Roar Lover Roar: BBW Shape Shifter Mail Order Bride Romance & Paranormal Erotica Part 1 (Shifter Mail-Order Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Roar Lover Roar: BBW Shape Shifter Mail Order Bride Romance & Paranormal Erotica Part 1 (Shifter Mail-Order Romance)
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              “You wear too many clothes,” he complained, continuing his trail of kisses down her collarbone.

              “Empowered, Ameera replied, “Remove them, then.” He needed no further instruction than that. Rising to his knees, he unlaced her boots and carefully removed her socks, not wanting to tickle her. He kissed the inside arch of her foot as his hands gently slid her jeans and panties away from her hips. When they were completely off, he tossed them to the side, not caring where they landed. Lastly, he peeled away her shirt, revealing her ample breasts in a white satin pushup bra.

              “You are so beautiful,” he murmured, pulling her up so that he could reach the clasp behind her back. When she was completely naked, he drank her in, taking all of her soft curves and gentle dips. There was no doubt in his mind that she was made for him.

              Her nails bit tiny crescent moons into his forearms, urging him to kiss her again. He obeyed, but only for a short time. Soon his curiosity got the best of him and he dipped his head to taste her breasts. Her small, dark nipples twisted into tiny peaks as he drew them one by into his mouth, taking long, slow pulls.

              Not able to take much more, she reached her hand down between his legs to start massaging his hard, throbbing shaft. He groaned in approval, using his teeth to gently nibble the tender flesh that was her areola. Ameera’s hand was becoming more incessant, stroking him harder and faster until he had to reach down and stop her.

              “Easy, Luv. If you keep doing that I’ll spill.”

              She smiled up at him deviously. “I wouldn’t mind.”

              Her wickedness played with his heart. She really wouldn’t mind making him come early if it meant bringing him that pleasure. But he had so many things he wanted to do to her first. Taking her wrists, he pinned them above her head.

              “Stay still,” he instructed, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Before she could ask what for, his head ducked between her legs. He threw her legs onto his shoulders and held her in place as he dipped his tongue into her the first time. Ameera moaned loudly, arching her back in ecstasy. At his first taste he lapped wildly, taking in as much of her sweet honey as possible. He became frenzied, wanting more from her. It took him several minutes before he could calm himself enough to slow down and find a rhythm for her enjoyment.

              When he did, Ameera let him know it. Her soft moans had turned into loud, keening cries; his tongue delved rhythmically into her most tasty places. Her hips bucked in time with his tongue, guiding him to where she wanted him to go. It didn’t take long.

              Ameera’s breath became short and quick as he thighs began to tremble.

              “Marcus, I’m-“ she breathed as she felt her orgasm come rushing through her. Her hot come splashed over her inner thighs and into his waiting mouth. Marcus moaned in delight as his tongue dove to catch it all.

              She was still breathless when he brought his head up to kiss her. He nestled himself between her legs. Looking into her eyes, he waited, poised silently for her approval.

              “Please,” she begged, pulling his head down to hers for another deep kiss. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she pulled his hips forward until his tip rested at her open passage.

              Not needing any more approval, Marcus thrust his hips forward, sliding tightly into her wetness. Ameera’s nails dug deeply into his back as he slid almost entirely back out, then slowly back in again. She felt so deliciously tight and sweet that he wanted to give up control and ravage her. And he would. Later. But for now, he needed to make love to her; needed to claim her.

              Ameera accepted each thrust of his cock graciously. Biting her bottom lip, she was hardly able to hold in her constant moans of pleasure as Marcus began to take her faster, sending thousands of erotic shockwaves into her luscious body.

              Marcus could feel her walls tightening around his cock, and knew she was about to come again.

              “Oh yes,” he groaned through gritted teeth, “come for me again, Luv.” Before she could reply, he mashed his lips into hers.

              Ameera plunged her fingers into his hair, holding his mouth to hers. As his lips opened for her, she slipped her tongue in, tasting him. Marcus was dizzying to her. He tasted like everything she had ever wanted, and as they reached their ecstasy together, she could feel the truth. The truth that she was meant to be his, and he was meant to be hers.

              They rested, fused together for several moments before Marcus gently pulled himself out of her. Turning on his side, he opened his arms so Ameera could nestle up to his chest. Her hand ran lazy tracks up and down his back, making him shiver deliciously. He didn’t realize that he had made a sound until he heard Ameera giggle.

              “What’s so funny?” He asked, opening his eyes.

              “You really are part cat,” she responded, smiling.

              He lifted his head, confused. “What do you mean?”

              “You purr.”

              He looked at her, horrified. “I most certainly do not!”

              “Oh, really?” She began lightly scratching his again. He held her gaze with a straight face as long as he could before the small pleasure stole over his body.

              “Damn you, Woman,” he cursed, dropping his head and gave in; letting out a long, loud purr.









              William could tell as soon as he entered the cave that something was different. Though Marcus and Ameera were fully clothed and awake, he could scent the remnants of their lovemaking. Not just that, but he could sense the imprint. Ameera now officially belonged to Marcus, and he officially belonged to her.

              “Well I suppose congratulations are in order,” he said as he entered the main cave. He had gone out to hunt and came back with three rabbits and rattlesnake. The pride did their best to only hunt the animals that were over populated, not wanting to draw attention to themselves. It was only on special occasions that they took down a kangaroo or a dingo.

              “Unfortunately,” he continued as he began to skin the dead animals, “there is no champagne. Fresh meat will have to do.”

              Ameera rose from the blankets, smiling. “That sounds fabulous. I’m starving. Can I help with anything?”

              “If you could start a fire, that would be great,” he instructed, his voice full of appreciation. “I gathered some dry wood in the outer cave. Let me know if you need any help.”

              After Ameera disappeared to work on the fire, Marcus stood up to approach William.

              “She’s forgiven you, I see,” stated William.

              Marcus looked towards the entrance, watching her shadow dance back and forth.

              “Thankfully so,” he responded, picking up a knife and a rabbit to help William.

              “So what are we going to do now?”

              It was a good question, one that Marcus didn’t have an answer to. She was his now, by their law. But he knew that even that wouldn’t stop Raja. He was desperate for a mate, even though he knew their laws didn’t work that way. At one time they were friends, but as the years of loneliness went by, he witnessed his friend slowly go insane. It happened sometimes, when one couldn’t find their mate in time. Now he was afraid that even if Raja did the one that was meant to be his, he would be too far gone to give her the honor she would deserve.

              In all honesty, he was worried that Raja would start a war. If that’s what it came to, though, he would let it happen if it meant keeping Ameera safe. Once he finished skinning the rabbit, he looked up a William and realized that he was still waiting for an answer. Marcus simply shrugged.

              “We will have to play it by ear for now. After we eat, we will finish the journey to the Pride and begin our wedding ceremony. I want her to meet the rest of our family and see how we live when we are lion.

              William began to respond in agreement when they sensed it. Raising their noses to the air, they confirmed what they feared. A tiger was close, crawling into the cave.

              “Get Ameera,” Marcus commanded.             




              Ameera shifted uncomfortably, pushing small twigs into the fire she had just kindled. Something didn’t feel right. She rose to her feet, about to go to Marcus when he and William came striding through the larger cave.

              Marcus wrapped her in his arms, kissing her quickly. “William is going to get you out of here. Once you’re outside, he’s going to shift. Get on his back and hold on, he’s going to be running fast.”

              What’s happening?” she asked, a tremor of fear running through her.

              “The tiger’s have found us. There’s no more time, you must go.”

              He kissed her one more time before he handed her over to William. He watched them disappear down the passage of tunnels before he turned to the main entrance. Seconds later, the tiger came crawling through the small space. Marcus shifted quickly, pouncing on the intruder before he could get up. The tiger snarled, twisting wildly on its back.

              The fight was over quickly. Marcus had him pinned. He roared loudly, his voice echoing off of the stone walls. The tiger needed no more persistence from him, and he shifted. It was one of the twins from last night. Marcus shifted, but kept him pinned.

              “Do you have a death wish, boy?” he asked, giving the scared young man a good shake.

              “No! Please, I’m begging you to listen. It’s Raja. He’s gone completely insane. Last night in an outrage he fought and killed two of our kind. I’m worried for my safety. For my brother’s safety. We want to leave and join your pride.”

              Stunned, Marcus let him up. The boy scrambled to his feet, but made no move to attack. He really was just a young man afraid for his life.

              Marcus searched his memory, looking for a sign that anything like that was even possible. “That’s never- I mean, from what I can remember, one clan of shifter has never absorbed another. We’ve always been separate. “

              “I know,” the young man agreed, “but that doesn’t mean that it should never be. Our mother and father died when we were young. Our uncle shipped us here to be part of Raja’s clan. We’ve always lived under someone’s rule for protection. But now it’s becoming dangerous to even to do that. You saw Raja last night. There wasn’t a trace of sanity left in his eyes. He would have let us die if you weren’t a kinder man.”

              “What’s your name, boy?”

              “I am Antonio, and my Brother’s name is Keelan. He’s outside, waiting for me to return.”

              Marcus walked past him and climbed through the small tunnel to the outside. Just as he said, Keelan was sitting by the trunk of a tree, his face full of anticipation and fear. He jumped to his feet when he saw that it was Marcus, and not Antonio emerging.

              “Easy, son,” Marcus said in a low, level tone. He turned his head towards the cave entrance. “Antonio, will you join us please?” A moment later Antonio popped his head through the small hole and wiggled out.

              Seeing his brother was safe, Keelan relaxed visibly.

              “Now listen, I cannot promise you that my pride will take you in with open arms. It’s highly unlikely, actually. Two clans have never merged before, it’s going to take time,” he warned. “ I will instruct them not to harm you, but you still have to be on your toes.”

              Not all of his pack was like Marcus. While he was a shifter, he was also a fully functioning member of human society. He had several lions that shared the same lifestyle as he did, preferring to live in house and with electricity. But a large portion of the pride still preferred to stay in jungle, living as a lion the majority of their time. They would be the ones less inclined to strangers.

              “We can handle it,” Keelan stated. Antonio nodded in agreement, resting his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

              “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Marcus quipped. “If you’re sure, then let’s be on our way. You frightened my new bride, and I would like to catch up to her to assure her that everything is all right. For now.”






















              Ameera stretched, feeling the gracious pull of her muscles as they were given reprieve. It was a hard run atop of a lion. By the time they had reached the outskirts of the pride’s homeland, her muscles and joints were sore from being so stiff. When Marcus had explained to her that some of the shifters preferred to stay in lion form, she still pictured small huts in a hidden village. That is not what she found. What she walked into was an all and out lion den. Several large lions jumped up, growling at her as William approached. An intense roar tore from William’s throat when one came too close.

BOOK: Roar Lover Roar: BBW Shape Shifter Mail Order Bride Romance & Paranormal Erotica Part 1 (Shifter Mail-Order Romance)
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