Read Rise: A Gay Fairy Tale Online

Authors: Keira Andrews,Leta Blake

Rise: A Gay Fairy Tale (8 page)

BOOK: Rise: A Gay Fairy Tale
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“Many times.” Rion tellingly avoided his gaze.

“No. I don’t think you have
.” I think you’ve stayed locked up here all alone
. A pang of hurt for Rion echoed through him.

“You dare to call me a liar? You Outsider scum! I’ve been across the sea more times than I can count. I have many friends there.”

Jack barked out a laugh. “Oh yes, I can tell. So where is your mate?”

At this, Rion shifted and tugged on the ropes binding him, eyes on the ceiling. “Cease these useless questions.”

As empty as his own life in the village had been, Jack couldn’t imagine living in this prison in the sky. “How long have you been alone?”

Rion’s nostrils flared, and his voice was steel. “Save your pity, Outsider. I have no need of it. I’ll tear you limb from limb and toss down your bones to fertilize the beanstalk. And when another of your kin climbs it, I won’t take pity on him and send him back with tales of a giant’s wrath. From now on there will only be death to the Outsiders!”

Fine. If that’s the way he wants it, that’s the way it shall be
. As he left, Jack slammed the door behind him with a
that seemed to shake the walls. He leaned against the cold stone and breathed deeply. What did he hope to gain by talking to Rion? This greedy, cruel man. This man who would clearly kill him without a second thought.

This man I somehow desire. This man who might just be as lonely as I am

Jack hurried down the passageway. He needed to find the treasure and leave this cursed castle behind.



Rion shifted restlessly, his bonds still holding fast. Why had he told Jack so much? Truths, yet! It had been odd, the way in some moments he’d actually…
to talk to Jack.
No. The Outsider. My enemy. Don’t even think his name again, you fool. Outsider. Outsider. Outsider

Rion repeated the words like a mantra under this breath.

When the Outsider returned after a short time, he was even more on edge than when he left, his shoulders hunched and fists clenched. He stood by the bed, vibrating with tension. “There is no treasure. Just admit it.”

Although Rion knew if he were to lie he might be freed, his pride wouldn’t allow it. “It’s here. You simply have to know where to look.”

The Outsider pulled the knife from his belt and thrust it out. “Tell me where it is. Now.”

“Or what? You’ll kill me? Then you’ll never know.”

The Outsider took a step closer, his outstretched arm trembling. “I’ll do it. I will.”

Despite everything, Rion knew that was untrue. “You won’t.”

Howling in frustration, the Outsider charged, landing atop Rion. “No one thinks I’m capable of anything. But I will find this treasure, damn you. I’m the one in control! Not you!” He tossed the knife to the floor and gripped Rion’s shoulders. “I’m not weak. I scaled the beanstalk and bested you. I’m going to find the treasure no one else could.”

Rion bucked up, writhing beneath the sweet pressure of the Outsider’s body. “You’ll never find it. I’ll never help you.” Fruitlessly commanding his flesh not to respond, Rion went still, breathing heavily. “You’re wasting your time, Outsider.”

“Stop calling me that.” Deep blue eyes flashed with fury.

“It’s what you are.

He reached down between their bodies and squeezed Rion’s cock. “If I’m so unclean, why do I make you hard?”

Rion gulped, concentrating on keeping his tone even. “You don’t. It’s friction. Nothing more.”

“You’re lying. You do want me. You do.” Emotion flickered across the Outsider’s face. “I’m not

“I could never want you.
No one

His nostrils flared. “You don’t want me to touch you?”

. You disgust me.”

The Outsider yanked out Rion’s thick shaft, stroking roughly, and Rion swallowed a gasp as pleasure shuddered through him. “You don’t want me to take you in my mouth? Suck you and lick you and make you spend? You don’t want that?”

Rion jerked his head side to side in a no, but his heart sang. All his deepest, most secret desires were being given voice.
others like me. I am not alone

He didn’t trust himself to speak as the Outsider worked Rion’s cock, flicking the head with his thumb. With his other hand, the Outsider kneaded Rion’s bollocks in his palm. Rion shuddered as a gasp escaped his lips. Nothing in all his days had ever felt so good. So

“I think you’re lying, Rion. I think you do want me to suck you. I think you want to fuck me. You want to ram my arse full of your big, meaty cock. Even though you hate me, you want me.” With a determined gleam, the Outsider loomed over him and gripped Rion’s shoulders. “Admit it.”

Rion’s cock was painfully hard and he thought he might explode if he didn’t come. His muscles were stiff and cramped from being tied to the bed in the same position for so long. He needed release. But more than that, he wanted Jack to touch him. He knew it was shameful, and he screwed his eyes shut.

Jack’s lips brushed Rion’s ear, his breath hot. “Tell me what you want.”

Rion clenched his jaw.

Fingertips brushed the head of his cock. “Tell me.”

With a groan, Rion gave in. “Use your mouth.”

Moving down, Jack tugged off Rion’s breeches and knelt between his legs. Rion felt powerlessly exposed, but it excited him as nothing ever had. He didn’t care about anything else in that moment—not treasure or thieves or his family legacy. The need that had built up since he was a teen was finally going to be released. He shivered as he spread his thighs wide.

The Outsider lowered his head, and his breath tickled the leaking tip of Rion’s cock. He looked up, determined. “Say it. Say my name.”

.” All resistance was gone.

Rion’s cock was engulfed with the moist, incredible heat of Jack’s mouth. He hadn’t known such pleasure was possible, and he moaned loudly, straining against the rough ropes on his wrists and ankles. Jack swirled his tongue around Rion’s cock, tracing the ridge on the underside before dipping his head to lap at Rion’s heavy bollocks and suck them with wet sounds that made Rion’s skin tingle.

He thought about what it would be like to fuck Jack, to sink into his tight hole and spend deep inside him. To let Jack do the same thing to him. Rion shuddered and moaned. He should be horrified. It was wrong—
wasn’t it?
He should beg Jack to stop, but nothing in his life had ever felt so good, and all he could do was beg for more.

“Please, Jack.

Jack swallowed Rion’s cock again, taking it deep into his throat. He hummed, and the vibrations sent pure pleasure from deep inside Rion to the tips of his toes. Panting, he thrust up, fucking Jack’s mouth desperately. He curled his hands into fists where they were bound, wanting to reach out and touch.

When Jack slid a fingertip over Rion’s hole, Rion came with a shout, the ecstasy overtaking him and leaving him trembling. He watched Jack swallow his seed and lick him clean. A primal urge overtook him, sinking deep into his bones.






Chapter Six


Jack licked his lips and sat back on his heels as he swallowed the last drops of Rion’s seed. His pulse raced as their eyes locked. How had he gone from hating this man to pleasuring him—and taking great pleasure in it himself? He circled the heel of his hand against his aching, straining cock. It was wrong, but Jack found he didn’t care. He’d debased himself with Adair, so why not this man too?

Rion’s gaze flicked down, his eyes dark. “Untie me.”

Shaking his head, Jack swallowed hard. “I can’t.”


Jack debated with himself. He couldn’t go back down the stalk empty handed, and he hadn’t yet found the treasure. How long could he keep looking? How long could Jack keep Rion a prisoner in his own home? Guilt twisted his gut, and he forced himself to face the truth. He’d wronged the man, and it was time to make amends. Even if it sealed his fate.

Perhaps Rion would kill him the first chance he got, as he’d promised. It would be what Jack deserved.

As if reading Jack’s mind, Rion said, “We’ll call a truce for the night. You won’t try to steal my treasure, and I won’t try to kill you.”

A wry smile twisted Jack’s lips. “A fair bargain if ever I heard one.”

“You can’t keep me tied up here forever.”

It was indeed the truth. Taking a deep breath, Jack leaned forward and tugged at the rope lashing one of Rion’s wrists to the bed. As it gave way, he jerked back out of reach. But Rion only lowered his arm to the thin mattress with a groan. Warily, Jack released Rion’s other wrist, scooting farther down between Rion’s legs.

Rion rubbed his chafed, reddened wrists and stretched his arms and back. He sat up, and they regarded each other carefully. Rion’s eyes dropped, and before Jack could say anything, Rion tore open Jack’s breeches and freed his cock. He wrapped his palm around the length tentatively.

Jack whimpered and moved closer, straddling Rion’s bare thighs.

More boldly now, Rion stroked him. “Remove your tunic.”

Without question or hesitation, Jack did as he was told. Rion’s bright eyes raked over Jack’s chest. The cool air pebbled his skin, and Jack reached for his own nipples, teasing them into hard nubs as he thrust into Rion’s grip. His bollocks were already tight and near spilling, and a moan escaped his lips.

When Rion reached up with his other hand, Jack froze, uncertain and on guard, his breath lodged as he waited for that large hand to encircle his throat. Yet Rion’s aim was higher, and he slid his fingers into Jack’s hair, caressing the strands with an expression of wonder.

Shaking, Jack found his release, spurting thick ropes of it over Rion’s hand as he cried out sharply. He leaned his head into Rion’s touch as Rion milked him with his other hand, drawing out the tremors of ecstasy. Jack closed his eyes. It had been so many long years since he’d found pleasure in the warmth of another’s touch.

He’d loved Adair long before he’d hated him. Now here he was, made vulnerable before this supposed villain, but for reasons he couldn’t name, he felt…
. He wondered what it would be like to meet Rion’s mouth, to taste his tongue and breathe him in. To get lost in his kiss.

He heard a lapping sound, and opened his eyes to find Rion tentatively licking at Jack’s seed where it had spilled over his fingers. The sight sent a tremor of lust through Jack, and he moaned softly. Rion met his gaze, his other hand still caressing Jack’s hair.

They stared at one another for a few heartbeats.

Then Rion dropped his hands, and they wriggled back away from each other, eyes downcast. Jack quickly got up and pulled on his tunic and refastened his breeches while Rion wiped his hand on the mattress and freed the bonds around his ankles and straightened his own clothing. Grimacing, Rion stood, stretching gingerly.

Jack cleared his throat. “What do we do now?” Would this truce hold? Or was Rion simply waiting to soothe his stiff muscles before he attacked?

“I suppose we eat.” He strode from the room, and Jack quickly followed, careful not to get between Rion and any doors that locked.

Jack waited at a worn wooden table by the cold hearth as Rion disappeared into the larder, returning with an armful of cured meat, cheese and fruit. He sliced the remaining bread and placed the food on the table before handing Jack an empty plate. As he fetched his own plate, Jack hesitantly took some cheese and an apple.

Rion pulled out the chair across from him and wasted no time in tearing into the meal. He raised an eyebrow. “Not hungry?”

Jack fiddled with his apple and shrugged.

After barking out a laugh, Rion reached for it and took a large bite. “Not poisoned, I assure you.”

Stomach rumbling, Jack decided he had little to lose and filled his plate. They ate quietly for a few minutes, and Rion poured Jack a tankard of ale after taking a showy first sip himself. Jack had to chuckle, and the ale went down quite smoothly. For the first time since he’d begun his climb up the beanstalk, he allowed himself to relax just a bit.

If they were to have a truce, they might as well speak. He cleared his throat. “This land across the sea, it must be nearby. Closer than I imagined.”

Rion frowned. “Why do you say that?”

“Where else would you get the food?” Jack took another bite of the crisp, juicy apple. “It’s fresh, and I haven’t come across a garden up here.”

Rion’s frown deepened. “I bake the bread, but the larder is full of food, as it always has been. There’s never been a shortage. Is it not this way where you come from?”

“No. An apple would rot within a week or two if not stored properly or eaten. There is no endless supply of food. Many struggle to feed themselves.”

BOOK: Rise: A Gay Fairy Tale
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