looks between Noah and myself for answers we don't have. She mutters an apology and pushes past me, that’s when the smell of her arousal hits me. I watch her run for the exit and a part of me wants to follow her but I have no idea why. I only met this woman about ten minutes ago yet something about her calls out to me.

I look at Noah, who looks shocked and is frozen to the spot, and I take in the conversation Jacob is having with him. I hear Noah’s thoughts come back to him when his brain tells him he needs a drink. I oddly find myself drawn to him but shake myself mentally of that thought and say thanks again and march away for the back room where Cruz and Saul will be waiting for me.

I can see Saul is desperate to feed again after being cooped up with all those humans. I agreed to go with him because my sexual needs were in overdrive, and blood and sex was what I craved right now. Cruz decides to leave us to it and drives the van home.

It doesn’t take long for Saul to find a drunken woman and he offers to share her with me. He looks into her eyes and tells her she will feel no pain and he bites and sucks on her neck. I watch as the blood trickles down from the bite wound and I lick my lips anticipating her taste. I move my body closer into her and I run my tongue along the vein that pulsates in her neck. I open my mouth to bite her but when the smell of her blood hits my nostrils it repulses me and I quickly step away.

Saul stops sucking and looks over at me and frowns. I come out with some bullshit that I'm not hungry and he looks at me concerned. I leave him to continue feeding and I walk back home. I'm thinking to myself,
what the hell was that about, that has never happened to me before. What kind of vampire am I if I'm repulsed by blood?
I remember what happened in the pub with Peppa and Noah and started to wonder if this is all connected.

Chapter 4  (PEPPA)


I watch as Jacob starts to push people back and shouts at everyone to move away and I feel Juan and Noah move slightly because of this. I look back down at myself as the energy circles through my body and finally settles between my legs and I feel that familiar tingle. The feeling of all this power is causing me to be turned on. It's like invisible hands are touching and rubbing me in all the right places. My body starts to react, my legs shake and I swear I’m about to cum. That's when I move my hands away from them both and the connection that was there suddenly evaporates. I feel myself blush from head to toe with embarrassment at being turned on by someone I just met and someone I have disliked for years. I need to get out of here and I find myself saying sorry and running away from the situation.

I make it to Monica’s car and put my hands on the roof to steady myself and lower my head down to the cold surface to rest on it.

“Omg omg.” I find myself saying over and over again.

I jump out of my skin when a voice comes from behind me, “Peppa are you okay?”
Oh god he’s the last person I want to talk to.
I turn to face Jacob and he steps in closer to me.

He points a finger back to the pub, “What was that all about back there?”

I feel the tears start to roll down my cheeks as the emotions from what just happened sink in and I reply with, “I have no idea.”

He reaches out to touch me. I can see the hesitation there but his arms reach out for me and he pulls me into him for a hug.

He holds me like we are lovers again and lets me cry on his shoulder. He rubs his hand up and down my back whispering that everything will be okay and then the whispers turn personal. “I miss you Peppa. I still want you. Please take me back.”

He places a soft kiss to my neck. I try and pull away but his hold on me gets tighter, his lips then find mine and he kisses me, his tongue starts probing my mouth for entry. I stand there dumbstruck and finally come to my senses and push him off me. I can see the hurt look on his face but at that moment I don't care, it's over between us and he had no right to take advantage of me.

“What the hell Jacob, why did you do that?”

He looks down at the floor and then back up at me, “Oh shit, I don't know ….holding you again brought the old feelings back. I still love you Peppa, I never stopped, please consider taking me back.”

My stomach turns over with repulsion, “Jacob...I ... I don't feel the same I'm sorry.”

I watch as he clenches his fists and I can see I have made him angry as his face reddens and he spits out, “Are you going to fuck Noah? No, don't answer that and stay away from Juan. I don't know what went down with the three of you but it looked very cozy from where I was standing. Juan doesn't need someone like you, he is about to hit it big time and can have any woman he wants.” He looks me up and down and a sneer comes across his face. “And why would he want you anyway?” he turns away from me and walks back to the pub.

I slide down the car and my ass hits the gravel hard, but I don't care about the pain it causes, what Jacob said to me plays over and over in my head and I find myself crying yet again.

Someone sits down next to me and I know who it is from the smell of her perfume she puts an arm around my shoulder and says, “Peppa are you okay?”

I look up at Monica and with a weak smile on my face I answer truthfully, “I will be.”

She brushes the hair away from my face, “Do you want to talk about it?”

I let out a little laugh, “To be honest with you Monica, I have no idea what happened tonight, it's all too weird to even get straight in my head right now.”

She starts to stand up, “Are you ready to go home?”

I look up at her, “Yes, more than ready.”

She offers me a hand and I take it and she helps me to my feet. She puts her car key in the passenger door, opens it for me and I get in and wait for her to get in the other side.

As she sits I ask her, “Is Lara coming with us?”

“No, she told me Noah is dropping her off later. You should have seen her flirting with the band. She is such a tart and can hardly stand from all the alcohol she has consumed.” She starts the car up and pulls away from the pub.

I don't want to think any more about what happened tonight and I block it from my mind for the time being. I hate the silence so I ask Monica if she met any of the band.

“Oh Peppa! I only had a glimpse at Saul and Juan, but Cruz shook my hand and talked to me. He is and oh boy his eyes. I melted.”

I settle down in the seat and let Monica carry on talking while I try and nod in all the right places as I pretend to listen. She drops me off and promises to pop around at the weekend to talk.

As I walk in the house, I head straight for the shower, once under the water I stand there and let the water flow over me. I close my eyes and the images of Juan and Noah enter my head. I'm so confused about what went on between the three of us and the feelings that brings with it. It scares me because I now find myself attracted to these men and I don’t know why. And then, what Jacob said to me sneaks into my head. He's right about one thing, “Juan would never want me.” I get out the shower when the water turns cold, dry myself, and I walk out of the bathroom to head to my room.

What I see leaves me dead in my tracks. Noah is helping a very drunk and slurring Lara into her room. He stops what he is doing when he spots me and we hold eye contact with each other. I feel a little sizzle of the same energy that was there earlier tonight and I suddenly find myself struggling to breathe. Lara sounds her protest and Noah looks back at her and carries on helping her into the room and I make a quick dash for mine, I open the door, walk in and lock it. I lean my forehead on the door and try and catch my breath to work out these sudden feelings I'm having for Noah.
How can I go from disliking him to suddenly wanting to jump his bones?
I hear him close Lara's door and then his footsteps stop outside my door, but it's not long before he is on the move and I hear the front door close and let out the breath I was holding in. I push myself away from the door, head for my bed and climb in. I close my eyes and hope that sleep comes to me, but I have a feeling it's going to be a long night.

Chapter 5  (NOAH)


I walk back to my car after putting my drunken sister to bed. She made a right tit of herself tonight by throwing herself at each of the band members. I'm going to have to have a conversation with her about the way she behaved and her drinking. I know it's not going to be pretty. I press the button on my keys and hear the beep that tells me my car is unlocked. I climb in and adjust my dick before I sit. It's getting a bit uncomfortable in my trousers, as my dick is still hard from the sight of Peppa in a towel. I couldn't take my eyes off her, I wanted to go over take her in my arms, kiss her stupid and take her to bed. I seriously have no idea where those thoughts came from. But my sister needed me. So I dragged Lara to her bed and put her on it. I turned to the door and watched as Peppa’s shadow walked past and listened to her door shut. I made sure Lara was comfortable and walked out of the room. I came to a stop outside Peppa's door and I raised my hand to knock but then had second thoughts. What was I supposed to say? I don't know what the hell happened tonight and by the look on her face before she ran out the pub, I don't think she knew either. So I leave.

Sitting there in the car I think back to earlier in the night. Lara walks over to the table where I’m sat with Jacob and a red head he bought and paid for from some escort agency, whose name escapes me. This is the third time he has used the agency for a date and it's bewildering to me why he would stoop so low. Lara was on her own, which was very unusual for her, as her friends Peppa and Monica were never far behind. She takes a seat next to me, puts her elbows on the table and rests her head in her hands and lets out a huff then opens her mouth to speak.

“Why do women worry so much over men? No don't answer that, move on that's what I say. You men do it all the time. Peppa is testing my patience tonight.”

I chuckle to myself as I think it's probably the other way round as Lara can be very testing herself. I ask her, “Talking of Peppa, where is she tonight?”

She reaches over for my drink and brings it to her lips, takes a sip and places it back in front of me, “Still in the car refusing to come in because of him.” She points her finger in the direction of Jacob.

I raise an eyebrow, “I thought you said she was over him?”

“She said she is, I don't get her, and she is being such a child about this.” She shrugs her shoulders, gets up and walks over to the bar.

Since I saw a half naked Peppa a few months back, I have started to look at her more. Jacob was stupid for letting her go. He let work take over his life and started to ignore her more and more, so she ended it. I knew he was still in love with Peppa, as he would tell me often when he was drunk. I made my way over to Lara to get another drink for myself, and she does her annoying finger wave to someone across the room. I turn my head to look and see Peppa at the other end of the bar and the image of her standing in her underwear flashes through my mind and a smile spreads across my face.

I turn away from her as Jacob gets my attention by tapping me on the shoulder. He lets me know he's going back stage to see if Viper is ready to go on, and I get myself ready to do my little speech. I noticed the stage door open. So I walk to the front, speak into the microphone and introduce Viper to the crowd. I watch the audience as the lads rock the place, the crowd go wild and you could tell they really loved them. I think to myself
, it doesn't take a genius to work out these lads are going to be huge, they have the looks and their music is different.

As they exit the stage all three try and make their way over to the table, but get mobbed along the way. I have a little talk with Cruz, he seems nice enough, but I can tell he is the brains behind the band and he has a ruthless streak about him. Monica pushes her way through the crowd and slides up to my side. She looks up at me and smiles,

“Hi Noah, the band was amazing tonight. Any chance you can introduce me?” She flutters her eyelashes at me and I laugh.

“No Peppa?” I say, as I take a look around waiting for her to walk through the crowd at any minute.

Monica shakes her head, “No, she didn't want to come over because of Jacob.”

I put an arm around her shoulder, “Breakup's are hard but she is being silly. Anyway, who do you want me to introduce you to first?”

She looks around and her eyes stop on Cruz and I laugh, “Come on. I will take you over to meet him.” She smiled at me and pushed her way through the crowd, as she couldn't get over there fast enough.

After I left the two of them talking, I looked back over at Peppa and saw she was on her own, so I decided to go over and say hello. She has been standoffish with me for years. I would make sure I was always polite and I often enjoyed winding her up by flirting. I decided to flirt with her tonight by using some comment about what underwear she was wearing, which didn't go down well. For some reason tonight made me ask why she hated me, and when she told me the story of Lara's fourteenth birthday, well, I was shocked. I couldn't believe she let that incident get to her all these years and because of that she has always disliked me. Okay, having your tits exposed to all your friends and for them to laugh at you wasn't ideal, but, it wasn't like I did it on purpose. I decide the best thing to do is apologize. I don't get far as Juan comes over to relay a message from Cruz.

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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